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Smart Safelist Presents

Safelist Marketing Success Guide

Learn How To Use Safelists To Grow

Your Business And Online Income


Part 1: The Truth About Safelists

What is a safelist
Safelist myths busted

Part 2: Getting Started

What to look for before you join a safelist

Best safelists to join

Regular Safelists
Credit Safelists

Part 3: Setting Up Your Email

Setting up your email accounts
Creating labels in Gmail

Video showing you how to setup your email and labels

Part 4: Avoiding Mistakes

Key things you shouldn’t do

Part 5: Creating Your Ads

Creating headlines
Creating ad copy

Video showing you how to create good ads

Part 6: Posting Your Ads

Credit Mailer
Regular Mailer
Text ad vs. HTML ad
Best time to post your ads

Video showing you how to use a regular and credit mailer

Part 7: Building A List With Safelists

Generating leads
Using a safelists with an auto responder

Part 8: Safelist Secrets

Banners ads
Text ads
Solo ads

I’ve been marketing and working online since 2005, and one
of the first marketing techniques I used was safelists.

Safelist advertising has always been an effective way for me

to get leads, and help grow my online business. In fact I still
use safelists today, because they continue to be a great
method of online marketing.

Over the years people have asked me time and time again
how I was able to generate so many leads is such a little
amount of time, and I would tell them one word. Safelists.

However just because I told people what I did to generate

my leads didn’t mean they had the same success that I’ve
had with them.

That is why I’ve decided to create this safelist marketing

success guide. To help teach others how to use safelists the
correct way so they too can increase the size of their
business and they amount of money they make online.

Part 1: The Truth About Safelists

What is a safelist

A safelist is a simple system where people can join as either

a free member or a paid member. When you join you can
send emails to the list of members that are joined to the
safelist. By joining a safelist you are agreeing to receive
emails from other safelist members so you should NOT use
your main email address as you will receive a lot of emails.

Safelist myths busted

Myth - Safelists don’t work

Safelists are proven to work, and have been working for

years. You just need to know how to use safelists the correct

Myth – Nobody will see your ad or website

This is a common myth that gets passed on to new

marketers who are looking to use safelists as a way of
advertising. The truth is people will see your ad, and they
will click on your links inside your message.

There are methods that can greatly increase how well your
safelist ads perform, and we will go over these later on, but
never listen to someone who says your ads will not be seen
or you will not receive any visits to your website.

Myth – You need to buy a special email account

Some people think you need an email account that will clean
your inbox for you due to the amount of emails you will
receive. This is not true. These types of email accounts are a
complete waste of your time and money.

I personally use Gmail for all my safelist email accounts.

Myth – The more safelists you join the better

A lot of people always think more is better. In some cases

that is true, but when it comes to safelists that isn’t the

The truth is not all safelists are going to be worth your time,
money, and energy. I personally only use about 10 safelists.
You want to look for quality safelists, and sometimes they
are not always the ones with the most members.

Part 2: Getting Started

What you should look for before you join a safelist

When you first join a safelist it’s important to look at what

the safelist offers before you become a free or paid member.

Not all safelists are great for marketing. Every safelist is

different, and some let you do more then others.

So before you join any safelist it’s a good idea to first look at
what they offer and compare them to other safelists.

What I recommend you do is first create a list of 10 safelists

you are looking to join, and compare each one and go with
your top 5.

Here is a list of things to look at before you join a safelist.


How many members does it have

Is it a credit based safelist or no
What types of membership does it offer
Does it have a credit mailer and a regular mailer
Do they offer other forms of advertising
Do they let you place a banner ad or text ad

Best safelists to join

Now I’ve gone and done most of the hard work for you
already. Since I’ve been using safelists online for so many
years I have a good understanding of which ones are the
most active, and which are the best ones to join.

Smart Safelist
The Traffic Secret
Safelist Pro
Target Safelist
Elite Safelist
Newage Marketing Safelist
Safelist Xl
Active Safelist
There are a lot of safelists online. These are ones I
personally use, and have experienced success with.

Feel free to use and search for other safelists, as I’ve yet to
uncover them all, and I’m sure there are a lot of great ones
still out there waiting to be found.

Regular Safelists

A regular safelist allows you to email other members of the

safelist however there is no real reason for people to click on
your ads. These are the older style safelists, and they are
slowly becoming outdated.

When posting to a regular safelist it will be a little more

difficult to get people to open up your email so it’s important
you take a little more time when creating your headline as it
will be the most important thing.

I personally only use one regular safelist, and that is

Herculist. I’ve used them for years with good results, and
highly recommend them.

Credit Safelists

This is the way I recommend you go. Credit based safelists

give people a reason to open your email and visit your

Each time someone opens your email and clicks the link
inside to visit your website they have to stay on your
website for a cretin amount of time before they earn credits.

