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Congress of Anatomists
The 7th International Congress of
Anatomists and the 73rd annual meet-
ing of the American Association of
Anatomists were held jointly in New
York City, 11-16 April. All of the sci-
entific sessions, except for certain sym-
posia, were held at the Statler Hilton
Hotel. The Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, the College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Columbia University,
Gas Con Cornell University Medical College,
New York Medical College, New York
University-Bellevue Medical Center,
New York University College of Den-
tistry, the Downstate Medical Center
of the State University of New York,
and the Rockefeller Institute for Medi-
cal Research were the host institutions.
Members of the congress committee
were George W. Corner (president of
the congress), H. Stanley Bennett
(president of the American Association
of Anatomists), Joseph C. Hinsey, Don
W. Fawcett, and Wilfred A. Copen-
haver. The local committee consisted of
Ernst Scharrer, James B. Hamilton,
Leonard L. Ross, and Roy C. Swan; the
program committee, of Oliver P. Jones,
Murray L. Barr, Edward H. Bloch, Ed-
ward W. Dempsey, Herbert Elftman.
Compared t o ordinary vacuum-insulated vessels, t h e LINDELD-25 William U. Gardner, and Pinckney J.
has a 50% lower evaporation rate! It's t h e most practical and eco- Harman.
The attendance (exclusive of guests)
nomical container available, and can bring substantial gavings i n the approximated 1700 individuals, includ-
storage of liquefied atmospheric gases. Here's why: ing 337 from outside the United States.
These latter came from 41 countries
Holding time-liquid oxygen loss rate at only 4% per day; nitrogen at 5%;
(from Canada, 76; Great Britain, 65;
neon, 4%; argon, 8%. Germany, 24; Japan, 21; France and
Capacity is 25 liters, yet weighs only 19 Ibs. empty-less than containers that Mexico, 17 each; the U.S.S.R., 14; the
hold only !4 as much. Netherlands, 12; Argentina and Italy,
Wide neck permits emptying in 90 seconds, 10 times faster than old-fashioned 8 each; Sweden, 7; China, India, and
narrow-neck containers. Filling time is also reduced.
Yugoslavia, 5 each; Australia, Belgium,
and Switzerland, 4 each; Brazil, Ecua-
Automatic pressure withdrawal tube, dipper, and roller caster base are dor, El Salvador, Finland, North Ire-
available. land, and the Union of South Africa, 3
each; Austria, Colombia, Peru, Thai-
land, and Venezuela, 2 each; the Belgian
LINDEguarantees all of its con- Congo, Costa Rica, Denmark, Egypt,
tainers against defective material Hungary, Korea, New Zealand, Nor-
and workmanship for a period of way, Panama, the Philippines, Spain,
one year from date of shipment. Uganda, and Vietnam, 1 each). A grant
This includes a one year guaran. from the U.S. Public Health Seniice
tee against excessive evaporation made it possible for many of the for-
loss. eign participants to attend; 159 indi-
viduals from overseas were aided by
this grant.
p-------------------I'-- Six hundred and two papers, 36 mo-
I Limle Company, Division of Union Carbide Corporation Oept. SC-82 I tion pictures, and 126 demonstrations
1 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N.Y. were presented. The papers given at the
I Please send me information on regular sessions may be grouped, for
I LD-25Liquefied Gas Container convenience, into the following cate-
1 other equipment for liquefied atmospheric gases
gories: Neurology (general, experi-
I R (please specify)
I Name mental, comparative), 134; microscopic
I FirmName anatomy (histology, cytology, histo-
. ..
Ii Addreaa . --- chemistry), 123; embryology (human,
Zone-State iI "Union Carbide"
are registered trade-marl
of Union Carbide Cowontion.
comparative, and experimental em-
bryology; teratology; reproduction),
426 SCIENCE, VOL. 132
9 1; general morphology (gross anat- 5-12. International Soc. of Bioclima-
omy, physical anthropology, compara-
tive anatomy), .72; endocrinology, 71;
tology and Biometerology, 2nd cong., Lon-
don, England. (E. M. Glasen, Dept. of I THE HUMAN INTEGUMENT I
hematology, 32; histophysiology, 11; Physiology, London Hospital Medical
College, Turner St., London, E.l) I NORMAL AND ABNORMAL I
histopathology, 11. In addition, there
were five symposia: on the eye (33
