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QUARTER 1: WEEK 1 – 3.1

Capsulized Self-Learning
Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
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Subject & Grade PR-2 1-
G12 3.1 dd/mm/yyyy
Characteristics, strengths and weaknesses and kinds of quantitative research

MOST ESSENTIALDescribes the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses and kinds of

LEARNINGquantitative research (CS_RS12-1a-c-1)

IMPORTANT: Do not write on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment
Sheets provided separately.


Characteristics, strengths and weaknesses and kinds of quantitative research
CHECKPOINT: How is quantitative research described in terms of characteristics, strengths and
weaknesses and kinds?

Quantitative research designs employ numbers and statistics in coming up with

generalizations about the problem or inquiry. It has characteristics, strengths and
weaknesses and kinds.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

 Large Sample Size. Quantitative research is done on a large number of audiences to ensure
 Structured Research Methods. Structural research methods like questionnaires, polls, and
surveys are used to conduct quantitative research.
 Highly Reliable Outcome. The outcome of quantitative research methods is quite reliable, as
participants of the research face close-ended questions. Moreover, the outcome of
quantitative research is easy to understand and explain.
 Reusable Outcome. The outcome of quantitative research can be used multiple times.
 Close-ended Questions. Close-ended question’s answers are more specific and right to the
question than the open-ended questions. Responses to open-ended questions are more
detailed and scattered.
 Numerical Outcome. The outcome of quantitative research is always in numerical form- in
percentage, range of numbers.
 Generalization of Outcome. The outcome of quantitative research can be generalized easily
for the whole population since it involves a large sample of the population.
 Prior Study. The outcome of quantitative research can be used for a previous study of
another research. The results of quantitative research are more reliable than qualitative
research and can be used easily to deduce conclusions

Quantitative research has also strengths and weaknesses just like the qualitative research.
Strengths of Quantitative Research

 Can be tested and checked. Quantitative research requires careful experimental design
and the ability for anyone to replicate both the test and the results. This makes the data
you gather more reliable and less open to argument.
 Straightforward analysis. The type of results from the data that you gather will tell you which
statistical tests are appropriate to use. Thus, the interpretation and presentation are
straightforward and less open to error.
 Prestige. It is considered valuable and impressive especially if it involves complex statistics
and data analysis; it is also associated with technical advancements .

Other Strengths of Quantitative Research (Prieto, Naval & Carey, 2017)

 Quantitative research design is the most reliable and valid way of concluding results , giving
way to a new hypothesis or to disproving it.
 Because of a bigger number of the sample of a population, the results or generalizations
are more reliable and valid.
 Quantitative experiments are useful for testing the results gained by a series of quantitative
experiments, leading to a final answer, and a narrowing down of possible directions to
 It provides an allowance on the formulation of statistically sound .
 Quantitative data provide a macro view with all the required details and comparatively larger
 Larger sample sizes enable the conclusion to be generalized.
 Evaluation of the multiple data sets can be done at once and that too at a faster pace
and accurately.
 This method is called to be appropriate when there is a need of systematic and
standardized comparisons.
 The manual implementations of ideas can be automated completely which can save time.

Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

 False focus on numbers. Since it focuses solely on numbers, you run the risk of
missing essential information. overlooking broader themes and relationships.
 Difficulty setting up a research model. There is a need to formulate your hypothesis and set
up a model for collecting and analysing data.
 Can be misleading. The opinions and biases of a researcher are likely to affect the information
gathering. Some people assume that because quantitative research is based on statistics it is
more credible or scientific than observational, qualitative research. However, both kinds of
research can be subjective and misleading.

Other Weaknesses of Quantitative Research (Prieto, Naval & Carey, 2017)

 Quantitative studies require extensive statistical treatment , requiring stringent standards,

more so with confirmation of results.
 Quantitative research also tends to turn out only proved or unproven results, leaving little
room for uncertainty, or grey areas.
 Quantitative Method reveals what and to what extent but often fails to answer more on why
and how.
 This type of research requires the model performance to be monitored on constant basis
in order to ensure its compliance with the original hypotheses.
 The impression of homogeneity in a sample may turn out to be fake in this method.
 This method involves limited number of Quants supply and also involves complex
disciplines which are hard to master.

Research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose in order to integrate the
components of the study. It is the blueprint for the selection, measurement and analysis of data. The
research problem determines the research design you should use.

Four Kinds of Quantitative Research.

