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Zarriz, Devine C.

Narrative Report

The business was a buy and sell type and the main product is rice. There were different varieties
of rice being sold but I only choose 3 varieties of rice from Kaloy Bigasan. The data that I have
got from Kaloy rice retailer are the total sales and expenses of the 3 varieties of rice every month
from the year 2019. The 3 varieties of rice are Rc 218 (Product A), Begante (Product B) and 160
(Product C).

The result of my data analysis from the given sales and expenses of Kaloy rice retailer in the year
2019 are, Product C has the highest sales within the year followed by the Product A and lastly
the Product B. For the expenses, Product C has also the highest rate of expense followed by
Product A and the lowest one the Product B. However, Product B has the second highest net
profit, as expected Product A got the highest and Product C has the lowest net profit. December
2019 has the highest sales of the month where all of the products got the highest sales from the
other months. On the other hand, the month of September has the lowest sales among the other

Using the scenario manager, If the price of rice will increase, in times where there is an inflation
in the country or hoarding of rice, the sales of Product A could rise up to P250000 a year from a
normal sale of P118,000 making a net profit of P142000. For the Product B it could rise up to
P320000 from a normal sale of P102960 making a net profit of P228480 and lastly, for Product
C the sale could rise up to P400000 from a normal sale of P205360 a year having a net profit of
P241450. On the other hand, if the price of rice will decrease, Product A will have a sales as low
as P110000 and a net profit of P2000 a year. For Product B the lowest sale would be P95000 and
a net profit of P3480. Lastly for Product C the lowest sale would be P200000 and a net profit of

Using the goal seeker, if the entity would wanted to reach a goal of having a net profit of
P100000 from the 2019 net profit of P69050 from the 3 varieties of rice they should increase
their sale and lowered or maintain their expenses. Since Product B has the lowest sale and let as
say that the entity wanted to increase the sales of product B to reach the goal of a net profit of
P100000. The entity need to reach a sales of P133910 of Product B in order to reach a P100000
net profit.

Overall, my analyzation for this data is that Product C has a good standing in the business even
though it has the highest rate of expense however it has also the highest sale among the three
varieties. I think that Product B had also a potential to increase the status of business. It just need
to have a good sale because even though the sales are not high however it has the 2 nd highest net
profit among the three due to a low expense of this Product. For Product A the sale is good but
the net profit is not because of its expenses.

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