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Q. What is fraunhofer diffraction pattern?

Fraunhofer diffraction is the type of diffraction that occurs in the limt of small fresnel numbers.
The diffraction pattern is independent of the distance to the screen, depending only on the angles to the
screen from the aperture.

Q: what are the conditions for the diffraction?

Diffraction is the phenomenon that occurs when light comes across an object and is obstructed. The
essential condition for diffraction to occur is that the wavelength of light should be comparable to that
of the size of the object. It might also occur if the size of the object less than the wavelength of light.

Q. what is diffraction minimum?

Most of the light is concentrated in the broad central diffraction maximum. There are minor
secondary bands on either side of central maximum. The first diffraction minimum occurs at the angles
given by sin T=l/a.

Q. Which wavefront is used in fraunhofer diffraction?

In optics the fraunhofer diffraction equation is used to model the diffraction of waves when the
diffraction pattern is viewed at a long distance from the diffracting object and also when it is viewed at
the focal plane of an imaging lens.
Q. What is difference between fraunhofer and fresnel
If the source of light and screen are at finite distance from the obstacle then the diffraction is
reffered to as fresnel diffraction. If the source of light and screen are at the infinite distance from the
obstacle then the diffraction is reffered to as fraunhofer diffraction.

Q. What are the types of diffraction?

We can define two distinct types of diffraction.

(a) Fresnel Diffraction. (b) Fraunhofer Diffraction

Q. What causes light diffraction?

Diffraction is caused by one wave of light being shifted by a diffracting object. This shift will cause
the wave to have interference with itself. Interference can be either constructive or destructive.

Q. Do shorter wavelengths diffract more?

In shorter the angle of diffraction is directly proportional to the size of wavelength. Hence red light
( long wavelength) diffracts more than blue light (short wavelength).

Q. Why is diffraction of light not normally observed?

Because light wavelength is actually less than a sound wave. And diffraction is more in longer
wavelength waves as is less in wider slits. The wavelength of sound of order is 1 meter so any object
visible to the eye can deflect it.

Q. What is the central maximum diffraction?

Light passing through a single slit forms a diffraction pattern somewhat different from those formed
by double slits or diffraction grating. Monochromatic light passing through a single slit has a central
maxima and many smaller and dimmer maxima on either side.

Q. Does frequency affect diffraction?

High frequency sound with short wavelength do not diffract around most obstacles but absorbed or
reflected instead creating a sound shadow behind the object.

Q. What are the applications of diffraction?

The diffraction grating is an important device that makes use of the diffraction of light to produce
spectra. Diffraction is also fundamental in other applications such as x-ray diffraction study of crystal and

Q. What is the Diffraction equation?

Y=L l/a And so given the distance to the screen the width of the slit and the wavelength of the light.
We can use this equation to calulate where the first diffraction minimum will occur in the single slit
diffraction pattern.

Q. How many lenses are used in fraunhofer diffraction?

In fraunhofer diffraction two convex lenses are used . One convex lens renders the incident rays
parallel and the other foucses the diffracted ray on the screen.

Q. What is meant by Fresnel Diffraction?

Fresnel Diffraction is Diffraction in which the source of light or the observing screen are at a finite
distance from the operture or obstacle.

Q. Why do we use lenses in fraunhofer diffraction?

Because in fraunhofer diffraction the source is an infinity so the rays of light which pass through the
slit are parallel rays of light. So in order to make these rays parallel to focus on the screen we make use
of the converging lens.

Q. What is half period?

According to fresnel the entire wavefront can be divide into a large number of parts of zone which
are known as fresnel half period zone.
Q. What is the Diffraction pattern?
The interference pattern that that results when a wave or series of waves undergoes diffraction as
when passed through a Diffraction grating. The pattern provides information about the frequency of the
wave and structure of the material causing the diffraction.

Q. What does monochromatic light mean?

Monochromatic describe light that has the same wavelength so it is one colour.

Q. What is polarization light?

A light wave in which the vibration occur in a single plane. The process off transformation of
unpolarized light into polarized light is known as polarization.

Q. What is example of diffraction?

The most striking examples of diffraction are those that light involve. For example, closely spaced tracks
on a CD or DVD act as a diffraction grating to form the familiar rainbow pattey seen when looking at a

Q. Is a rainbow diffraction?
Diffraction reffers to specific kind of interference light waves. It has nothing to do with true rainbows
but some rainbow like effects are caused by diffraction.

Q. Which colour is diffracted most?

In the visible wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum red, with the longest wavelength is
diffracted most and violet with the shortest wavelength that diffracted least.

Q. What is the principal of diffraction?

The huygens's principal states that every point on a wavefront is a source of wavelets. These
wavelets spread out in the forward direction, at the same speed as a source wave. The new wavefront is
a line tangent to all of the wavelets.

Q. What does huygens mean?

Huygens is a Dutch patronymic surname, meaning "son of Hugo".
Submitted By:
M Abu Bakar 11222
Sohaib Akram
Hammad Khalid
M Bilawal Khan
Umar Farooq
Submit To:
Dr. Asim Adrees
Fraunhofer Diffraction

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