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Semester: I Course: 2018-2023 Faculty: Mrs. Prabhavati K.S.


Gujarat National Law University

Gandhinagar, Gujarat (India)
Course Outline
(including Motor Vehicle and Consumer Protection

Semester: I

Session: 2018- 2019 ( July to December 2018)

Faculty: Mrs. Prabhavati K.S.Baskey,

Assistant Professor of Law,
Co Dean, Student Welfare
Gujarat National Law University
Phone : 8128684322

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Semester: I Course: 2018-2023 Faculty: Mrs. Prabhavati K.S.Baskey

Sr. No. Contents Page No.

1.0 Objectives of the course 03

2.0 Proposed teaching schedule 04

3.0 Detailed course-outline 05

4.0 Prescribed/Recommended readings 18

5.0 Teaching methodology 22

6.0 Evaluation pattern 22

Tentative dates for test/submission of project/GD,

7.0 23

8.0 Important instructions to students 23

9.0 Contact hours 23

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Semester: I Course: 2018-2023 Faculty: Mrs. Prabhavati K.S.Baskey

1.0 Objectives of the Course

In a society where men live together, there are bound to occur conflict of interests and they may from
time to time cause damage to one or the other. Tort law defines the conditions under which a person is
entitled to damage compensation if her claim is not based on a contractual obligation.

Damages result from the loss or impairment of property, health, life or limb, from the infringement of
rights or from pure financial or non-financial losses. Tort law rules aim at drawing a just and fair line
between those noxious events that should lead to damage compensation and others for which the
damage should lie where it falls.

In Common Law countries tort law has developed from a large body of formerly unrelated doctrines
such as conversion, trespass, nuisance, defamation, negligence, deceit and rules from case law. Similar
general rules were laid down in the civil codes of other continental countries. They tried to systematize
and condense the large body of cases and materials to an abstract system of rules.

India has inherited the law of torts from the English legal system. Barring a few civil laws, there are no
written laws that specifically and comprehensively deal with the law of torts. Tort law in our country as
well as universally has evolved from precedents. In context of this the objective of this course is to help
the students of law to have a good understanding about Law of Torts as this branch of common law
has a huge potential to expand. The aim of this course is to develop an intricate understanding of Torts
law and thereby its application in the contemporary areas like human Rights, Environmental Rights and
Intellectual Property law.

The objective of this course is also to imbibe in the students a deeper sense of understanding regarding
the contemporary regimes of Consumer protection laws and laws. The law of torts is one of the most
underrated field of law, much can be developed by a futuristic approach. In this regards, we have
included in the course outline certain modern and latest approaches, Foreign tort, new and emergent
torts, cyber tort and mass tort. The objective is to give the students a latest application of the tort law
based on the foundation of the already existing principles.

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Semester: I Course: 2018-2023 Faculty: Mrs. Prabhavati K.S.Baskey

2.0 Proposed Teaching Schedule

No. of Sessions
Module No. Modules
Introduction to law of torts 04
General principles of torts liability 04
Personal capacity 04
Justification of torts 04
Vicarious liability 04
Strict liability and absolute liability 04
Specific torts - Negligence 03
Specific torts - Nuisance 03
Specific torts -Defamation 04
Specific torts - Trespass 04
Malicious Prosecution 02
New and emergent tort 03
Cyber torts 03
Mass torts 04
Consumer protection laws in India 06
Motor Vehicle Act 05

Total = __61______

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3.0 Detailed Course Outline

(including Motor Vehicle and Consumer Protection Act)

Module - I. Introduction to Law of Torts Session: 04

 Aim of the law of torts

 Definition of torts
 History of tort - Evolution in England and India
 Nature of tort as distinguished from Crime, Contract, Breach of Trust & Quasi
 Law of tort vs. Law of torts
 Influence of English Law of Torts on Indian Law of Torts.
 Tort Law in India

 Liebeck v. Mc Donald’s Restaurants, No. CV 93 02419, 1995 WL 360309 (Bernalillo County,

N.M. Dist. Ct. Aug. 18, 1994).
 Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co 248 N.Y. 339 (1928).
 Wilkinson v Downton [1897] EWHC 1 (QB)
 Shri Binod Kumar Agarwal v Shri Ratna Kumar Chettri, 2017 SCC OnLine Sikk 73

