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Life cycle evaluation of hydrogen and other

potential fuels for aircrafts

Yusuf Bicer a,*, Ibrahim Dincer b

Department of Automotive, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied
Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K4, Canada
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey

article info abstract

Article history: In the present study, hydrogen and some other alternative fuels (such as ammonia,
Received 16 December 2016 methanol, ethanol, liquefied natural gas) are considered for aviation applications under a
Received in revised form comprehensive life cycle assessment study and are evaluated comparatively with the
23 December 2016 conventional kerosene based jet fuel for various impact categories. Therefore, this study is
Accepted 25 December 2016 performed with a well-to-wake approach to evaluate the overall life cycle of an aircraft
Available online 16 January 2017 running on these conventional and alternative fuels. Both conventional and renewable fuel
routes are considered for the production of ammonia and hydrogen fuels. Although there
Keywords: are modifications required to fulfill the aviation fuel specifications for such alternative
Hydrogen economy fuels, the long term viability and environmental sustainability make them attractive so-
Fuels lutions for the future of aviation industry. This study uses a life cycle assessment of an
Aircrafts average aircraft utilizing various alternative aviation fuels to determine the relative envi-
Aviation ronmental impact of each life cycle phase. The life cycle phases included in the analyses
Life cycle assessment are as follows: (i) production, operation and maintenance of the aircraft, (ii) construction,
Environmental impact maintenance and disposal of the airport, (iii) production, transportation and utilization of
the aviation fuel in the aircraft. The results show that hydrogen and liquefied natural gas
represent more environmentally benign alternatives although fuel costs are higher
compared to ammonia, jet fuel and methanol. The total GHG emissions from hydropower
based ammonia and hydrogen are calculated to be about 0.24 kg CO2 eq. per traveled
tonne-km and 0.03 kg CO2 eq. per traveled tonne-km, respectively. Renewable based
ammonia and hydrogen fueled aircrafts can further decrease the overall environmental
impact in many categories allowing a brighter future for aviation industry.
© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

transportation sectors, including air, road, and sea. However,

Introduction limited proven reserves, nonhomogeneous source distribu-
tion, changing prices, and end use related emissions of fossil
Petroleum based fuels have combination of accessibility, easy fuels have driven most of the industries, such as air trans-
handling, energy content, performance and reasonable price portation to search for other alternatives. The global aviation
because of being a mature product, and hence commercial industry produces around 2% of all human induced carbon
viability. Therefore, these types of fuels are heavily used by all dioxide (CO2) emissions. Specifically, the aviation sector is

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Bicer), (I. Dincer).
0360-3199/© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8 10723

responsible for 12% of CO2 emissions from all transports They expressed that weight is a very important issue with
sources whereas it is 74% for road transport [1]. Around 80% of aero applications since the design of the aircraft and cryogenic
aviation CO2 emissions are originated from flights of over storage of hydrogen need to be setup with the least amount of
1500 km, for which there is no practical alternative mode of boil off for the minimal weight. The primary properties of
transport. Through the local and international flights overall hydrogen enable fuels to be combusted stably at leaner
the world produced over 770 million tons of CO2 in 2015 only [1]. equivalence ratios, reducing the residence times. Thus
Presently, the aviation industry consumes the fuels, reduced emissions are acquirable with hydrogen combustion.
particularly derived from fossil fuels, mostly in specialized They implied that two most viable methods of hydrogen
forms of petroleum based fuels. Such fuels tend to have combustion for gas turbines are lean direct injection (LDI) and
higher qualities compared to some conventional applica- micro-mix methods. Verstraete [8] showed that the liquid
tions, such as heating and transportation. Note that aircraft hydrogen fueled aircrafts are more effective and still continue
fuels have additional requirements compared to land and beneficial from the perspective of weight compared to kero-
sea transportation counterparts, such as resistance to sene fueled aircrafts, therefore suggesting lower direct oper-
extreme temperature changes. Recently, emerging biofuels ating costs. Sharpe et al. [9] suggested hydrogen to be utilized
and transportation fuels have been considered alternatives as an alternative aircraft fuel, particularly in supersonic/hy-
to traditional hydrocarbon fuels. Among them, hydrogen and personic aircrafts. Hydrogen production, distribution, and
ammonia have zero or very little emissions when produced utilization as an aviation fuel have, however, bring some
from water by renewable energy sources. Possibly, hydrogen, complications. Compatibility with the current infrastructure
ammonia, methanol and ethanol can eliminate aviation and probable environmental impacts are some of these sig-
industry's reliance on the limited fossil fuel sources with nificant points requiring solutions. The urgency, necessity,
fluctuating prices and drastic GHG emissions. Particularly, and practicability of global hydrogen economy were discussed
hydrogen and ammonia help considerably decrease aviation greatly in the literature. Xu et al. [10] concluded in his study
industry's impact on the greenhouse gas emissions. that with hydrogen powered aircrafts, it is probable to save
Aviation industry emissions have been studied extensively more than 50,000 kg fuel in gross weight and about 11,000 kg
in the open literature by assessing alternative bio-fuels and throughout empty weight operation. Pereira et al. [11] inves-
hydrogen. Dincer and Acar [2] presented a comprehensive tigated each phase of life cycle assessment to evaluate liquid
review for the utilization of hydrogen in the aviation sector. natural gas and liquid H2 produced by different sources with
They considered various pathways for the hydrogen and jet fuel by considering energy consumptions, CO2 emissions,
concluded that hydropower and wind electrolysis routes for and several pollutants such as HC, CO, NOx and PM.
hydrogen aircraft are more environmentally friendly although Hileman and Stratton [12] studied the feasibility of various
the cost is higher. Koroneos et al. [3] performed an LCA study synthetic fuels which can propose aviation with a varied
of kerosene manufactured in Greece for aviation industry collection of possible feedstocks which can hypothetically
applications. They determined that kerosene's most impor- substitute petroleum. However, they also stated that a few
tant environmental impact is the SO2 emissions which is problems concerning the economic cost of production and the
named as acidification effect. 99.5% of overall LCA CO2 emis- current lack of feedstock obtainability restricts the close term
sions of kerosene occurs for the period of aircraft operation. availability to aviation. Furthermore, Han et al. [13] performed
Howe et al. [4] conducted an LCA study of an Airbus A320 an LCA study of various bio-aviation fuels such as hydro-
passenger car production, operation and fuel utilization with processed renewable jet fuel, FishereTropsch jet fuel path-
the usage of Eco-Indicator 99 impact assessment methodol- ways from corn stover and coal, pyrolysis jet fuel pathways
ogy. They concluded that the operational steps of the aircraft from corn stover. They concluded that well-to-wake GHG
represent the highest contributor to the overall environ- emissions can be decreased by 41e63% with the usage of
mental impact of the A320 with kerosene combustion causing hydro-processed renewable jet fuel, 68e76% with pyrolysis jet
the mainstream of emissions. Nojoumi et al. [5] comparatively fuel, and 89% with FishereTropsch jet fuel from corn stover
evaluated GHG emissions of kerosene and hydrogen in various compared to kerosene based jet fuel. Janic [14] built a model is
phases as aircraft fuels where they considered the fuel storage developed to estimate the emissions of greenhouse gases
and aircraft operation. They examined the utilization oppor- following the gradual replacement of conventional by cryo-
tunities of hydrogen as an alternative fuel in aviation which genic aircraft according to different scenarios.
can supply important reductions of GHG emissions. They The emissions from the internal combustion engines do
compared kerosene fueled aircrafts with hydrogen alternative not only result in environmental concern, but also sustain-
in terms of environmental impact, radiative forcing, storage, ability and economic challenges. The full life-cycle of the fuel
and safety viewpoints. They analyzed three main destinations needs to be assessed. When considering alternative fuels, is-
from Toronto to Montreal, Calgary and London in order to sues such as land use, fertilizer use, water for irrigation, waste
investigate the total emissions and consumptions. Brewer products etc. are necessary points to be addressed. This type
et al. [6] explored many further performance indicators of of analysis is recognized as life cycle assessment which is a
hydrogen as an aviation fuel. They discussed essential alter- cradle-to-grave approach. From the feedstock extraction or
ations to support hydrogen powered aircrafts including manufacture to the end use in an engine, the fuel has
compressor air pre-cooling, hydrogen refrigerating, reforma- numerous phases establishing its life cycle. In each phase,
tive fuel reheating and turbine air refrigeration. GHG emissions are generated. The whole carbon foot print of
Khandelwal et al. [7] studied various perspectives of the fuel is attained by summing all emissions in the LCA
hydrogen fueled aircraft by implying the current problems. approach. Besides, together with combustion, emissions
10724 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8

