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bert A.

Smith, University of Kansas, pre-

siding. Papers by Herbert A. Smith;
John S. Richardson, Ohio State Univer-
sity; and Philip G. Johnson, Cornell Uni-
Three concurrent sessions; 27 Dec.
Association Affairs (A) "General Science"; Berenice G.
Lamberton, Washington, D.C., presid-
ing; (B) "Chemistry"; Brother Fidelian,
Washington, D.C., presiding; (C) "Phys-
ics"; Edward North, Arlington, Va., pre-
Address and panel discussion: "How
Preview of Programs at Education Science Teachers Can Help Recognize
AAAS Washington Meeting Section Q. Two sessions of contributed and Develop Intellectual Resources"; 27
papers, jointly with the Council for Ex- Dec.; Donald G. Decker, National Sci-
Section and society programs in indus- ceptional Children; 26 Dec.; arranged ence Teachers Association, presiding;
trial science, education, and science in by Norman G. Haring, University of speaker, Charles E. Bish, National Edu-
general, to be presented at the Washing- Maryland. Session I, Norman G. Haring cation Association; panel members,
ton meeting, are given here. Programs in presiding; session II, Harold Williamson, Cecile Finley, Maryland; Abell A. Nor-
mathematics, physics, chemistry, astron- U.S. Office of Education, presiding. Nine ris, Jr., Maryland; Sylvia Neivert, New
omy, geology and geography, the bio- papers will be presented. York; and Clifford R. Nelson, Massa-
logical sciences, anthropology, psychol- Three sessions of contributed papers; chusetts.
ogy, the social and economic sciences, 29 Dec. Session I, Herbert A. Smith, Symposium for Supervisors and Con-
the history and philosophy of science, University of Kansas, presiding; session sultants in Science; arranged by Ralph
engineering, agriculture, and the medi- II, P. G. Johnson, Cornell University, Keirstead, Hartford, Conn.; 27 Dec.;
cal sciences (including dentistry and presiding; session III, Herbert A. Smith Ellsworth S. Obourn, U.S. Office of Edu-
pharmacy) have been previously an- presiding. Fourteen papers will be pre- cation, presiding. Papers by Frank W.
nounced. sented. Brown, New Hampshire Committee for
Four sessions of contributed papers, Mathematics and Science; Wayne Tay-
Industrial Science jointly with the American Educational lor, Texas Science Teaching Improve-
Section P. Symposium: "Industrial Research Association; arranged by Her- ment Program; Franklin D. Kizer, Vir-
Science Today: A Status Report on the bert S. Conrad, U.S. Office of Education; ginia State Board of Education; Lee E.
Satisfaction of Basic Human Needs 30 Dec. Session I, Herbert S. Conrad Boyer, Pennsylvania Department of
through Modern Science and Technol- presiding; session II, Edward K. Weaver, Public Instruction; and Hugh Temple-
ogy"; arranged by Allen T. Bonnell, Atlanta University, presiding; session ton, New York Education Department.