5-15. International Scientific Radio I Editor: Stephen Rothmon 1959
Union, London, England. (R. L. Smith-
papers), on anatomy and biomechanics
of bone (8 papers), on pituitary circu-
Rose, Radio Research Station, DSIR, Dit- I AAAS Symposium Volume No. 54
A symposium presented on 28-29 De-
ton Park; Slough, Bucks, England)
lation (4 papers), on bone-marrow 5-17.Photogrammetry, 9th intern. cong., cember 1957, a t the Indianapolis
meeting of the American Associotion
circulation ( 3 papers), and in tribute London, England. (J. B. P. Angwin, Intern. ,for the Advoncement of Science ond
to Elmer G. Butler by his former stu- Soc. for Photogrammetry, 18 Cavendish cosponsored by the Committee on
dents (9 papers). Sq., London, W.l) Cosmetics of the American Medical
Entertainment provided for congress 6-7. Some Fundamental Aspects of Association and the Society for In-
Atomic Reactions, symp., Montreal, vestigative Dermatology. The volume
members and guests included a smoker, Canada. (J. C. Polanyi, Dept. of Chemis- offers a fair illustration of what has
a banquet, a boat trip around Man- try, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto 5, Canada) been achieved by modern research in
hattan, and a n evening reception at the 6-8. Nuclear and Radio-Chemistry, cultaneous physiology and pathophys-
Metropolitan Museum of Art. iology.
symp., Chalk River, Ontario, Canada.
WILLIAML. STRAUS,JR. (R. H. Betts, Atomic Energy of Canada 270 pp., 59 illus., index, cloth. $6.75
AAAS members' cash orders $5.75
Johns Hopkins University, Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario)
Baltimore, Maryland 6-8. Society of General Physiologists,
annual, Woods Hole, Mass. (J. W. Green, Chapters
Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.) 1) The Integument as an Organ of
6-17. Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Protection
Forthcoming Events the Physical Sciences and Industry, conf., 2 ) Circulation and Vasculaq Reaction
September Copenhagen, Denmark. (International 3) Sebaceous Gland Secretion
Atomic Energy Agency, 11 Kiirntner 4) Pathogenetic Factors in Pre-malig-
3-10. International Cong. of Preventive Ring, Vienna 1, Austria) nant Conditions and Malignan-
Medicine and Social Hygiene, 8th, Bad 7-8. Canadian Textile Seminar, 7th, cies of the Skin
Aussee, Austria. (A. Rottmann, Liechten- Kingston, Ontario. (J. M. Merriman,
steinstrasse 32/4, Vienna 9, Austria) Textile Technical Federation of Canada, British Agents Bailey Bros. Swinfen,
Ltd., Hyds House, W. Central Street,
4-9. Cell Biology, 10th intern cong., 223 Victoria Ave., Westmount, P.Q.) London, W.C.1
Paris, France. (M. Chkvremont, Institut 7-9. Canadian High Polymer Forum,
d'Histologie, 20, rue de Pitteurs, Liege, loth, Ste. Marguerite, near Montreal,
Belgium) Quebec, Canada. (D. A. I. Goring, CHPF, AAAS
4-9. Laurentian Hormone Conf., Mont Pulp and Paper Research Inst., McGill 1616 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Tremblant, Quebec, Canada. (Arrange- Univ., Montreal) Washington 5, D.C.
ments Committee, Laurentian Hormone 7-9. International Soc. of Geographical
Conf., 222 Maple St., Shrewsbury, Mass.) Pathology, 7th conf., London, England.
4-10. International Soc. of Orthopaedic (J. S. Young, ISGP, c/o Dept. of Patholo-
gy, Forresterhill, Aberdeen, Scotland)
Surgery and Traumatology, 8th cong., New
York, N.Y. (A. Bailleux, Socittt de Chi- 7-9. International Union of Pure and Try U NITR-ON'S new
rurgie Orthopediquer et de Traumatologie, Applied Physics, Ottawa, Canada. (P. Fleu-
34, rue Montoyer, Brussels, Belgium) ry, 3, Boulevard Pasteur, Paris 15", France)
4-10. World Cong. of Anaesthesiologists, 7-9. Joint Automatic Control Conf.,
Toronto, Canada. (R. A. Gordon, 516 Boston, Mass. (H. A. Miller, Taylor In-
Medical Arts Bldg., Toronto 5) strument Co., 95 Ames St., Rochester 1,
4-14. International Societies of Hema- N.Y.) M I C R O S C O=
tology and Blood Transfusion, 8th cong., 7-10. Calorimetry, 15th conf., Gatlin-
Tokyo, Japan. (S. Murakami, Blood Trans- burg, Tenn. (D. W. Osborne, Argonne The Model MPS is a precision indru-
mant desimed to meet the cxactint
fusion Laboratory, Japanese Red Cross Natl. Laboratory, P.O. Box 299, Lemont, reauirements ol science, education
Soc., Shibuya, Tokyo) Ill.) and industry. ldealfor work in chemis-

