Digital Radar-Signal Processors Implemented in Fpgas: Processing Can Be Performed Onboard at Relatively Low Power

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Some of the other parameters are

c=3 computed as follows:

ct0 = 2 s
c= 
rt = ( c + 1) r − s
w = 10
xt = 3
  hcr 1 
h t = max rt ,  t + 
yt = 2   s 2 
rt0 = 2
ht = 7 rt = 3 xt =  
Region c
c t0 = ( x t + 1)c − w
h = 14 r=5 h 
yt =  t 
yb = 3 rb0 = 1  rt 
Bottom rt0 = ( y t + 1) rt − h t .

If rt < r, so that there is a bottom re-

gion, then the remaining parameters are
computed as follows:
xb = 2
 w 
cb0 = 2 xb =  
 c + 1
A Rectangular Image of 10 by 14 pixels is partitioned into 17 segments by the algorithm described in c b0 = ( x b + 1)( c + 1) − w
the text.
 h − ht 
yb =  
pixel units. The limit on s for a valid re- region have height yt + 1. The first ct0  r − rt 
sult is given by s ≤ wh. columns in the top region have width rb0 = ( y b + 1)( r − rt + 1) − ( h − h t ).
The output of the algorithm is char- xt; any remaining columns in the top
acterized by, and can be described region have width xt + 1. Similarly, the
completely in terms of, several para- first rb0 rows in the bottom region have It has been verified by straightfor-
meters that are illustrated by the ex- height yb, and the remaining rows in ward algebraic analysis of these equa-
ample shown in the figure. The seg- the bottom region have height yb + 1, tions that the algorithm has the proper-
ments are arranged in r rows. A top while the first c b0 columns in the bot- ties mentioned in the first paragraph.
region of the rectangle contains seg- tom region have width xb and the re- This work was done by Matthew Klimesh
ments arranged in c columns. A possi- maining columns in the bottom region and Aaron Kiely of Caltech for NASA’s Jet
ble bottom region contains segments have width xb + 1. Propulsion Laboratory. Further informa-
arranged in c + 1 columns. The top re- The steps of the algorithm are the fol- tion is contained in a TSP (see page 1).
gion has height h t and contains r t rows lowing: First, r is computed. If h > (s – 1)w This software is available for commercial
of segments. The first rt0 rows of seg- then r = s. Otherwise, r is the unique pos- licensing. Please contact Don Hart of the Cal-
ments in the top region have height yt ; itive integer that satisfies ifornia Institute of Technology at (818) 393-
the remaining rows (if any) in the top (r – 1)rw < hs ≤ (r + 1)rw. 3425. Refer to NPO-30479.

Digital Radar-Signal Processors Implemented in FPGAs

Processing can be performed onboard at relatively low power.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California
High-performance digital electronic prevents the nearly-real-time use of the integrated circuit (ASIC), but in com-
circuits for onboard processing of re- data for automated targeting. In princi- parison with an ASIC implementation,
turn signals in an airborne precipita- ple, the onboard processing could be the present FPGA implementation of-
tion-measuring radar system have performed by a system of about 20 per- fers the advantages of (1) greater flexi-
been implemented in commercially sonal-computer-type microprocessors; bility for research applications like the
available field-programmable gate ar- relative to such a system, the present present one and (2) lower cost in the
rays (FPGAs). Previously, it was stan- FPGA-based processor is much smaller small production volumes typical of re-
dard practice to downlink the radar-re- and consumes much less power. Alter- search applications.
turn data to a ground station for natively, the onboard processing could The generation and processing of
postprocessing — a costly practice that be performed by an application-specific signals in the airborne precipitation-

30 NASA Tech Briefs, July 2004

The processing for each of the four
Input Signal With 4-MHz Bandwidth on Average channels (see figure) requires >5 × 109
5-MHz Carrier Sampled at 20 MHz Power
* multiplications per second — well be-
1/2K First-In/
First-Out yond the capabilities of traditional mi-
50-µs Memory
12-bit by 4
croprocessors. The design effort in-
Analog-to- Video Average
Digital Bandpass
Filter (256
Doppler volved the application of some
Converter Filter * Shift
1/2K First-In/ 1/2K First-In/
algorithmic tricks, careful planning of
5-MHz First-Out First-Out the allocation of the areas on the
Carrier Signal Memory Memory
FPGA to the various processing func-
Complex Samples * Complex Conjugate tions, and exploitation of the high cir-
cuit density and performance of the
The Signal-Processing Functions of one of the four channels require 5 × 109 multiplications per second. commercially available FPGAs chosen
for this application. The design has
measuring radar system in question in- noted a range gate in radar termi- made it possible to perform all the
volves the following especially notable nology) is associated with a numeri- processing required by the radar sys-
steps: cal index that corresponds to a spe- tem on two FPGAs — each one han-
• The system utilizes a total of four chan- cific time offset from the beginning dling the data for two of the four
nels — two carrier frequencies and two of the radar pulse, so that each such channels. The algorithmic tricks and
polarizations at each frequency. pair represents the energy reflected other design techniques used here
• The system uses pulse compression: from a specific range. This energy could be applied to FPGA implemen-
that is, the transmitted pulse is spread and the average echo power are com- tations of other signal-processing sys-
out in time and the received echo of puted. tems in other applications in radar,
the pulse is processed with a matched • The phase of each range bin is com- general imaging, and communica-
filter to despread it. pared to the previous echo by com- tions.
• The return signal is band-limited and plex conjugate multiplication to ob- This work was done by Andrew Berkun
digitally demodulated to a complex tain the mean Doppler shift (and and Ray Andraka of Caltech for NASA’s Jet
baseband signal that, for each pulse, hence the mean and variance of the Propulsion Laboratory. Further informa-
comprises a large number of samples. velocity of precipitation) of the echo tion is contained in a TSP (see page 1).
• Each complex pair of samples (de- at that range. NPO-30517

NASA Tech Briefs, July 2004 31

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