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Gateway B1+ Tests

Unit 1 Tests Answer Keys A and B

Unit 1 Test A Key

1 1 are, writing / 2 do, leave / 3 are, using / 4 is, doing / 5 do, play / 6 Does, work

2 1 I never use social networking sites. They take up too much time. / 2 We don’t often chat online at
the weekends. / 3 He’s always shy when he meets new people. His avatar is very different, though. / 4
Jake is always changing his avatar’s identity! At the moment he’s a bit bossy! / 5 Do you usually
react the same way as your avatar does? / 6 My dad rarely plays computer games. He’s usually too

3 1 I go to the local college. / 2 Are you coming with us today? / 3 correct / 4 Your dinner is on the
table. It is getting cold. / 5 He doesn’t always wait for me after class. / 6 Why is he sitting over there?
Ask him to join us. / 7 This work is getting quite difficult.

4 1 bossy / 2 arrogant / 3 reliable / 4 clever / 5 selfish / 6 shy

5 1 Jack is a very handsome man. / 2 Ben is quite well-built, but he’s not really fat! / 3 I don’t like my
dark hair. I’d prefer to be blonde. / 4 My sister’s got medium-length curly hair. / 5 I’d love to be as tall
as you. I’m too short! / 6 Sue isn’t pretty or ugly – she’s just quite plain.

6 1 C / 2 B / 3A/ 4 C / 5 B

7 1 T / 2 NM / 3 NM / 4 T / 5 T / 6 F

8 1 B / 2 D / 3 E / 4A/ 5 C

9 1 B / 2 B / 3A/ 4A/ 5 B / 6A/ 7 C

Unit 1 Test B Key

1 1 are, getting / 2 do, go / 3 is, studying / 4 is having / 5 Do, prefer / 6 are, going

2 1 Kate is always phoning me when I’m trying to work. / 2 I usually spend a couple of hours online
in the evenings. / 3 I change my avatar’s appearance once a month. / 4 My mum is often on the
computer when I get home from school. / 5 We don’t usually email each other during the week. /
6 My sister is never nervous before exams.

3 1 It’s raining, so we shouldn’t go for a walk just now. / 2 Do you agree that we should wait for
him? / 3 Trisha isn’t going to her class this evening. / 4 correct / 5 I’m always having problems with
my phone. / 6 Jules is never at home when I call round! / 7 She doesn’t always wait for me after

4 1 cheerful / 2 serious / 3 reliable / 4 unfriendly / 5 patient / 6 bossy

5 1 When Kate was younger, she was really short, but now she’s quite tall. / 2 My dad’s bald. He has
no hair at all! / 3 You shouldn’t be on a diet. You’re much too thin. / 4 Fran used to have long, fair

Gateway B1+ Tests
Unit 1 Tests Answer Keys A and B

hair. / 5 I don’t think I’m very attractive, but I’m not ugly, either. I’m quite plain. / 6 Carina’s going
out with a very good-looking boy from the next class.

6 1 B / 2 B / 3A/ 4 C / 5 B / 6A

7 1 F / 2 F / 3 NM / 4 T / 5 F / 6 NM

8 1 B / 2 E / 3 A/ 4 C / 5 D

9 1 B / 2 C / 3A/ 4 C / 5 B / 6 C / 7 C

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