Tid Bits of Wisdom December 2020 & January 2021

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Tid Bits of Wisdom

TID BITS of WISDOM from the

1801 Old Hickory Trail
From the Wonderful Word Publishers

DeSoto, Texas 75115

Publishers, Inc.
December 2020 & Januray 2021 Vol 15 1-2

(From Death to Life!)

What does Christmas mean to you? When I was a young child I couldn’t
wait to see what gifts I would receive. It wasn’t like today, because there was very
little money in the 40’s, but the gifts were precious to us children. Then when I
got married and had children, it was all about what we could do for them.
How many gifts can you remember from the past? They came and went
and we forgot all about them. But there is one gift that I have received in my
life that I can never forget or take lightly. That is the gift of Eternal Life that I
received from the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s what Christmas is all about. Not our
giving, but the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Baby Jesus, conceived by the Holy Ghost, and birthed from the womb of
woman, came to give His life for you and me. That little baby changed the world!
He would grow up, as we did, and live and die without sin. He was a pure and ac-
ceptable sacrifice for the sins of mankind. No man killed Him. ( John 10:17-18)
He laid down His life so we could have Eternal Life, and was resurrected by the
Father, because He was without sin. We, who have accepted the gift of Eternal
Life, have much to give thanks for this Christmas.
This gift comes to us by GRACE. We cannot buy it or work for it. We
cannot obtain it without Jesus, by grace, offering it to us. Who does He offer it to?
“Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: (1 John 5:1) The
person who is willing to be birthed into God’s family, is the one, who by faith,
believes in the person and the work of Jesus Christ. Christ willingly gives that
person Eternal Life.
DeSoto, Texas 75115

Non-Profit Organ.

