Before Arriving To The Evaluation, You and Your Partner Must Research An Issue Related To Each of These Topics

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Oral Evaluation Guidelines Lengua III 2016

Oral evaluations will consist of a ten minute conversation between you and a partner on an issue
that you have researched ahead of time. The issues must relate to the topics discussed in the
units we have covered.

The topics are listed below:

1. Crime: There are many things that are legal in Chile which are not legal elsewhere.
Additionally, there are things that are illegal in Chile which are legal elsewhere. Examples include,
but are not limited to, marijuana use, abortion and euthanasia. Take an issue and consider
criminalizing and/or decriminalizing it in Chile. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of doing
so. Use research and examples to support your arguments.
2. Advertising: Often in Chile advertisements use images of women and/or European-looking
people to sell products to Chileans. Examples include women in bikinis alongside beer or cars and
blond haired, blue eyed children in diaper advertisements. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of using these or other types of individuals within these advertisements. Use
research and examples to support your arguments.
3. Art: In Chile, as in other countries, we have laws against images that we consider to be
obscene. Examples include pornography and graphic, explicit violence, especially if it is real.
Should we permit offensive and/or obscene art to be displayed? Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of using laws to censor art that is considered offensive and/or obscene. Use
research and examples to support your arguments.
4. Environment: Shifting to renewable energies has become a global priority, and Chile, like
other countries, has been beginning to do its part by installing renewable energy infrastructure to
decrease pollution and the emission of greenhouse gasses. Examples include hydroelectric dams,
wind farms, and solar power plants. Some of these projects are controversial due to aesthetic
and/or personal preferences of the people who live nearby. Choose one of these situations here
in Chile and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of installing renewable energy
infrastructure as it is related to people´s personal and/or aesthetic preferences. Use research and
examples to support your arguments.
5. Health: The Chilean government has been enacting legislation to reduce obesity and illness
among the population. Examples include reducing the salt content of foods, warning labels on
food products and forbidding certain types of foods/snacks to be sold in schools. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of the government intervening in this way to protect people´s
health. Could there be other options such as educational programs or television advertising? Use
research and examples to support your arguments.
6. Patrimony: Typically once a building has been recognized as historically valuable, no further
modifications can be made to it. However, we have several modern priorities that create the need
for changes. Examples include access for physically disabled individuals and increasing energy
efficiency. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of preserving buildings as they are as
opposed to permitting simple changes that accommodate our modern priorities. Use research and
examples to support your arguments.

Before arriving to the evaluation, you and your partner must research an issue related to each of
these topics.
During your evaluation you will focus on discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the
various aspects of your topic. For example, if your topic were the use of video cameras in public
spaces, specifically, installing and using video cameras in public spaces in Chile to constantly
monitor the people entering and leaving a specific public space, you could discuss many different
advantages and disadvantages such as:

Possible advantages: May discourage criminals from visiting, if someone forgets or misplaces on
object it can be more easily found, gives good information about how people are using the space in
order to improve it for different uses, prevent crimes from happening and prosecute crimes which
have happened, etc.

Possible disadvantages: Might be expensive, criminals may relocate to other areas of the city,
intrudes on people´s privacy, cameras can be broken or damaged by passersby, debate about who
gets to watch the videos and/or how long the information is kept, etc.

You must arrive a minimum of 15 minutes earlier than the time your evaluation is scheduled. Two
topics will be randomly selected, and you and your partner will choose the one you prefer. You
will then have 15 minutes to orient yourselves for your evaluation.

When your scheduled time arrives, you will spend 10 minutes discussing the issue you have
prepared and researched, remembering to specifically discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

You will be evaluated for grammar, vocabulary, content and organization.

You can only be excused from the evaluation with a certificate of medical leave. If your partner is
ill, please attend the evaluation anyway to inform us.

If you do not arrive early, you will not be given your 15 minutes to prepare and will have to begin
your evaluation without that preparation. If you arrive late for your scheduled time, you may
speak only for the time remaining to you. If you miss the evaluation, you will not be given an
opportunity to recuperate it unless you have submitted a certificate of medical leave to the DISE.

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