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G11-01 THR


Muscular Endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of
muscles to perform repetitive contractions against a force for an
extended period of time.

1. Get down on all force, placing your hands slightly wider than
your shoulders.
2. Straighten your arms and legs.
3. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.
4. Pause, then push yourself back up, then repeat.
1. Assume a push-up position but bend your arms at your elbows
so your weight rests on your forearms.
2. Tighten your abs, clench your glutes and keep your body
straight from head to heels.
3. Hold as long as you can.
Muscular strength is the amount of force a muscle can

1. Both feet together behind white line.
2. Lean forward, swinging arms back and bend both knees
to gain momentum.
3. Jump off and land with both feet together.
Flexibility is the ability of each joint to move through the
available range of motion for a specific joint.

1. Lay on the floor with your legs straight out and your
toes pointing toward the ceiling.
2. Put your arms straight above your head.
3. Complete a sit up then touch your toes. And hold for 20-
30 seconds.
1. To check your right shoulder, lift your right arm, bend
your elbow, and stretch your back as far as you can.
2. At the same time, extend your left arm down and behind
your back, fold your elbow over your back, and attempt to
cross your fingers over those of your right hand.
3. Reach with your right hand over your right shoulder and
down your back as though you were pulling a zip or
scratching between your shoulder blades.
4. Observe whether the fingers crossed each other or
overlapped. Measure the angle at which the fingers
overlapped with then record the centimeter value.
Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart and
lungs to work together to provide the needed oxygen and
fuel to the body during sustained workloads.
The 3-Minute Step Test measures your aerobic
(cardiovascular) fitness level based on how quickly your
heart rate returns to normal after exercise.
Step on and off the bench for 3 minutes straight while
keeping a consistent pace and then see how quickly your
heart rate will come back down.

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