related with crude oil extraction and refining are included for methodology, the overall life cycle emissions of an aircraft
fossil based fuels, as well as final fuel transport and distribu- running on various aviation fuels are calculated from well-
tion. Especially, based on the feedstock and agricultural ap- to-wake. The steps considered in the analyses cover: (i)
plies, the agriculture of the feedstock may constitute an production, operation and maintenance of the aircraft, (ii)
important part of the emissions. Hence, in order to measure construction, maintenance and disposal of the airport, (iii)
the emission decreases from utilizing the substitute fuels, a production, transportation and utilization of the aviation
complete evaluation is required to be accompanied of all fuel. The environmental impact categories taken into ac-
emissions through all phases of the fuel's life cycle, from the count in this study are human toxicity, global warming, land
ground to the tank of the aircraft. Environmental advantage is use, depletion of abiotic resources and stratospheric ozone
an attractive point for climate change if the emissions are depletion. The specific objectives of the study can be listed as
lesser than the emissions on the full life cycle of fossil fuels, follows:
counting the combustion.
In general, the following fuel requirements are expected to  to conduct a life cycle assessment study for alternative
be fulfilled in selecting suitable aviation fuels: aviation fuels including aircraft, airport and fuel cycles.
 to evaluate the performance and cost assessments of
 High levels of maximum range or payload heat. This in- alternative aviation fuels.
dicates a high specific energy and high energy density.  to assess the environmental and cost impacts of the fuels
 Good atomization, rapid evaporation, good burning prop- for practicality of the alternative aviation fuels.
erties, including the ability to lower high and low risk of  to investigate the alternative fuel production routes in
explosion. terms of environmental impact reduction.
 High specific heat capacity, pollution-free, low carbon
 Low viscosity and high lubricity, good characteristics of Methodology
pumped storage, including low freezing point, in order to
facilitate the operation amount. The evaluation of the life cycle of alternative fuels include the
 High stability thermal/chemical stability, wide availability GHG emissions of the fuel cycle. This includes the extraction
and price acceptable and respects the environment. and transportation of raw materials from the well field or mine
 Proper ground and handling characteristics. to the simple production, processing of these materials in fuel,
transport and distribution of fuel in the tank on the plane and
It is important to note that the literature studies mainly finally burn the fuel in the aircraft. The stages of this lifecycle
focus on the operational processes of the aircrafts whereas in analyze from well to wake as shown schematically in Fig. 1.
this study we account for the processes from raw material When biomass is contained in the generation of fuel, LCA
extraction, airport operation to fuel combustion in the analysis needs to consider the land use variations which can
aircraft. In addition, they do not consider alternative fuel occur due to feedstock growing. If the exterior causes of CO2
options extensively as covered in this study. Here, five are utilized for feeding biofuel growing, the boundaries of the
alternative fuels are evaluated in addition to conventional jet systems needs to comprise the cause of the CO2 emissions [12].
fuel. Furthermore, various fuel production pathways are Life cycle analysis includes all stages in a product's life,
considered to study alternatives for more environmental namely from the extraction of raw materials through the
friendly routes. In this regard, a life cycle assessment study material processing, manufacture, distribution, use, and
of an average aircraft transport using various alternative disposal or recycling. For this analysis, we account for all
aviation fuels to determine the relative environmental the stages in the life cycle of aviation fuels, including
impact of each life cycle phase is presented. Using LCA feedstock recovery and transportation, fuel production and

