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Mid-Term Assessment Fall 2020 Semester

Class Id 105367 Course Title ERP
Program BBA/BSAF/BSAV/MBA Campus / Shift City Campus / Morning
Date 19 – October 2020 Total Points 50
Duration 02 hours Faculty Name Iftikhar ul Samee
Student Id Student Name

• Filling out Student-ID and Student-Name on exam header is mandatory.
• Do not remove or change any part of exam header or question paper.
• Write down your answers in given space or at the end of exam paper with proper title “Answer for
Question# _ _”.
• Answers should be formatted correctly (font size, alignment and etc.)
• Handwritten text or image should be on A4 size page with clear visibility of contents.
• Only PDF format is accepted (Student are advise to install necessary software)
• In case of CHEATING, COPIED material or any unfair means would result in negative marking or
 A mandatory recorded viva session will be conducted to ascertain the quality of answer scripts where
deemed necessary.

 Caution: Duration to perform Mid-Term Assessment is 02 hours only. Extra 01 hours are given to cater
all kinds of odds in submission of Answer-sheet. Therefore, if you failed to upload answer sheet on LMS
(in PDF format) within 03 hours limit, you would be considered as ABSENT/FAILED.

Points Distribution
Q No 1 10
Q No 2 10
Q No 3 10
Q No 4 10
Q No 5 10
Total 50

Q No 1: Suppose a group of few students from your class wants to start small business of
selling hand-made souvenirs (gifts). You want to use Information Systems to automate your
purchasing and selling as well as inventory management. As a normal practice, you need to
generate different types of reports (weekly, monthly, etc) and perform analysis on reports using
graphical representation. You have learnt different classes of Information Systems. Answer the
following questions:
(a) Briefly describe the working model of your business
(b) Briefly highlight the activities that to be completed with Information System
(c) Which types of MIS you need to use in your business
(d) Which type of network model (LAN or WAN) is suitable for your business
Q No 2: Noor Textile Mills is intended to implement ERP in its Production and Distribution
departments. You have read BPR, Suggest which preliminary measures should be taken
before going for implementation of ERP system in its departments. You have to write your
answer in the light of all phases of BPR.
Q No 3: You have learned the concept to find the suitable vendors through rigorous vendor
selection methods. Noor Textile Mills is located in Bin Qasim Industrial Zone Karachi and has
its own Information Systems department to manage networking related queries. The
management of the Mill has decided to secure its valuable data therefore they don’t want to
place the data somewhere else. The Mill is growing and intended to implement ERP in
Production and Distribution departments in 1 st stage and then in remaining departments in 2 nd
stage, You have to answer:
(a) How the Mill will find suitable Vendor and Implementor for ERP system?
(b) Which network architecture is suitable for ERP implementation in the Mill?
(c) Packaged ERP or Modular ERP is required? And Why?
(d) Cloud ERP could be selected? If not why?
Q No 4: Transaction Processing Systems are frequently used in sales related businesses.
Hyderi Super Mart is using TPS as an standalone MIS. Now the store wants to use CRM to
collect feedback of the customers. Describe in detail the problems which may be faced by the
store to integrate two different systems. These problems are removed in ERP.
Q No 5: Suppose you are running a fleet of oil tankers that could transport oil cargos from
Karachi to every corner of the country. You have learnt the concept of DSS in Types of MIS.
You are planning to participate in bidding process at some occasion. Which type of data you
need to gather to prepare a quotation to submit for bidding? Describe your answer briefly and
draw the structure of you proposed DSS system.

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