 Historical research studies events after the fact. It examines previous experience through
documentation and is especially useful for studying the evolution of a particular characteristic
over time.
 Descriptive research systematically documents current events, lasting products or other
phenomena that can be measured directly by researchers today. It can take the form of
questionnaires, polls, surveys, or case studies. Descriptive statistics (mean, median, range,
variance, and standard deviation) are used to summarize and give order to the measurements
made in descriptive research.
 Correlational research reveal systematic relationships between descriptive parameters
(measurable features of a phenomenon under investigation). A correlation facilitates
prediction of one parameter based on another. Correlations are restricted to prediction; the
identification of causal variables requires an experimental analysis.
 Experimental research reveals a cause and effect relationship by systematically manipulating
one parameter (the independent variable) and observing the influence on another (the
dependent variable).

Quantitative Research designs are generally classified experimental and non-experimental.

Experimental research includes True Experimental, Quasi Experimental and Pre-Experimental.
(Prieto, Naval & Carey, 2017)


1. One Shot Case Study
2. One Group Pre-test and Post-test Design
Pre-experimental Types of Research
 Apply to experimental designs with the least internal validity.
 One type of pre-experiment , the single group, pre-test-posttest design, measures the group
2 times, before & after the intervention.
 Instead of comparing the pretest with the posttest within one group, the posttest of the
treated groups is compared with that of untreated group (control group)

 The researcher can collect more data, either by scheduling more observations of finding
more existing measures
 Controls for both time-related and group-related threats.
 Employs both treated and control groups to deal with time-related rival explanations.
 A Control Group reflects changes other than those due to the treatment that occur during
the time of the study. Such changes include effects of outside events, maturation by the
subjects, changes in measures and impact of any pre-tests.
 Offers the highest internal validity of all the designs.

Quasi-experimental design differs from true experimental design by the absence of random
assignment of subjects to different conditions. Common in Quasi-experimental design and true
experimental is that some subjects receive an intervention and provide data to reflect its impact.


1. Non-equivalent control group design –refers to the chance of random assignment to equalize
the conditions by converting a true experiment into the kind of design for purposes of
2. Interrupted Time Series Design- employs multiple measures before and after the
experimental intervention.


 The researcher observes the phenomena as they occur naturally and no
external variables are introduced.
 The variables are not manipulated nor is the setting controlled. Researchers collect
data without making changes or introducing treatments.
Descriptive research includes: Survey, Correlational, Ex-post Facto Studies, Comparative,
and Methodological research.
Descriptive Research Design
 Its main purpose is to observe, describe, and document aspects of a situation as it
naturally occurs and sometimes to serve as a starting point for hypothesis generation
or theory development.
1. Survey- a research design used when the researcher intends to provide a quantitative or
numeric description of trends, attitudes, or opinions of a population by studying a sample of
that population (Creswell, 2003).
2. Correlational Research
3 Types:
1. Bivariate Correlation Studies
2. Prediction Studies
3. Multiple Regression

Bivariate Correlation Studies- Obtain scores from 2 variables for each subject. Then use
them to calculate a correlation coefficient. The 2 variables are correlated
Prediction Studies- Use correlation co-efficient to show how one variable (the predictor
variable) predicts another (the criterion variable)
Multiple Regression Prediction Studies- Variables can contribute to the over-all
prediction in an equation that adds together the predictive power of each identified

3. Ex-Post Facto Research Design

 These are non-experimental designs that are used to investigate causal relationships.
 They examine whether one or more pre-existing conditions could possibly have
caused subsequent differences in groups of subjects.
4. Comparative Design
 Involves comparing and contrasting 2 or more samples of study subjects on one
or more variables, often at a single point of time.
 It is used to compare 2 distinct groups on the basis of selected attributes such as
knowledge level, perceptions, and attitudes, physical or psychological symptoms.
5. Evaluative Research
 Seeks to assess or judge in some way providing information about something
other than might be gleaned in mere observation or investigation of relationships.
 Is conducted to elicit useful feedback from a variety of respondents from various fields
to aid in decision making or policy formulation investigation of relationships.
6. Methodological
 In this approach, the implementation of a variety of methodologies forms a critical
part of achieving the goal of developing a scale-matched approach, where data from
different disciplines can be integrated.

Home – Based LoT (Individual Activity)
Answer all the questions using the answer sheet

Let’s Practice!
Activity 1 Describe Me More!
Directions: Using a Venn Diagram, describe the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research.
Use words/phrases only.

