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I, ----------------, Filipino, of legal age, married and residing at Barangay

---------, after having sworn in accordance with law, hereby state:

1. A (“A”) is a close friend of mine and a relative. We are also neighbors

since we both live in ------------. A is also my Facebook friend.

2. S (whom I also call “S” or “L”) is also a Facebook friend of mine. I know
him because I used to see him in school (high school and elementary)
and on the street whenever we pass by their house.

3. Sometime on --------, I read the comment of S on one of A’s posts. A’s

post read:

“VRM Ibalik ta Pagkakapitan”

4. S’s comment interested me or made me curious because it said,

“Pagmata” so I read the comments in full.

5. I was surprised or shocked with what I read because he said

demeaning things about A including the fact that he called Aprylle “na
mananap kaw sa FB na burikat kw,” “musimba rakaw kung jaui bag-o
na dayo na layaki,” “balyena kaw na uyagan pakaw kaw sa tanang
uyagan,” “bisan hae na disco jaun kaw,” and “dinagpasan man kaw

6. That night, we visited our Barangay Captain, VRM, who also happened
to be our uncle. During our visit, I found out that a lot of people already
knew about the “comments” made by S on A’s post as they were
asking A if she will file a case against S. The people we met on the way
to our Tito also asked her the same question.

7. The comments made by S greatly affected A. She was deeply hurt and
humiliated by S’s comments.

8. I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and in

support of the case to be filed by A against S.


----------, -----------.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ________________ at

-- JURAT --

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