John 3:14-16
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14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of
man be lifted up:
15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(Continued on page 2)
that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
Father became convinced that God was kind, and that he would see his children
(Continued from page 1) again in heaven.
This thought calmed his heart, but it was to bring Father into open conflict with
Rom 5:15-19 what was then the Christian world.
15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one Later he was on a ship going to meet his wife. The captain of the ship came to
many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one him and told him they were passing the place where his children went down. To Father
man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. this was like passing through the “valley of the shadow of death.” but his faith came
16 And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one through triumphant and strong. On the high seas, near the place where his children per-
to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification. ished. he wrote the hymn that was to give comfort to so many?
17 For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which re- When peace like a river attendeth my way,
ceive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, When sorrows like sea-billows roll,
Jesus Christ.) Whatever my lot, Tho hast taught me to say;
18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemna- “It is well, it is well with my soul.”
tion; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto
justification of life. Tho’ Satan should buffet, tho’ trials should come,
19 For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience Let this blest assurance control,
of one shall many be made righteous. That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
Let’s take a closer look at these verses. Adam offended us by plunging us
into death. We had no choice in the matter. One person caused all men to die. It My sin - oh, the bliss of that glorious thought!
My sin - not in part but the whole,
was through Adam’s disobedience that we were made sinners. Now Christ comes
Is nailed to His cross and I bear it no more;
and completes a life without sin, which is acceptable to the Father, and He offers Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh, my soul!
it to us free of charge. This is a gift that you must choose to receive. He does
not force it on any person. Verse 18 says this free gift came upon all men, but And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
so many refuse to receive it. What about you? Have you, by faith, believed and The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,
received this gift that the Lord Jesus Christ offers you? What about the family The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend -
with whom you will celebrate Christmas. Do they know the Lord? Have they “Even so - It is well with my soul.”
received His gift of life? Leading them to the Lord would be the greatest thing
you could do for them. For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live
If you have received this gift of life, have you ever sought to know why If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
He would do this for you?
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.
Gal 1:3-5
3 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,
That he could write such words, at such a time, was made possible by the fierce-
4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this
ness of his struggle and the completeness of the victory.
present evil world, according to the will of God and our
Hymns that are the fruit of anguish victoriously overcome are bound to bring
5 To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Are you intangible with the world? What a shame. You were saved and
I wish I could share more of this wonderful book. Maybe in a later paper.
given the power to overcome your flesh. He came and gave His life so we would
Take courage from this family. I don’t know what you have gone through this
not be in bondage to this world. We were redeemed so we could walk in the Spirit
year but I know the God we serve and He will do for us what He did for this fam-
and not the flesh. Have you taken time to renew your mind and walk in the Spirit
ily if we will trust Him.
or do you continue to walk in the flesh. Your salvation was given to you so you
could walk righteously and not destructively in the flesh. We want the blessing The children of God are humble, valuable, loved, courageous, forgiv-
of righteousness but we don’t want to give up our fleshly ways. It doesn’t work ing, and strong!
2 11
IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL that way. God gives us all we need to escape this world. Again, the choice is
Some years ago I was visiting with a friend who said she had a book ours.
written by Bertha Spafford Vester, daughter to Horatio Spafford the man who When you were baptized, it was a picture of dying to self and being res-
wrote the song, “It Is Well With My Soul.” This friend had taken a trip to Israel urrected with Christ. It was the beginning of a new life. To return to the flesh
and had met Mrs. Vester, who signed her book for my friend. By this time Mrs. is called transgression. When we die to self, the flesh no longer belongs to us.
Bertha had died and the book was very valuable. The friend was very gracious Christ bought us with His blood and the flesh no longer belongs to us. How fool-
and allowed me to borrow the book. After reading it, I knew I had to find one for ish we are to think we can find life in the old flesh.
myself. I got one of the last 25 books that they had. I wish every Christian could How do you know if you are walking in the flesh or the Spirit? When
read this book. Most of us have heard the story about the ship sinking and all of you are walking in obedience to God, you are walking in the Spirit. When you
Mrs. Spafford’s children were lost at sea, but we never hear the rest of the story. are walking in disobedience to God, you are walking in the flesh. The walk of
Mrs. Spafford would have died also, but after being unconcience, she woke up the Spirit is the NARROW way. There are not large crowds on this road, but it is
floting on a board from the ship. A few years later, after the sinking of the ship, where you will find life.
the Spaffords had a son and a daughter. The son died at a young age and the This baby that we will be celebrating this Christmas is the One who grew
daughter grew up to write the book, “Our Jerusalem.” There is so much more to up, lived without sin, died to pay for our sins, rose again on the third day and has
the story. This 2020 has been a rough year for many of us and it feels like it will ascended into heaven to be our propitiation. This same Jesus offers us the free
never end, but when you learn what the Spaffords went through, it encourages gift of Eternal Life. Have you received that gift? If you have, are you telling
your heart. others about it so they can have Eternal Life.
The reason Mrs. Spafford was on the ship with her children was because This year, as we celebrate Christmas with our loved ones and share our
they had just gone through the great Chicago fire. Mr. Spafford lost all his busi- love with them, let’s not forget the reason and the person who made life possible
