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A Comparison of Analog, Digital and Hybrid

Computing Techniques For Simulation of Gas
Turbine Performance


Graduate Student
Assoc. Men-.. ASME


Associate Professor
Meat. ASME

Division of Mechanical & Aeronautical Erlg'neering.

Faculty of Engineering.
Carleton University.
Ottawa. Canada

Simulation of gas turbine dynamic performance can be accomplished using analog.

digital or hybrid computing techniques. The paper discusses computing tech.
niques for each type of computer and reviews their advantages and disadvantages.
It is concluded that the three types of simulation are complementary to each other
and that all three computers have their place: the analog is essential for real time
simulation of complex engines, the digital is most suitable for detailed studies
and the hybrid combines the ease of integration of the analog with the logic and
stored program capability of the digital.

(.ur.tril...lvd In for Ca. Furl line Ui'i.i„u till 'he \mrri.wn Sorirt of \Iorhanieal

F:ngi nror. for pr...rntali,m at the (.a-'Iurbinr ( .,n I.rrurr R 1'rud url. hu%, hunch.
.nit,erl:urd. 'larch 3II -\pril 1, 1971. \lanu•eript rr.,ei..J at .\ h \I F. IloaJq antler•
\attacher 2:, 1973.
t :r.pie. will In :t,ailublr until Dvreniber 1, 1971.


A Comparison of Analog, Digital and Hybrid

Computing Techniques For Simulation of Gas
Turbine Performance

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The advantages of e_ 1 but t e fp

for need
e e development o the re^ere^ea quoted in the blbllo a eaehv.
suitable techniques are now well establishe d W.1
tech niques o an RLQUTHSIEnTS FOR ENGINE ., IDN,_TON

and should yield a saisys in both dev e lopme n t - an

cost and ti]i.e. - ebasedosimulat i on is to
repres ent the .e
these models rag ho isplenented on a,:aUug. ddgital over its oo.tplete ruml[m raaee. Thus, the srsu-
or hyb rid a os.puters. wach te or computer he 5 lstton most be able to coy em the range from idle
output, and also the effect af varied
f light O diti,n a the case of an 3 raraft power
f ? a anc p lant.
of the sisulotion techni q ues which hare beer. rarther important re q rda e.
developed and to present an objectve view of the •l plaxbiii_,, The sriulstior. mu st
relati,e merits of the clternatiae computer cyatess
ale _
Ream.o p- d_cma_ fe, o aule c.
1 Unde rlined parentheses desg ^, _-,f
References at a of npaper. were rDt anticipate_ initially. Laing, the

O torque Subscripts
IE standard calerific value of fuel
I rotor po1sr moment of inertia

Engine ststons
N rotor speed Li

a _ totaa p s flew

T total temperature LP low-pressure spool
change in totsl temperature Hr ELig}] pre ssure spool
osas flow

0p speotfic best at constant pressure

C.,. speotri c heat at constant volume
time go fuel
=ratio of spectfta heat,
V effinencf
development of an engine. compressors and turbines
nay be modIfied tn Improve a ,. ,on u th a n^;at.i.on of the a. craft
and the simulation must be _e to keep abreast dyn amics.
of the latest ,levelopnontm. no ths other Lnn, if the aisulation in to
2 Credibility: The aulatIon must be be used as an analysis tool for the
readily r a able to _ ce o =
g r eat eel a will be
i:ent, and amnageaent engineers who not simu- required before the desi g n-
y finali ze d ,

