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email : Archdiocesan website :

Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 725522
Masses for the week 12 - 20 February 2011 Eucharistic Service Mon - Fri 7.30am
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Rosary Mon - Fri 8.30am ; Sun 9.30am
First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Maureen Johnston Confession Saturday 11.00am - 12 noon
Sunday 10.00am Parishioners Novena Wednesday 7.30pm
Weekday Masses Holy Hour Friday 7pm - 8pm
Monday 9.00am Mary O’Brien
Tuesday 9.00am Irene Sharp Memorial Book
Wednesday 9.00am Kath Gallagher 13th February Mary O’Brien
Thursday 9.00am Special Intention Craig Stephen Duffy
Friday 9.00am Mary Brennan 15th February William Balmer
Saturday 9.00am James Taylor Hannah Rodican
16th February Joseph Andrews
Elsie Pickton
Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
Archbishop Kelly on Visitation
First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Fr Fred Rose
Alice Naylor
Sunday 10.00am Parishioners
John Noran
The Sanctuary Lamp
will burn this week for
Archbishop Kelly.
to Philip Carter and Clair Davies
who will be married here on
Saturday 19 February at 1.00pm.
“May the Lord bless you all the days of your life.’

Many thanks to all who helped keep the normal cycle of events going in my absence this last week,
in particular to our Deacon Malcolm and Fr Ommer. In addition, it was also necessary to ask Fr Newns
from St Oswald’s to come to celebrate a Requiem Mass this week, something I have tried to avoid as
much as possible but which, as we go forward, may become more common.
Archbishop Kelly will be with us for both Masses next weekend as part of his visitation of our Pastoral
Area. There will be an opportunity to meet him after Mass on Sunday in the Parish Centre when
refreshments will be served. We have received notification this week that the Archbishop is due to go
into hospital for an operation next month, so please keep him in your prayers at this time.
Tea after 10 : tea and coffee will be served in the Parish Centre after Mass on Sunday. All welcome.
Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes : from 22nd - 29th July 2011. Brochures are available at the
back of church for anyone interested.
Pilgrimage to Walsingham : There are still places left for the pilgrimage August 17th - 19th, Cost :
£102. A non-refundable deposit of £20 is required. Please see Deacon Malcolm or Pam Hughes.
Last week’s collection ; Gift Aid : £315.10 Loose Plate : £282.87 Total : £597.97. Many thanks.
Question of the Week : When have you made the first step in making up with someone who has hurt
you or whom you have offended? Is it time to do so again?
Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

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