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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Administration Building People’s Park
A.J. Villegas St. Ermita Manila


Stay Home, Clean and


Quarter 1 Week 1 Module 1

Most Essential Learning Competency:
Explain Basic Concepts in Cleaning, Sanitizing
and Storing Kitchen Tools and Equipment

Quarter 1 – Module 1 – New Normal Home Economics Cookery Grade 9
First Edition 2020
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Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
Development Team of the Module

Writers: Candy T. Baylon Cristina Jumamil Rico

Paola Andrea M. Concepcion Ivy Kristine C. Tapalgo
Clara C. Evangelista Alicia B. Vera
Nolissa Manaloto Gemeniano

Editor: Alma P. Linsangan - Head Teacher VI


Carmelina DM. Tan, -PSDS-in-Charge of HE

Ma. Patria R. Andres, Head Teacher VI- CM Recto HS
Julieta Y. Almasco, Head Teacher VI-CP Garcia HS
Layout Artist: Candy T. Baylon
Illustrator: Rizal T. Ayuyang
Christoval S. Arroyo
Management Team:
Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director
Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief
Dennis M. Mendoza, Regional EPS in Charge of LRMS
and Regional ADM Coordinator
Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V, Schools Division
Aida H. Rondilla, Chief-CID
Lucky S. Carpio, Division EPS in Charge of LRMS and
Division ADM Coordinator

TLE - Home Economics

LO1 Clean, Sanitize and Store Kitchen Tools and Equipment

Chemicals to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment

Cleaning agents in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
Clean and sanitized kitchen tools in accordance with prescribed standards
Store cleaned kitchen tools and equipment safely in designated space

How to use this module:

 Take time to read and analyze this module
 Follow directions carefully
 Click and follow related articles to gain additional information about the
 As you read the module, try to answer the questions using the information
you gathered from the previous lesson.
 Take time and be patient as you read and answer what is required in the
 Develop your skill and practice what you have learned from this module.




Module 1: Clean, Sanitize and Store Kitchen Tools and Equipment

What is this module all about?

This module presents the significance of cleaning , sanitizing and

storing kitchen tools and equipment during the Covid-19 pandemic. It orients
you on the various chemicals and their uses in cleaning and sanitizing
kitchen tools and equipment. It teaches you to prepare your own cleaning
agents at home using available resources , clean and sanitize you own
kitchen tools in accordance with the prescribed standards and store
cleaned kitchen tools and equipment safely and properly.

What I need to know


As the coronavirus pandemic spreads in our country today, it is high

time to realize the value of cleanliness and sanitation at home to prevent the
spread of disease. As a family member, you can do something to cut the risk of
infection in your home. Contaminated objects and surfaces are significant in
the transmission of diseases. When someone at risks of having a virus visits
your home, cleaning and sanitation may help lessen the risk of transmission of
corona virus.
Kitchen is one important concern at home. Failure to clean and
sanitize kitchen tools and equipment will result to spread of bacteria, virus and
germs that cause illness of family members. Maintaining cleanliness and
sanitation in your kitchen will truly benefit every member of the family.

Day 1

Topic: Chemicals to be used in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and


Expected Outcome
After completing the module, you should be able to:
 identify the chemical to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing
kitchen tools and equipment.
 use chemicals in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and
 practice safety measures in using chemicals for cleaning and
 sanitizing tools and equipment. Page

What I Know
Let’s Study and Analyze (PRE-TEST)
Directions: Read and analyze the given statement. Write the letter
of your answer on the space provide for each number.

