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Lazo, Myles N.

PE3 August 13, 2020

AC-2A Mr. Jayson Nicholas R. Viray

1. What are your expectations in the conduct of Flexible Learning (online class) for
your PE3 – Individual/Dual Sports class?

Given the fact that we're doing it online, I 'm hoping that even though we're far
away from each other, our physical education lessons will still take place in the real
world, not just on a tablet, laptop, or smartphone screen.

The real-life part of this course is always up to us. We can use sports that we're
already involved or interested in, just like playing badminton. Others may add swimming,
running, walking, or other physical activity to their schedule.

I 'm expecting our class to be consisted of computer-based portions, activities, or

offline tasks. With the computer-based portion, I mean, the synchronous meetings we’re
going to have. We can talk about physiology online and complete writing assignments, or
take tests and various exercises, including sports that will help to strengthen our body.

As a student who’s new to this kind of learning, I expect online PE won't be easy,
but the key to a lighter load is to enjoy it. Throughout our collegiate life, we are expected
to accomplish those goals, no matter how long it takes that's why I hope we'll all be held
to the same standards, regardless of our shortcomings, temperament, capacity, or

2. What are your suggestions on how best you think we would be able to conduct this
PE class given that this will be just pure online and offline class?

Since classes are being shifted online, our Colegio is showing us that we still have
to give importance of making us (students) exercise or be physically active at least one
hour per day/week.
I am suggesting an introduction of a mini-program on our virtual classroom, in
Facebook or even Youtube that offers technical training videos for us to watch and try.
The instructor may also present activities and suggestions of individual or dual sports for
us to do in and out of the GClass. Throughout the online class, we may follow videos and
record the exercises and upload the clips to the classroom.

Besides being comfortable with our place, being able to choose our activities is
another benefit here. While our lessons may focus on health-enhancing levels of physical
activity (cardio, strength, and flexibility), we may also have the chance to choose our
own activities within the parameters of this course. My classmates who engage in an
activity program such as dance, individual or dual sports, may also count those activities
they are already doing to fulfill their PE class requirements.

When we choose activities that we enjoy, we are more likely to get started and
stick with it over time. It will provide us with a continuous balanced lifestyle— which is,
after all, the aim of quality physical education.

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