Module - II. General Principles of Torts Liability Session: 04

 General elements of torts
o General
o Wrongful Act
o Damage
o Remedy – Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium
 Essential conditions of liability
o Injuria Sine Damnum
o Damnum Sine Injuria
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 General elements of Torts : Malice, Intention, Motive, Malfeasance and Fault


 Acton v. Blundell, (1843) 12 M & W 324

 Ashby v White, (1703) 92 ER 126
 Bhim Singh, M L A v State of J & K ,AIR 1986 SC 494
 Bradford Corporation (Mayor of) v Pickles (1895) A.C. 587
 Chesmore v Richards, [1859] 7 HLC 349
 Dickson v. Reuter’s Telegram Co., [1877] L.R. 3 C.P.D. 1.
 Dr. Mohd Ghulam Nabi Khan v Dr. Moofooz Ali, ( 1991) ACJ 548 (MP)
 Entick v. Carrington (1765), 19 St. Tr. 1066.
 Gloucester Grammer School, 1410 V.B. 11 Hen. IV
 Guille v Swan, 19 Johns. 381: 1822
 Jasbhai Motibhai Desai v. Roshan Kumar, AIR 1976 SC 578
 Klaus Mittelbachert v East India Hotels Ltd. AIR 1997 Delhi 201
 Mogul Steamship Co. v Mc Gregor Gow and Co. (1892) A.C. 25
 Day v Browring (1878) 10 Ch D24
 Pagadala Narasimham v The Commissioner and Special Officer, Nellore Municipality, Nellore and
 P. Seetharamayya v Mahalakshmamma AIR 1958 AP 103
 Ravi Yashwant Bhoir v. District Collector, Raigad reported in (2012) 4 SCC 407,
 Town Area Committee and Ors. v Prabhu Dayal AIR 1975 All 132
 Ushaben Navinchandra Trivedi and Anr. v Bhagyalaxmi Chitra Mandir and Ors. AIR 1978 Guj
 Vishnu Datt Sharma v Board of High School and Intermediate Education AIR 1981 All 46
 Winterbottom v Wright (109 (1842) 10

Module- III Personal Capacity Session: 04

 Convict
 Alien Enemy
 Husband and Wife
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 Corporations
 Trade Unions
 Insolvent
 State and its Subordinates
 Minors
 Lunatics
 Foreign Sovereign

 Campbell v Paddington Corporation (1911) 1 KB 869
 D.K. Basu v. State of West Bengal, (1997) 1 SCC 416.
 Kasturilal v State of UP , AIR 1965 SC 1039
 Montreal Tramway v Leveille ( 1993) 4 DLR 377
 Mullins v Richards ( 1998) 1 All ER 920
 Nilabati Behera v. State of Orissa, (1993) 2 SCC 373.
 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co.v. The Secretary of State for India, (1861) 5 Bombay
HCR App 1.
 R v Deputy Governor of Parkhurst Prison (1990) 3 ALL ER 687 (CA)
 Smt Kewal Pati v State of UP (1995) 3 SCC 600
 The State of Rajasthan vs Mst. Vidhyawati and Another, AIR, 933, 1962 SCR Supl. (2)
 Tillandel v Gossiline ( 1967) ACJ 273
 UCC v Union of India 1988 MPLJ 540
 Veranda v. State of U.P, 2000 Cri LJ 3917.

Module- IV Justification for Torts Sessions: 04

 Acts of State
 Judicial acts
 Executive acts
 Quasi Judicial Acts
 Parental and Quasi Parental Authority
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 Authorities of necessity.
 Damage incident to authorized acts
 Inevitable Accident
 Exercise of Common Right
 Leave and License: Volenti Non Fit Injuria
 Plaintiff- A wrongdoer
 Act of God: Vis Major
 Private Defense
 Mistake
 Statutory Authority
 Act Causing Slight Harm

