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General Objectives Specific Objectives Project/ Program Interventions Key Results Area Performance/ Verifiable Indicators
Academic Development – to To provide a tutorial 1.A: Ignite Learning Program Students appreciate the value of communal  Increased student tutorial
protect and advance the student’s service that learning, share their core competence and participation by 20%
right to quality Ignatian education facilities peer to exercise cura personalis in the context of  50% of tutors are scholars
through an active participation in peer interaction, academics.  At least 60% of co-curricular
co-curricular organizational learning and mutual organization conduct/college
development and academic development councils regular tutorials
services that enhance student’s
academic performance. To provide auxiliary 1.B: A-tenean Program Students have easy access to academic  Establish scholarship information
academic services support services and academically driven linkages
and information  At least maintain book market sales
that nurtures a level
culture of academic  Establish one dean’s list tarpaulin
excellence  Publish one academic video
 To establish a popular quiz bowl for
 At least 500 scholars will order the t-
 To conduct at least one curriculum
research in partnership with ORCI
To aid the 1.C Synergy Program They obtain and develop closer ties with their  To support at least 5 co-curricular
development of co-curricular organization, increased student organizational activities
academic activities participation, enhanced visibility of the  To assign personnel to coordinate
of co-curricular organization, and involve members in their the activities
organization in the academic enhancement programs or activities
context of service

Student Services and Facilities To develop 2. A: PAG AMBIT XU Students’ Scholarship Fund The student will appreciate the value of  To sponsor at least one scholar for
Development – to provide basic initiatives that education by helping those who are in need. next semester
student services that address the increase scholarship
students’ needs through direct assistance
assistance and welfare programs
and feedback the quality of school To create a wellness 2.D: Wellness program The students will value more their health and  Establishment of a welfare program
facilities to the administration. program for the encourage others to do the same with weekly membership of 20
students in the students
context of health
and others
To create a daily 2.E: Item Loan Service The students will see the Central Student  Establishment of Item borrowing
student assistance 2.F. Locker Rentals Government as an active and responsive system
service that helps assistant to help them accomplish their  Lower cases of locker rental
them in their regular academic needs complaints
academic needs  More interaction with regular
students to the csg service center
 90% turnover over items

Engaged Citizenship – to To start educating 3.A: The Green Movement (SWM Awareness The students will take its own initiative to  Having a permanent seat in the
strengthen and open opportunities the student body of Campaign) clean after they are eating and constantly waste management committee
for student socio-political the solid waste clean after their wastes  Banning of Styrofoam in the canteen
engagement that contributes to program of the  Implementation of solid waste
the transformation of Mindanao university management program
and the rest of the country To increase the 3.A: Barug Batanon The students will be more active in political  Establishment of a political education
through political education, level of political 3.B: Xavier Politika campus engagement and value the program in collaboration with Pol Sci
environment stewardship and awareness and 3.C: Lambigit Batanon importance of citizenship in nation-building Dept
community development. interest, and 3.D: Pugadlawin  Establishment of additional student
citizenship among political parties
the student body.  Creation of student “watchdog”
groups in collaboration with crusader
and NSTP
 40% voters turn out
To enhance the 3.C: XU Students’ House Build Project Students will support and commit to  To build at least one house in the
value of communal community outreach programs naturally and Habita for Humanity relocation site
effort in helping the identify this as an integral part of their Xavier
marginalized education

Campus and Community To be able to 4.A: Magis Grant Program Organizations are more professional and clear  To support at least 4 community
Leadership Engagement – to support relevant 4. B: Ateneo Cafe in their vision and mission and more effective projects
nurture and support student projects and help in in their project implementation
organizational development and the development of
enhance student leadership the different
opportunities through strategic organizations
linkages, organizational support,
and skill and knowledge To be able to 4.B: ONE-CDO Leadership Summit The Central Student Government is known as  CSG heads as the convener in
enhancement initiatives. establish strategic an influence force in engaging issues in and community association
linkages with outside campus  Hosts a local gathering of student
partners and leaders
To deepen the 4.C: Xavier School of Sorts The students enhance their knowledge and  At least 50 enrolees
broader extra- skills in different fields and apply them into
curricular interests their daily life
of the students.
(Internal Development) – to To establish The students will regularly ask for a copy of  Regular posting of liquidation reports
establish an efficient and effective efficient and the CSG’s liquidation report and ask questions
internal operations of the Central transparent on its manner of spending
Student Government through disbursement
systems improvement, human system
resource development and To develop a 5.A: CSG volunteer Development Program The volunteers posses more effective  Student leaders engage leadership
information gathering. volunteer leadership skills and Ignatian orientation roles in their own sphere of influence
development  Have a QPI of 2 or above
To establish an Communications Group The students will automatically identify the  CSG blog is automatically known by
efficient and CSG as one of the reliable and fast sources of the students
integrated relevant information that aids their schooling  Students contact csg leaders for
information system important queries
To create a Monthly Poll and Survey The Central Student Government is aware  Regularly publish performance
consistent and and mindful of its performance and indicators and researches
reliable continually seeks to improve itself in the  Regular polling
performance course of its term.
indicators and data
To create an 5. Xavier Students’ Action Center The students trust and engage the CSG for  Popularization of complaint center
efficient 6. Admin Forum their complaints and grievances  Establishment of simplified complaint
grievance/complain filing system
t system  Increase meaningful feedback from
 At least engage 300 students
 To hold one forum with the


Central Student Government

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