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_ ethe a mula- es -
tion shoul d a to am nit is ooapla to and all of the eng ine
o real engine and should rake use of ecmmool = _ b e en fu lly
arr Onto tnb s u o s being used as a learn-
Availability: Once the alma ation has Ing tool, and the cost or opera tion
been uo11ke1Y t t at the
rought n into use n required without the r
necessIty for le ng th y setup tImes. these circuastancea nnrthemeorc, b eaause
relIabilIty the simulation
- _
and repeatability is clearly essential, Important
o ling -
sinu atoon must be capable or easy checking to to ntorao t fully with his teat rIg. The analog
ensure that it is func correctly; this is a nd hybrd rope lity puri de the engineer with
. 1., Important for complex engine s.znla- theopportunity to sit at the console. un he
trans. watch .eta rt
a atop thecaIDmation,
The _ foregoing re quire- a _ - ..b o
ments are >s ceb o remote -latIon which Is .._
on the particular computer used in the simlat oc only through preacribed chanoels and who me output
study. legs Input by sonic imdetermined amount of tIne.
The analog computer yea doveloped apecifi-
especi ally autable for
The oho ice of which computer to ent,,] aqua t:i.00a.e
particular aimulation depends on a great many Is a more genera: pu rp ose ca pable of
cc tore. Ide ally, the method o solving virtually e tir na _
determine tho type or machine u sed. I Often, how- its di tatlon of 1 e
ever, the type or machine Ia deternined by other It can nandle dynnail c prob lema. Its erriciency
to in this area Is somewhat lessoned by its serial
that machine. e d yb The hltM I

- eoeha apnD11rt1 aw Ehe e
h 1: ilyey o[ t;^
pur p ose - ppropriatey of th e digItal computer
through an appropri ate Interfa c e.
because or the wide avaIlabIlity of digital
- _ scab npowerful conputing e fecfl ty
iar with 5 g,tea poo g rasimi ng , died tal machinesof efficient solution of an y e ng ineeri ng
have be e n used extensively for performance colon- problem.
lotions computing - cy ,e speed d lfferooae between
storage capacity o r present m achines, analog and digital c omputers is the foot that the
digital computer can s el in
computer rob'_ens 1`h the r digital i
or computer terminals, it is now because _ operation - ,fora -.
- -_ e compnmt.onal loo p s , p arallel
en e rely powerful digital c the digital operation r
which _ on the basim or ther fast that it .e
own re q uirements, another very considerable ad - calculations.
v an tage
, di gital Is _red (dj most
o a eved program on cards or obvious is _
tape a to b e duplic abedforanother coaputer There art certain advantagea of parallel
comput e r that s hould
able toY smoly any of its aircraft cuetome,, with The react important or these 1. the ...t that the

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Downloaded from by guest on 23 November 2020

I be the 0 e mm e-n
Jul ^^ as _ o L-s
uit a
mleme J, the pp compressor ve n
expres sed n

1 Ln
eei r p loi

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such h a . . l,rir atien were l not possibl e , it

wouad b e IIry to extract th e VeaueS
of e ase flows , pre fenper a from
the output o enta con-
Fig. 3 nf ormation flowusing
usi quasi- teadY flow sia oab le increase capacity.. a
h The thenrodynaxic apprmac can readily be
camber of e uly[pla
N o
for me atIntlnes. u ili L ng the u ae pa
act E _ w ..teat facilitating e ^
I ole _rlys
i rented.
r ple entattn
o on an analog computer, s a nalog mach ines . illit y,prese n ted e e
of b o t h capacity and e whi ch a ce
AFl.LOC COn^pp'1'ei SIDf.. L.TIOI. serious a ec o v e r tf The capaci ty
pr oblem, lo gar-
2 erly eff o rts'a, the analog field concentra- of e the -
led u amplifiened linear n were oes e forst this mit= t s my nam i s i o n Ì .
neted b y co nt rol s sdrtofepat
o pli I r and divisio nn u s o
ity n
s i mple of limite d u se and e as sirs-vOth a am plir e able to p .o s ixax
o op era} of .. cov e hem
ringE _ m¢1LipTheause or
nge o c d"Il t o
s n ge The _ a una cce n at cur,
epio esim ra l ofinea of N11` Sang. appeart v loss
li in accuracy.
analog si mesass
ula t i>
io n s u that eany Su4cex; F tonc c ifa x typical s
dc0 variation frea
this u i.nshtd aina oe early r nut lope to ns 0 c
onsidered, 3.2 2.o f
to 3.779
was fi rst Published in the open 11 Eena tree b would be from or CJ' to
1 $`. -area using m 2f.1
To st ud gas ne _ _voltage ry o 6 then to v
leg uimpute at - - intr o duc t io vo l t age, howe ve r,the
circuit ± r. wh oh the tho V ar iables vari able can s a e n e 150 105 1 0 - 3.
basically re The em is^9^6= to R9 ' ^Exavoltage N
consi ate t but
aoe Inteneoyue ted to Satisfy nc patibilityo p at the oexpense of additional Notentlome temp
mplified in formation -
so ar isms . 3, y be o