 Anwar Hussain v Ajay Kumar AIR 1965 SC 1651
 Buron v Denman ((1847) 2 :Ex. 167
 Barnard v Orborn Garret And Co (1924) 1 KB 548
 Bockpitt v Oates (1968) 1 AER 1145
 Crestwell v Sirl (1948) 1 KB 241
 Cutler v United Dairies (1933) 2 KB 297
 Green Rock Corporation v Clerendon Railways ( 1917) AC 556
 Hall v Brooklyn Auto Racing Club (1932) 1 KB 205
 Hammer Smith Rail Road v Brand [1869] LR 4 HL 171
 Holdford v Bailey (1849) 13 QB 426
 Haynes v Harwood (1935) 1 KB 146
 In Rex v New Port (1929) 2 KB 416
 Illiot v Wilkis ( 1820) 3 KB 304
 Meropolitian Asylum District Vs Hill (1881) 6 App Cas 193 HL, (1882) 47 LT 29
 Mc C v Mullan ( [1984] 3 All ER 908
 Morris v Nugent ( 1830) C 572
 Nicolas v Marshland (1876) 2 ExD 1
 Olga Tellis v Bombay Municipality 1985 SCC (3) 545
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 Padmavati v Dugganika [1975 ACJ 222]

 Patel Vs Mirza [2016 UKSC 42]
 Pitts v Hunt (1990) 3 AER
 R v William (1923) 1 KB 340
 Saunders v Edwards (1987) 2 AER 651
 Smith v Baker (1891) AC 325.
 The Secretary Of State for India in Council v Kamachee Boye Saheb (1859) 7 MIA 477
 Vaughan v Taffey Vallay Rly And Co (1860) 157 ER 1351
 Wagner v International Railways (1921) 232 NY 176
 Woodridge v Sumner (1963) 2 QB 43

Module- V. Vicarious Liability Sessions: 04

 Vicarious liability
 Basis, scope and justification
 Express authorization
o Ratification
o Special relationships
 Master and servant - arising out of and in the course of employment

o Who is a master? Control test

o Who is a servant? Borrowed servant
 Independent contractor
 Principal and agent
 Corporation and principal officer
 The doctrine of common employment
 Distinction between servant, agent, and independent contractor
 Vicarious liability of state
o Relation between the state and the people
o Unsatisfactory state of law
o Constitutional provisions
o Pre-constitution Judicial decisions

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o Post-constitution Judicial decisions

o Cases involving fundamental rights: constitutional torts
o Acts done in exercise of statutory functions/powers
o The First Law Commission of India Report – Liability of State in Torts 1956


 A. H Khodwa v State of Maharashtra (1996) ACJ 505 (SC).

 Basava Kom Dyamgonde Patil v State of Mysore AIR 1977 SC 1749.
 Beard v London General Omnibus Co (1900) 2 QB 530.
 Bhim Singh v State of J&K [1985] 4 SCC 677.
 Kasturilal Ralia Ram Jain v State of Uttar Pradesh AIR 1965 SC 1039.
 Kumari (Smt) v State of Tamil Nadu [1992] 2 SCC 223.
 Lloyd v Grace, Smith & Co (1912) AC 716.
 Lucknow Development Authority v MK Gupta [1994] 1 SCC 243.
 Mersey Docks & Harbour Board v Coggins & Griffiths (Liverpool) Ltd (1947) AC 1.
 N Nagendra Rao v State of AP AIR 1994 SC 2663.
 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co v Secretary of State for India (1861) 5 Bom
HCR App 1.
 Peoples’ Union for Democratic Rights v State of Bihar AIR 1987 SC 355.
 Rudul Sah v State of Bihar [1983] 3 SCR 508.
 Saheli, A Women’s Resources Centre v Commissioner of Police Delhi Police Headquarters
[1990] 1 SCC 422.
 Satya Wati Devi v Union of India, AIR 1967 Delhi 98.
 Sebastian M Hongray v Union of India, [1984] 1 SCR 904.
 Secretary of State for India v Hari Bhanji ILR (1882) 5 Mad 273.
 Shyam Sunder v State of Rajasthan AIR 1964 SC 890.
 Sitaram v Santanuprasad AIR 1966 SC 1697.
 State Bank of India v Shyama Devi AIR 1978 SC 1263.
 State of Andhra Pradesh v Challa Ramkrishna Reddy AIR 2000 SC 2083.
 State of Gujarat v Memon Mohamed AIR 1967 SC 1885.
 State of Maharashtra v Ravikant S Patil [1991] 2 SCC 373.
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 State of Rajasthan v Vidyawati AIR 1962 SC 933.

