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07MTHB – Teacher: Nadine Dunstone 1

07 MTHB - Term 4 SMART Goals and Planning

07MTHB – Class context: The class has 25 students and is one of eleven Year 7 Mathematics classes. The
top 20% of the cohort of ~270 students have been placed into two enrichment Mathematics classes (of
which this is not one) based on their test and engagement scores. The remaining classes, including this
one, are mixed ability. A handful of classes, including this one, have a disproportionately high number of
students on IEPs. The class has five students on IEPs. Teachers plan for accommodations and adjustments
for these students, differentiating learning materials. I have established a seating plan, mindfully grouping
students to maximise on-task behaviour and support prosocial behaviour. I adjust the seating plan
according to the needs of the class.
The teaching program utilises Maths Pathway (MP) to individualise learning, target gaps in knowledge, and
differentiate learning material and assessment. There are three Mathematics lessons each week.

Unit of work: The class will be working on a Statistics and Probability unit. In the Statistics and Probability
strand, students determine the sample space for simple experiments with equally likely outcomes and
assign probabilities to those outcomes. They calculate mean, mode, median and range for data sets. They
construct stem-and-leaf plots and dot-plots. Below are the AC Content Descriptions. ACMSP169,
Concurrently, students will continue to work on an individualised learning program using MP with the aim of
filling in any knowledge gaps from previous Year levels.

Student profiles:
Student S
 CS: Spirituality, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Honesty, Humour
 Mathematics Achievement level (MAL): At Year level, A
S is a bright student. He gets on well with his peers and is diligent with his schoolwork. He follows
instructions well and demonstrates initiative. S was selected because he is the top student in the class, is
striving to move up to the extension class, and needs differentiated material to extend him.
Student T
 CS: Love, Zest, Perseverance, Kindness, Gratitude
 Mathematics Achievement level (MAL): At Year level, B
T is a student who takes pride in his work and actively seeks feedback and encouragement. He enjoys
Maths and has expressed a desire to improve his grade. He gets on well with his peers and is focussed on
his work in class time. He follows instructions well and demonstrates initiative. T was selected because he
in the higher range of abilities in the class and is striving to improve his results in Maths.
Student P
 CS: Kindness, Spirituality, Humour, Fairness, Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence
 Mathematics Achievement level (MAL): At Year level, C
P gets on well with peers and is polite and courteous. He is achieving at an average grade level and needs
support to stay on task. He needs support to establish a growth mindset and persistence. P was selected
because he is a C level student who needs support to understand the importance of effort to achievement.
Student H
 CS: Humour, Gratitude, Fairness, Forgiveness, Love
07MTHB – Teacher: Nadine Dunstone 2
 Diagnoses: ASD; ADD (takes medication); PI (physical impairment); NVLD (non-verbal learning
 MAL: Year 3
H is a friendly student who enjoys interacting, and is articulate with, peers and adults. H can write for short
periods due to his PI and needs support with planning, organisation, task initiation and persistence. H often
falls asleep in class due to fatigue related to his diagnosed conditions. H has difficulty managing impulsivity
and has been suspended from school twice for inappropriate use of technology. H is achieving at Year 3
level in Mathematics and so represents a lower academic level in the class. H was selected due to his
complex needs for high motivational support needs.
Student L
 CS: Creativity, Kindness, Spirituality, Judgment, Hope
 Diagnoses: PI (achondroplasia); hearing loss
 MAL: Year 3
L enjoys peer interaction, is friendly and happy, and is always willing to join in classroom activities. L likes
to be independent and is reluctant to ask for help. L tires easily when writing. He needs support to
understand instructions and with organisation. L is achieving at Year 3 level in Mathematics. L was selected
due to his lower academic level and differentiation needs.

Diagnostic strategies/tasks
 Learning profile data from MP
 Diagnostic quiz
 Work sample – (from a lesson in Week 1)
 Kahoot! on topic specific language

SMART goals:
1. To develop students’ understanding of data displays. By the end of Week 4:
 S, T, P will be able to construct and interpret stem-and-leaf plots and dot-plots
 H & L will make progress towards constructing, and will interpret, stem-and-leaf plots and
Q & A will be used to ascertain students’ baseline knowledge and a formative quiz task will be
administered in Week 4, ahead of the summative assessment in Week 7.
2. To develop students’ understanding of measures of central tendency. Aim by the end of Week 6:
 S, T, P, H, & L will be able to calculate and interpret range and mode;
 H & L will make progress towards calculating and interpreting mean and median;
 S, T, P will be able to calculate and interpret mean and median. A diagnostic test will be
administered in Week 1 and a formative quiz in Week 4, ahead of the summative assessment in
Week 7.
3. To fill any knowledge gaps as diagnosed by MP. By the end of Week 7:
 S will complete and master all remaining Level 6 MP modules.
 T will complete and master all remaining Level 6 MP modules.
 P will complete and master all remaining Level 4 and 5 MP modules.
 H will complete and master all remaining Level 3 MP modules.
L will complete and master all remaining Level 2 and make progress towards completing the Level 3 MP
07MTHB – Teacher: Nadine Dunstone 3
Learning intentions
Whole class:
 To determine the sample space for simple experiments with equally likely outcomes and assign
probabilities to those outcomes.
 To calculate mean, mode, median and range for data sets.
 To construct stem-and-leaf plots and dot-plots.
P & H:
 To describe probabilities using simple fractions, decimals and percentages.
L & H:
 To list outcomes of chance experiments with equally likely outcomes and assign probabilities
between 0 and 1.
 To pose questions to gather data, and construct data displays appropriate for the data.
 To list the probabilities of everyday events. To construct data displays from given or collected data.

Formative tasks  Exit tickets

 Class discussions/Q&A Summative tasks
 Classwork/homework submissions with
feedback  MP tests
 Kahoot!  End of term test
 MP feedback interviews
07MTHB – Teacher: Nadine Dunstone 4

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