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Comprehensive Leadership Program – Written Application Rubric 2020

NAME OF APPLICANT: ________________________________ AVG SCORE: ___________

CATEGORY Outstanding – 3 pts Good – 2 pts Satisfactory – 1 pts Poor - 0 pts

(only the WOWs)
Q – Add to, Critically states interest in Addresses interest, Resume builder; lack Little effort put
take away studying leadership in provides surface level of enthusiasm into answer,
from program connection to their thought, knows about general/surface level basically just
values; describes program, enthusiasm repeats
reflection, insight, and mission
personal depth. statement
Q2 – Person Describes leader and gives Describes leader and Describes leader Lacks
context, address why they gives reasonable with minimal specificity. Not
chose this person and the context. Addresses context. Reason for naming a
impact they have had. why they chose this choosing is unclear. specific trait or
Incorporates personal person and states a Does not elaborate leader.
connection/relevance & trait with definition but states specific
reasoning. instead of an leader and trait.
Q3 – Passion Authentically details a Generally details their Names a passion of Does not
passion, how leadership passion, may lack a theirs but fails to provide a
can be seen through it, clear connection to reach a vulnerable specific
and expresses leadership, but and authentic level. passion or
vulnerability about the conveys an authentic lacks direction
subject interest/excitement
Q4 – Anything Discusses a unique and Shares something Fairly surface level, Boring, not
else? Tell us thoughtful feature that interesting and does not serve to set interesting :/
something sets them apart. expresses uniqueness, the individual apart
Demonstrates but may lack in from other
authenticity and true expressing authenticity applications
passion for the idea or passion
Overall The application gives you Application gives you a Answers leave you Application
application an authentic feeling of good feeling of who wanting more as if seems rushed
who this individual is. All this person is but they were not and not
questions are answered, seems to be lacking in completely thought thought out.
and each provides value authenticity or passion out, but you are still Scattered
to their application. Any on some end. Any able to get the gist of thoughts, quite
minor spelling/grammar spelling/grammar any messages they a few errors,
errors do not detract from issues do not detract are trying to convey. and overall
the impact. from the impact. unimpressive.

When you are going through these applications, keep these things in mind:

 Grade objectively, don’t be too harsh or too willing to give out 3’s. Use the rubric!
 Check your bias! Focus on the takeaways and what skills they are talking about, not about the
specific details about their past!
 Remember these are first semester Freshmen. Give grace that these students are just now
starting their college experience and may be sharing a lot of high school stories. Try to grade
these like you are grading your Freshmen year self!
Comments on Application Questions!

1. In light of the mission statement of CLP (below), what do you hope to add to the
program? In turn, what are you hoping to get out of CLP? What are you hoping to leave with
when you graduate? (200-400 words) "The Comprehensive Leadership Program (CLP)
fosters the development of individuals who lead for the common good. Our program offers a
unique scholarly environment that provides transformational and reflective student
experiences focused on three dimensions: self-awareness, relationship with others, and
community action for the common good."

2. Reflect on a person in your life that you consider to be a leader. What traits or qualities
do you think make their leadership stand out? (200-400 words)
3. What are you passionate about? Why? (200-400 words)

4. Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you as we review your application?
Tell us something we don't already know! (200-400 words)

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