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Kevin Passi

Engl 363

Sept 11,2020

8/27/2020 Rhetorical Analysis of Our Definition Prompt

Purpose: Based off of the scenario, the primary purpose of this scenario is to select the best definition
for the publication of Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. This will be used for the new expanded
edition of this text and this procedure of submitting definitions will help narrow down the most qualified

Intended Readers: In the Scenario, the definition is going to be used for the Encyclopedia of Science and
Technology, so most likely the readers will be in the science or technology field and more specifically,
students. This is a textbook so it will most likely be used for students and the professors that read the
books. Since the editor is looking for the explanations and illustration of a definition, it will most likely be
used for students that are new to the science field or are taking a lower division science course.

Order: The order of this prompt is very organized and is listed from the most important information first,
followed by the suggestions and formats of the definition. The background of the information is listed
right away explaining the need for the definition. This is followed by the deadlines, which is the next
important thing; after this is the objectives that they are looking for and the requirements for the paper.
The rest of the page is suggestion and formats of the paper, the suggestions are more of helping the
writer out and the formats are just general formats there to prevent any confusion in case the writer has
any questions.

Evidence: There are a few pieces of evidence that can be found in almost each section, the first of which
is in the scenario. There is a link to the text book so the writer can see what kind of work that he needed
for the project. For the deadlines and objectives, there are links and references that are present that
refer to the documents that are provided for the class for more evidence if it is necessary. And finally, in
the format there are 2 more links that are linked to the websites of two universities that are highly

Style and Tone: The style of this paper is more professional, informational and informative, there are no
comments or personal reflections and just contains information about the job. It is very precise and to
the point and all the information is compartmentalized into different sections

Graphic Presentation: There are not a lot of graphics found in the document but there are still a few that
are used to catch the reader's attention. One of the most used graphics is the use of bullet points, this
small addition helps pull the reader's attention to the information provided in the text. One of the
largest graphics is the Due dates section. This image catches the reader's attention the most because
this is one of the most important section in the document because it involves the deadline of the
project. The use of bolding is used in certain areas to signify a new section to prevent any confusion.

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There are many similarities between the structure of the three definitions, one of the easiest to observe
is the use of graphics in the definitions. Images and diagrams help the reader visualize the definition and
can help the reader know what the definition is about. The order of the information is also observed,
most of the important facts are mention first, such as the definition and a brief introduction about what
the theory is about. Other facts are the history, how the theory works and how it is seen in other
situations. Evidence can also be seen in each definition; it is in the use of different links or citations or
facts that are mentioned in the paragraphs. The style and tone are formal and informational, providing
the information only with no personal commentary. Many of these styles can be applied to my paper
when I start writing, one for which is the use of graphics or images. This will very helpful when discussing
my topic and it might be useful to add in a diagram to further reinforce my definition. The order of
information is important because it will help grab the reader's attention and keep them focused on the
details in my paper. In my paper I plan to use a lot of evidence to support my information and citing my
sources is just as important. Citing sources after they are used and at the end of my paper is extremely
important and I plan to do both to acknowledge the authors of the information. And the style and tone
of my paper will be as neutral and informative as possible to prevent any bias which may upset the

My major is Biology, and the keyword I’d like to define is antibodies.

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