5-7. Society for Biological Rhythm, 7th 8-9. Technical Comunications, 2nd - .
-, well as
the technology of paper. glass, text$les
conf., Siena, Italy. (A. Sollberger, Dept. annual, Dayton, Ohio. (D. G. Peterson, and petroleum.

of Anatomy, Caroline Inst., Stockholm 60) Jr., Soc. of Technical Writers and Editors, Eyepiscas: SX (micro.). IOX (crass.)
Ob~mllves: 4X. 10X. 10X. achro.
5-8. Legal and Administrative Problems 4564 Marlin Ave., Dayton 16, Ohio) matc, strain-tree, cenlerable
of Protection in the Field of the Peaceful 8-10. American Political Science Assoc., - .
Applications of Atomic Energy, intern. New York, N.Y. (E. M. Kirkpatrick, 1726 Substage condenser: focurable.
3-lens, swing-out lop mount,
symp., Brussels, Belgium. (Communautt Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington 6 ) diaphragm

EuropCenne de 1'Energie Atomique, rue 8-10. Great Issues of Conscience in ~olaroibpotarirer:rotatable 360° \
Polaro~danalyzer: in sliding mount I
Belliard 5 1-53, Brussels) Modem Medicine, Hanover, N.H. (G. Bertrand lens: centerable A
5-9. Chemical Engineering (Czecho- O%onnell, Dartmouth College News Serv- Stare: ll5mm diameter revolves
360% reads to 6'with vdrnicr
slovak Chemical Soc. ) , Prague, Czecho- ice, Hanover) 2 ComDensalors: quarter-wave
slovakia. (Technickir 1905, Prague-Dejvice, 8-10. Parapsychological Assoc., 3rd. an- plate and 6rst order red plate

Focusing: both cbane and fine
Czechoslovakia) nual, New York, N.Y. (W. G. Roll, Para-
5-10. Microbiology of Non-Alcholic psychology Laboratory, Duke Univ., Dur- FREE TEl
Beverages, 5th intern. symp., Evian, ham, N.C.) Quantity prirsr -.. ....-- -.
France. (D. A. A. Mossell, Intern. Assoc. 8-18. History of Medicine, 17th intern. Ac(mory machmical stage $14.75
of Microbiological Societies, c/o Central wng., Athens and Isle of Cos, Greece.
Inst. for Nutrition Research, Catherinjne- (S. Oeconomos. Faculty of eMdicine, Na-
singe1 61, Utrecht, Netherlands) tional and Capodistrian Univ. of Athens,
5-9. Medium and Small Power Reac- Odos panepistimiou, Athens, Greece)
tors, conf., Vienna, Austria. (International 10-1 I. Air Pollution, intern. cong.,
Atomic Energy Agency, 11 Karntner Ring, New York, N.Y. (A. B. Conlin, Jr., 1 Please rush UNITRON's Microstope Catalog 1F-2 I
Vienna 1) ASME, 29 W. 39th St., New York 18) I Nmms I
5-10. Operational Research, 2nd intern. 11-15. International College of Sur- I
conf., Aim-en-Provence, France. (Interna- geons, 12th intern. cong., New York, 1
Company I
tional Federation of Operational Research N.Y. (M. Thorek, ICS, 850 W. Irving
Societies, 11 Park Lane, London, W.l) Park Rd., Chicago 13, Ill.) L""J,,'
12 AUGUST 1960 427

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