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Mnemonics – is a special instrument, with its help you can learn how to remember

information in the simplest and the most available way. Traditionally mnemonics work as a
pattern key to things, that you want to memorize, but it doesn’t tell you anything, concerning
the info you’re trying to remember.
It is a set of rules and techniques, which help to remember effectively some necessary

SFDPOT – Structures, Functions, Data, Platforms, Operations,


 Structures – an architecture of the app (product), which is tested by every component.

At this stage, test ideas and steps are created, they are connected to the web product
 Function – app (product) productivity. It’s the testing of everything that app (product)
can do. At this stage, there’s a software testing;
 Data – interaction with the data. It’s the test of the app on interaction with data. QA
specialists have to identify, how (with what logic) this product interacts with data, how
it’s received, type of processing and kind of information;
 Platform – ecosystem, platform. It’s testing of how the app (product) potentially
interacts with the platform, where it was developed and launched. A tester needs to
identify, on which platform and in which ecosystem the manual and automation
testing services should be done;
 Operations – a test of designed scripts for a developed application. At this stage,
testers should get to know a potential group of future users, who will interact with the
developed product;
 Time – the duration, testing of how the product will behave according to the beginning
or end of any time length.

RCRCRC- recent-core-risky-configuration- repaired- chronic:

 Recent- what new features or new areas of the code have been added? What was
changed recently? What testing around those changes should I think about?
 Core - what essential or critical functions or features must continue to work? What
does this application primally do?
 Risky – what features or areas of code are inherently riskier? What features of the
application do I want to safeguard?
 Configuration sensitive -what code is dependent on environment settings? What
testing do I want to plan based on the environment? This testing might include
planning a subset of tests forproduction after go live.
 Repaired– meaning – what code has been changed to address defects and therefore
may have created issues? What testing do I want to do based on defects fixed?
 Chronic – meaning some code may seem to be chronically breaking or having issues.
This letter reminds me to test features that seem to break often.

HICCUPPS – history – image- comparable products – claims –

users desires – product- purpose:

Works with the expectations about a product revolve around desirable consistencies between
related things

 History-We expect the present version of the system to be consistent with past
versions of it.
 Image-We expect the system to be consistent with an image that the organization
wants to project, with its brand, or with its reputation.
 Comparable Products-We expect the system to be consistent with systems that are in
some way comparable. This includes other products in the same product line;
competitive products, services, or systems; or products that are not in the same
category but which process the same data; or alternative processes or algorithms.
 Claims-We expect the system to be consistent with things important people say about
it, whether in writing (references specifications, design documents, manuals,
whiteboard sketches…) or in conversation (meetings, public announcements,
lunchroom conversations…).
 Users’ Desires-We believe that the system should be consistent with ideas about what
reasonable users might want. (Update, 2014-12-05: We used to call this “user
expectations”, but those expectations are typically based on the other oracles listed
here, or on quality criteria that are rooted in desires; so, “user desires” it is. More on
that here.)
 Product-We expect each element of the system (or product) to be consistent with
comparable elements in the same system.
 Purpose-We expect the system to be consistent with the explicit and implicit uses to
which people might put it.
 Statutes- We expect a system to be consistent with laws or regulations that are
relevant to the product or its use.

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