Fig. 1 e Illustration of the complete well-to-wake life cycle phases used in the present LCA study.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8 10725

transportation, and fuel consumption in an aircraft. The

Table 1 e Specifications of the alternative aviation fuels
exploration and recovery activities from the well to fuel
considered in the present study.
production and the subsequent transportation to the
Fuel Specific Density at Energy
dispensing pumps constitute the well-to-pump (WTP) stage.
energy (MJ/kg) 15  C (g/m3) density (MJ/L)
The combustion of fuel during aircraft operation constitutes
the pump-to-wake (PTWa) stage. These two stages com- Kerosene 43.2 0.808 34.9
(Jet A/Jet A-1)
bined comprise the well-to-wake (WTWa) fuel cycle as
Liquid hydrogen 120 0.071 8.4
illustrated in Fig. 1. Liquid methane 50 0.424 21.2
Note that the functional units are critical when comparing Methanol 19.9 0.796 15.9
LCA results of various alternative products. For energy prod- Ethanol 27.2 0.794 21.6
ucts, a common functional unit is a unit of delivered energy Biodiesel (typical) 38.9 0.87 33.9
such as MJ of fuel. This is particularly important when Liquid ammonia 18.6 0.73 13.6
comparing fuels that are used in similar combustion tech- Source: Refs. [15e17].
nologies with similar end-use efficiencies such as petroleum
jet and renewable jet fuel in the same aircraft. However, when
fuels are used in different combustion technologies with aviation kerosene using data from the results to observe the
different efficiencies but similar functions, the energy func- aviation biofuel impacts relative to fossil fuels. Note that
tional unit may not be appropriate. In such cases, a service sufficient fuel properties and operational characteristics are
function unit could be a more reliable metric which can be km considered with acceptable characteristics of alternative
traveled carrying a specific payload. In such cases, the LCA fuels. Hence, the adaptation of the infrastructure of the air-
results would depend on the aircraft's payload fuel energy crafts for other fuel combustion purposes only is not
intensity. A ton kilometer by aviation is defined as the unit of considered in this study. All these selected fuels are
measure of goods transport which represents the transport of considered to be combusted in the same type of aircraft.
one ton by an aircraft over 1 km. Therefore, the aircraft manufacturing and airport opera-
To quantify energy uses and emissions of a trip to a pas- tional and maintenance phases are treated in an identical
senger, it is assumed that 100 kg of the payload represents an manner for the selected cases.
average weight of a passenger and luggage. This is equivalent The LCA is performed using SimaPro LCA software in
to a mass allocation of energy and emissions between the combination with the Ecoinvent database. Here, ecoinvent
passengers and cargo onboard the aircraft. A simple con- contains industrial life cycle inventory data on energy supply,
version of per-kg results to per-passenger results considers resource extraction, material supply, chemicals, metals,
the fixed weight of a passenger plus luggage. This kind of agriculture, waste management services, and transport ser-
quantification methodology reasonably works for all aircraft vices. Hence, the inventory data for airport construction/
classes regardless of the split between passengers and cargo maintenance/operation and aircraft manufacturing/mainte-
payloads onboard the aircraft. It is important that multi- nance phases are taken from the SimaPro 7.3 software data-
plying the passenger-based functional unit by the total base while the other phases are generated based on the earlier
passenger-distance flown will not provide the total emis- literature data and works. CML 2001 is the selected method to
sions for a flight because this method will not account for the calculate the environmental impact of the inventory data. The
emissions that were allocated to the cargo in the aircraft. To first phase of LCA focuses on the fuel production process,
obtain the total emissions from a flight, it should multiply including the exploitation of raw resources, feedstock culti-
the payload-based functional unit by the total payload- vation and transportation, fuel production and trans-
distance flown. portation, storage and distribution. The second phase is
The aviation sector is forced to subsidize about 3% of the airport construction and maintenance. The third step is the
enforced emission of greenhouse gases related to energy. The manufacturing of the aircraft, and the final step is the com-
International Air Transport Association (IATA) has set a goal bustion of fuel [18] as the schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 1.
to reduce global aviation emissions by 50% in 2050 compared The impacts of HC, CO, NOx, PM, and CO2 emissions are
to the 2005 level strategy [1], and the use of alternative fuels is also analyzed based on their environmental and hence the
under the LCA and its current impact on the product and social costs. As shown in Table 2, each type of these emissions
incidentally. Table 1 illustrates the specific energy, density has specific environmental and social cost derived from
and energy density properties of various alternative aviation
fuels. The liquid hydrogen has the highest specific energy
although currently utilized jet A fuel has the highest energy
Table 2 e Environmental and social impact costs of the
density. According to the aviation fuel standards, a few of pollutants.
these fuels are not currently suitable for aircraft usage, how-
Pollutants Environmental and social impact (USD/kg)
ever, by advancing technologies in engines and combustion,
the aforementioned fuels are likely to be alternatives in the HC 8.27
PM 229.20
aviation industry.
NOx 24.80
In this study, the critical environmental impacts are
CO2 0.07
measured by the selected environmental impact categories. CO 4.16
The estimates of their potential for reducing greenhouse
Source: Ref. [19].
gases are then compared with the results generated for
10726 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8