Drexel Institute of Technology; 29 Dec.; III, Sam M. Lambert, National Educa- Symposium, jointly with the National
Frank C. Croxton, Battelle Memorial In- tion Association, presiding; session IV, Association for Research in Science
stitute, presiding. Papers by C. G. King, Harry A. Cunningham, Kent State Uni- Teaching and Section Q (Education):
Nutrition Foundation, New York; Pres- versity, presiding. Twenty-three papers "New Developments in Science"; ar-
ton G. Hoff, E. I. du Pont de Nemours will be presented. ranged by Ellsworth S. Obourn; 28 Dec.;
& Company; Edmund Claxton, Arm- Vice-presidential address: "A Few Randall M. Whaley, National Academy
strong Cork Company; and Floyd S. Significant Factors in the History of Sci- of Sciences, presiding. Papers by J. Ned
Daft, National Institutes of Health. ence Teaching and Possible Cause and Bryan, North Central Association Study
Industrial Science Award Dinner; 29 Effect Relationships between These Fac- of Talented Students, Chicago; Milton
Dec.; Allen T. Bonnell, presiding. *torsand Present Problems in Teaching 0. Pella, University of Wisconsin; Rob-
Society for Industrial Microbiology. Grade and High School Science," by ert L. Ebel, Educational Testing Service,
Contributed papers, jointly with the Harry A., Cunningham; 29 Dec. Princeton, N.J.; Kenneth E. Vordenberg,
Washington Section of the Society for National Association for Research in supervisor of science, Cincinnati Pub-
Industrial Microbiology, cosponsored by Science Teaching. Research symposium; lic Schools; Charles C. Smith, Wayne,
Section P (Industrial Science); 27 Dec.; 27 Dec.; arranged by Thomas P. Fraser, Pa.; and H. V. Bullock, Georgia State
Walter N. Ezekiel, Bureau of Mines, pre- Morgan State College, who will preside. Consultant for Science.
siding. Four papers will be presented. Papers by Betty Lockwood Wheeler, Visits to the Agricultural Research
Symposium and panel discussion, Michigan College; Paul E. Blackwood, Center, the National Institutes of Health,
jointly with the Washington Section, co- U.S. Office of Education; Margaret J. and the National Bureau of Standards;
sponsored by Section P (Industrial Sci- McKibben, National Science Teachers 29 Dec.
ence), the American Institute of Bio- Association; William B. Reiner, City of Symposium on the National Defense
logical Sciences, and the American New York Board of Education; John H. Education Act of 1958; 29 Dec.; ar-
Astronautical Society: "Microbiology in Woodburn, Johns Hopkins University; ranged by Robert H. Carleton, National
Outer Space Research"; 28 Dec.; Orr E. and Herman R. Branson, Howard Uni- Science Teachers Association, who will
Reynolds, Office of the Assistant Secre- versity; summary by Edward K. Weaver. preside.
tary of Defense, presiding. Papers by National Science Teachers Associa- National Association of Biology Teach-
Walter N. Ezekiel; R. D. Gafford, Mar- tion. Presentation of science teaching ers. Symposium: "Biology in the Science
tin Company, Denver, Colo.; Robert W. films; arranged by Emery L. Will, State Curriculum"; arranged by Paul Klinge,
Krauss, University of Maryland; Alton University Teachers College, Oneonta, Indiana University; 27 Dec.; Dorothy
E. Prince and Sam Bakanauskas,Wright N.Y., and Wallace Good, Wyandotte Matala, Iowa State Teachers College,
Air Development Center; and Charles P. High School, Kansas City, Kansas, 27 presiding. Papers by Julian L. Solinger,
Sonett, Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation, Dec. Simmons College; Herman S. Forest,
Los Angeles, Calif. Association programs; 27 Dec.; Her- University of Oklahoma; J. David Lock-

1438 SCIENCE, VOL. 128

ard, Pennsylvania State University; Rex Riddle, Plant City, Fla.; 28 Dec.; Irene Three-session symposium: "Fifty Years
Conyers, University City, Mo.; Elra M. Hollenbeck, presiding. Ahead"; 27 and 28 Dec.
Palmer, Baltimore Public Schools; and Symposium: "What Is Biology"; ar- Part I: "ANSS Looks Ahead in the
Annie Sue Brown, Board of Education, ranged by Paul Klinge, 28 Dec.; Irving Light of the First Half Century"; Stan-
Atlanta, Ga. C. Keene, Brookline, Mass., presiding. ley B. Mulaik, University of Utah, pre-
Symposium: "Biology in the Class- Papers by Chester A. Lawson, Michigan siding. Papers by E. Laurence Palmer,
room, Laboratory, and Field"; arranged State University; Richard E. Paulson, Ithaca, N.Y.; Joseph J. Shomon, Com-
by Paul Klinge; 27 Dec.; Irene Hollen- National Science Foundation; and mission of Game and Inland Fisheries,
beck, Southern Oregon College, presid- Audrey Pressler, Frederick, Md. Richmond, Va.; John Brainerd, Nature
ing. Papers by Marvin R. Bell, Indiana Symposium: "The Advanced Biology Conservancy, Springfield, Mass.; Lester
State Teachers College; Kenneth B. M. Course"; arranged by Paul Klinge; 29 A. Giles, Jr., American Humane Educa-
Crooks, Grambling College; William Dec.; John Breukelman, State Teachers tion Society, Boston, Mass.; and Ira N.