3 t.atv ala tho voniable, In T p
- - non-
-x i ant, in the e analog
_ nal quantities ;:A fede possible by the . _ rep resentation, o integrate
e ^ _s^aaY flow throughout the e-- t ^ Io ^tT'
ore suc h that it yie lds
ee. E It Is possible to assume that compatibility p
_ gevl tfur. of th f spe d. The net rotor tootre is
or low i
without loss ordoltishly a rao Y. x thus.. it is IT I
not o e the unsteady
steady r o - e - _ - -7P i
t_eneb . wcwume b e the t _
a for en. the w - - TM s can be wean a,p a W gi ve
Enteese for re or rmw nbeneen the Pease-es-

_ — z
P2 °% in t egration ._^ la. JO N se

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Yp Y i.xi ml cempres so_ naps Sow characteristic
n F !m

-r ig.
5 'stacking carves used in
ix - is {ioe a tl e e Icw 1^ 111 analog setup of compressor o_araeterist c

Seores entation of SomoressorCharacteristic

The e-them is
described by the t wo-d i m > una 1>w17 /P
s o fA^.wen of vp/= 1 and

ristics t:e
P g -m ation
The -al 1> som ewhere i n
of asas flow. p ressure
and the niddle of the compressora
La invariably exten d ed b eyond line
an axial ompressorti^ Note
that, at thea low-speei o is is vertioa n the - constant
ant speed line s
spee d are rather and at the i point 1 0 _ e is selected. _
they a erticalP1 this i due to the h flowe being Eacking'o o -b) n is then chosen s uc h
if point n the de sign is In c atedalong
contr olled b es low
IL-`a t win o
speeds and _ a speeds !.
rho earliest approachj) to the repro - required speed line. The procedure is as follows:

map sur f ac e
1e (s-a) and extend
beyond th e
I t beyond and co l ly down
n th 1 > of e k nstent voltage superimposed to
represent ens of tho vanisbloa, a a erodynamic to hopingortionc
speed. T:•)Ls approach sufferedfrom Sele ct aileswhich f ixn

aatsR a) lengthy setupe time s bl o qlp and ' 1 .eme p ing I l i /P 1 and R - log
inaccuray of and (5) the c
3 For points de sign olrve plot
r esponse c o the probes prevent real-time
operation. f lfll - R1D1 vers us F- 5).
curv e m- The
An alternative a pproach using three rune rs
approximate loca t ion evident
hapefree the s
of a single vsniahles to represent a single funco
p r oven hi ghly a of characteristic.
tion -
fu t in m r each value o f IV 1T1• establish the
and has hot r. fully de s cribed
bas i s of to find by val fpl s ang the 8 .
^ s 6 Plot the seva-ucs a 1 Rp v rsus
l rr gn and a tack_ng"
`J/ ^1 (Fig.
iiv n
ourve suc h e that
that the des
+ o n De moved
alor.g the sent any one of 7 pas and n t o we
first establish Clla r f uncti o ns
ne o
requi r ed
e xplained v re f er ence and then establish f91 - Qy p] es a _vmtIDx'. of
teristio of m Fig. e'I t the analogrequirement
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a 50 70 50anKS)
..e PLOW ,W

..... c .
1c.,...n. Fig. 7 Analog representation of compressor
po ore manse

Fig. 6 Analog setup of compressor characteristic

_gibleeffect rail performance. The
o e
physical explanation is that
the time a sxa
- na ..e . . > i' 1 _ lower
charges a
than han
The analo setup = n J r. T. c p e for the changes if those
sh ows that the method i enely o fnple a e logs were really s gnific box th e clog
eocnomical to
- molvat
an inre.
successfull y to e o bo dt hboa xial nary o^ that Iemdn
b r ep-
bo mth for wtinn of variables
a w o uld hav ee to be dis c ard-
m temper
ala ture a
rise rr ea.
ice scn
characteristic areslwwn in Me. 7. DIGITAL COMITEB SIINLVTION

