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HL paper 2, section C, sample A

Assessment criteria Marks awarded Marks available

Criterion A 3 4
Criterion B 3 4
Criterion C 2 4
Criterion D 3 4
Criterion E 3 4
Total 14 20
Examiner comments
Criterion A
The candidate refers to the two concepts of strategy and culture in a holistic way in
the introduction and demonstrates a good understanding of culture throughout the
answer. Understanding of strategy is more hesitant – how exactly is e.g. pricing a
strategic choice? Relevant business management content, the four Ps model, is
selected to frame the answer. The model, however, is not completely followed
through (discussion of promotion is partial and discussion of place is absent). A key
strength of the answer is the consistent use of the four Ps models throughout.
Criterion B
The candidate applies the four Ps model well to create an understanding of the
marketing issues of the chosen organization (Starbucks), though some of the
explanation lacks some depth (e.g. what product range considerations does the halal
example illustrate?). Examples about the company’s marketing choices in Germany
and Malaysia are provided. Strong 3 but not enough for 4 marks.
Criterion C
The candidate makes some relevant arguments (e.g. about different pricing of
products and promotional strategies in Germany and Malaysia); however, the
justifications for these arguments remain rather limited. The points made tend to be
descriptive rather than analytical, with many generalizations and some unfounded
claims (e.g. claims about maximizing sales and breaking even). This is the main
weakness of the answer overall. Strong 2 but not enough for 3 marks.
Criterion D
Despite the unfortunate absence of a conclusion, the structure of the answer has
several qualities, with an introduction that defines the concepts and presents the four
Ps model, followed by paragraphs quite clear and well organized around the four Ps.
Criterion E
The candidate duly addresses consumer perspectives in both Malaysia and Germany;
however, for an even higher mark, some more consideration of differences within a
culture should have been acknowledged (e.g. not everyone in Germany grabs a coffee
on their way to work), or the range of stakeholders should have been wider (e.g. not
only referring to Starbucks consumers, but also to Starbucks managers and
shareholders). Weak 3.

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