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The Pet Vine

3. Concept improvement Reiteration:

After the discussion with the Peer group of The UK pets company there were certain points that were redesigned so that they could cover up the concepts of the business and could assist in developing a new Business canvas
Model which would be covering all the left-out options and areas that were vital to be covered so that they could assist in developing the business effectually.

Improved Business canvas Model:

Title: Downy vacation

Key Partners: Key activities: Value propositions: Customer relationships: Customer segment:
 Business personas  Marketing  Inbound content  Mass customized  Causal travellers
 Old age people  Selling animal products  Management of platforms  Travel agents  High-end travellers
 Frequent travellers  Care of animals  Marketing  Professional  People shifting from one place to another
 Individuals working in travelling agencies  Handling pets when clients are overseas  Customer feedbacks  Client management  Individuals seeking vacation
 Animal lovers  At the time of animal rescue  Customer service   Individuals seeking vacation for their pets
Co-ordinating with the individuals
 Local veterinary doctors  Providing health care services for animals Providing care of pets when owners are out on who are not able to take proper care
 Animal researchers  Assisting in cheaper and quality hotels for travel of their pets

 Hotel groups pets  Assigning the tasks of animal care  Individuals that have been planning
 People who can’t afford expensive pet experienced pet handlers a vacation for their pets

treatments  
Providing health services while animals spend
their vacation.

Key resources: Key channels:

 Animal lovers  Television
 Comfortable Infrastructure  Social media
 Websites  Radio
 Ventures  Websites
 Dog walkers  Affiliates
 Volunteers  Hoardings
 Animal product suppliers  SEO

 YouTube advertisements

Cost structure: Revenue streams:

 Marketing costs  Pet insurance
 Infrastructure  Dog collars or other products
 Website development  Private cab companies
 Human capital  Google AdSense
 Salaries  Sales to dog owners
 Platform development  Partnership to earn profit margins
 Managing staff  Online sales
 Verifying animal products  Animal toys
 SEO employees  Providing animal trainings
 Regenerating websites Hotel services
 Virtual conferencing setups
 Business conferences
 Hotel infrastructure
 Highly trained staff

The improved sections of Business canvas Model:

The improved points in the Business canvas Model as per the recommendations and reviews of the peer group were in the sections of key channels were the distribution points were not enough to market the business so the
new points that were incorporated for the purpose of marketing the business were YouTube and SEO which could assist in getting the business on track and upgrading the firm in terms of social influences. The other section
that incorporates the additions was about the cost structure which had certain less cost added which could lead to a barrier in the effective works of the business and also to the effectual running of the procedures. The added
cost was of SEO which is very much crucial for the aspects of the business so that the website of the business could rule the internet and all the individuals that have been searching for the services could get the result on top.
It is also crucial to set up the virtual conferencing so that the owners of the pets could interact with the business owners and pet caretakers.

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