 Union of India v Smt Jasso AIR 1962 Punjab 315.
 Union of India v Sugrabai AIR 1969 Bom 13

Module- VI. Strict Liability and Absolute Liability Session: 04

 Strict Liability
 The Rule in Rylands v. Fletcher
 Exception to the rules of Strict Liability
o First Exception : Things Naturally on Land
o Second Exception : Consent of the Plaintiff
o Third Exception : The Act of a Stranger
o Fourth Exception: The Act of God.
 Absolute Liability.
 Mass Torts and Corporate Liability
 Bhopal Gas Leak Compensation Act


 Box v. Jubb (1879) 4 Ex. D. 76

 Eastern and South African Telegraph Co. Ltd. V. Capetown Tamways Co. (1902) A.C. 381
 Green v. Chelsea Waterworks Co. (1894) 70 L.T. 547
 Kamatham Nagireddi v Government of Andhra Pradesh AIR 1982 AP 119
 Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board v Shail Kumari and Ors. AIR 2002 SC 551
 Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action v Union of India AIR 1996 SC 1446
 M.C. Mehta v Union of India (1987) 1 SCC 395
 Noble v Harrison (1926) 2 K.B. 332
 Northwertern Utilities v. London Guarantee and Accident Co. (1936) A.C. 108
 Ponting v Noakes (1894) 2 Q.B. 281
 Richards v. Lothian (1913) A.C. 263
 Rylands v. Fletcher (1868) L.R. 3 H.L. 330
 T.C. Balakrishnan Menon v T.R. Subramanian AIR 1968 Ker 151

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 Yash Pal Singh (Minor) & Anr v State of U.P Thru. Prin. Secy. (Electricity) & 5 Ors 2017 SCC
OnLine All 1246

Module- VII. Specific Torts - Negligence Session: 03

 Meaning
 Essentials
 Duty to care : Essentials
 Proximity
 Breach of duty
o Damages
o Proof of Negligence
o Res Ipsa Loquitur
o Contributory Negligence.


 Donoghue v Stevenson 1932 AC 562

 Greaves v Baynham Meikle (1975) 3 AII ER 99 CA
 Indra Sharma v Chairman, RSEB AIR 1998 Raj 140
 Lochgelly Iron Coal Co. v M Mullan 1914 AC 25
 M. Shobha v. Dr Rajakumari Unnitham AIR 1999 Ker 149.
 Nazir Abbas Shujjat Ali v. Ajumshan AIR 1949 Nag 60
 Santha v. Kerala State Electricity Board. 2014(1) KLJ 833
 Scott v London and St. Katherine Docks Co (1865) 3 H & C 596
 Tamil Nadu Medical Council v Easwaran DNB FRCS, (AIR 2015 Mad 11)

Module- VIII. Specific Torts – Nuisance Session: 03

 Definitions
 Essentials
 Damages
 Defenses
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 Nuisance and Negligence

 Nuisance and Trespass


 A G v P.Y.A.O Quarries Ltd. (1957) 1AII ER 894 CA

 Balwant Singh v. Commissioner of Police, (2015) 4 SCC 801.
 Walter v Selfie (1851) 4 De G & Sm
 St. Helen’s Smelting Co. v Tipping (1865) 11 HLC 642
 Mayor of Bradford v Pickles 1895 AC 587
 Allen v Flood 1898 AC 1
 Fay v Prentice (1845) ICB 828
 Nicholls v Ely Beet Sugar Factory Ltd 1936 Ch 343

Module – VIII. Specific Torts – Defamation Sessions: 04

 Definition
 Libel and slander
 Elements of Action
 Test of defamatory statement
 Innuendo
 Defenses in a suit for defamation
 Remedies
 Difference between Criminal and Civil Defamation


 Bhomimoney v Nitobar (1901) ILR 28 Cal 452

 Clay v Roberts (1863) 8 LT 397
 D.P Choudhary v K Manjulata AIR 1997 Raj 170
 Mawe v Pigott (1869) Ir Rep 4 CL 54
 M/S. Radha Krishna Exports Pvt. Ltd. v. Pandaul Cooperative Spinning Mills Ltd., 2014 (3)
CHN (CAL) 549.
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 M.L Singhal v Pradeep Mathur AIR 1996 Del 261

 Mukul M. Sangma v P.A. Sangma, MANU/DE/2578/2014
 Noor Mohammed v Mohd. Jiajddin AIR 1992 MP 244
 Penfold v Wwestcote (1806) 2 B&PNR 335
 PJS v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2016] UKSC 26
 W.B. Shanthi v Arunachalam, (2015) 1 LW 555.