literature. Using the environmental and social costs method- area such as aircraft parking, runways, etc. at airports [20].
ology is helpful since it provides a significant view on the Furthermore, the expenditures for buildings are considered.
economic impact of emissions on the environment and The data include the specific expenditures due to refurbish-
human health. In the United State of America, the current ment and demolition. The airport is chosen as a major one in
national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) use PM2.5 as Zurich, Switzerland with the following specifications: The
the indicator for fine particles. This PM2.5 refers to particles foundation layer is 40 cm gravel and a life span of 100 years is
with a nominal mean aerodynamic diameter less than or considered. The concrete floor is 22 cm with a concrete rein-
equal to 2.5 mm. The particles span many dimensions and forcement of 1.8 kg steel/m2 and a lifespan of 30 years is
involve many diverse chemicals. considered. The distance for transport is 25 km. In order to
The first particles are often referred to as the primary facilitate a first estimate, the following assumptions are made
particles and the later ones are secondary particles. The par- for analysis and assessment [20]:
ticulate pollution is affected by being dependent on the loca-
tion, the season, temperature, clouds, humidity, wind and  70% of the built up area is occupied with building halls.
many climatic problems. Additional layers of complexity  30% are multi storey buildings with an average of 5 floors.
result from the ability of the particles to move. Microelement  The height between the floors is 2.7 m.
is mainly formed by a gas discharge, such as the combustion
process and the conversion of the SOx, NOx, and VOCs. The Operation of the aircraft
chemical and physical properties of PM2.5 can vary consid-
erably over time based on the place, weather and source cat- The fuel consumption and airborne emissions are especially
egories. Therefore, PM2.5 can comprise a mixture consisting significant for this process. For the airborne emissions, the
of sulfate, nitrate, organic compounds, the carbon element location of emissions are separated into three main cate-
and the metal compound. These particles can stay for days or gories; low population density area, stratosphere and un-
weeks in the atmosphere waiting for hundreds of thousands specified region.
of kilometers to travel. Accordingly, this study contains the The inventory data include the consumption of selected
costs of emissions and particulate matters. fuel, which is jet fuel kerosene, in conventional applications
and other fuels, direct emissions to air as gaseous emissions,
particulate emissions and emissions of heavy metals [20].
LCA steps The results show the emission data based on the average
fuel consumption and average flight. With inter-continental
The LCA study is divided into three main steps namely; (94.6%) and intra-Europe (5.4%), the transmission capacity
manufacturing of the aircraft, construction and maintenance distribution is based on the annual transport capacity of the
of the airport and operation of the aircraft including the fuel aircraft from the airport in Switzerland. Data refer to the
processes. average transportation conditions of departure from the
airport at the airport of Switzerland.
Aircraft manufacturing Air transport segments require fuels with high energy
density and are thus largely dependent on liquid hydrocar-
Here, the materials usage values denote the manufacture of a bon fuels. Alternative aviation fuels must bear certain tech-
regular aircraft in the denoted category where the net weight nologies, such as good low temperature flow characteristics,
of the aircraft is about 234 tonnes. The interventions for pro- thermal stability, and low freezing temperatures. Fuel should
duction processes of these aircrafts are derived from specific also be suitable for the current method of aircraft engines.
exchanges per seat. The aircraft is assumed to have about 367 Sustainable aviation fuel must satisfy the low CO2 emissions
seats. The inventory data represent 16 European production of the life cycle.
sites of Airbus company where they are located mainly in As alternative fuels, the following options are taken into
Europe, namely Germany, France, Spain and the UK [20]. The account in the operation of the aircraft. The production
inventory data of aircraft include the processes of material, methods of the alternative fuels are then summarized as
energy and water use in the aircraft manufacturing. The rail follows:
and road transport of materials are considered together with
their respective VOC emissions. However, the plant infra-  Hydrogen: 95% hydrocarbon cracking and 5% salt brine
structure is not included. The energy consumption for electrolysis and underground coal gasification (UCG) with
deionized water is included in the electricity value. The spe- carbon storage capture (CCS) as conventional methods,
cific material expenditures are not accounted for. Note that hydropower, wind, solar photovoltaic and geothermal as
transport of vehicle parts between the different sites are renewable resources
excluded.  Methanol: Steam reforming process of methane
 Ethanol: Direct hydration of ethylene
Construction and maintenance of airport  Ammonia: Heavy fuel oil and natural gas reforming as
conventional methods, hydropower, wind, solar photo-
In this step, the maintenance, construction and disposal of voltaic and geothermal as renewable resources
airports are considered. The inventory data for construction  Liquefied natural gas: Liquefaction of natural gas in a
and maintenance of the airport include material consumption liquefaction plant
and energy expenditures related with the construction sealed  Jet Fuel (Kerosene): Production from crude oil
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8 10727

Thus, the production processes and details of the fuels are new unconventional resources, such as shale gas, which is
explained here. produced around the world. In addition, methane hydrate can
give you more energy in the form of methane, which is
 Kerosene included in all other fossil fuels. Methane hydrates are
methane particles covered by ice and potentially accessible
Kerosene is the fuel used mainly in the aviation industry. throughout the world. Currently, the extraction of methane
Jet fuel is a petroleum derivative. Jet A-1 fuel kerosene class hydrate is problematic because of the position of the deposits.
suitable for most turbo engine aircraft. It is agreed in strict In addition, the treatment of ice must be done carefully so that
criteria internationally point over 38  C inflammation, the the methane are not emitted into the air. The biggest advan-
maximum value of the freezing point is 47  C. Also, Jet-A tage of LNG compared to conventional kerosene is the enor-
kerosene is a type of fuel in accordance with ASTM specifi- mous strength of the reserves. The main disadvantage is the
cation. It has the same firing point as Jet A-1, but higher point storage condition with respect to the allocation of fuel, which
of maximum condensation corresponding to 40  C. not only has a lower energy density than conventional aircraft
In kerosene production, all processes on the refinery site fuel but is also cryogenic. LNG could not be well suited for
including waste water treatment, process emissions and today's aircraft and also require a significant expansion of the
direct discharges to rivers are accounted for. The emissions existing international distribution network, like all airports,
from combustion facilities are only excluded. Refinery crude LNG-equipped aircrafts need this fuel. However, it is also
oil produces several products such as bitumen, diesel, fuel oil, likely that FischereTropsch synthetic fuel gas is financially
kerosene, naphtha, propane/butane, refinery gas, sulfur and and ecologically superior to LNG [12]. Emissions of carbon di-
secondary power supplies. Processing effects are assigned to oxide are reduced by about 25% with LNG. The scheme of the
different products accordingly. engine is a problem that must be taken into account for the
Major indicators like energy use were estimated based on a marketing of LNG fuel. LNG fuel combustion releases
survey in European refineries [20]. Other data and indicators methane, which is a major greenhouse gas. The data for this
were estimated based on different environmental reports [20]. study defines the liquefaction of natural gas in a liquefaction
Inventory represents the distribution of petroleum product to plant [20].
the final consumer including all necessary transports. Trans-
portation of product from the refinery to the end user is the  Liquid hydrogen
full cycle. Operation of storage tanks and petrol stations are
also considered. Emissions from evaporation and treatment of Hydrogen is considered as a promising fuel for several
effluents are taken into account. decades. Since the energy required for hydrogen production is
essential, which is theoretically not a fuel, but alternatively it
 Ethanol is a type of energy storage from a primary resource with low
carbon content such as nuclear, wind or solar energy. Due to
Currently, the usage of ethanol is appropriate for human the low density of hydrogen gas, it is important to be liquefied
consumption and road vehicles especially in the North and at a temperature of about 251  C for aviation as a source of
South America, but it is doubtful for aviation sector due to the energy for use. The use of hydrogen in aviation, ultimately
properties of ethanol. It is caused by dangerous storage cir- depends on the ability to produce clean and affordable energy.
cumstances and low flash point. Its high volatility can cause Because aviation requires liquid hydrogen, which must be
difficulties in cruise process because of evaporative fatalities stored in cryogenic form, it is possible that aviation would use
or fuel system vapor lock. Although there are technically synthetic hydrocarbons, although hydrogen gas can be used
available methods to reduce risks during normal flight oper- in other sectors of the economy, with less severe energy
ations, significant investments are required for ethanol to be density needs. If a satisfactory source of the low carbon
used with the current version of the aircraft. Also, the use of hydrogen industry was, aviation area could be equipped with
ethanol and butanol results in lower performance character- such a hydrogen in the building and deliberately generating
istics and low energy efficiency of aircraft operations. Etha- alternative rechargeable nozzle using hydrogen and a
nol's specific energy and energy density are known as 40% less renewable carbon resource as it can lead to lower costs for
than conventional jet fuel [12]. The production of ethanol in aircraft, new fleet of aircraft, cryogenic use considered
this study is considered from direct hydration of ethylene hydrogen. However, further studies are needed to identify the
including materials, energy uses, infrastructure and emis- compromise between fuel conversion efficiency and aircraft
sions. Inventory is taken using data obtained from plants in design in such a situation.
Europe and India [20]. Liquid hydrogen produces more energy per unit mass of
conventional aviation fuel, however, it requires a large vol-
 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) ume of storage. Combustion of liquid hydrogen as fuel results
in low greenhouse gas emissions compared to petroleum-
LNG is the form of natural gas cooled to 162.1  C. Natural based fuels. There are also some disadvantages of liquid
gas typically includes methane with lesser amounts of ethane, hydrogen such as the manufacturing cost. The other problem
propane and butane, and other hydrocarbons. LNG has been is the use of liquid hydrogen in the context is that when mixed
used as an intermediary for the transportation of natural gas with air, it can burn at low concentrations, which cause safety
for more than 50 years, the use of which is growing. Natural complications and liquid hydrogen storage is difficult because
gas is one of our abundant energy resources, with significant it needs low temperature. The output of a moderately high
10728 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8

