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Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
1(a) (i) Able to state one observation for the experiment

Sample answers:
1. Copper block change to copper plate // 1 1
Blok kuprum menjadi kepingan kuprum

(ii) Able to state one inference for observation

Sample answer:
1. Copper is malleable // 1 1
Kuprum boleh ditempa
2. Copper is soft //
Kuprum lembut

(b) Able to state the manipulated variable in the experiment

Sample answers:
1. Copper and bronze // 1 1
Kuprum dan gangsa
2. Alloy and pure metal //
Aloi dan logam tulen
3. Type of substance / material //
Jenis bahan
4. Type of block //
Jenis block

(c) Able to state the operational definition of alloy

Sample answers:
1. Alloy is a substance that does not change its shape when hit // 1 1
Aloi ialah bahan yang tidak berubah bentuk apabila diketuk
2. Alloy is a substance that does not change into plate when hit //
Aloi ialah bahan yang tidak menjadi kepingan apabila diketuk

(d) Able to state the characteristic of bronze

Sample answers:
1. Bronze/alloy is hard / strong // 1 1
Gangsa/aloi keras / kuat
2. Bronze/alloy resistant to corrosion //
Gangsa/aloi tahan kakisan
3. Bronze / alloy shinny //
Gangsa / aloi berkilat

Total 5
Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
2(a) Able to draw a graph of oscillation time against mass.
1+1 2

1. All points are transferred correctly – 1 mark

2. Straight line graph – 1 mark
(b) Able to state the relationship manipulated variable and responding

Sample answers: 1 1
1. The higher the mass (g) the higher the oscillation time (min) //
Semakin bertambah jisim (g) semakin bertambah masa ayunan (min)
2. Oscillation time increases when mass is increased //
Masa ayunan bertambah apabila jisim bertambah
(c) Able to interpret data

40 (min) (+ 1) 1 1
(d) Able to explain the concept of inertia

Sample answer:
1. Spinning fan has moving inertia, has tendency to maintain its original 1 1
state / moving //
Kipas yang berputar mempunyai inersia (gerakan) yang mengekalkan
keadaan asalnya / gerakan

Total 5
Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
3(a) Able to state a hypothesis

Sample answers:
1. Orchid plants need/Presence of phosphorus for growth roots 1 1
/flower/leaves //
Orkid memerlukan/Kehadiran fosforus untuk pertumbuhan akar/

(b) Able to state the fixed variable

Sample answers:
1. Type of plants // 1 1
Jenis pokok
2. Initial size of plants //
Saiz asal pokok
3. Frequency of spraying fertiliser //
Kekerapan semburan baja
4. Time //
5. Intensity / presence of light //
Keamatan / kehadiran cahaya
6. Temperature //

(c) Able to choose the element

Answer: 1 1
Nitrogen //

(d) Able to predict what will happen to orchid plant P

Sample answers:
1. Orchid grows stunted // 1 1
Pertumbuhan pokok orkid terbantut
2. Growth of roots stunted //
Pertumbuhan akar terbantut
3. No / small flower //
Tiada bunga/ kecil
4. Small leaves ///
Daun kecil

(e) Able to state other method to plant vegetable

Sample answers:
1. Hydroponic // 1 1

Total 5
Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
4(a) Able to measure the highest water level

Answer: 1 1
1.3 (cm) (+ 0.1)//
1.8 (cm) (+ 0.1)//
2.3 (cm) (+ 0.1)//

(b) Able to state one inference based on observation

Sample answer:
1. If the velocity of water is highest, the pressure becomes lowest / vice 1 1
versa //
Jika halaju paling tinggi, tekanan menjadi paling rendah / sebaliknya
2. Velocity of fluid increases, its pressure decreases / vice versa //
Halaju bendalir bertambah, tekanannya berkurang / sebaliknya
3. Different velocity / pressure
Halaju / tekanan berbeza
(c) Able to state the responding variable

Sample answers: 1 1
1. Water level //
Aras air
2. Water pressure //
Tekanan air
3. Water velocity //
Halaju air