Circuit Di agran The ontim. ratio to rque

A co mp lete c irc uit a - _ rotor can ally be out hn to
twin. s.o of e u[bo Jot war nr ^nt^yo m analog or h nata o i in twe
e, egr at ing t
in na e . e ir of but o en the tl L he ef f. u suet hee-t ee
caaur lh o and t h e requirn ed onbeese atns toln ca In 1l^-. eanon efficacy of µ
car readi'y be and i t ca n al so b e s e en that - c painn s mtv inal YaFOn Lance
the basic requiremente 1 su ppl y re,
of 5uiing amplifiers and function e generators. _
The model was mplemented e o with 20 ^itsh^ mas s flow
abortion generators, , to ,^, e copes, ri se be found fr me
a few epp>eIDnHOns to get within this limit. rent characteristics and the Lab o -
In the oase of both c • e penent 0 culated. To detenmine m
t mperature t tea by a u tsisle cu rve e at eac h taCen. 1 . e
whi ch a. of patio: a - ad-
ste y t
ea, he
a very good fit n the re of the stead y-st a to
te the analo g ,
w amationear
opeL 1 simu lation req ired 45 In the 1 cc on flow a
at: -_ u
nap:biers, IT epotenti rexers. aM 17 function , to edate the

ga _ abarnir capacitances can be establish

tablish a natnllins a _ c
_^ in the a v_t a - : these are - w
txsient. method n
troduced to xepre sent the sin prepagation. a d to i ee the s e III-'
of pressure sig na l th r oughout t t a - one alternativeme
a ive thod o Se Pof the t
Icnown tlhat this note -ate representation pressures at each s
for very detailed studios, but expeniaent during the t
tut considerable variation in their value r
ha t a thie flow ofsnatch is used to calculate nthe -ate
Downloaded from by guest on 23 November 2020

n __


^vF I

-. 9 m lines"
_.evr. lines lea
so- tu_ -epee-

each eor!praet :n at as
nd 6e ^ ,en -,oww is no . ..
shown 2. the exoeptlon of the
The riethod f, pressure ratio .eet.te wt awe
quire a
steps in time ntbe
e in fuel lIon.
;°b ecaus e dose thought run t he ven to the ehoiro
pressure these
`t t, .e VdOs ehoae is the but

to iterativee p r ecognlred -
t -
t, it nuat
cedure requirea much acre oputattow per . e
- g Point Isseverr et be because or the .rnore rapid ehanea in pressure.
- ui b ] ao°. The
pztib L^tp, It is aifrleu:t to raltse o n fo r tuA o:et e d that E
whreh eta a w vol jam rac not critical, and thus values larger

in nan the phvsic:aI vOlaes could be used to decreas e

aut_nt t

edvantao that, r genera: the /nen o f

the bypassrather c e the
spoo ls in te eactine.he i .]use- or the vo lune pressure in the ones con t rolled the
mi xer
throug h to a. 1 thus af fecte d the spli t nSETed,ren_ t -
flow betvoen a. col It s h. cant p rograrsming
be resumed eetlt the u Lute aoxqonent wI-ld eff ort; nevertheless. _Sports Is a commonlyy used
ages i a es ally a luisped constant approach languag e.
with the ma 1' the engine - ith the computer _
ponents en<eted at o few discrete points in p emmltting access to very lar ge c om put er
the model. uou l be o ne 13)

