Personal Statment

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Jazmyn Shannon: Personal Statement

Growing up, I was always surrounded by struggling people. My dad always jumped from
one career to the next, and my mom juggled multiple jobs while taking care of me and
my brothers. When I was little, I saw how much they struggle just to get by. When I was
little, I promised myself that that would never be me. Growing up, school work came
easily to me. I barley had to try in order to excel, and meandered my way through high
school level classes in middle school. Then one day, I had a talk with my grandfather.
He told me I had a gift, but it would become useless if I didn t train it. He told me to take
what I m good at, and turn it into a skill I could use. After that day, I promised myself I
would use my gift to stand on my own two feet, and make a comfortable life for my self
as quickly as possible. I looked into careers that would lend themselves to my talents.
I ve always been quick to grasp math and analytics, so the career I chose was an
accountant. I have worked to develop my skills in preparation for the profession since
then. With the support of my family, I strive to accelerate my education and make
enough money to support myself, by myself, as soon as possible. I will use every skill I
have to support that that goal. This is the promise I have made to myself.

Currently, I am a duel enrolled student at the State College of Florida: Manatee-Sarasota.

I am in the collegiate school program, where I am on the path to obtaining my associates
degree in accounting and business management by my high school graduation. I am
aiming to develop skills in computer programming and business analysis. These courses
teach me how to accurately predict the direction of a business through financial
calculations and recognition of patterns in any said market. I have interned at a local
business, where I have observed these skills be used in practice. I am also a Take Stock
in Children student, where I regularly volunteer with around my community and pursue
scholarships opportunities.

Five years from now, my goal is to be obtaining my masters degree at University of

Central Florida. UCF holds Ann academic sorority that introduces students to people
from various major accounting firms. Through them, I want to be interning with the
Ernest & Young accounting firm. I want to have my CPC certificate, and be working the
books for my grandfather s business. I want to be living on my own at that point in my

In ten years, I want to have opened my own private accounting firm, and be well
established within my community. I want to have my own house and car, and have years
of experience with working as an accountant and business owner. I would like to support
my community with my business, and become a local member that can be trusted with
bookkeeping their finances, and aid other small businesses in becoming successful. In ten
years, I want to have used my degree to support my self, and be able to support others
who have struggled to stand on their own.

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