Work Motivation

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December 3, 2020

Motivation—why anyone does any of the things that they do—is very hard to accurately find
out. Employees’ motivation to work is only slightly less complex. Each of the types and dimensions
of motivation suggests a slightly different strategy and techniques for fostering motivation. If
employees are best motivated extrinsically, for example, then rewarding them cash and bonuses
for their work would be a smart choice. However, if to motivate your employees involve changing
their concept of self, then giving a reward and bonus for their work might actually be harmful not
just on their work entirely but also with their esteem and passion.
Even within each employee, motivation in one task or duty could be completely independent
from element motivating that same employee in a different circumstance. Some employees may
be motivated and sustained directly by their self-efficacy beliefs, whereas others are motivated to
exerting effort, persist, and achieve because of their life objectives, their personal interests, their
values and beliefs, and even some other factors. Learning to bridge motivational factors to each of
employee is vital, especially in HR management.
For this reason, HR mangers must know the different sources or factors that might affect the
employees’ motivation: (1) rewarding effort, work, or accomplishments, (2) factors affecting
employees’ goals, (3) addressing family and social context, (4) addressing the work environment
pressure and stresses, and (5) creatively appealing to employees’ personal interests. With these,
an HR manager can plan thoroughly how he/she act to motivate and energized each employees.

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