Howenstine, Cleveland Heights, Ohio; College, Emporia, Kansas, presiding. Gabrielson, Wildlife Management Insti-
Margaret M. Murray, Chicago, Ill.; and Papers by Phillip Fordyce, Oak Park, tute, Washington, D.C.
Richard L. Weaver, University of Michi- Ill.; Lula A. Miller, Washington, D.C.; Part II: "An Action Program for the
gan. and William S. Putnam, St. Louis, ANSS during the Next Decade"; S.
Address: "Crucial Competition with Mo. Glidden Baldwin, Danville, Ill., presid-
Russia in Science Education," by Oscar American Nature Study Society. ing. Papers by Rex Conyers, University
City, Mo.; Verne N. Rockcastle, Cornell
University; C. W. Mattison, U.S. Forest
Service; and Anne Verne Fuller, West-
ern Michigan University.
A New Part III: "Creating a Better Nature
Study Teaching Environment to Im-
Teaching Aid . . . prove Nature Interest in Schools: What
Role Can the ANSS Play in the Next
B-A Budget Priced Scalers are in Demand Decade?"; Emery L. Will, Oneonta,
N.Y., presiding. Papers by Martha Mun-
Customers are buying B-A Model 123 Scalers, zer, Conservation Foundation; Edith
not one, but many at a time! Here for only $395 Curry, La Mesa, Calif.; Roland C. Ross,
Los Angeles State College; and Stanley
is a high quality scaler for g-m and low-level B. Mulaik.
counting work . . .long life, all electronic, Symposium, jointly with the National
Science Teachers Association: "Elemen-
99,999 count capacity by 5 Dekatron* glow tubes tary Science"; arranged by Marjorie
and exceptional Ideal for laboratory Campbell, Washington, D.C., Teachers
stability. College, and C. W. Mattison; 29 Dec.;
instruction. Write for complete specifications. Richard L. Weaver, University of Michi-
Baird -Atomic, Inc. gan, presiding. Papers by Robert Hines,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Rudolph
33 University Road, Cambridge 38, Mass. Wendlein, U.S. Forest Service; and
* TRADEMARK John T. Gibbs and Irving Milgate, Con-
servation Foundation.
Annual banquet and address: "Search-
ing for Flamingos on Four Continents,"
by Roger Tory Peterson, Old Lyme,
Conn.; 29 Dec.; Richard Weaver pre-
Science in General
American Association of Scientific
Workers. Conference on the Participa-
tion of Women in Science, cosponsored
by the American Woman's Association,
the Business and Professional Women's
Foundation, the National Council of
Women of the United States, the Na-
tional Federation of Business and Pro-
fessional Women's Clubs (including the
D.C. State Federation), and Sigma
Delta Epsilon; arranged by Murray Ver-
non King, American Association of Sci-
entific Workers; 29 Dec.; comprising ad-
dresses, discussion, panel workshops, and
reports. Speakers and moderators: Eliza-
beth Wood, Bell Telephone Laborato-
ries; Anne Steinmann, Hofstra College;
and Dwight B. McNair Scott, University
of Pennsylvania.
Conference on Scientific Communica-
tion. Symposium: "Communicating Sci-
ence in Translations"; arranged by the
1440 SCIENCE, VOL. 12S
Society of Federal Translators; 29 Dec.; Leonard Rennie, Design and Production, Conference on Scientific Manpower.
