High-Voltage Sf6 Gas Insulated Busbars (Gil) : Field of Application

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High-voltage SF6 gas insulated busbars is the most advanced and innovative
solution in the area of busbar systems for electric power industry.

Busbars GIL are intended for power transmission with the voltage varying from 110
kV to 1,200 kV, rated current of up to 8,000 A. The first GIL systems were
manufactured in 1972. Over 156 km of these busbars are currently used worldwide.
Despite the fact that they have a rich and successful international history, Russia is
only starting to use gas-insulated lines intensively.
Field of application:
 Organisation of underground or above-ground commissioning of industrial
capacities for large cities and industrial centres;
 Installation of power transmission lines where use of overhead and cable lines
is restricted or impossible;
 Installation of reliable transmission channels of significant generating
capacities in the areas with aggressive environments;
 Connection of GIS (gas-insulated switchgear) to overhead or cable lines,
power transformers and other types of power equipment, including those
produced by different manufacturers;
 Modernisation or expansion of the existing GIS produced by various
manufactures with minimised downtime;
 Use of bus ducts in GIS;
 Interconnection of various types of power equipment produced by different
 Modernisation, expansion and optimisation of power stations and substations
with minimised downtime;
 Intersection of overhead power transmission lines;
 Convergency of outgoing lines from several transformers into one GIL line, in
order to reduce the dimension sizes of tunnels, substations, as well as in
compliance with requirements for switchgear; and
 Use of the electrical capacities of pumped storage power stations and
hydroelectric power plants from underground turbine rooms for connections to
overhead power transmission lines along vertical or inclined chutes with a
significant level difference.
Main advantages of GIL AZZ, CGIT series
 high transmission capacity and overload capability;
 low losses per phase metre;
 no power factor correction required;
 negligible electromagnetic field;
 connection to any type of power equipment;
 high reliability and long service life—more than 40 years of trouble-free
 reliable operation in aggressive environments: sand, dust, moisture; low and
high temperatures, wind and sleet loads, water and salts;
 diversity of installation techniques: directly in the ground, in tunnels or
trenches, overland or in vertical chutes;
 flexible route layout: due to the direction change at any angle; and
 prompt installation and commissioning thanks to the flanged technology
GIL busbars is a reliable and compact alternative solution as compared with cable
and overhead power transmission lines. Effective screening of electrical and
magnetic fields minimise the requirements for land allocation areas and ensure much
safer operating conditions than regular cable systems.

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