Activity 2: Describing Researchable Problems

Directions: Identify at least two researchable problems/issues in relation to your field

(track/strand) and describe these problems/issues Decide on suitable kind of quantitative research to
the problems you have described.

No. Researchable Description of problem/issue Kind of quantitative

Problems/Issues research to use

Activity 3: Describing Qquantitative Research
Directions: Use any graphic organizer to describe the kinds of quantitative research .

Key Points

 The major characteristics of Quantitative Research is that conclusions are expressed

in numbers or as results of statistical treatment. Conclusive data are arranged using
tables, graphs, or figures that consolidate large numbers of data to show trends,
relationships, or differences among variables.

 The major strength of quantitative research is that it is an excellent way of using or

of finalizing results and providing or disproving a hypothesis. Results can be seen as
real or unbiased, because they are numerically expressed after appropriate statistical

Kinds of Quantitative Research

 Historical research - studies events after the fact,; examines previous

experience through documentation
 Descriptive research - systematically documents current events, lasting
products or other phenomena that can be measured directly; can take the
form of questionnaires, polls, surveys, or case studies; uses descriptive
statistics (mean, median, range, variance, and standard deviation)
 Correlational research - reveals systematic relationships between descriptive
parameters (measurable features of a phenomenon under investigation);
facilitates prediction of one parameter based on another; and restricted to
prediction; the identification of causal variables requires an experimental
 Experimental research - reveals a cause and effect relationship by
systematically manipulating the independent variable and observing the
influence on the dependent variable; requires statistical tests; time and
expense involved with such analyses.

Quantitative Research designs are generally classified experimental and non-

experimental. Experimental research includes True Experimental, Quasi Experimental and
Pre-Experimental. Non-experimental research studies include: Survey, Correlational, Ex-
post Facto Studies, Comparative, Evaluative and Methodological.
Nelia G. Prieto, Ph.D, Victoria C. Naval, DEM, Teresita G. Carey, DALL. Practical
Research 2 Quantitative. . Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City,
2017, pages 3-7.
Hitesh Bhasin. What are the Characteristics of Quantitative Research? 2019.
Copyright © 2011 International Association for Dance Medicine and Science
(IADMS) and Virginia Wilmerding, Ph.D.
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Name: Andriea A. Carmelotes Strand/Section: ABM- RUSSEL Date: 09/08/2020

Activity 1. Describe Me More!

Directions: Using a Venn Diagram, describe the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative
research. Use words/phrases only.

Strengths Weaknesses

 focuses
 straightforward
solely on
and less open to
 difficult to
 more reliable
set up a
and less open to
 Prestige
 can be
(valuable and
 easy to analyse
and consistent

ACTIVITY 2. Describing Researchable Problems

Directions: Identify at least three researchable problems/issues in relation to your field

(track/strand) and describe these problems/issues Decide on suitable kind of quantitative
research to the problems you have described.

No.Researchable Description of problem/issueKindofquantitative

Problems/Issues research to use

1 Customer Satisfaction In this time of pandemic, Descriptive

for Digital Marketing everyone is fond of buying
Agency their wants and needs
online. Since peope are
2 Effect of Pandemic to Online buying is highly Descriptive
Online Sellers recommended for the
people these days, did it

3 Effect of Pandemic on Physical stores are one of Descriptive

Physical Stores the most affected businesses
ACTIVITY 3. Describing Quantitative Research
Directions: Use any graphic organizer to describe the kinds of quantitative research.


A research design that

employ numbers and
statistics in coming up with
generalizations about the
problem or inquiry.

Four kinds of

Historical Descriptive Correlational Experimental

Research – Research – Research – Research –
studies events systematically reveal systematic reveals a cause
after the fact documents relationships and effect
current events between relationship

3 – 2 – 1 CHART
3 THINGS THAT I’VE LEARNED  How useful and helpful quantitative research is especially to those
studies that deals with number, range etc.
 I have learned that quantitative research has a lot of strengths that
can truly help the researchers achieve their goals with a concrete and
reliable studies.
 I have learned the different kinds of quantitative and realized how
helpful this research design for ABM students like me.
2 CONCEPTS I CAN RELATE TO  Everyone/ everything has its own strengths and weaknesses
REAL LIFE  The more thoughts and opinions you can get, the more concrete and
reliable answers you can have

THE LESSON THAT I WANT TO Classification of experimental and non-experimental QUANTITATIVE


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