J. George Adashko (College of the City Inc., Alexandria, Va., presiding. Papers Two-session symposium, cosponsored by
of New York), editor of Soviet Physics, by Robert P. Multhauf and George S. the Engineering Manpower Commission,
presiding. Papers by Antoinette Pingell, Switzer, Smithsonian Institution, and by Scientific Manpower Commission, Na-
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory; Lillian Axel Horn, New York, N.Y. tional Research Council, National Sci-
A. Hamrick, U.S. Department of Com- Symposium: "Communicating Sci- ence Foundation, and Section M (Engi-
merce; Philip H. Smith, Jr., Georgetown ence in Specialized Libraries"; arranged neering): "The Employment Situation
University; and Kay Kitagawa, Library by the Washington, D.C., Chapter, Spe- for Scientists and Engineers in 1959";
of Congress. cial Libraries Association; 30 Dec.; Ver- 30 Dec.
"Communicating Science in Major ner W. Clapp, Council on Library Re- Part I: Henry A. Barton, Scientific
Programs"; presented by Arnold Frut- sources, Inc., presiding. Papers by Frank Manpower Commission, presiding. Pa-
kin, Special Committee for the Interna- B. Rogers, National Library of Medi- pers by Henry H. Armsby, U.S. Office
tional Geophysical Year, National Acad- cine; John Sherrod, Library of Congress; of Education; Frank S. Endicott, North-
emy of Sciences; 29 Dec. Burton W. Adkinson, National Science western University; Phil N. Scheid,
Symposium: "Communicating Sci- Foundation; and Foster E. Mohrhardt, Hughes Aircraft Company; Clarence H.
ence in Three Dimensions"; 30 Dec.; U.S. Department of Agriculture Library. Linder, General Electric Company; Rob-
ley Winfrey, Bureau of Public Roads,
Washington, D.C.; and Ray C. Maul,
National Education Association.
pre-pul cation juticription o/er . . . Part II: G. E. Arnold, Engineering
Manpower Commission, presiding. Pa-
RUSSIAN-ENGLISH pers by N. J. Oganovic, U.S. Civil Serv-
ice Commission; William H. Chartener,
PHYSICS DICTIONARY McGraw-Hill Publishing Company; and
SUBJECTGLOSSARIES Irving H. Siegel, U.S. Council of Eco-
nomic Advisors.
International Geophysical Year.
Unavailable anywhere else, this is the first Russian-English Physics Diction- Three-session symposium, joint program
ary to be published. Complete, accurate, and up-to-date, this unique volume of the AAAS and the U.S. National
will cover the scientific and technical terminology, as well as ordinary Rus-
sian expressions and idioms which have special meanings in various fields of Committee for IGY of the National
physics. Academy of Sciences-National Research
Pre-publication subscribers to the Dictionary (now in preparation) will Council, cosponsored by the American
also receive a free copy of each of the interim glossaries listed below. These Geophysical Union: "International Geo-
glossaries are being published and mailed to subscribers as they are com-
piled, and when sold apart from the Dictionary cost $10.00 each. physical Year Results"; arranged by a
Pre-publication Cost of Dictionary (cloth-bound and indexed, plus glossaries) committee, Hugh Odishaw, National
$50.00 complete. Academy of Sciences, chairman; 29 and
30 Dec.
GLOSSARIES NOW AVAILABLE Part I: "Arctic and Antarctic"; Hugh
Nuclear Physics and Engineering Solid State Physics Odishaw presiding. Papers by Carl Ek-
Over 12,000 Russian terms. Containsall terms in 4,000 Russian terms. Covers solid state lund, U.S. Army Office of Research and
the USSR Academy of Sciences Dictionary of theory, crystallography,metallurgy,physics of Development; George A. Llano, Na-
Nuclear Physics and Engineering. 90 pp., $10.00 metals, ferro-magnetism,semiconductors,im-
to non-subscribers. portant general quantum theory, electronics. tional Academy of Sciences; Troy L.