volume of water vapor is also a problem with the hydrogen analysis. For renewables based ammonia production, the
aircraft. hydrogen is initially produced from electrolysis as performed
For the production of hydrogen in this study, it is assumed in previous step of hydrogen production and then it is com-
that 95% of hydrogen is produced from the cracking of fossil bined with nitrogen in a Haber-Bosch ammonia plant.
fuels where it was taken from 17 European plants, 5% of The manufacturing process is considered from emissions
saltwater electrolysis [20]. For salt water electrolysis, the of heavy oil and natural gas, including air and auxiliary power,
process establishing an average European hydrogen pro- energy, transportation, infrastructure land use, waste, air and
duction from the three different electrolysis cell technologies water. Transportation of raw materials, auxiliary materials
namely: mercury (55%), diaphragm (23%), membrane (22%) and waste is included. Carbon dioxide is the product pro-
are evaluated. It is an average of the different technologies duced. They are not considered excessive or unstable opera-
used for hydrogen production (as co-product of chlorine). For tions, but it is assumed that production is a stable operating
the electrolysis process in a membrane cell, the following condition. Air emissions are considered to emanate in areas of
process steps are included into this process: brine produc- high population density. It is assumed that the discharge
tion, brine purification, brine re-saturation as well as the stream water is discharged into the rivers.
final handling of the electrolysis products, without the
chlorine liquefaction. The data represent the extraction of  Methanol
raw materials until delivery to the factory for all processes.
To compare the production of hydrogen from renewable re- Much of the world's methanol is produced by coal, but the
sources, the methods of electrolysis of water from wind, primary raw material used in the production of methanol is
hydropower, geothermal and solar energy are also evaluated. natural gas. Methanol can be produced from renewable re-
In renewable cases, the hydrogen production is conducted sources such as wood, forest waste, peat, municipal solid
using electrolyzer consuming 53 kWh per kg of hydrogen. wastes, sewage and even from CO2 in the atmosphere. The
methanol production represents an important market for the
 Liquid ammonia use of natural gas. Modern methanol plant from natural gas
is 70% energy efficient with more than 99% selectivity of the
Ammonia is projected to be a potential hydrogen carrier of methanol. The raw materials, processing energy, estimate
with high hydrogen content in the near future. In recent on catalyst use, and emissions to air and water from process,
years, expectations are rising for hydrogen and hydrogen plant infrastructure are included. The process describes the
carriers as a medium for storage and transportation of en- production of methanol from natural gas via steam reform-
ergy in the mass introduction and use of renewable energy. ing process to obtain syngas. There is no CO2 use and
Both storage and transport of hydrogen are considered an hydrogen is assumed as burned in the furnace. Raw mate-
important issue since hydrogen is a gas under normal tem- rials, average transportation, emissions to air from tank
perature and pressure. Hydrogen carriers are mediums that storage, estimation for storage infrastructure are included
convert hydrogen into chemical substances containing large for the distribution part where 40% of the methanol is
amounts of hydrogen, to simplify storage and transport assumed to be transported from overseas [20]. The subject
processes. Hydrogen carriers include ammonia synthesized matter particulate emissions cover exhaust and abrasions
from nitrogen and hydrogen that can be used for direct emissions. Data for distances from production places to
combustion. Ammonia becomes an important hydrogen Switzerland are estimated based on actual plant capacities
carrier that does not contain any carbon atoms and has a [20]. Similar overseas distances assumed. Additional 13% of
high hydrogen ratio. Therefore, it is evaluated as a power- methanol is assumed to be from Norway including tanker
generating fuel. Since ammonia produces mainly water and transport. Other production is within Europe continent. The
nitrogen on combustion, replacing a part of conventional energy and fuel requirements of the selected fuels are shown
fuel with ammonia will have a large effect in reducing carbon in Table 3.
dioxide emissions.
General ammonia synthesis technology is recognized as Maintenance and operation of the airport
the Haber-Bosch in the world. In this way, nitrogen is an air
separation process that is primarily supplied as a cryogenic The operation of aircraft infrastructure contains the heat and
fluid. Cryogenic air separation is currently one of the most electricity consumption for aircraft maintenance and build-
efficient and cost effective techniques for producing large ings in the airport [20]. A high amount of the heat is consumed
quantities of oxygen, nitrogen and argon. It can be used as a at the airport is produced on-site via natural gas and oil.
starting material for the production of ammonia for conven- Additionally, the consumption of water, waste of water and
tional resource naphtha, heavy oil, coal, natural gas, coke and disposal of the wastes are considered. The inventory analysis
refinery gas. Natural gas is the main source for manufacturing includes energy expenditures and airport energy infrastruc-
ammonia worldwide. Therefore, 85% of liquid conventional ture. The transport services on airport site are included. The
ammonia is considered in this study by steam methane use and emissions of de-icing materials are taken into account
reforming and 15% by partial oxidation of heavy oil [20]. in addition to land transformation and occupation. The data
Values generally correspond to the prior art in European considered represent a major airport in Europe. The use of de-
ammonia production [20]. In order to compare the production icing materials is calculated as the geometric mean of three
of ammonia based on renewable resources, hydropower, years. In the literature, the emission characteristics of some
wind, solar and geothermal energy paths are considered in the airports are also assessed by Turgut and Rosen [22]. They
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8 10729

Table 3 e Fuel and energy requirements of various fueled aircrafts.