After they earn credits they can then use them for things
such as banner ad impressions, text ad impressions, and
sending their own ad out to the safelist.

So there are a number of reasons why people will not only

open your email, but also click on your link and visit your


Another good thing about credit based safelists is you can be

a horrible writer and still see good results. So don’t worry if
you’re not the world’s greatest writer.

Part 3: Setting Up Your Email

Setting up your email accounts

When you join a safelist it’s going to ask you for 2 emails
addresses. One will be your contact email address and
the other will be your list email address as shown in the
image below.

It’s important to make sure you don’t use an email account

from places like Yahoo, AOL, or Hotmail as these have spam

filters, and will have a tuff time getting emails.

I personally use Gmail (Google E-mail), and I highly

recommend you do the same. Gmail is the best solution for
joining safelists, and almost every safelist you join will
recommend that you use them.

Now when you do go to create your email accounts make

your emails something simple, and remember you will only
be using these for when you join safelists.

Example of emails:

One of the mistakes most people make when creating their

safelist accounts is they use their real contact address, and
make a random email account for their list address. This is
a big mistake don’t do it.

Creating labels in Gmail

Gmail allows you to setup labels for your incoming emails.

Labels are very useful when you are a member of a number

of different safelists. You should create a new label for each
safelist you join.

Setting up labels will help sort all the incoming emails you
get into different folders. This allows you to easily select

emails from different safelists.

Below is an example of what labels look like in Gmail


Watch this short video on how to create 2 new email accounts

with Gmail, and how to setup your labels.

Part 4: Avoiding Mistakes

Key things you shouldn’t do

One of the biggest mistakes most people do is they go into

their email and delete all the messages. This is a huge
mistake. There are a few things you should first do before
you delete all your emails.

One thing you should first do is find out which safelists you
are running low on credits with, and spend a little time
earning some credits so you will have enough to send out
more messages later on.

Another thing you need to do, and this is really important is

before you delete all your email messages you should first
look at the headlines, and see which ones jump out at you.
Then write down the headlines and use them as guidelines
for creating your own headlines.

There aren’t many people out there who look at email

headlines, and if you become one of them you can really
capitalize on other people’s big mistakes.

Part 5: Creating Your Ads

Creating headlines

Headlines are the most important part of your ad. They will
determine whether or not someone clicks on your ad. Most
people think you need to be a professional writer in order to
create good headlines, and you don’t.

Creating good headlines are actually pretty easy to do. If

you follow and do what we went over in the above section
you will have a much easier time creating your headlines.

Some of the best headlines ask a question, other good

headlines feed of off emotions such as Intellectual,
Empathetic, and Spiritual.

One place I like to use to help me create my headlines is

Headline Analyzer. This free tool simply allows you to put in
your headline, and it will analyze it for you. It will then

return a number ranging from 0 – 100. I usually aim for a

score of 50 or higher.

Try it out, and test different headlines and see which scores
you get. Once you get a score of 50 or better you have a
winner! Write that headline down and save it so you can use
it again later on with your ads.

Creating ad copy

Your ad copy doesn’t play as big of a role as your headline

does, however it still needs to point people in the direction
of your website link.

Here are a few things to avoid when you crate your ad copy

Don’t sell people

It’s very important that your ads don’t sell people. People
hate reading a sales pitch. If they see your ad is trying to
sell them something they are more likely to close your email.

Don’t create long ads

It’s a proven fact that people don’t read every part of an
email or website. Most people simply scan while reading. So
those long ads usually get closed. The best thing to do is
keep your ad copy short and sweet.

Don’t give away to much information

If you give away to much information in your ad then there
will be no need to click on your website link. Giving less

information creates curiosity and makes people click on your

links more often.

Note: To increase my clicks from my ads I use action words

before my website link like “Check it out”, and “Urgently go
here”, or I’ll I use things like “Spots are limited hurry”.

Watch this short video showing you how to create good ads

Part 6: Posting Your Ads

Credit Mailer

The credit mailer gives you the ability to send out an email
to the safelist using a cretin amount of your credits.

Example: If you had 500 credits you could then send out an
email to 500 members of the safelist.

If you don’t have enough credits to send out an email you

can get more credits by clicking on the special credit links
inside the email messages you receive from other members
of the safelist.

Below is an image of a typical credit mailer


Regular Mailer

This allows you to send out an email to the safelist even if


you don’t have any credits left. Most safelists don’t offer the
option to use the regular mailer; however there are a few
safelists that do allow it.

A few that I know of are…

Smart Safelist
Newage Marketing Safelist
Safelist Xl

When using the regular mailer you will notice is it setup the
same as the credit mailer. The only different between the
two is that the regular mailer will not ask you to enter in the
website address you are promoting, and it will also not ask
you to enter credits.