Module- IX. Specific Tort - Trespass Session: 04

 Meaning and nature of trespass

 Trespass to Person
o Assault
o Battery
o False Imprisonment
 Trespass to Property
o Trespass to land
 Defenses
 Remedies
o Trespass to goods by conversion

 Asher v Whitlock (1865) LR 1 QB 1
 Bird v Jones (1845) 7 QB 742
 Canandian Pacific Railway v R 1931 AC 414
 Elias v Pasmore (1934) 2 KB 174
 Devon Lumber Co ltd v Macneil (1987) 45 DLR 300
 Grainger v Hill (1838) 4 Bing NC 212
 Gregorz v Piper (1829) 9 B& C 591
 Harrison v Duke of Rutland (1893) 1QB 142
 Hill v Tupper (1863) 2 H&C 121
 Hogg v Ward (1858) 27 Lj Ex 443

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 Hurst v Picture Theatres Ltd (1915) 1 KB 1

 Joginder v St of U.P AIR 1994 SC 1349
 Jones v Read 1876 R10 CL 315
 Meering v Grahama White Aviation Co Ltd (1919) 122 LT 44
 Robinson v Balmain Co. Ltd 1910 AC 295
 Wood v Leadbitter (1845) 13 M&W 838

Module- X Specific Torts - Malicious Prosecution Session : 02

 What is Prosecution?
 Termination of Proceeding in favor of Plaintiff
 Absence of Reasonable Care
 Emotional Distress
 Misfeasance in Public Office

 Bhagwati Jin Karant v Bombay Municipality AIR 1945 Bom 320

 Gaya Prasad v Bhagat Sing 26 Mad 362
 Hanrahan v Ainsworth (1990) 22 NSWLR 73,112
 Hazur Singh v Jang Singh AIR 1973 Raj 82
 Narasinga Rao v Muthaya Pillai ILR 26 Mad 362
 Saville v Roberts (1698) 1 Ld raym 374: 12 Mod Rep 208
 Wicks v Fentham (1791) 4 TR 247
 Wiffen v Bailey & Romford Urban Council (1915) 1 KB 600

Module- XI. New and Emergent Tort Session: 03

 Foreign Tort
o Definition
o Principle of lex loci delict
o Necessary Conditions of Liability
 Invasion of Privacy
 Breach of Confidence

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 Abuse of Statutory Power

 Infringement of Statutes
 Innominate Torts
 Euro torts

 Allen v Flood, (1898) A.C. 1
 Carr v Francis Times and Co, (1902) AC 176
 Foster v British Gas plc (1991) 2 W.L.R. 258
 Kayle v Robertson (1991) 18 F.S.R. 62 C.A
 Machado v Fontes (1897) 2 QB 231
 Philips v Eyre, (1890) 6 QB 1
 Rahmatullah v Ministry of Defence and another [2017] UKSC 1

Module- XII. Cyber Torts Session: 03

 Introduction
 Meaning
 Cyber Stalking
 Cyber Breach of Privacy
 Cyber Obscenity
 Cyber Defamation
 Right to be forgotten

 Balsley v. LFP, Inc., No. 1:08 CV 491, 2011 WL 1298180
 Cf. Marsh v. Alabama, 326 U.S. 501 (1946).
 Cowles Media, 501 U.S. at 670–72.
 Fla. Star v. B.J.F., 491 U.S. 524, 541 (1989).
 Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 362 (1967)
 Smith v. Daily Mail Publ’g Co., 443 U.S. 97, 103 (1979).