Fuel Energy consumption (MJ/tonne-km) Energy consumption (MJ/km) Fuel consumption (kg/tonne-km)
Kerosene (Jet fuel A) 9.35 343.5 0.21
Hydrogen 8.62 316.5 0.07
Ammonia 9.53 350 0.51
Methanol 9.80 360 0.49
Ethanol 9.80 360 0.33
Natural gas 12.53 460 0.25

Source: Refs. [20,21].

emphasized that the engine number in an aircraft and the age in the sense of the social and economic purposes for which
of the engines are other important factors which contribute to land is managed. In the CML2001 the life cycle impact
emission creation as the situation of the combustion cham- assessment method, competition is measured as occupied
ber, cooling systems and the necessary cooling air are not area*time (m2a) where a represents the annual (year) [20].
same as for new engines [22]. The feedstock generation is the process which can cause
land employment. Land usage per entity of fuel is lowermost
Transportation via aircraft for the liquid hydrogen case as shown in Fig. 2 due to its higher
overall fuel heating value. However land use intensities for jet
In this step, all the previous processes are included for fuel and methanol pathways are relatively similar and lower
determining the overall life cycle results per tonne-kilometer than liquid ammonia when compared with the wider collec-
by considering the operation of aircraft, production of tion of alternative fuel pathways. The annual land use in-
aircraft, construction and land use of airport, operation, tensities for liquid hydrogen and LNG in the study are found to
maintenance and disposal of airport. For this reason, LCA is be 0.0011 m2/tonne-km and 0.0014 m2/tonne-km, respectively.
considered the stock of all life cycle stocks in this analysis of For LNG and hydrogen, the land occupation and human
transportation. Airborne infrastructure expenditures and Eu- toxicity potentials are significantly lower than for kerosene.
ropean and inter-continental cargo performance weighted The result matches with other LCA studies of alternative
average environmental measures at the airport are consid- aviation fuels which have deliberated impacts other than GHG
ered. Aircraft manufacturing is allocated based on the total emissions. Hydropower options for hydrogen and ammonia
life time of an aircraft which corresponds to a value of significantly lowers the environmental impacts where it cor-
4.28  10 10 vehicle/tonne-km [20]. In the case of aircraft responds to about 60% reduction and 20% reduction for
production, modern production technology is considered [20]. ammonia and hydrogen, respectively. Liquid ammonia from
geothermal energy has comparable land use values with
methanol and ethanol fueled aircrafts. The low efficiency of
Results and discussion solar photovoltaic systems (in the range of 15%e20%) causes
greater land use for liquid ammonia and hydrogen routes as
The full life cycle of an aircraft running on the conventional seen in Fig. 2.
jet fuel and various alternative fuels, including hydrogen, The sources of the land use for solar PV based liquid
are assessed in terms of environmental impact and perfor- ammonia aircraft are shown in Fig. 3. Hardwood (38%) and
mance in SimaPro LCA software based on the inventory softwood (41%) in forest are two primary contributors where
data. The results presented here are given on per tonne-km the air and the CO2 emissions from the land use for the trees
basis which represents a wider approach for all aircraft grow. For forest road, land use is not included. This is con-
classes regardless of the split between passengers and cargo nected to the forest and CO2 required from the air to produce
payloads onboard the aircraft. The analyzed impact cate- beech for hardwood and spruce for softwood. Operation and
gories are: Human toxicity which is related with toxic sub- maintenance of the airport represents 4% of the overall land
stances on the human environment and given in terms of use whereas PV production factory represents only 1% as
1,4-dichlorobenzene DB equivalents, global warming which shown in Fig. 3.
represents the greenhouse gases to air associated with the Though CO2 is the furthermost significant GHG and is the
climate change and given in kg CO2 eq. (equivalents) unit, major emission from the whole life cycle, quantifying the total
depletion of abiotic resources which is related to extraction amount of greenhouse gases produced is the key for exam-
of minerals/fossils and given in terms of kg Sb Antimony ining the global warming potential (GWP) of the different
equivalents, stratospheric ozone depletion is the ozone systems. The GWP of the cases is a mixture of CO2, CH4 and
depletion potential of various gasses in kg CFC-11 equiva- N2O emissions. Ethanol fueled aircraft has the highest GWP
lent unit, land use which is the extraction of raw materials, among others. Although ammonia is a carbon free fuel,
production processes, agricultural land, area of industrial because of the conventional production process, it has high
territory, landfill sites, incineration plant area, transport, GHG emissions compared to LNG and hydrogen as shown
use processes and given in terms of m2a. The land use refers in Fig. 4. Although, there are some drawbacks of the renew-
to the total arrangements, activities and inputs undertaken ables [23], using renewable resources such as wind, solar,
in a certain land cover type. The term land use is also used geothermal and hydropower, the total GHG emissions are
10730 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8

Fig. 2 e Land use in the entire life cycle of various fueled aircrafts per traveled tonne-km.

Fig. 3 e Contribution of various processes to land use of solar PV based ammonia fueled aircraft.

considerably lower for liquid ammonia and liquid hydrogen. studied in the literature [24]. The maximum emission was
The overall GWP value of ethanol is the highest corresponding calculated to be for takeoff process. At the approach phase,
to 1.09 kg CO2 eq/tonne-km since it comes from ethylene the maximum specific environmental impact and relative
which is a hydrocarbon. Renewable energy usage in the fuel environmental difference is calculated as 18.8 mPts/MJ and
production processes decreases the overall GHG emissions. 208.9%, respectively.
Compared to conventional ammonia fueled aircraft (1.08 kg The distribution of responsible processes for GWP of
CO2 eq/tonne-km), the hydropower based ammonia fueled hydrogen driven aircraft is illustrated in Fig. 5. Although there
aircraft releases about 0.24 kg CO2 eq per tonne-km. This value are several processes, operation of the aircraft is the second
goes down to 0.21 for kg CO2 eq/tonne-km for ammonia fueled largest contributor corresponding to 34%. Operation and
aircraft and 0.015 kg CO2 eq/tonne-km for hydrogen fueled maintenance of the airport is the primary responsible for GWP
aircraft in case the renewable source is geothermal energy. corresponding to 48.9% in total where it is distributed into
The exergoenvironmental analysis of a four cylinder, spark sub-processes such as natural gas burning in the furnace
ignition, naturally aspirated and air-cooled piston-prop (22%), light fuel oil burning in the furnace (5%), lignite burning
aircraft engine for landing takeoff and cruise phases was also in the power plant (7%) and hard coal burning (8%) as shown in
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8 10731

Fig. 4 e Global warming potential of various fueled aircrafts per traveled tonne-km.