90 pp., $10.00 to non-subscribers. Pewe, University of Alaska; Irene M.
Acoustics and Ultrasonics
10,000 Russian terms. Covers acoustics, electro- *Electronics and Physics Browne, Air Force Cambridge Research
acoustics, with emphasis on the growing field of 22,000 Russian terms, including an 11 page, Center, Bedford, Mass.; and Kenneth
ultrasonics.Terms are selected from thousands of 10 section appendix covering U.S.-Soviet Hunkens, Columbia University.
pages of the most recent issues of Soviet physics vacuum tube equivalents, circuit components
and engineeringjournals. Includes 23-pageindex of and notations,and abbreviations.Also explains Part II, cosponsored by the American
Russian-English equivalents for names commonly specified fields in which terms are used. *343 Astronautical Society and the American
found in acoustics and ultrasonicstheory. 170 pp., pp., sold only as part of Dictionarysubscrip-
$10.00to non-subscribers. tion. Rocket Society: "Rockets and Satel-
OTHER GLOSSARIES IN PREPARATION: Electricity and Magnetism; Liquids and Hydraulics; lites"; Richard W. Porter, General Elec-
Mechanics and General Physics-; Atomic Physics; Spectroscopy and Optics . . . $10.00 each, to tric Company, presiding. Papers by John
non-subscribers. W. Townsend, Jr., National Aeronautics
GLOSSARI ES AVAILABLE IN OTHER FIELDS and Space Administration, and Herbert
Friedman, Naval Research Laboratory.
Makes the voluminous, highly significant, and largely untranslated German literature in this im- can Meteorological Society: "Meteorol-
portant field more accessible to English-reading scientists. Contains expressions in neuroanatomy, bio-
chemistry, physiology, neurology, applicable electrical engineering and electronics, as well as idioms ogy, Oceanography, Glaciology"; Harry
and selected general vocabulary. (9,000 terms, 181 pp., $7.50) Wexler, U.S. Weather Bureau, presiding.
The first and only volume of its kind. Contains all terms in the 1955 edition of the N. N. Smirnov Weather Bureau; F. C. Fuglister, Woods
Hydrobiology Glossary, and covers expressions in biology, botany, hydrobiology, zoology, medicine, Hole Oceanographic Institution; John
morphology, physiology, entomology, ornithology, hydrology, ichthyology.
(8,000 terms, 107 pp., $7.50) Antoine, Columbia University; Sidney
All glossaries are translated by bilingual scientists. Reproduction is by multilith Teweles, U.S. Weather Bureau; William
process from "cold" type, and books are staple-bound in heavy paper covers.
W. Vickers, McGill University; and
See these books and many others in your field at Booth #31 AAAS Convention James Bender, U.S. Army Snow Ice and
at your bookstore, or order directly from Permafrost Research Establishment.
Scientific Research Society of Amer-
An affiliation of CONSULTANTSBUREAU,INC. Individual Education and Industrial
227 West 17th Street, New York 11, N.Y. Research," by C. Guy Suits, General
1442 SCIENCE, VOL. 128
Electric Company; 29 Dec.; George H. energy physics, of which the first seven
Boyd, presiding.
Sigma Delta Epsilon Graduate Wom-
Meetings were held at the University of Rochester
(United States). The more than 300
en's Science Fraternity. Address: "The participants at the 1958 conference in-
High-Energy Physics
Status of American Women Scientists," cluded about 100 Americans, 30 British
by Ethaline Cortelyou, Illinois Institute The 1958 annual International Con- 20 French, 20 Italians, 20 Russians, and
of Technology; 30 Dec.; Mary Louise ference on High Energy Physics was an excellent representation from 25 other
Robbins, George Washington University, held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 27 countries. A record was probably set in
presiding. June to 5 July, under the sponsorship of the number of Nobel laureates attend-
Society of the Sigma Xi. Annual ad- CERN (Organisation Europeenne pour ing; Anderson, Blackett, Cockcroft, Heis-
dress, jointly with the United Chapters la Recherche Nucleaire) and of the In- enberg, Lawrence, Lee, McMillan, Pauli,
of Phi Beta Kappa: "Science and Public ternational Union of Pure and Applied Powell, Yang, and Yukawa were all
Policy," by James R. Killian, Jr., science Physics. The chairman of the conference present.