ness in the fire and Mrs. Spafford was exhausted from caring for people hurt in for us to stand before God without sin. Lift Him up to those around us.
the fire. The doctor said Mrs. Spafford needed a trip over seas so she could rest
and recover. Mr. Spafford was to go with the family, but at the last minute had to John 12:32
attend to business. He was to take a later ship.
If that was not enough to rattle them, their church family broke their And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will
hearts. This is what their daughter wrote in the book.
“In Chicago, Father searched his life for explanations. Until now it had flowed
draw all men unto me.
gently as a river. Spiritual peace and worldly security had sustained his early years, his KJV
family life, and his home. Then had come one terrible event upon another. The Chicago
fires with it’s losses, the failure of his real estate venture, now the loss of his children, all
had come in two years. The important thing was not to lose faith. He must wrestle until THE BIBLE
he could say all was well. Added to his grief was spiritual conflict. It’s been banned, burned, scoffed, and ridiculed. It’s been called
The Puritan foundation of the Protestant churches had carried into the United
States many of the harsh Old Testament tenets. It was universally accepted by all Chris-
foolish and illegal. It’s too old, too bizarre, too radical. Yet it thrives
tians then, that sickness or sorrow was the result of sin. One was the just retribution of as the best seller of all time.
the other.
What had Father done, what had his young wife done, that they should be so SIX IMPORTANT GUIDELINES IN LIFE:
afflicted? He felt that eyes were looking askance at him, wondering. 1. When you are alone, mind your thoughts;
All around him people were asking the unvoiced question. What guilt had
brought this sweeping tragedy to Anna and Horation Spafford?
2. When you are with friends, mind you tongue;
Search the Bible teachings as he might, Father could not reconcile this harsh 3. When you are angry, mind your temper;
Puritan tent with his concept of Christian teaching. He had to have a deeper faith in the 4. When you are with a group, mind your behavior;
goodness of God. Father remembered Christ’s answer to the disciples when they asked 5. When you are in trouble, mind your emotions;
whose sin it was, the parents’ or the man’s that caused him to be born blind; Jesus an- 6. When God starts blessing you, mind your ego.
swered it was neither the man’s nor his parents’ sin that had caused the blindness, but
10 3
E This has been a year of great change for many of us. Not a year we will
M soon forget. The last three weeks my son, my daughter-in-law and I have been
locked down with the Covid 19 virus. We are all clear now and free to be in pub-
A lic. God was very merciful to us. A few days after we got sick Bro. Larry Connor
L and Mrs. Judy got the virus. I was talking to her in the ICU almost every day
E and we both thought she would be home the next week, One day later she passed
away. It was such a shock. We have served the Lord together since the middle
90’s. She did most of the assembling together of the Tid Bits of Wisdom. Bro.
INSPIRATIONS Gloria Brewster Larry plans to keep the printing going but he needs your prayers. Connie Cimino
has been in the hospital from a fall and a major surgery for over 10 weeks and
has some time to go. Our complete work has been hit. We have made a decision
to move The Wonderful Word’s office to the Tid Bits of Wisdom’s office. Mrs.
THE HANDMAId OF Connie will still be Mrs. Wonderful Word as always. I will do the paper work,
but she still holds her position.
THE LORD I have received some of the sweetest letters from widows. They cannot
(Be it unto me according know how it has warmed my heart to read about God’s provisions for their lives.
to thy word, Luke 1:38) I feel a burden rising in my heart for a work that would be there for these women.
Widows surely could make a difference to the work of Christ if we set our hearts
to it.
I’m sure you have your story about this year also. We must put this year
behind us and be ready to serve the Lord until His returns. We are a divided
We have all heard of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She is not to be wor- nation. The war we are in is spiritual. It could be as bad as the civil war was.
shiped, but she is to be admired. As a woman, can you image what it would be Remember, the Light shines brightest in darkness. Don’t despair; be prepared to
like to have been chosen to birth the son of God? Only one woman would have prove what you say you believe. There may be a cost to it in the days to come!
that opportunity. Wow! What a privilege Mary was given, but she could have Thank you faithful supporters. If any would like to join us, we would be
refused if she had wanted to. We were created in the image of God and given so grateful. Our cost may greatly increase because of changes. God bless you!
choice. We can eat of the fruit of tree of evil, or we can eat of the fruit of the tree
of life. I can choose what I want to do, and God chooses what He will do about.
His will and His purposes will be done. He is sovereign, He has the last word!
We choose and God either blesses our choice are curses our choice. We chose All gifts made to Tid Bits of Wisdom go directly into Tid Bits
our fate by the way we respond to God. If you go to hell, you will have chosen of Wisdom. The paper will be 15 years old this December
to go to hell. God is not willing that any should perish, but if that’s what you and many who started with us have died or become unable
choose, then He allows you that choice. to give. Many have been faithful all these years. Pray and
Mary’s response to the angel was, “Behold the ‘handmaid’ of the Lord”. ask God if He wants you to join us with a monthly support.
We are grateful for our faithful supporters.
She submitted to the will of God. She chose to accept God’s offer to her. You
All donations to Tid Bits of Wisdom are tax deductible.
might say, she would have been crazy to reject God’s offer. Yet God is offering to 1801 Old Hickory Trail, DeSoto, TX, 75115. Phone 214-
everyone the free gift of Eternal Life and people reject His offer every day. While 293-5252 Email - gbrew14834@aol.com
only one person was offered to birth the Son of God, God is looking for people
whose hearts are fixed upon Him, to do His great works, so He can show Himself
Jerry & Gloria Brewster
strong to this world. Founders of Tid Bits of Wisdom
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THE COLD WITHIN 2 Chron 16:9
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew
Six humans trapped in happenstance himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.......
In dark and bitter cold,
Each one possessed a stick of wood. Is the Lord looking at you today? This word perfect means completely
Or so the story’s told. surrendered to Him. He is searching for these people daily to use their lives to
Their dying fire in need of logs show forth His might. What would He say about you if He looked upon your life
The first woman held hers back, today? Could He trust you with an important work. You might say, “but I’m a no-
For of the faces around the fire, body.” So was Mary. The Angel said to Mary, “Thou that art highly favoured,
She noticed one was black. (Prejudice) the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among (not above) women.” Do
