2020 2021 Kisi-Kisi Uts Bahasa Inggris

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A. Petunjuk umum:
1. Tugas UTS dikerjakan dengan tulis tangan pada kertas. Jangan lupa tulis NAMA, NIM, KELAS
pada pojok kanan kertas.
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5. Media pengumpulan UTS akan diinfokan menyusul (cek WA grup bahasa Inggris)

B. Soal UTS
A. Read the following text. Then answer the questions.
Given the challenges faced by Indonesian teachers, it may be necessary to reconsider the use of
CLT in primary classrooms. Studies have demonstrated the ineffectual use of CLT in primary EFL
education in other contexts too (e.g. Copland, et al. 2014).It is necessary for teachers to be
methodologically eclectic. They need to adapt pedagogical decisions to suit children’s needs as well
as the local context where pedagogical challenges occurring from large classes are predominant
(Copland, et al. 2014). In designing tasks and activities for children, it is necessary to emphasize
meaning-focused instruction as it is proven indispensable in the sustenance of children’s motivation in
language learning (Huang, 2011). Since children benefit much from rich input-based condition in
formal school-setting, teachers also need to create tasks and activities that provide children with
opportunities for negotiating meanings and encouraging simple dialogical verbal interaction (see
Huang, 2011 for samples). Stories, games and songs are useful for the development of enjoyable
lessons that would promote interests and motivation among children (Nunan, 2011).
Although there has been growing aspiration for the increasing use of English in primary EFL
classrooms (e.g. Asriyanti, et al. 2013; Gunawan & Suharno, 2008), the multilingual context of
Indonesia requires teachers to utilize children’s L1 without necessarily curbing the potential of
communicative activities (Zein, 2016c). This is particularly relevant to the proposed curriculum that
promotes linguistic and cultural diversity and encourages children to use English in a thematic way
through their acquisition of knowledge and culture in L1. Furthermore, teachers also need to be
versatile in designing tasks and activities that could introduce children to the cultures of the world and
cultivate students’ existing knowledge as a basis for exploration into global understanding (Shin,
Eslami, & Chen, 2011).

(Source: Subhan Zein. 2017 International Journal of Pedagogies & Learning, 12(2), 133-146)

1. Write eight sentences by inserting: (1) article, (2) noun, (3) pronoun, (4) verb, (5) adjective, (6)
adverb, (7) preposition, and (8) conjunction that you find on the text above! (score: 40)
2. What conclusion can you draw from this passage? (The conclusion should contain an abbreviated
version of the 5Ws and H). (score: 30)
3. If you want to find the information about some ideas on the use of the eclectic method in an
english language classroom, will this text be useful? Explain briefly! (score: 30)

C. Petunjuk pengerjaan soal:

1. Ujian terdiri dari 3 soal.
2. Semua soal mengacu pada sebuah teks berupa artikel jurnal.
3. Pelajari teks pada soal.
Contoh cara pengerjaan soal:
Contoh teks:
Piaget (1952) proposed the concept that children need concrete experiences to
supplement mathematical words and symbols. Consequently, using manipulatives in
teaching mathematics has come to taken for granted as a method that will help children to
learn mathematics in a more meaning way. In short, they provide experiences in helping
students build clearer mental images and understanding mathematical ideas (Weiss, 2006).
1. Pada soal no 1, Saudara diminta :
a. menemukan masing-masing satu (1) contoh dari : article, noun, pronoun, verb, adjective,
adverb, preposition, and conjunction yang ada dalam teks (bukan mencari contoh sendiri).
b. setelah itu, buat satu (1) kalimat baru (dengan bahasa Saudara sendiri) dengan menggunakan
kata yang telah ditemukan dalam teks dan diidentifikasi tersebut. Beri garis bawah pada kata
yang dimaksud!

Contoh cara menjawab:

1. a. Article: The
Teachers have to carefully select the appropriate materials.  (your own sentence)

2. Pada soal no 2, Saudara diminta membuat kesimpulan. Pastikan semua komponen 5W 1H

(what, who, when, where, why, how) ada. Garis bawahi keenam komponen tersebut.
Kesimpulan dapat berupa paragraf yang terdiri dari beberapa kalimat. Paragraf harus berisi
kata-kata sendiri bukan hanya menyalin dari teks.

3. Pada soal no 3, Saudara diharapkan memberikan penilaian terhadap teks yang ada. Apakah
teks tersebut telah memberikan informasi yang cukup kepada pembaca terhadap suatu hal
(dalam soal UTS ini, tentang Metode Ekletik). Penilaian bisa merupakan kelebihan atau
kekurangan teks. Semakin detail alasan/ argumen, semakin tinggi skor yang didapat. Kalimat
yang disusun harus dengan bahasa sendiri

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