Edu214 Final Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Ruben Griego



Ruben Griego

Lesson Plan Title: Merging Data in Excel

Concept / Topic To Teach: Teaching how to properly merge data from multiple cells into
a single cell.
General Goal(s): To give the students a general understanding of how to merge data
within Excel.
Specific Objectives: Showing the students how to merge data using “&” in Excel. Also
showing how to create spaces in merged data along with adding text characters.
Required Materials: Microsoft Excel and computer or laptop
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Review the previous lesson of using the sum and average
functions and building upon it.
Step-By-Step Procedures:
1) Combine data by using “&”
2) Add spaces using “ “
3) Add special characters also using “ “. Example “$”
 Plan For Independent Practice: Have the class combine the data that will be provided
to them. Have them sort it Last Name then First Name.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): Review what we learned today. Go over any
questions that the students may have regarding the days lesson.
Assessment Based On Objectives: Review assignments and grade based on rubric.
Possible Connections To Other Subjects: This skill can be used in multiple subjects
including but no limited to mathematics and science.

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