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NCLB Public Law PL 107-110, There was too much We could have really The goal should be to
the No Child Left Behind emphasis on the scores good teachers in areas make sure all kids have
Act of 2001 on tests and does show that need the most help. the chance to succeed
No Child Left Behind appreciation for other and have qualified
areas of improvement. teachers in all areas to
ensure the best

ESSA 2018 The law holds schools This replaced the NCLB There should be equal
accountable for how Act and allows states to opportunity for all kids
students learn and compare data. regardless of their
achieve. situations.
Every Student
Succeeds Act

STANDARDIZED 2010 These are usually too College and career There is a large
TESTING/COMMON long, not very engaging, readiness now in place government influence
CORE and have low levels of and states can also like the standards
rigor. compare. across the US.
IDEA 1998 Students who have a Give a fair acceptance Combated educational
juvenile record or and have those be deficiencies that they
history of disciplinary accountable for saw in students. It
problems may be left mishaps. focused the program to
out. student achievement
and college readiness.

Benchmark Assessment - this is a fixed test that is used to determine whether or not a kid is on track and at the right level they are
supposed to be at in multiple subjects

Diagnostic Assessment - used to gather information on a student to determine strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skill prior to

Formative Assessment - this monitors student learning and provides ongoing feedback that can be used for teachers to improve
teaching and students to improve learning

Summative Assessment - this evaluates student learning, knowledge, proficiency, or success at the end of the unit

Bloom's Taxonomy Chart

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