(d) Able to state the operational definition for Bernoulli’s Principle

Sample answers: 1 1
1. Bernoulli’s Principle is a principle/condition that showed by water
level in the water column/Bernoulli’s tube //
Prinsip Bernoulli ialah prinsip/keadaan yang ditunjukkan oleh aras
air dalam turus air/tiub Bernoulli

(e) Able to state the part of aeroplane that enable it to lift up aeroplane

Answer: 1 1
1. Wing //
Sayap/ kepak

Total 5
Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
5(a) Able to complete the genotype of parent R

Sample answers:

1 1

T S Hh

(b) Able to name process A

Meiosis 1 1

(c)(i) Able to state the phenotype of offspring S

Black // hitam 1 1

(c)(ii) Able to state the ratio of black fur mice to white fur mice

1:1 1 1
(d) Able to draw schematic diagram and state the percentage of black fur
mice produced


Schematic diagram



H h H

HH Hh Hh

Percentage: 75 %

1. Correct schematic diagram - 1 mark 1

2. Correct percentage – 1 mark 1 2

Total 6
Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
6(a) Able to state the way periodic table is arranged

Sample answers: 1 1
1. Increasing of/ according to proton numbers //
Pertambahan/ mengikut nombor proton

(b)(i) Able to state the element which has the biggest proton number

W 1 1

(b)(ii) Able to state the elements which have the same chemical properties

Answer: 1 1

(b)(iii) Able to calculate the number of neutron of S

Answer: 1 1

(c) Able to state the gas that causes the balloon to float

Q / Helium / He / Noble gas / gas nadir/ adi 1

Able to give a reason for the answer

Sample answers: 1 2
1. Q has less dense than air //
Q kurang tumpat daripada udara
2. Q is a light gas //
Q merupakan gas yang ringan
Total 6
Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
7(a)(i) Able to state one body coordination system in human

Sample answers:
1. Endocrine system // 1 1
Sistem endokrin
2. Nervous system //
Sistem saraf

(a)(ii) Able to construct an impulse pathway from receptor until response


Stimulus// Receptor// Central nervous

Ransangan Reseptor system//Brain// 1+1 2
Sistem saraf pusat//Otak

Response// Effector//
Gerak balas Efektor

(b) Able to suggest suitable way to restore water

Sample answers:
1. Drink (a lot of) water // 1 1
Minum (banyak) air

(c) Able to state the effect of alcohol abuse

Sample answer:
1. Delaying reaction time // 1+1 2
Melambatkan gerak balas
2. Drunk/Misjudgement //
Mabuk/Hilang pertimbangan
3. Loss self-control/Loss of consciousness //
Kehilangan kawalan diri/Kehilangan kesedaran
4. Begin to stagger/Loss body balance /Loss of muscular coordination //
Berjalan terhuyung-hayang/Hilang keseimbangan /Kehilangan
koordinasi otot
5. Speech/Vision/Hearing affected //
Menjejaskan pertuturan/penglihatan/pendengaran
6. Liver cirrhosis // sirosis hati
7. Stomach / intestine ulcer // ulser perut / usus
(any two)

Total 6
Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
8(a) Able to state the method

Recycle // 1 1
Kitar semula

(b) Able to state two advantages using the method

Sample answers:
1. Reduce the air pollution produced from burning of plastic // 1+1 2
Mengurangkan pencemaran udara hasil daripada pembakaran plastik
2. Can produce new material //
Boleh menghasilkan barangan baharu
3. Avoid land pollution // drain clogging //
Mengelakkan pencemaran tanah // longkang tersumbat
4. Save cost / material //
Jimat kos / bahan

(c) Able to state the purpose of the campaign

Sample answers:
1. Reduce the usage of plastics // 1 1
Mengurangkan penggunaan plastik
2. To avoid from affecting/destroying aquatic life //
Mengelakkan hidupan akuatik terjejas/musnah
3. Reduce pollutions cause by plastic waste //
Mengurangkan pencemaran disebabkan bahan buangan plastik
(d) Able to give opinion on the situation

Sample answers:

Agree // 1 2

1. Reduce (air) pollution in the residential area // 1
Mengurangkan pencemaran (udara) di kawasan perumahan
2. Make the process of plastic based waste disposal easier //
Memudahkan proses pembuangan sampah berasaskan plastik
3. Reduce land fill area //
Mengurangkan tapak pelupusan
4. Faster/More efficient management of plastic waste //
Pengurusan pembuangan sisa plastik lebih cekap/cepat
5. Preventing drain clogging from plastic waste //
Mengelakkan longkang daripada tersumbat oleh sisa plastik

Disagree// 1
Tidak setuju

1. Increase the cost of building incinerator // 1
Menambahkan kos pembinaan insinerator
2. Reduce side income from recycling activities //
Mengurangkan pendapatan sampingan hasil daripada kitar semula
3. Disturb the residence comfortable //
Mengganggu keselesaan penduduk (bunyi bising)

Total 6
Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
9(a) Able to choose which metal is cathode

Y 1 1

(b) Able to describe what happened to the iron spoon

Sample answer:
1. Iron spoon will be electroplated/coated with metal X/silver // 1 1
Sudu besi disadur/diselaputi dengan logam X/argentum
2. Iron spoon shiny / increase mass //
Sudu besi berkilat / jisim bertambah

(c) Able to state the method to overcome the problem and justify the method
Sample answer:
1. Electroplating by copper/silver metal //
Penyaduran oleh logam kuprum / argentum 1

1. Iron is not exposed to air or water //
Besi tidak terdedah kepada udara dan air
2. Iron is not oxidised by air and water //
Besi tidak teroksida oleh udara dan air 1 2
3. Copper/Silver is not reactive metal //
Kuprum/Argentum adalah logam tidak reaktif

(d) Able to design a simple cell

Sample answer:

Iron nail Zinc plate

Paku besi Kepingan zink

1. Iron nail and zinc plate is dipped into the lemon 1

2. Zinc plate / iron nail connect to bulb using connecting wire 1 3
3. Complete and functional circuit 1

Total 7
Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
10(a) Able to complete the ray diagram


1 1

(b) Able to describe what happen to the size of image compared to the size

Answer: 1 1
Same size //
Sama saiz

(c) Able to state the position of object to make the convex lens to magnifying

Sample answers:
1. Less than F 1
Kurang daripada F
2. Between F and optical centre/convex lens
Di antara F dengan pusat optik/kanta cembung

Able to give reason for the answer

Sample answer:
1. Image formed is enlarge/upright /virtual // 1 2
Imej yang dihasilkan adalah besar/tegak / maya

(d) Able to draw the design of a simple telescope

Sample answer:

Thin convex lens Thick convex lens

Kanta cembung nipis Kanta cembung tebal

Black paper Black paper

Kertas hitam Kertas hitam

1. Both convex lens are parallel. 1

2. Both black papers are rolled into cylindrical shape. 1
3. The thickness of convex lens labelled correctly 1 3

Total 7
Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
11(a) Able to state the problem statement

Sample answers:
1. Does bacteria grow rapidly in pH 7/neutral pH? // 1 1
Adakah bakteria membiak pesat pada nilai pH 7/neutral pH?
2. How different pH value affect the growth of bacteria? //
Bagaimanakah nilai pH yang berbeza akan memberi kesan ke atas
pertumbuhan bakteria?

(b) Able to state the hypothesis

Sample answers:
1. The growth of bacteria most active at pH 7/ neutral // 1 1
Pertumbuhan bakteria paling aktif pada nilai pH 7/ neutral.
2. Bacteria grow rapidly at pH 7 //
Bakteria membiak pesat pada nilai pH 7
3. The higher the pH value, the increase the growth of bacteria //
Semakin tinggi nilai pH, semakin bertambah pertumbuhan bakteria.
(c)(i) Able to state the aim of the experiment

Sample answers:
1. To study/investigate the effect of pH value to the growth of bacteria // 1 1
Untuk mengkaji kesan nilai pH terhadap pertumbuhan bakteria

(c)(ii) Able to state variables

Sample answers:

MV: 1
1. pH value//
nilai pH
2. distilled water and sodium hydroxide solution //
air suling dan larutan natrium hidroksida
3. neutral medium and alkali medium //
medium neutral dan medium beralkali

1. The growth of bacteria // 1
Pertumbuhan bakteria
2. Cloudiness/Condition of nutrient broth //
Kekeruhan/Keadaan bubur nutrient

CV: Max
1. Type / quantity of bacteria // 1 2
Jenis / kuantiti bacteria
2. Volume of nutrient broth //
Isipadu bubur nutrient
3. Time //
4. Temperature //
5. Intensity of light //
Keamatan cahaya
(c)(iii) Able to state the procedures

Sample answers:
1. Pour the nutrient broth/ bacteria into test tube/diagram // 1
Tuang bubur nutrien/ bakteria ke dalam tabung uji/ rajah.
2. Add distilled water into the test tube (A) /diagram // 1
Tambah air suling ke dalam tabung uji (A)/ rajah.
3. Add sodium hydroxide solution into another test tube (B)/diagram // 1
Tambah larutan natrium hidroksida ke dalam tabung uji yang lain (B)/
4. Leave for three days // 1
Biarkan selama tiga hari Max
5. Observe and record the condition of nutrient broth // 1 4
Perhati dan rekod keadaan bubur nutrien

(c)(iv) Able to build a table which consist of manipulated variable and

responding variable

Sample answers:

Growth of bacteria //
pH value Condition/Cloudiness of nutrient
Nilai pH broth //
Pertumbuhan bakteria // 1 1
Keadaan/Kekeruhan bubur nutrien
7 /Neutral / Distilled water //
7/Neutral/ Air suling
>7 /Alkali/Sodium hydroxide //
>7 /Alkali/Natrium hidroksida

Total 10
Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
12(a) Able to state two differences between alpha ray and beta ray

Sample answers:

Alpha ray Beta ray

Sinar alfa Sinar beta
Type of particles Helium nucleus Electron
Jenis zarah Nukleus helium Elektron
Charge Positive Negative 1+1 2
Cas Positif Negatif
Speed Low High
Kelajuan Rendah Tinggi
Penetration power Low High
Kuasa penembusan Rendah Tinggi
Ionisation power High Low
Kuasa pengionan Tinggi Rendah
Deflected to negative Deflected to positive
Electrical field effect terminal terminal
Kesan medan elektrik Terpesong ke terminal Terpesong ke terminal
negatif positif
[Max two]

(b) Able to give reasons of the advantages and disadvantages of using gamma 1+3 4
ray in food processing technology

Sample answers:

Yes / Agree // Ya / Setuju 1


1. Has high penetrating power // 1

Mempunyai kuasa penembusan yang tinggi

2. Does not pollute the environment // 1

Tidak mencemarkan alam sekitar

3. Can kill microorganisms // 1

Boleh membunuh mikroorganisma

4. Can slow down ripening process of fruit / seedling of seeds / shoot 1

Boleh memperlahankan proses buah menjadi masak/percambahan biji
benih/pembentukan tunas

5. Does not harm human health in small dosage // 1

Tidak membahayakan kesihatan manusia dalam dos yang rendah

6. Freshness/ texture of the food can be maintained // 1

Kesegaran/ tekstur makanan dapat dikekalkan
7. No additional chemicals // 1
Tiada tambahan bahan kimia
8. Nutrient loss is minimal // 1 Max
Kehilangan nutrien yang minimum 4
[Max 4 marks]


No/ Disagree // Tidak/ tidak bersetuju 1


1. Can cause cancer// 1

Boleh menyebabkan kanser

2. Can destroy cells in human body // 1

Boleh memusnahkan sel-sel dalam badan manusia

3. Can cause mutation //

Boleh menyebabkan mutasi 1

4. Can cause abnormalities in human foetus //

Boleh menyebabkan kecacatan fetus 1

5. Can cause death //

Boleh menyebabkan kematian 1

6. Can cause radioactive ray pollution //

Boleh menyebabkan pencemaran sinar radioaktif 1

7. Can cause internal organs damage //

Boleh menyebabkan kerosakan organ-organ dalaman 1
[Max 4 marks] Max
(c)(i) Able to suggest how to handle radioactive substances with proper
Sample answers:

No. Method Justification

1 Wear protective attire filled with Radioactive ray cannot penetrate
lead// lead //
Pakai pakaian pelindung yang Sinar radioaktif tidak boleh
dilapisi dengan plumbum menembusi plumbum 1+1
2 Wear film badge // Can measure the degree of
Memakai lencana filem exposure to radiation //
Boleh mengukur tahap
pendedahan kepada sinaran 1+1
3 Use remote control equipment // To prevent direct exposure to
robotic hand to move radioactive radioactive substances //
substance // Untuk mengelakkan pendedahan 1+1 6
Menggunakan alat kawalan jauh terus kepada sinar radioaktif
/ tangan robot untuk
mengalihkan bahan radioaktif
4 Should be stored in thick lead To prevent leaking of
containers or high density radioactive rays //
concrete chamber // Mengelakkan kebocoran sinar
Menyimpan bahan radioaktif radioaktif
dalam bekas berplumbum tebal/
bilik konkrit berketumpatan

[3 M + 3J]
Total 12

Sub Total
Question Mark Scheme
Mark Mark
13(a) Able to state the meaning of saturated fats

Sample answer:
1.Fat that contain maximum number of hydrogen atoms in its molecule// 1 1
Lemak yang mempunyai bilangan atom hidrogen yang maksimum dalam
2.Animal fat// lemak haiwan
3.Solid in room temperature// pepejal pada suhu bilik
4.High boiling/ melting point// takat didih/ lebur tinggi
5.High cholesterol// kolesterol tinggi
6.Carbon/ organic compound// sebatian karbon/ organik

(b) Able to construct the concept of unsaturated fat

Sample answers:

1. Information// Maklumat
Sunflower oil, olive oil and corn oil are example of unsaturated fat// 1
Minyak bunga matahari, minyak zaitun dan minyak jagung ialah
contoh lemak tak tepu.

2. Two common characteristics // Dua ciri sepunya

i. Derive from plants //
Berasal daripada tumbuhan
ii. Liquid at room temperature // 1+1
Cecair pada suhu bilik
iii. Low melting point //
Takat lebur rendah
iv. Lower total cholesterol //
Rendah kandungan kolesterol
v. Number of hydrogen atom in its molecules still not maximum//
Bilangan atom hidrogen di dalam molekulnya masih belum
[Any two]
3. Other example // Contoh lain
i. Sesame oil // 1
Minyak bijan
ii. Peanut oil //
Minyak kacang tanah
iii. Palm oil //
Minyak kelapa sawit
iv. Soy bean oil //
Minyak kacang soya
[Any one]
4. Non-example // Bukan contoh :
i. Ghee //
Minyak sapi 1
ii. Butter //
iii. Cheese //
[Any one]
5. Actual concept // Konsep sebenar:
Unsaturated fat is fat that derive from plants and liquid at room
temperature // 1 6
Lemak tak tepu ialah lemak yang berasal daripada tumbuhan dan
cecair pada suhu bilik.

(c) Able to justify the answer 1+3 4

Sample answers:

Agree// 1
1. Delicious // 1
Sedap dimakan
2. Provide high calorie/energy // 1
Membekalkan kalori/tenaga yang tinggi
3. Provide protein for growth of cells // 1
Membekalkan protein untuk pertumbuhan sel


Disagree// 1
Tidak setuju
1. Contain high cholesterol // 1
Mengandungi kandungan kolesterol yang tinggi
2. Contain saturated fat // 1
Mengandungi lemak tepu
3. High sugar containing food // 1
Makanan mengandungi gula yang tinggi
4. Can cause stroke / arteriosclerosis // 1
Boleh menyebabkan strok/arteriosklerosis
5. Can cause diabetes // 1
Boleh menyebabkan diabetis
6. Can cause obesity // 1
Boleh menyebabkan obesiti / kegendutan
7. Can cause chronic heart attack // 1
Boleh menyebabkan serangan jantung yang kronik.
[Max 4 marks]

Total 12

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