Fig. 5 e Contribution of various processes to GWP effect of geothermal based hydrogen fueled aircraft.

Fig. 5. For the case where hydrogen is produced from UCG with The depletion of abiotic resources is connected to
CCS, the operation of the aircraft share increases to 40.7% as extraction of minerals and fossil fuels because of in-
seen in Fig. 6 whereas aircraft production represents 13.3% of volvements in the structure. It is recognized for every
the overall GHG emissions. extraction of minerals and fossil fuels depending on con-
Stratospheric ozone depletion can cause harmful effects centration of resources and rate of deaccumulation. The
on human and animal health, terrestrial and aquatic ecosys- terrestrial scope of this indicator is provided at a global scale.
tems and biochemical cycles. Ozone depletion potential of It is expressed in kg antimony equivalents/kg extraction unit.
several gasses are specified in kg CFC-11 equivalent/kg emis- In contrast to other categories, LNG has quite higher value in
sion where the time span is infinity. Fig. 7 presents the life comparison with hydrogen, jet fuel and ethanol as illustrated
cycle kg CFC-11 eq. emissions of the aircrafts with different in Fig. 8. This is caused by the exploration and extraction
fuels per kilometer traveled. It is high for methanol and liquid process of natural gas. Similarly, natural gas dependent fuels
ammonia while it is considerably less for liquid hydrogen, such as methanol and liquid ammonia has high abiotic
LNG and methanol fuels. Liquid hydrogen from UCG with CCS depletion values. Due to higher fuel flow rate for ammonia, it
and geothermal based options are lower than LNG. Further- yields about 0.01 kg Sb eq/tonne-km. However, renewable
more, utilization of renewable based ammonia is better than based ammonia driven aircrafts can significantly decrease
kerosene, methanol and ethanol in terms of ozone layer the depletion of abiotic resources down to 0.0014 kg Sb eq/
depletion. tonne-km which corresponds to about 10% of conventional
10732 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8

Fig. 6 e Contribution of main processes to GWP effect of UCG with CCS based hydrogen fueled aircraft.

Fig. 7 e Ozone layer depletion values of various fueled aircrafts per traveled tonne-km.

steam methane reforming based ammonia fueled aircraft. On contrary, hard coal has the primary share for ammonia
For all type of fuels, renewable based routes are more pref- fueled aircraft where ammonia is produced from UCG with
erable in terms of abiotic depletion. CCS process as shown in Fig. 10. Because in this process, the
When the distribution of the sub-processes contributing electricity required is supplied from a hard coal fired power
to abiotic depletion value of hydrogen fueled aircraft is plant.
investigated, it is seen that 44.6% comes from operation and In the human environment, toxins are the main concern
maintenance of the airport and 40.7% comes from operation of the human toxicity category. 1,4-DB (Dichlorobenzene)/kg
of the aircraft for UCG with CCS option. The detailed dis- of emissions are used to express each toxic substance
tribution is illustrated in Fig. 9. Here, hard coal is mainly equivalent. Among all alternative aviation fuels, the kero-
used for the required energy of reinforcing steel for sene jet fuel, methanol and ethanol human toxicity values
hydrogen production process from UCG with CCS and nat- are greater as shown in Fig. 11. On contrary, LNG and liquid
ural gas is primarily consumed at the airport for operation hydrogen have significantly lower toxic impacts on humans.
and maintenance. Crude oil is used for diesel requirements Geothermal based hydrogen fueled aircraft has the lowest
of airport operation and lignite usage originates from power human toxicity value among others whereas methanol has
supply of construction material production for the airport. the highest value. It is attributed to operation of aircraft with
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8 10733

Fig. 8 e Abiotic depletion values of various fueled aircrafts per traveled tonne-km.

a share of 93% as illustrated in Fig. 12. Natural gas burned in fuels from renewable resources bring better environmental
the furnace has a portion of 3% where it is also utilized in the results.
methanol production process. Copper and ferrochromium It is common knowledge that of HC, CO, NOx, PM, and
are used for steel and building materials during the con- CO2 which are named as GHG emissions cause environ-
struction of the airport. Ammonia fuel from hydropower mental damages and adverse effect on human health. The
resource has comparable toxicity value corresponding to marginal external price of a unit of these emissions is
0.08 kg 1,4- DB eq/tonne-km with LNG corresponding to identified as environmental and social costs of emissions. In
0.03 kg 1,4- DB eq/tonne-km. the literature, these values are estimated by using an inte-
Kerosene combustion is a significant contributor to the grated assessment (IAM) framework. IAM framework em-
environmental impact categories according to distance by ploys: a reference socio-economic situation, a model of the
airplane. Energy production from fossil fuels produces high connection between emissions and temperature variation,
greenhouse gas emissions. Natural gas has a high trend for and a link between the temperature variation and financial
CO2 eq emission production of life cycle instead of kerosene damages.
and fuel production. Though the environmental emissions The environmental and social costs methodology is
of hydrogen and ammonia fueled aircrafts are high for essential, for the reason that it gives a unique perspective
current conventional methods, production of these two on the economic impact of emissions on environment and

Fig. 9 e Contributions to abiotic depletion values of UCG with CCS based hydrogen fueled aircraft.
10734 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8

Fig. 12 e Contribution of various processes to human

toxicity values of methanol fueled aircraft.