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 Snyder v. Millersville Univ., No. 07-1660, 2008 WL 5093140

Module- XIII. Mass Torts Session: 04

 Introduction
 Meaning
 Mass torts vis a vis ordinary high volume litigation
 Factors Facilitating Claiming
 Social influences have facilitated the filing of mass tort claims.- Media, Social
Network, Physician contacts
 Class Actions
 Selected Cases
o The Bhopal Gas Leak Case 1984.
o The Upahar Cinema Hall Case 2010.
o Three Mile Island Accident 1979.
o The Chernobyl Accident in Belarus 1986.
o The Amoco-Cadiz and Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Incident 1989.
o The Minamata Disaster, Japan 1956.
o The Thalidomide Babies and DES Babies Incident (1940-1970).
 Union Carbide Corporation v Union of India, AIR 273, 1989 SCC (2) 540
 Sushil Ansal v State Through CBI , Criminal Appeal No.597 of 2010
 Balsley v. LFP, Inc., No. 1:08 CV 491, 2011 WL 1298180

Module- XIV. Consumer Protection Law in India Sessions: 06

 Introduction to Consumer Protection Laws in India.
 The Consumer protection Act – An Overview.
 Who is a Consumer?
 Liability under the Consumer Protection Act.
 Consumer Dispute Redressed Forum – District, State and National.
 Consumer protection Councils.
 Procedure to file a complaint.
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 Consumer Protection (Amendment) Bill , 2015.

 United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection 1999.

 New India Assurance Co Ltd v Hilli Multipurpose Cold Storage Pvt Ltd AIR 2016 SC 86
 Vadodara Municipal Corporation v Purshottam v Murjani AIR 2015 SC 494
 Pegasus Assets Reconstruction P Ltd v M/S Haryana Concast limited AIR 2016 SC 494
 Charan Singh v Healing Touch Hospital & Ors 2000 (7) SCC 668
 Balram Prasad v Kunal Saha & Ors Civil Appeal No 2867 of 2012
 Jacob Mathew v State of Punjab & Anr 2005 6 SCC 1
 Dr. K.C. Vidyarthi v The State of Bihar Criminal Writ Jurisdiction Case No.635 of 2015
 Martin F. D' Souza v Mohd. Ishfaq 2009 (3) SCC 1

Module- XV. Motor Vehicle Act Sessions: 06

 Aim of the Motor Vehicle Act

 Licensing of drives of motor vehicles
 Registration of motor vehicles
 Liability without fault in certain cases
 Insurance of motor vehicles against third party risks
 Claims Tribunals
 Offences, penalties and procedure


 New India Assurance Co Ltd v Hilli Multipurpose Cold Storage Pvt Ltd AIR 2016 SC
 Amritlal v.Union of India , 2004 ACJ 1868 (Raj.)
 Cheriyakutty Mammi v. UmmerKutty,1996 ACJ 402 (Ker.) D SC 1384
 Dr. K.C. Vidyarthi vs The State Of Bihar Criminal Writ Jurisdiction Case No.635
 Dhulabhai v. State of Madhya Pradesh AIR 1969 SC 78
 Fao No. 2 Of 2013 v Ms. Chhama Devi And Others on 25 May, 2018
 Gulab Singh Meruji v Jayantilal Shankarlal Brahmin , 2001 ACJ 346 (Guj.)

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 Gurbax Singh v. Financial Commissione, AIR 1991 SC 435

 Harinagar Sugar Mills v. Shyamsunder Jhunjhuinwa ,(1962) 2 SCR 339
 Kishan Lal v. State of Jammu and Kashmir,(1994) 4 SCC 422
 Lata Sharma v Pappu on 7 June, 2018, Case No 354/16
 National Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Indu Sharma, 2000 ACJ 808 (P&H)
 New India Assurance Co Ltd v Hilli Multipurpose Cold Storage Pvt Ltd AIR 2016 SC
 New India Assurance Co. Ltd v. Ganga Devi (2006 ACJ 2857 (Jhar.) DB)
 New India Assurance Co.v. Rukiyabai, 1985 (2) ACC 499
 Ramdev Singh V. Chudasma v. Hansrajbhai V. Kodala 1999 ACJ 1129 (Guj.) D
 Sanno Devi v. Balram 2007, ACJ 1881 (MP) DB
 Sh. Naval Kishore v Sh. Naresh Kumar Sharma (Driver) on 7 June, 2018, Case No 4
 Shilpa Mathur (Wife Of The ... v Sh. Pankaj Kumar Sah), 7th June` 2018, Case No
 Sripal v. Rajendra Prasad 1999 ACJ 92 (All.).
 State of Haryana v. Darshana Devi, 1979 ACJ 205 (SC)
 State of Madhya Pradesh v. Pehlajrai Dwarkada, 1976 ACJ 222 (MP) D
 Union of Indi v. Satish Kumar Patel AIR 2001 MP 41
 Union of India v. Bhagwati Prasad,AIR 2002 SC 1301

