Maniquez, John Lester M. Bs Psychology 3-1 Activity 2

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Define intelligence in your own words. Is it solely the product of heredity or

learning? Or an interaction between two? Explain

-For me, Intelligence is the capacity of human beings to do integral and additional functions
not just the body but as a whole. When we say intelligence, we speak of the functionality and
efficiency of an individual to cultivate and execute learning through different facets as we have
different heightened intelligence varying from person to person also known as multiple

Intelligence is both product of heredity and learning, an interaction of natural and nurturing
process. You are innate completed by genetically imbued talents and traits and yet you have a
choice to nurture and acquire new things to harness your natural talents, thinking process and
judgment, and to be able to adjust yourself in this ever changing world for the sake of survival.
Just as the Cartesian Dualism by René Descartes explains, our body is divided into two distinct
fractions, one is the physical matter who is subjected for scientific inquiries and abides law of
nature, and the other is a human mind comprising the soul, self, or spirit detached from scientific
exploration and natural laws, giving us a distinct separation of human brain and human mind that
both contributes to intellectual capacity of an individual. These leads to both scientific knowledge
and beliefs that human beings had in order to have bases of their own reasoning and way of

How might factors such as personality and gender influence measured intelligence?

-Personality and gender must not be entertained when it comes to intelligence, because it
may lead to larger conflicting gap between people, it is a really complex and sensitive topic to
argue to, but it has been said that nature and nurture contributes to a solid foundation of
someone’s intellect.n these, beliefs and way of thinking is affected that is shown in their
reasoning and understanding of a particular issue. Personality and gender afflicts intelligence for it
caters experience that molds thinking capacity and decision making of a person such as gender
norms and personal feelings. It is not just the learning but also to the process and nature of the
person observed.
Measuring intelligence-personality tests were widely observed in companies and corporations
basically in their application and hiring of employees. These tests integrates the two to be able to
find such employees that would be a perfect fit for the job, properly equipped with knowledge
and personality. Aside from intelligence-personality, there is also a gender-intelligence whereas
widely seen in surveys and studies where they compare intellectual or academic performance of
one gender to another. Example of these are: comparing multiple intelligence of Female and Male
students, study about what gender is more equipped or knowledgeable in mathematics, and even
academic performance of male and female students. These studies, even they leads to creating
gender conflicts and stereotypes, were actually helping scholars and professionals better
understand their situations and can be of help in developing treatments for some.

Arthur Jensen has written that differences in measured intelligence between

“should not be permitted to influence the treatment accorded to
individuals of any race – in education, employment, legal justice and political and
civil rights… Those who would accord any treatment to individuals solely by
virtue of their race will no rational support in any of the scientific findings from
psychological testing or present day theories of differential psychology.”
Do you agree? Why or why not?
-I definitely agree with this statement. We should not tolerate racism in any aspect of life.
Race is not predetermined to a person thus, this does not have to be a basis of any measure. It is
as sensitive as we talked about gender the only exception is that gender generalized all person
under it regardless of nation, but race talks about stratification since race became a huge scar in
the face of history. We cannot degrade nor emphasize a distinct race be it in academic or social
field. Let us be a fair and just regardless of physical features of a distinct race or nationality.
Although some of people is not open to accept this kind of idea, we must fight the stigma about
varying races and minimize its damages since we cannot eradicate the judgment and racial norms
in one culture. It is everybody’s right to respect ones race , it is not a ticket to judge others who
do not belong to your faction, it is not a pass to neglect their needs or to prioritized particular
race, and ultimately, it is not an acceptable reason in comparing intellectual capacity. Be sensitive
and understanding enough to not to conduct any studies regarding racial differences. Yes it gives
us knowledge and provides us information, but this also creates uncontrollable racial disputes and
social division. It is good to not support those kinds of research for they do not provide solutions
to problem but creating more problems.

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