Digital Marketing Group Project

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Digital Marketing Proposal 

Price Vision Academy 
Isabella Zimmermann 
Peyton Wallingford 
Katrina Samsel 
Chase Concannon 
Cory Bernadi 
Table of Contents 
Table of Contents 1 

Letter to CMO 2 

Target Market 3 

Current Digital Marketing Strategy 3 

Social Media 4 

Website, Email Marketing, Google Ads 6 

Improvement 1 11 

Improvement 2 12 

Improvement 3 13 

Improvement 4 14 


Letter to CMO 
Roy M 
Chief Marketing Officer 
November 23, 2020 

Dear Roy, 

We are a group of students studying Digital Marketing at the University of South Florida. 
We have been studying and evaluating Price Vision Academy’s digital marketing strategies 
for our class project. Our group has analyzed various points of your strategy, including 
social media, digital advertisements, website, and use of SEO. This thorough evaluation has 
identified weak points in your company’s digital marketing, and our team has devised 
several solutions. We believe our suggested improvements can greatly help Price Vision 
Academy by increasing and improving its online presence.  

Throughout our plan, we will be analyzing what elements of your current plan are effective, 
as well as what we believe can be improved via our improvement strategies. Our team has 
come up with four methods to improve Price Vision Academy’s digital marketing strategy, 
compiled from an in-depth analysis of the current strategy that involves increasing the 
number of social media followers by 10% each month, Increasing customer engagement by 
improving the website engagement score by 5 over the next 6 months, increasing website 
traffic by 10% each month, and lastly, boost the amount of clicks-per-post to all social 
media platforms by 5% each month. 

We hope you will take our recommendations into consideration for your company, and are 
looking forward to helping grow Price Vision Academy!  


Isabella Zimmermann   

Target Market 
Price Vision Academy has defined their target market as people of any age or income that 
desire to learn trading. The company is looking for students that are driven and self 
motivated. The prospective customer should also be in the business for the long haul, 
rather than wanting to just ‘get rich quick’.  

The course that the company offers is self paced and takes about 3 months to complete 
with about 1 hour of work per day.  

Current Digital Marketing Strategy 

Price Vision Academy currently uses several social media platforms and email marketing. It 
also has a website that recently underwent construction to change its copy and layout. 
While Price Vision Academy does not yet have digital advertisements, they are hoping to 
expand into Facebook and Google Ads.  

While the company has made use of different methods of digital marketing, they could be 
doing so more effectively. Our team will analyze each platform in order to suggest 
improvements that can improve Price Vision Academy’s online presence.  

Social Media 
Price Vision Academy currently has company social media accounts on Instagram, 
Pinterest, and Facebook. It does not have a company Twitter, but several company 
administrators have accounts that promote Price Vision Academy.  

❖ 879 followers | following 55 | 28 posts 

The company makes an Instagram post almost consistently once a day. The posts are all 
the same type and not very interactive with users. There is no strong call to action in the 
posts. Each post begins with a unique caption, but after clicking the ​more​ option, the rest of 
the caption is always the same. These captions can be seen in the figures below. The posts 
receive between 5-50 likes and 0-15 comments.  

❖ 135 followers | following 765 | 11 boards | 249 pins 

The company’s Pinterest account has the most variety of posts of all of its social media 
accounts. The posts include company promotions, tips, relevant articles, and motivational 
quotes. The posts that are about information related to the field link to the mentioned 
article. All other posts link to the Price Vision Academy home page.  

The figures below show the company’s Pinterest account, example posts, the homepage 
that posts link to, and a post with the article it links to.  

❖ 1 follower | following 0 | 0 posts 

The company’s account is very new and has not had any activity yet. The About section says 
Price Vision Academy is a black owned business, but this is not promoted anywhere else in 
the company’s digital marketing.  

❖ No company twitter, but some administrators have professional Twitter accounts  

CEO/Founder’s Account  


❖ The bio is company related, but the post content seems to be more personal than 
company related 

CMO’s Account 


❖ This account is more focused on the company and posts motivational tweets 
relating to what the company is doing  

Website, Email Marketing, Google Ads 

Currently, Price Vision Academy’s strongest feature is its website since it recently 
underwent construction. The company has used email sparingly, with very little success, 
and almost no interactivity. Digital ads have yet to be run, but the company would like to 
depending on its budget.  

Website | SEO | SEM 

Vision Price Academy’s website just recently underwent copy/layout edits. The new website 
can be found at p
​​. It is well optimized for mobile devices. The 
website has a Home, About Us, Products, and Affiliate Program sections. The Home Page 
explains what the company does, how it can help customers, and how much its programs 

cost. The bottom of the page features four testimonials from people who have used the 

Price is currently utilizing SEO through instagram captions. Within every post is about 20 
similar tags that correlate to forex trading. With our help, you could connect each tag to the 
right post. The ‘right post’ is also something Price could use some assistance with. Flyers, 
motivational quotes, and captions with not much direction to the website in their bio is not 
optimizing the full extent of the search engine platform that is Instagram. We suggest 
connecting tags to whatever the post is specifically promoting. If you continue to go the 
inspirational quote route, use tags that connect to the theme of the quote. For example, 
Price posted a quote about passion and only had tags about investing. If you’re specifically 
trying to connect with passionate people, using the tags #passion, #passionatepeople, 
#lovewhatyoudo, etc. will help you put your message in front of the right people. In 
general, for posts that are company related, using their current frequent hashtags like 
#forextrading, #forextutorial, and #investmenttraining will suffice. If anything, add a few 
hashtags surrounding your target market like #entrepreneur, #businessowner, etc. This is 
how you utilize search engine optimization to target your marketing efforts.  