4.0 Prescribed/Recommended Readings

Prescribed Readings

1. Edwin Peel and James Goudkamp, Winfield and Jolowicz on Torts, (19th edn, : Sweet &,
Maxwell, London, 2010 )
2. A. Laxminathan and M. Sridhara, Ramaswamy Iyer, The Law of Torts, (10th edn, Lexis
Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa, 2007 )
3. Akshay Sapre, Ratanlal & Dhirajlal, The Law of Torts, (27th edition, Wadhwa, Nagpur
4. R.F.V. Heuston and R.A. Buckley, Salmond and Heuston on the Law of Torts, ( 20th edn,
Universal Law Publishing House, 2004)
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5. Harpreet Kaur & Avtar Singh, Introduction to Law of Torts, LexisNexis Buttreworths
Wadhwa, 2001(Revised 2009, 2012).
6. MN Shukla, Law of Torts and Consumer Protection Act, (18th ed, Central Law Agency,
7. A.K.R. Kiralfy, Potters Historical Introduction to English Law, (4th edn, Universal Law
Publishing, 1999)
8. B.M. Gandhi, Law Of Torts, (3rd edn, Eastern Book Company, 2006)
9. PS. Achutan Pillai, Law of Torts, 7th edn, Eastern Book Company, 2011)
10. P.K Majumdar, Law of Consumer Protection in India, ( 343.071 MJ Orient Publishing
Company, 2004)

Recommended Readings


 Vivien Harpwood, Modern Tort Law, (7th edn, Routledge and Cavendish Publication,
 Nicolas J. McBird and Rodrick Bagshaw, Tort Law, (1st edn, Pearson Education
Publication, 2003).
 The Consumer Protection Act 1986
 Consumer Protection (Amendment) Bill , 2015
 The Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster ( Processing of Claims Act , 1985 )
 The Motor Vehicle Act

Case Books :

 Eric E. Johnson, Torts: Cases and Context Volume One, (1st edn, eLangdell Press,
 George Chase, Leading Cases upon Law of Torts, ( 2nd Edition, West Publishing Co,

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 The Restatement (Third) of Torts
 The 1st Law Commission of India Report – Liability of Sate for Torts - 1956
 Other authentic reports.

Research Papers/Articles:

 Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Historical Evolution of Consumer Protection and Law in

India, Journal of Texas Consumer Law, p.132
 Cassel, Doug. “Suing Americans for Human Rights Torts Overseas: The Supreme
Court Leaves the Door Open” By Academic Journal Article The Review of
 Has the Fat Lady Sung? The Future of Mass Toxic Torts by Hensler, Deborah
Academic Journal Article Texas Law Review .
 Goldberg, John C. & Robert H. Sitkoff. "Torts and Estates: Remedying Wrongful
Interference with Inheritance," 65 Stanford Law Review 335 (2013).
 Goldberg, John C. & Benjamin Zipursky. "Torts as Wrongs," 88 Texas Law
Review917 (2010).
 John Goldberg, ‘Two Conceptions of Tort Damages: Fair v. Full Compensation,’
55 De Paul Law Review 435 (2006)
 John Goldberg, ‘The Constitutional Status of Tort Law: Due Process and the Right
to a Law for the Redress of Wrongs’, 115 Yale Law Journal 524 (2005).
 Goldberg, John C. "Tort Law for Federalists (and the Rest of Us): Private Law in
Disguise," 28 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 3 (2004)
 Goldberg, John C. & Benjamin Zipursky. "The Restatement (Third) and the Place
of Duty in Negligence Law," 54 Vanderbilt Law Review 657 (2001) .
 Albert A. Ehrenzweig, .The Floodgates of Strict Liability: Bursting Reservoirs and the
Adoption of Fletcher v. Rylands in the Gilded Age, Jed Handelsman Shugerman, Nov 8,
2000 70 YALE L.J. 499, 515-17 (1961); Available on