adviser to the President of the United was C. J. Bakker, director of CERN. Various novel organizational proce-
States; 29 Dec.; Wallace R. Brode, U.S. This conference was the eighth of a dures were tried at this conference, in-
Department of State, presiding. series of annual conferences on high- cluding two days of organizing sessions
(to bring together the contributors and
rapporteurs) and a thoroughgoing adop-
tion of the rapporteur system during the
plenary sessions. On the whole, these in-
novations were very successful, and a
New G-E x-ray much more unified picture of the latest
theoretical and experimental develop-
ments in the high-energy field emerged
for most of the participants. The pro-
microscope... ceedings of the conference (under the
editorship of B. Ferretti of CERN) have
been published by CERN, Geneva.
There were nine plenary sessions at
the 1958 conference, as follows: session
1, on "Nucleon structure" [I. E. Tamm
(U.S.S.R.), chairman; W. K. H. Pan-
ofsky (Stanford), experimental rappor-
teur; and S. Drell (Stanford), theoret-
ical rapporteur]; session 2, on the "Nu-
cleon and its interaction with pions,
photons, nucleons and antinucleons"
[S. I. Nikitin (Dubna), chairman; G.
Puppi (Bologna) and 0. Piccioni (Berke-
ley), experimental rapporteurs]; session
3, on the "Nucleon and its interaction
with pions, photons, nucleons and anti-
nucleons" [R. E. Peierls (Birmingham),
chairman, and G. F. Chew (Berkeley),
theoretical rapporteur]; session 4, on
"Fundamental theoretical ideas" [W.
multiplies penetration, Pauli (Zurich), chairman]; session 5, on
"Strange particle production" [C. C.
resolution, magnification Butler (London), chairman; J. Stein-
berger (Columbia), experimental rap-
New frontiersof researchand developmentare porteur, and M. Gell-Mann (California
being explored today with the General Electric Institute of Technology), theoretical rap-
x-ray microscope.Revealing internal structures porteur]; session 6, on "Strange particle
invisibleunderconventionalmicroscopy,this ver- interaction" [D. I. Blokhintsev (Dubna),
satile instrument'shigh resolvingpower permits chairman, M. F. Kaplon (Rochester), ex-
magnificationsup to 1500 times. perimental rapporteur, and R. H. Dalitz
Imagescanbe viewed on a fluoroscopicscreen, (Chicago), theoretical rapporteurl; ses-
sion 7, on "Special topics" [T. D. Lee
photographeddirectlyon Polaroid?film,recorded (Columbia), chairman]; session 8, on
on conventionalfilm or presentedin stereo for "Weak interactions: Leptonic modes"
that importantthird dimension. Specimens do [A. Salam (London), chairman, M.
not have to be placed in a vacuum. Goldhaber (Brookhaven), experimental
You can get completeinformationfrom your rapporteur, and L. Michel (Lille), theo-
G-E x-ray representative.Or write X-Ray De- retical rapporteur]; session 9, on "Weak
partment,GeneralElectricCompany,Milwaukee interactions: Other modes" [R. E. Mar-
1, Wisconsin, for Pub. SC-104. shak (Rochester), chairman, D. A. Gla-
ser (Michigan), experimental rappor-
teur, and S. B. Treiman (Princeton),
Pogress s OurMost ImportarftPdcf theoretical rapporteur]. Sessions 4 and 7
were "classical" theoretical sessions in
GENERAL@ ELECTRIC the sense that original contributions were
presented by quite a number of partici-
1444 SCIENCE, VOL. 128

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