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Gwynedd-Mercy College

School of Business and Education

Choosing Community: Social Justice in a Diverse World

EDU 223 – Teaching Science PreK-4

Extracurricular Assignment

Please use this template to TYPE your reflection.

Name: Megan Brass

Event/Activity: Protecting Children from Abuse

Date: November 5, 2019

Describe the event and your participation:

This event was through my place of work, St. Anthony Preschool and Child Care. This was a

professional development for all staff to attend in order to understand child abuse, how to spot it,

and what to do in that situation. We began by watching a movie clip of different children

discussing their abuse stories, as well as abusers discussing their strategies and how they were

able to abuse some children for so long of a time period. After this clip, we discussed how it

made us feel and what we took away from the stories. We then read through guidelines of how to

spot abuse, sexual or physical, and what we are required to do as child care teachers. This was

very interesting because there are so many rules we must follow that protect us from being

accused. There is a very fine line between being a considerate teacher and being accused of

abuse. This event was very useful because we were able to have many discussions. I was able to

participate with some of my coworkers and hear their thoughts on what we were learning about.

We all agreed that after reading all of the rules we must follow, it can be intimidating to want to

be a child care teacher. However, we all also agree it is a rewarding job that we love to do.

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