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c ontinuous system - ',fl, o
:ntegrst!en Methods The so 1 do
eters h ave computational Al especially
analysis of engine transient designed fo r the
- as p then only 0 ructure
e h
of thesee Is
dpiaauos reed be ns so loose that the ationse'
are being t reated as st e ady and the rotor time rearranges the
const ants a re outset _ set of t
e ts presents
tiona sad
`vl stively c steps in time a nd statements _ _ _
inte gration Pr cc e_uto ^he method of ution w ;-
ntercompon ent v s the unsteady flow a vailable man' man- c. meet has
equations in wt,
On .'th rotor d:rnaxio a. progra mming which ese analyse. packages
as eff',ient as possible.
than the
in t:ce tIme constants eof the u e sn that must
be cotton. in n the e-
characteri sti sm
c al ], ena me s peed The gener al approach - er-ratJe-
lines o ^^ .. teps 1
ay. satepo be or engine aamics
used _ integration; towar d the solution of the dynamic .. e linear oe_ .
higheroa steps in tine rtuse d.
filed step ration procedures b _ the digital no nt representation
waste ful of en time and ether n-linear o rat o no. s uc h
stances, and, ohence, i a variable wd step method is scheduli ng . may be either
desirab le. outlined - s —steady flow approach
l though c standard v. _ used analog etu.'ies..
that wo d be acceptable, stheu3 -Ettta-.Aerson aepnesentatlon of s through the
`i thn uehoct t ho use o f tabula- 'look- up
digi tals studies s conducted. a method providea Is ar r anged differ little
automatic s tep length control th roug h the sp — thosen fBdoel1e mina tog exc e pt
fiost lon - the trvematlon in the do le ^^luea e
en ana
error was chosen on the ha sic of rala accurac y -eacs. ally. It has d that
or the trans!ert. e It l -e
a a reduction

In factor of tin point o t rat i o
It aefound .e place ni nara
mi:inam below. r n the I e of^
.__ rfomr ance
bound on the step a eth in order to gal compressors or axial flow compressor of :0w
camulation to at the hub - r atio, - _t nn '--In
point where bleedw , thus e producing the a]ope of the oharao ten i stla ex
a -.ear discontinuity In sthe solution.
a(n/PL;Ø ^WI
choIc e )
` o obJec the simulation
is the If nap-she ible e the becomes positive eo seem to ^ quite
pro gram nthe t m . sable, and possible -te engIne to run
However, since the progra,meing effort involv e d in this region a _ lt.
real - ration such characteristi c l . 9
lI e'Y.m this _ -_' _ refere-oe t the
ee ]a
are 1 s PoEPPf£, s of co mp ressor
are always
g saa pati- mus t aiaered in tenainl. M e of
bIe With any mashie. •imn procedural nature of Surg e, net ,..t the maxiomn, pressure -at o.n

for use on the ]vbrid computer, is the ision
of the ac ten i atic Into redone of positive

and negative v treating each rate
map. logic net p t e provided w
switc h look- up
other when - maxitxa
at ang given spoed. Some was experi-

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v anal I. rs. noise that -
vertera which s up p li e d

hereat to —
°preasure r . Thin r d la o perating
_ to oscillate frax one nap to tho other. The
prab:on was solved by oddugalight h ysteresis
to the calculatio n, preve n ting
o the previous portion o characteristic
untl the pre ssuro had fallen el ow tho
narisr by an snoun meoi_ ed by the wive level
of the
setee a th e horrid o puter
si owlation 1facilitates by the autom,atio catting
Pctent neeters by the digital com puter.
T he f et prev i o us es
o equipment before a
Pit. 9 10 b10-valued oo,,ressoe charasterd stio
_ setupe C latianet n
debugg ed tup than
readi ng dial c_oyran. from cards l to-
Rcpresontation of such a component is made gether with the data.
Lore d if ficult - ame ten is of thee a_wh ere
cST, ers input pressure off real advantage over the gital
rat i o, regi o ns 11 ole capable Isint - vstero r on.
out singtraity theof flow u the pa_asta_ Thepossl
c v + e put i nto
as - acompleted, a_ malatian
- - ` `- of such o " a . r stopped. stopped the al cu
dune e h r eby. a f....ry ed by i terat i ve
tte d - a ten oa to sc alcu sase lations
based -to a-
wh e re b y characteristic,
x I 1 /tl 1 ac qui r ed t pa ,a,
th e te wl l and
t^s a . the part tens,e Pi s ITT/Pyl ^ t c a, soy b e c hanged
ae and
`: / sal in . 9. 1 te:.
•Yhe sap !s then accessed osing r If bsimultane ousl y
I! fl / dBe being pl e
of c l f / P1 . This value or 1 ^1 /f l sch edule can be changed S valcu-
o e re .. input I ation _reading of
pe ca n.e to c.^ V^I/^1'IV C
I/_1 1- ^ - can be a actu al
_ noproc edure until piec e s rontrol hardwaree checked c
thecorrector S Volue 'ap 1./P1 1found. lingthe s e articular a.van-
or the hybridthe e xec ution Lye in the axes of dig t% I Co_cl.
or operatns
'o 1it y ieporteoce,
since e it is ]:e fetter controlling th •AIDL-SIONS
the selution. -or this reason, the iter a tive
procedure is Isft m r not so uch f m the
point of view ofu wastrel time coaling but from Simulstior. or gas turbina-
t h e _ that fr ame ope r s - _ npl'ohed u sing
or the vontrol of ital n a_ n 9d these s be
thee opera
es. ar it theea lowers ectarather
"V t han t
Clow c c r eai n: use al component
the mell
h _ spends h it is usually qu te s . at so tees sties. a r. be rn i e
i tois d _ icclt W predict _ cover s .
eterange of - -

