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The world is ever changing thus, organizations and industries need to adapt and be ready as business

environment, both global and local economies, are fast-moving. Nowadays, enterprises need to
inculcate new and innovative ideas and technological advancements that will secure a broad market
to them. This been said, workplace systems and strategies must be adjustable to change to evolve and
to remain competitive. So, in order for a particular company to handle change effectively they should
(1) clearly discuss and define the change and align it to their goals to determine the value of the
change, (2) know the changes’ impacts to be able to determine specific effects in different
organizational levels, (3) develop a communication strategy and provide effective training, (4) create a
support structure that aids for your employees emotional and practical adjustments to the change,
and (5) calculate the whole change process to know the potential of the adjustment and to ensure
reinforcement opportunities exist to build proficiency inside an organization. With these, the
organization can secure a smooth transition not just for the employees, but also for the sake of the
whole company.

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