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Comenzado el Monday, 7 de December de 2020, 18:33
Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Monday, 7 de December de 2020, 18:39
Tiempo empleado 6 minutos 46 segundos
Calificación 17,00 de 20,00 (85%)

Pregunta 1
Rewrite the sentences into the Past Simple Tense. Then write an interrogative
Correcta sentence. Look at the example below.
Puntúa 2,00 e.g. They go skiing.
sobre 2,00
Did they go skiing?
· She keeps the lunch warm.

Did she keep the lunch warm?

Pregunta 2
Change the following sentences into interrogative.

Puntúa 2,50
1) We had dinner at 6 o'clock yesterday.
sobre 2,50

Did we have dinner at 6 o'clock yesterday?

Pregunta 3
Rewrite the sentences into the Past Simple Tense. Then write an interrogative
Correcta sentence. Look at the example below.
Puntúa 2,00 e.g. They go skiing.
sobre 2,00
Did they go skiing?

· The boys always fight.

Did the boys always fight?

Pregunta 4
Ask Wh-questions about the underlined words. (Where / What )

Puntúa 0,00
They learnt English yesterday.
sobre 3,00

When did they learn English?

Pregunta 5
Change the following sentences into interrogative.

Puntúa 2,50
Sam saw you.
sobre 2,50

Did Sam see you?

Pregunta 6
Change the following sentences into interrogative.

Puntúa 2,50
· I became a doctor.
sobre 2,50

Did I become a doctor?

Pregunta 7
Change the following sentences into interrogative.

Puntúa 2,50
Father bought food.
sobre 2,50

Did father buy food?

Pregunta 8
Ask Wh-questions about the underlined words. (Where / What )
· We found it in the bathroom.
Puntúa 3,00
sobre 3,00 Where did we find it?

◄ Past tense-Negative sentences-irregular verbs

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