look-up would take in 1instance. tion_

hand adilyw w sable t o
-nother approach, which Satisfactory ..o are a t specialists in the field of d simulation.

fleoauce of the W ide availability If digital .S_, 11

o p e ration
el 1 t n S , e .al Pi
ampeting pre as.
largo ly been - the
wl ou C ompute r

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Where the addi
t study
t the _ t 'errs Trends
din tal section
eapabrlity of the analog while retaining the ease
Tqbine conference ,2s:r ?apos Ko. 38.
sr.d speed of integration. The analog and hybri:: 3 Par H. I.
r: re: to . por _.S al `„rse
te nt,1 _ pfril
- u of
M1 - e c
engi ne ers wh o vie fm.33a w., their caps- .g 1972,
L11 . ]BP-IDli o n-

- the _ati-
w ar ]
_ teen of to

be able to interact with the simulation and operote

73-STl. ITo be published in TransastionsArMm,
in a
cost e 'e] vbest be v e :h ub b ,
or ^s c p
'c. c Simulation
aon ,
hut a ma a n alog7 useful, ,1 ^.
n .r Hy_
sirula tio r:
_ tr eb0.
and the fully doo,sentod Paugrsri can be run In
5 oftMare and its .P
Quantitat!ve :.

tel _ t the led. ^o t

Imecs o as n
be In tire engine manufacturer's Own plant or in

n o c -o wa 15.Wright--. _O Ja
br11 simulatio ns n eed ,.e v8 o
j but the g-tal c
-or 19aJa
be h operated h :ower
pute 'at on or Sas Turbine Engine a f or
level of akill.
The stows acomputer should h s.106 1.
development program
Control, ., a s...1;-"
at Mich it
m ete e3 o and 19f5.1
h/ rid vvnputase all have their applic atdns
o^P Turbine .hecr, 2n_
ion) 1 - , 1942, pp. 1 y5
;.z TmR3loirtelP9 11

a tcl
The a -athora would mae to exprew L Transactions
gratitud e to ti..Research counail of of the t che..lce Vol.
Canada for finan.oi ci sup port of • 196, 1972.
te . lPdullsd -
for his valuable contribution
r r oc - L 96Inst itution
to t he Sci e nce El ectrical Engineers , Apri l 1 9 73. pp. 186-196.
fi t h z su pport f the )73
li 9, Pub ll,a
tion f - da. and to the hiuistrf
o off -
GE19-7cPC 1 e2 _
rnlo SJ r Ialloa
al C _ t o zb11eeut)
`m lY 1 Peterson, C.
t heir telc
nta fa v as ^ - et o:Va
E Pxov_sion of - s l e _
vve ^' of ' _ _ 1_
e „

ewerine ama faovut^s, son-We s l ei.n^9C5e1^

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