The figures below show several sections of the website.  

The company does not currently have an official email campaign for prospective students, 
meaning only existing customers receive emails. Vision Price Academy began sending 
emails to a list of current students to recruit for affiliate marketing partners (79 emails) 
when its site moved from Gumroad to WordPress. The company’s email analytics show that 
very few people are opening the emails, and almost no actions have been taken from 

Google Ads 
The company has not run any ads yet, but would like to pursue a Google ad campaign. As 
the world’s most utilized search engine, missing out on a major advertising platform that 
gives major insights in a direct and easily interpreted format. Additionally the benefit of 
added conversions and brand exposure from the platform will be a key component of 
growing the company’s digital marketing plan.  


​ Improvements of Digital Marketing Strategy 
Overall, Price Vision Academy has taken a lot of solid first steps in beginning its digital 
marketing journey. However, it still needs to grow and expand. The company’s goals are to 
(1) increase reach on social media sites, (2) increase reach transferring to sales, (3) achieve 
consistent monthly sales, and (4) create a strong and unified brand image across social 

These goals will be explained more in depth, and our team will give our improvement 
recommendations for each SMART Goal.  







Improvement 1 

Over the next 6 months, increase the number of social media followers by 
10% each month. 

In order to reach this goal we are going to engage with potential followers. Since our 
company is Price Vision Academy (a trading company) we want to engage with people who 
are potentially interested in trading. This could mean going under hashtags like #trade 
#trading #stocks and commenting on pictures. The comment could be something along the 
lines of “check out our page if you are interested in learning more about stocks and how to 
be successful in trading!” Then to measure the effectiveness of this we could make a 
spreadsheet of all the accounts that we reached out to and what percent of them actually 
ended up following our account.  

Another potential strategy would be to contact someone who has a larger following and 
has an account that talks about stocks. Then we could have them post about our company 
and explain what we do while tagging our account. Then we could measure how many new 
followers we got during the 24 hours after they posted as this is when people were likely to 
see it. We would then check if the followers we obtained were following the account that 
talked about our company. If they were following then we are able to confirm that the new 
follower was in fact from their post. This would give us a fairly accurate idea of how many 
new followers we got from this account talking about our company.  


Improvement 2 

Increase customer engagement by improving the website engagement score 
by 5 over the next 6 months. 

In order to get people to visit the website I would post a blog explaining the website and its 
goals while linking the website. This blog would be posted to a high traffic area with others 
who are interested in stocks and trading. It would even potentially be useful if someone 
who already has a successful blog could write the article for us and mention the website 
link. This would help get traffic as their blog already has a following. Then from here we are 
able to measure how many people click on the link from this given blog and go to the 

The other method could be to add Instagram stories and tell followers to swipe up to bring 
them to the website link. This could be done with engaging tactics such as images and 
bright colors that encourage followers to swipe up. We could also have a specific incentive 
that reads something along the lines of “swipe up to find out how you can start making 
money today”. We are then able to measure how many people swiped up on this story and 
went to our website.  


Improvement 3 

Over the next 6 months, increase the website traffic by 10% each month​.  

In order to achieve this, we will start by link building Price Vision Academy’s site. Taking 
advantage of link roundups via sites such as ​​ ​and​ will be a great start to increasing our web traffic as well as 
increasing giving an added boost to the sites SEO. Additionally, having Price Vision 
Academy’s founder Jerome Rapheal featured on popular investing and trading podcasts 
such as ​Invest Like the Best ​and T
​ he Stock Trading Reality Podcast​ will be extremely 
effective in generating backlinks, thus targeting both podcasts massive followings in order 
to increase web traffic. To measure this we can use L
​ inkgraph​ to measure the effectiveness 
of the backlinks, as well as determine which links are more effective at driving web traffic 
than others. What makes improving the websites traffic to important is that the website 
will serve as the backbone of the digital marketing and online sector of the business, 
making it imperative to the success of Price Vision Academy.   


Improvement 4 

B​oost the amount of clicks-per-post to all social media platforms by 5% each 

We plan on utilizing SEO to not only boost the views on each post but also direct the post to 
the right people. We also advise that the content changes from motivational quotes to a 
more personal style of outreach. Things like videos of the CEO explaining the mission 
statement, references to pop culture through the use of memes and phrases to appeal to 
the average instagram user, will improve interaction. We can measure this through the 
statistics given on a business instagram account. Every instagram post has an insights tab 
on it. This shows the reach, profile visits, interactions, and the percentage of people who 
saw it through the SEO tags. We will use this to monitor the progress of this new instagram 


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