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 The Minamata Disaster and the True Costs of Japanese Modernization,
 Minamata City (Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, Case Study Vol.5 - Minamata City,
 Leslie Bender , Teaching Torts Stories, Journal of Legal Education,Vol. 55, No.
1/2 (March/June 2005), pp. 108-115,Published by: Association of American Law
Schools, Stable URL:
 Teaching Torts Stories, Leslie Bender, Journal of Legal Education, Vol. 55, No. 1/2
(March/June 2005), pp. 108-115, Published by: Association of American Law
Schools . Available on :

Case digest :
 Richard Kidner, Casebook on Torts, (12th edn, Oxford Publication, 2002
 Eric E. Johnson, Torts: Cases and Context Volume One, eLangdell Press 2015. Available

Resources for legal research on law of Torts

 You’ve Heard of Thalidomide Babies, what about DES Babies?, Available at
 Lasting legacy of the Exxon Valdez, Available at
 The Minamata disaster - 50 years on Lessons learned? Available at
 The Thalidomide Tragedy: Lessons For Drug Safety And Regulation, Available at
 Mercury poisoning Minimata in Japan , available at http://inac-
 Mass Tort Law - Class Action Law,
 Uphaar Cinema Tragedy
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 Environmental Toxicology And Human Health – Vol. I - Case Study of the

Bhopal Incident - Paul Cullinan,
 New Jersey’s Mass Tort Guidelines Deanna L. Koestel, Esq. with contributions
from Steven A. Karg, Esq ,
 Mass Torts Problems & Proposals A report to the Mass Torts Working Group
Thomas E. Willging Federal Judicial Center January.
 Understanding Mass Personal Injury Litigation: A Socio-Legal Analysis Deborah R.
Hensler* Mark A. Peterson. file:///e:/00%20law%20of%20torts%20-

NB: The above is the non-exhaustive list of reading references. Additional references
will be given by the faculty from time to time. Nevertheless, students are advised to
explore further reading references independently

5.0 Teaching Methodology

 Lecture-delivery—more of the Socratic Method—the dialectical method to stimulate

critical thinking.
 Case-discussion method.
Besides the foregoing broad teaching methodologies, the following techniques will also
be resorted to:
o Class-participation.
o Project-assignment, if needed.
o Presentations by the students.
o Group discussion.
o Inviting visiting faculty/experts, if required.
o Use of teaching aids, such as, power point presentation.

6.0 Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation: Marks
 Internal Continuous Evaluation… ……………………….…………… 20 Marks
o Case Analysis………………………………………………………… 10 Marks

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o Written Submission…………………………………………………...10 Marks

 Mid-Semester Test …………………………………………………………... 30 Marks
 End-Semester Examination…………………………………...............................50 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Continuous Evaluation: (Instruction by the faculty-member)

7.0 Tentative Dates for Continuous Evaluation Test/ Submission of Project/

GD, etc

 Mid-Term Test and End Term Exam: As per the schedule declared by the
Examination Division.
 Test/Case Presentations: Dates will be announced in the classroom.

8.0 Important Instructions to Students

 This course-outline is tentative. The faculty concerned may modify it while engaging
the classes.
 The teaching methodology of the subject will not necessarily be bound by the
parameters mentioned hereinabove.
 The faculty concerned may not necessarily follow the sequence of the modules, as
stated in this course-outline. The sequence will be determined in accordance with the
need of the subject and its delivery.
 Active and positive class participation is mandatory. Maintaining the dignity and
decorum of the class is equally obligatory. Once the class is begun (after the attendance
is taken), the students are not allowed to enter the class room.
 The students are required to come to the class with necessary homework and reading,
which will be helpful for positive participation in learning–teaching process.
 Prohibit procrastination of internal assessment and other duties assigned.

9.0 Contact Hours

Days : Monday to Friday
Timings : 15:00 Hrs to 16:00 Hrs
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