Fig. 10 e Contributions to abiotic depletion values of UCG

with CCS based ammonia fueled aircraft.
aircrafts are considerably lower than conventional kerosene
jet fuel.
Fig. 15 and Table 5 illustrate the cost of flight for a 5600 km
distance in which alternative fuels are used for the aircrafts.
human health. Environmental and social costs of HC, CO, Although LNG represented better environmental perfor-
NOx, PM, and CO2 emissions of various fueled aircrafts are mance, the cost of aircraft operation in terms of fuel is the
evaluated in terms of USD/tonne-km as shown in Fig. 13 and highest for ethanol and LNG.
Table 4. Fig. 13 shows the calculated environmental and In the calculations, the current conventional based routes
social cost of emissions based on the values given in Table 2. are taken into account for comparison purposes. Hydrogen
Since, they are associated with the amount of various type fueled aircraft has lower cost compared to these two alter-
of emissions, kerosene jet fuel and fossil fuel based natives. Since the production of kerosene from crude oil is a
ammonia represent higher costs. However, as illustrated in more mature technology, it represents the lowest cost among
Fig. 14, renewable based ammonia yields lower environ- all. Liquid ammonia is also low cost alternative compared to
mental and social costs of emissions in comparison with hydrogen as seen in Table 5. Hydrogen has the highest cost per
kerosene. Specifically, Fig. 14 shows renewable only based unit mass, however, having higher heating value makes
routes for hydrogen and ammonia in comparison with hydrogen a cost effective solution.
kerosene. It is noted that the total environmental and social The performances of the aircrafts are also compared in
costs for renewable based ammonia and hydrogen fueled terms of energy and exergy efficiencies in Fig. 16. In the

Fig. 11 e Human toxicity values of various fueled aircrafts per traveled tonne-km.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8 10735

Fig. 13 e Total environmental and social costs of emissions for various fueled aircrafts from conventional and renewable

Table 4 e Environmental and social costs of emissions for complete life cycle of various fueled aircrafts from conventional
Environmental and social cost of emissions (USD/tonne-km)
Substance Environmental and Ethanol Kerosene Liquid Liquid LNG Methanol
social impact (USD/kg) ammonia hydrogen
Particulates, <2.5 um 229.2 0.0122 0.0115 0.0672 0.0259 0.0629 0.0942
Carbon monoxide 4.16 0.028174 0.00528 0.035917 0.005910 0.03164 0.02794
Nitrogen oxides 24.8 0.024039 0.11302 0.076339 0.010959 0.01217 0.02386
Hydrocarbon 8.27 0.031481 0.00847 0.025059 0.012483 0.01247 0.02315
Carbon dioxide 0.07 0.074508 0.07320 0.072602 0.006922 0.05735 0.07086

Fig. 14 e Comparison of total environmental and social costs of emissions for renewable based ammonia/hydrogen driven
aircrafts and kerosene driven aircraft.
10736 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8

calculations, two different efficiencies are taken into account

namely: fuel production efficiency and fuel combustion effi-
ciency. The production efficiency represents the process from
raw material to final product as fuel. The combustion effi-
ciency is the process of utilization in the aircrafts. Although,
there can be storage and transportation losses, the overall
efficiency can be calculated based on these two main effi-
ciencies by neglecting the storage and transportation effi-
ciencies. Here, the conventional methods are taken into
account for hydrogen and ammonia rather than renewable
based options.
The efficiency values are taken from the open literature
[25e27] and calculated accordingly. Kerosene has the high-
est production energy and exergy efficiencies yielding the
highest overall efficiency. Liquefaction of natural gas in an
energy intensive process causing lower exergetic efficiency,
hence lower overall efficiency for utilization in aircrafts.
Ammonia has high combustion efficiency which results in
the second highest overall exergy efficiency among the
other alternative fuels. The overall efficiencies of methanol
are lower than other fuels. It is noted that the selected
alternative fuels may represent higher efficiencies but also
higher environmental impacts depending on the production
Fig. 15 e A comparison of fuel costs during the operation of process and technology.
aircrafts for the given range.

Table 5 e Average fuel consumption rates and fuel costs for selected alternative fuels.
Fuel Fuel consumption (kg/km) Fuel consumption (kg/tonne-km) Fuel cost (USD/kg)
Kerosene (Jet fuel) 7.99 0.217 0.409
Methanol 18.06 0.492 0.250
Ammonia 18.82 0.512 0.280
Hydrogen 2.64 0.071 2.300
LNG 9.46 0.257 0.716
Ethanol 12.47 0.339 0.619

Source: Refs. [20,21].

Fig. 16 e Comparison of energy and exergy efficiencies of various fueled aircrafts counting the fuel production and
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 7 2 2 e1 0 7 3 8 10737

Conclusions Nomenclature

In this study, a well-to-wake approach is used in order to ASTM American Section of the International Association
determine the overall life cycle emissions of an aircraft for Testing Materials
running on various conventional and alternative fuels. Oper- DB Dichlorobenzene
ation of the aircraft, construction, maintenance and operation CCS Carbon Capture Storage
of airport, manufacturing of the aircraft, production and uti- CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
lization of fuel are considered as a complete LCA cycle. CML Center of Environmental Science of Leiden
Although there are modifications required to achieve the University
aviation fuel qualifications for such alternative fuels, the long CNG Compressed Natural Gas
term viability and environmental sustainability are necessary EV Electric Vehicle
to promote these to be attractive solutions for the future of GHG Greenhouse Gas
aviation industry. The following findings are obtained from GREET Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy
this study: Use in Transportation
GWP Global Warming Potential
 Alternative aviation fuels including hydrogen, methanol, HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
ammonia and LNG are more environmental-friendly op- IATA The International Air Transport Association
tions than kerosene. IAM Integrated Assessment
 Although ammonia and hydrogen are carbon-free fuels, ICE Internal Combustion Engine
the emissions may be high when the fossil fuel are used in ISO International Organization for Standards
the production methods. LCA Life Cycle Assessment
 Hydrogen (produced by the use of geothermal energy) LDI Lean Direct Injection
fueled aircraft route releases the least GHG emissions LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
among the considered cases corresponding to 0.014 kg CO2 LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
per tonne-km although kerosene fueled aircraft releases MSWI Municipal Waste Incineration Plant
1.05 kg CO2 per tonne-km when the complete cycle is NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
considered. PM Particulate Matter
 Renewable sources based hydrogen and ammonia routes PTWa Pump to Wake
represent the most preferable option in terms of the envi- PV Photovoltaic
ronmental impact. RCV Refuse Collection Vehicles
 Global warming potentials of LNG (0.84 kg CO2 per tonne- RER Europe
km) and methanol (1.03 kg CO2 per tonne-km) driven air- UCG Underground Coal Gasification
crafts are lower than currently used kerosene based jet UCTE Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of
fuels. Electricity
 Ammonia production is mainly dependent on natural gas UV Ultraviolet
causing high environmental impacts overall. However, VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
renewable energy resources based ammonia production WTP Well to Pump
considerably lower the environmental impacts corre- WTWa Well to Wake
spondingly to 0.23 kg CO2 per tonne-km for hydropower
 The operation of the aircraft has almost equivalent share
(40.7% for hydrogen route of UCG with CCS) with operation
and maintenance of the airport (44.6% for hydrogen route
of UCG with CCS) in total GHG emissions. Hence, the en-
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