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Name: Leanelle Zhantel Pelingon Date:

August 26,2020
Course & Year: BEED(1st Year) Worksheet No. 2

Directions: Answer the following questions: Students submit your work on Sunday. You are limited to five lines only in
every question.

1.How does God reveal Himself?

-God reveal himself by his desire to enter into a loving relationship with humanity,look the initiative of introducing himself to
us and communicating with us both through natural and supernatural means. God reveals through creation history and
2.Is it necessary for God to reveal Himself? Why?
-Yes it is necessary that God reveal himself because we can know many things about God from nature.Revelation of God is
only sensible it is an absolute necessity.Revelation is further needed because of humanity's blind and sinful condition.Without
divine revelation all God's talk is meaningless.
3.In what way do you accept God’s revelation?
-By always praying, taking time each day to devote myself to the Lord.Be actively reading in the word of God.I go to church
every Sunday and hear the pastor's sermon.I follow the commands he puts on my heart and seek a Godly community and
Obey the truth. Being adult in today's modern age comes with a set of challenges and pressure,but God's qualifies us through
our shortcomings.

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