______1. Carlo will clean the dirt from hard surfaces of their house floors,
pots and pans. What will you suggest him what to use to perform his task?
A. abrasives C. degreaser
B. acid D. detergent
______2. Shella will remove grease from the surfaces of oven tops counters
and grill backsplashes in her kitchen . What cleaning agents will she
use to finish her task?
A. abrasives C. degreaser
B. acid D. detergent
_______3. Eliza will remove mineral deposits and rust from the restroom
facilities. What cleaning agent will she use?
A. abrasives C. degreaser
B. acid D. detergent
______4. Jose needs to get rid of grease which has burned on the surface of
oven and grills. Which of the following cleaning materials will he use?
A. Chlorine C. lemon juice
B. disinfectant D. solvent cleaners
______5. The most powerful type of cleaning agent that should be used with
care because it can be poisonous and corrosive when not diluted
A. abrasives C. degreaser
B. acid D. detergent

Let’s talk about this

WORD NETWORK : Can you describe a clean and sanitized kitchen ?
Write your ideas inside the box below.

Cor·ro·sive It is something that causes the
Corrosive /kəˈrōsiv,kəˈrōziv/ deterioration or eating away of
metal. Example : Acid
It is something that is harsh or
a·bra·sive rough, often to an unpleasant
Abrasive degree. Example : sand paper

It is usually a liquid substance

sol·vent capable of dissolving or
Solvent /ˈsälvənt/ dispersing one or more

Cleaning is the process of removing all visible dirt
which include food, soil , chemical residues and allergens .

Cleaning is done with a cleaning agent that removes food,

soil, or other residues. The right cleaning agent must be
selected because not all cleaning agents can be used on food-
contact surfaces.

A food-contact surface is the surface of equipment or

utensil that food normally comes into contact.) For example,
glass cleaners, some metal cleaners, and most bathroom
cleaners cannot be used because they might leave an unsafe
residue on the food contact surface. The label should indicate
if the product can be used on a food-contact surface. The right
cleaning agent must also be selected to make
cleaning easy.

Sanitizing is done to reduce the number of microorganism

to safe level . It is usually performed after cleaning .
Sanitizing is done using heat, radiation, or chemicals

Chemicals used in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment

1. Detergents. These are cleaning agents, solvents

or any substance used to clean and break up dirt,
soil and grease on surfaces of tableware, kitchen
surfaces, and equipment, fabrics, clothes, wood ,
plastic and metals Example: soap, soap powders,
cleaners, liquid detergents

2. Solvent Cleaners are commonly

referred to as degreasers . These
products are alkaline based and are
formulated to remove grease on
surfaces of tools and equipment, where
grease has burned on. Examples of
degreasers are vinegar, lemon juice,
cornstarch , borax , baking soda and
castile soap.

3. Abrasives are fine plastic mesh pads, nylon coated,

sponges, fine brass wool, rotten –stone and whiting to
rub and
scrub the heavy dirt;. However these materials must be
handled with care to prevent scratching certain types
of materials like plastic or stainless steel.

4. Acid Cleaners are used occasionally to remove
mineral deposits and other soils on kitchen floors , as well
as rust on the sink areas and soils.
Ex. phosphoric acid, nitric acid ,muriatic acid
Acid is the most powerful type of cleaning agent
because it is poisonous and corrosive . It should be used
with caution and handled correctly to avoid accident.

What I Have Learned

Let’s Try This
Let us see if you can use cleaning agents suitable for the given
situation. Perform the cleaning in your kitchen to see the effect.

Kitchen Problems What to Use?

Heavy sauce “ sarsa”


Built up soot “uling” on the pans and casserole


Stains on Kitchen Walls


Built up dirt on stove top


Built up rust on the sink


What Is It
Let’s learn

List of Commonly used chemicals for Cleaning and Sanitizing

Kitchen Tools and Equipment
Chemicals Description

It is a multi-purpose cleaner
Acetic acid
used to remove stains, unclog
drains and deodorize.

Isopropyl or rubbing alcohol

Alcohol Use: It is antimicrobial against
bacteria , fungi and viruses.

Alkaline compound of Nitrogen

and Hydrogen NH3
Ammonia Use: It prevents redeposition of
dissoloved dirt , chelants and

corrosive acid
Muriatic Acid It removes deposited minerals
on toilet floors and toilet bowl.