Text ad vs. HTML ad

When posting to safelists you are probably going to wonder

should you post your ad in Text or HTML.

With the way spam filters are setup today I highly

recommend you post your ads in text format rather then
HTML. Text ads are less likely to be blocked by spam filters
as they are giving a lower spam rating.

As for HTML ads I would ONLY use this method if you are
trying to either brand a product, or your image.
HTML ads are good for branding as you can show a picture
of your product or you could show a picture of yourself.

This works because people will start to get use to seeing

either your product image or a picture of you and assume

you are a big time marketer, or that your product is very


Best time to post your ads

It doesn’t really matter what time of day you post your ads.
I’ve experimented posting ads only in the morning, only in
the afternoon, only in the evening, and only at night.

I’ve never seen a huge increase or decrease in the amount

of traffic I got from my ads. This has led me to believe that
posting at one time or another will not affect your ads.

There are some people who say that lunch time is the best
time to post, while others will say to post around dinner
time, and even some say its best to post late at night.

My recommendation to you is to experiment for yourself, and

see which times you feel you get the best results.

I personally post 3 times per day. I post once in the early

morning, once in the afternoon, and once late at night. I’ve
found this is what works best for me.

Watch this video as it will show you how to use both the regular, and
credit mailer.

Part 7: Building A List With Safelists

Generating leads

Safelists are a great way to generate leads for your business.

However I find that most people aren’t taking advantage of
this when they are promoting in safelists.

I find that most people are trying to hard to “sell” people

and are sending them directly to a sales page. Sure this can
work, and can generate you a few sales, but this isn’t what
you should be doing (so if you do this STOP).

What you should be doing is sending people to what is

called a lead capture page. The purpose of a lead capture
page is to capture people’s names and email addresses.

Click here to see an example of a lead capture page I used

not to long ago when I was working online with my brother.

The goal of a lead capture page is to give away bits of

information then have people opt-in to your form. Now if you
give away to much information there will be no need to opt-
in. You can also give away free products and gifts to
increase the amount of people that opt-in.

This is exactly what I did when I first started working online.

I used safelists as my marketing tool, and sent people to my
lead capture page, and started to build my first ever email

Using a safelists with an auto responder

After you collect peoples name and email addresses from

your lead capture page the next thing you need to do is
follow up with them via email and this is where an auto

responder comes into play.

An auto responder is a simple email system that allows you

to automatically send follow up emails out to the people who
opted into your lead capture page.

I personally use Aweber as my auto responder system. I’ve

been with them for over 3 years, and they have been great.
If you don’t have an auto responder yet I recommend

How to use safelits to build an email list and make money:

Send people to your lead capture page

Collect their name and email address
Send follow up messages with helpful information, or free
gifts for 1 – 2 weeks (helps build up trust)
Send follow up messages with your products

The above is the exact system that I’ve been using since I
started working online, and it has enabled me to make some
good money.

Part 8: Safelist Secrets

Banners ads

Almost every safelist you join will allow you to post banner

ads. This is a great way to brand either yourself or your

product. Banner ads can also generate a good amount of
clicks to your website. I recommend posting a banner and
keeping it active where ever and whenever you can.

Text Ads

Almost ever safelist you join allows you to place a text ad.
Statistics have shown that text ads generate more clicks
then any other type of ad. However not everyone uses text
ads as they focus mainly on the credit and regular mailer. So
if you haven’t posted any text ads at your favorite safelists I
recommend you start doing it.

Solo Ads

This is probably the best kept secret there is about safelists.

You’ll find a lot of your safelists offer solo ads for a small fee.
They can range anywhere from as low as $3 to as much as
$65 (depending how big the safelist is).

Solo ads are ads that get delivered directly to everyone’s

contact email address. Buying solo ads from safelists are a
VERY effective way of advertising, and can jump start your

I’ve bought a number of solo ads from safelists over the

years, and have earned some good money from them.

If you haven’t bought a solo ad from a safelist and are

looking for an affordable way to market your business online
I suggest you buy one and test it out.

A few places I recommend for solo ads are…

Adtactics (huge list I get great response)

GotSafelist (huge list plus they guarantee visitors)
Smart Safelist (offers very affordable solo ads)
The Traffic Secret (good size list with good response)
Safelist Pro
Elite Safelist (good size list with good response)
Newage Marketing Safelist
Herculist (buy when they are on sale for $25)
Safelist Xl (good size list with good response)
Active Safelist

About The Author:

Hi my name is Chris Rohrer. I’ve been successfully working online for more then
4 years, and have helped a number of people successfully start working from

I own Beginners Profit Guide, Smart Safelist, Rohrer Marketing, and a number of
other websites online.

I will be the first to tell you its great to work online, but it takes work, time, and
a little bit of money to get started.

Set goals and work one day at a time towards them, and never let anyone tell
you that you cannot do it because YOU CAN.

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