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Phillips 1

Carly Phillips

Abnormal Psychology


Is Recovery Possible?

Psycho-social treatment is used to help patients manage the effects of mental illnesses for

them to live a “normal” life and achieve their goals. Psycho-social treatment includes Cognitive-

Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Remediation, social skills training, and social cognition training.

These are used to improve quality of life, work, social relationships, and improving social skills.

A newer model of recovery regarding psychiatric illness has been introduced to change the

stigma that comes with mental illnesses. This model focuses on the patient as whole, not just

their symptoms. Understanding that optimism and growth are part of a successful recovery to

push the patient to set new goals and achieve them. I do believe recovery from schizophrenia is

possible. With the use of medications, therapy, and self-help, many people suffering from the

illness find that their symptoms have been alleviated. The patient having a strong source of

support from those around them will make the recovery process work better and more smoothly.

A great amount of effort from the patient regarding finding the correct doctors and therapists,

along with staying active, managing stress, and surrounding themselves in a supportive

environment, can all contribute to recovering from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia can be a huge

burden on those affected, however many of them are able to maintain a meaningful life when

using the correct treatments.

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