Lesson 4 Health and Safety Management-Monitoring, Investigation, and Recording Assignment

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NAME: Raven Joy C. Arcega

Discussion Questions:
1. Outline the questions that need to answer in active checking or monitoring health and
safety performance standards.

Health and safety performance measurement should seek to answer such questions as:
· Where are we now relative to our overall health and safety aims and objectives?
· Where are we now in controlling hazards and risks?
· How do we compare with others?
· Why are we where we are?
· Are we getting better or worse over time?
· Is our management of health and safety effective (doing the right things)?
· Is our management of health and safety reliable (doing things right consistently)?
· Is our management of health and safety proportionate to our hazards and risks?
· Is our management of health and safety efficient?
·Is an effective health and safety management system in place across all parts of the
organization (deployment)?
·Is our culture supportive of health and safety, particularly in the face of competing
These questions should be asked not only at the highest level but also at the various
management levels and across the organization. The aim should be to provide a complete
picture of the organization’s health and safety performance.

2. Identify the three levels of control in health and safety management.

The health and safety management system comprises three levels of controls.
Level 3- effective workplace precautions provided and maintained to prevent harm to
people who are exposed to the risks;
Level 2- risk control systems (RCSs): the basis for ensuring that adequate workplace
precautions are provided and maintained;
Level 1- the key elements of the health and safety management system: the management
arrangements ( including plans and objectives ) necessary to organize, plan, control, and
monitor the design and implementation of RCSs. The health and safety culture must be
positive to support each level.

3. Outline the effective observation.

Effective observation includes the following key points:
 Be selective
 Know what to look for
 Practice
 Keep an open mind
 Guard against habit and familiarity
 Do not be satisfied with general impressions
 Record observations systematically
4. Identify some commonly observed poor work practices

Some commonly observed poor work practices include:

 Using machinery or tools without authority
 Operating at unsafe speeds or in other violation of safe work place
 Removing guards or other safety device, or rendering them ineffective
 Using defective tools or equipment or using tools or equipment in unsafe ways
 Using hands or body instead of tools or push sticks
 Overloading, crowding, or failing to balance materials or handling materials in other
unsafe ways, including improper lifting
 Repairing or adjusting equipment that is in motion, under pressure, or electrically
 Failing to use or maintain, or improperly using personal protective equipment or safety
 Creating unsafe,unsanitary, or unhealthy conditions by improper personal hygiene, by
using compressed air for cleaning clothes, by poor housekeeping, or by smoking in
unauthorized areas
 Standing or working under suspended loads, scaffolds, shafts, or open hatches

5. Outline the effective report writing

There are three main aims to the writing of reports and they are all about
communication. A report should aim to:
 Get a message through to the reader;
 Make the message and the arguments clear and easy to understand;
 Make the arguments and conclusions persuasive.

Five factors which help to make reports effective are:

 Structure
 Presentation of arguments;
 Style;
 Presentation of data;
 How the report itself is presented.

 Structure
The structure of a report is the key to its professionalism. Good structuring will:
 Help the reader to understand the information and follow the arguments contained in
the report;
 Increase the writers credibility;\
 Ensure that the material contained in the report is organized to the best advantage.

The following list shows a frequently used method of producing a report, but always bear in
mind that different organizations use different formats:
1. Title Page
2. Summary
3. Contents list
4. Introduction
5. Main body of the report
6. Conclusions
7. Recommendations
8. Appendices
9. References

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