Canada's Economic Links To The World

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Name(s): ________________________________________-

Canada’s Economic Links to the World

Answer ALL of the following questions before submitting. You may work with a partner. Submit
one sheet with both of your names on it.  

Section 1 - Vocabulary

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list:
A. Free Trade
B. Tariff
c. Exports
D. Imports

1. A way of trading between countries without barriers or restrictions is called _____________  


2. When ______________ are bought from foreign countries they are called
___________________ and when they are sold to foreign countries they are
called _______________.

3. A barrier or restriction on trade is called a ________________. 

Section 2 - Thinking/Knowledge

Here are Canada's top ten trading

partners (in 2013). The percentages
show how much of the trade each
country had in comparison to the
others in the group.

1. If Canada spent a total of $100

in trade with the ten countries above and spent its money on merchandise imports
according to the percentages indicated in the picture above, how much money would be
spent with China? How about with the USA? How much would be spent on imports from
Name(s): ________________________________________-

2. Canada's actual trade with the ten countries above was closer to about $800 Billion in
2013. Nine percent of that $800 Billion would give us how much they spent with China,
which means Canada spent about $72 Billion on imports from China. Make a list of 5
goods you believe Canadians are importing from China.

3. Click this link to take a look at some of Canada's major trading partners. Choose one
of the countries Canada trades with to learn more about. Merchandise imports are
things that we buy in the store that come from another country (e.g., shoes, toys,
electronics). Merchandise exports are things we make in Canada and sell to other
countries (e.g. clothes, toys, electronics). Research what types of things this country
produces by finding it on the following

Name of country: _________________________________

a) What is the country's population?

b) What are some of this country's major imports?

c) What are some of this country's major exports? 

Name(s): ________________________________________-

Reflection Question

How is Canada connected to the rest of the world through our economy?

Bonus question(s):

What percentage of the population of the country you chose uses the internet? How does this
compare with Canada?
(Population divided by total internet users x 100 = percentage of people who use the internet)

Submit to the hand-in bin when you have finished answering the questions.

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