you live a life that is highly favoured in the eyes of the Lord? Mary was not
The next man, looking across the way a perfect person. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Mary
Saw not one of his church, was just like you and me. What made Mary acceptable to the Lord was the con-
And couldn’t bring himself to give dition of her heart. The Lord is looking for obedient, submitted hearts. I don’t
know about you, but I hope to find favor in the eyes of the Lord. I want to live to
The fire his stick of birch. (Prideful)
please Him. I want to be a subservient (totally submitted) servant in the work of
The third one sat in tattered clothes Some woman birthed Peter. Some woman birthed John. Some woman
He gave his coat a hitch, birthed Elijah. We don’t know how God will use our children. The Lord can use
Why should his log be put to use, our lives for many things. Has He asked a hard thing of you? Did you willingly
To warm the idle rich? (Stingy) accept it? Just think how hard it was to be the mother of Jesus. They accused
her of having sex before marriage. Some looked at her as a loose woman. God
The rich man just sat back and thought trusted her to endure these things. I think about raising a perfect child, never
Of the wealth he had in store, doing anything wrong. When Mary had other children, how did they feel living
And how to keep what he had earned, with perfection when they were sinners? That would have been hard! Could we
From the lazy, shiftless poor. (Judgmental) remain humble if it was known that our child could heal the sick and raise the
dead? Would we go around bragging? I don’t think Mary did. Then we come to
the cross. She was watching her son go through torture and dying on a cross. It
The black man’s face bespoke revenge must have felt like all her work was in vain, but she trusted God to resurrect Him
As the fire passed from sight, as He had promised. God chose Mary because He could trust her to remain faith-
For all he saw in his stick of wood ful through all this. We don’t find Mary complaining or murmuring to the Lord.
Was a chanced to spite the white. (Vengeance) What has God ask of you? Can He trust you? If tomorrow He set His
eyes upon you, are you ready to be used of God?
The last man of this forlorn group
Did naught except for gain,
Giving only to those who gave,
1 Peter 3:12
Was how he played the game. (Selfishness) For the eyes of the Lord are over the
The logs held tight in death’s still hands
righteous, and his ears are open unto their
Was proof of human sin, prayers: but the face of the Lord is against
They didn’t die from the cold without,
They died from the cold within.
them that do evil.
8 5
Prov 27:17
ONE YEAR. Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man
Have you ever read every word in your Bible? If not, how do sharpeneth the countenance of
you know for sure what it says? Can you show in the Bible what you say his friend.
you believe? Do you believe once saved always saved? Can you prove it JUDY CONNOR
in the Scriptures? Do you believe that whosoever will may be saved? Can How can I describe my dear friend and sister in Christ? I
you find where that is in the Scriptures? am sure as Judy entered heaven the Lord said, “Well done, thou good and faith-
I had the privilege of being raised in a godly home, where I was ful servant.” ( Matt 25:21) Judy had the gift of serving and loved fellowshipping
with God’s people more than anything else. She would invite you to eat with her
taught the Scriptures, but I had many questions about things and I didn’t
so she could fellowship with you. You have never eaten good Texas Toast un-
want to take someone else’s word for it. I wanted to know what my Bible less you have tasted Judy’s. She baked all the cakes for our fellowships, and she
said about it. I was saved almost 5 years before I sat down and began thought you had to have a cup of coffee to have good fellowship. Outside of fel-
reading my Bible. I have been spared many destructions because of what lowship she loved singing. She had a good voice and loved singing about Jesus.
I have learned from the Scriptures. After 55 years of reading through my Judy came into my life just at the time the Lord called me to teach wom-
Bible every year I feel like I know the God I serve. He is not a stranger to en’s Bible classes. She was to me what Timothy was to Paul. She was my great-
me. To know Him is to truly love Him. est encourager and she loved to talk Scripture and learn something new about
What if you take the challenge to read through your Bible in one God’s Word. She loved printing people’s lessons, tracts, books and whatever
year and you don’t make it all the way? Well, you will have read more they wrote in order to get God’s Word out to the people. Larry shared her with
than you would have had you not taken the challenge. Step out of your all of us. The ladies came regularly to work in the print shop. Judy would cook
comfort zone and go a little further with your faith. If you fail, try again. lunch; they would eat, then rest awhile and then go back to work. Tid Bit’s of
Wisdom would have had a difficult time getting done had it not been for Bro.
Every year I read through my Bible I take a word and follow it all
Larry, Mrs. Judy and the ladies.
the way through. One year the word was cry. I looked for every word that Judy loved her children and grieved that they were so far away. She
talked about crying. Words like tear (tears), weeping, crying and mourn- missed not getting to be with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her
ing. Then I would look to see who was crying and why they were crying. brother was also a long way off. She loved her family. As s, me with seven chil-
Then I would look and see how God responded to their tears. dren and she with two children, we would spend much time in prayer for all of
When you go to read your Bible, have a purpose. What is it you them. We shared our burdens and our blessings over the years.
want to learn? What are you looking for? Whatever you are looking for I often think of this verse. Mark 6:4, “But Jesus said unto them, A proph-
you will find something. Seek and ye shall find! et is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in
Prov 25:2 his own house.” Those who are close to you often take your life for granted.
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a You are not something special to them, you are just one of them. But those you
matter. minister to outside of your life just remember you as the one who cared for them
and that you reached out to help them. We will all be surprised when we get to
Eccl 1:13 heaven and realize the greatness of those we knew on earth. Judy never required
13 And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are
honor and fame. Her greatest work was behind the scenes. Now that she is with
done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised
therewith. the Lord, we are all sharing how great she was to us.
Prov 18:24, “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and
John 5:39-40 there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” She was a friend that stuck
39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they- with you at all times.
which testify of me. We will miss you, Judy, but we will not forget you!!!!
40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. Your sister in Christ - Gloria Brewster
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