Rust remover
Oxalic Acid It removes blemishes from vynil
stone and linoleum surface.

In powder , liquid or bar

Soap or detergent Use: It serves as an all purpose

Among the natural cleaning agents that we use at home are lemon and
calamansi which contain citric acid and water.

Let’s see what you have learned (Collaborative Parent /Leader)
Do these activities with a family member or relative at home.
Try to name the available cleaning agents at home and give
their uses. Read the label and directions for use . Read the caution
part of the cleaning agent.

Available cleaning agents at home

Cleaning Sanitizing

In the absence of face mask, gloves and eye wear at home , what can you
use to protect your eyes , face and hands from chemical ?_________________


Why do we need to practice precautionary measures when using cleaning

agents at home ?_____________________________________________________________


What Have You Learned?
Critical Thinking Assessment

Is it possible to clean the

kitchen tools and equipment
without sanitizing it ? Why or
Why not ?

Fill out the Chart by naming Different Types of Cleaning

Agents,their descriptions and examples for each type.

Cleaning Agent Description Examples


Which among the chemical cleaning agent is / are versatile or can be used
in all types of materials ?

Day 2-3
1.2 Prepare cleaning agents in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions

Expected Outcome
After studying this lesson, you should be able to:
 identify the materials needed in preparing cleaning agents
in accordance to manufacturer’s instructions .
 prepare cleaning agents according to manufacturer’s instruction.
 prepare cleaning agents using available resources at home.
 appreciate the significance of following manufacturer’s instruction
in preparing cleaning agents.

II. Let’s Study and Analyze (Pre-Assessment)

Directions: Read and analyze the given statement. Write the letter of
the correct answer on the space provided for each number.
1. What is cleaning?
A. Cleaning is the removal of pathogens and visible dirt on the surface of
tools and equipment.
B. Cleaning is the removal of soil and dirt on the surface of tools and
C. Cleaning is the addition of soil and dirt on the surface of tools and
D. Cleaning is the addition of pathogens on the surface of tools and
2. What is sanitizing?
A. Sanitizing is the removal of pathogens on the surface of the tools
and equipment
B. Sanitizing is the removal of soil and dirt on the surface of tools and
C. Sanitizing is the addition of pathogens on the surface of the tools
and equipment.
D. Sanitizing is the addition of soil and dirt on the surface of tools and
3. Which of the following are the materials needed in preparing all purpose
A. white vinegar, distilled water, castile soap , lemon juice
B. white vinegar , castile soap, lemon juice and essential oils
C. white vinegar, distilled water , lemon juice and essential oils
D. white vinegar , lemon juice ,baking soda and essential oil
4. Which of the following are the materials needed in preparing glass cleaner?
A. distilled water , baking soda and essential oil
B. distilled water , baking soda and lemon juice
C. distilled water, castile soap and essential oil
D. distilled water , white vinegar and alcohol
5. The following items are approved chemical sanitizers EXCEPT ONE
A. Quatermary ammonium C. Chlorine
B. Iodine D. Muriatic acid

What Is It

1. Baking soda is a common ingredient at home. It is

used for stain removal and laundry.

2. Citric Acid is naturally occurring in many citrus


3.Cornstarch is one of the homemade cleaning

supplies. It is used for soaking up grease , oil spills
and also in laundry starch.

4. Essential oils are generally optional and not

necessary homemade cleaning supplies. These are
used for fragrance of solution.

5. Glycerin is a naturally occurring product that

comes from vegetable oil and fat, and is often used in
making soaps.

6. Lemon juice or fresh lemon can be used for its

acidity and for its pleasant smell.

7. Salt are table salt or course salts such as Kosher or

sea salt.

8. Vinegar , white vinegar, apple cider or red wine


9. Water is generally warm or hot water, which is

considered one of the best solvents out there to help
clean up things around your home.

Here is the list of approved Chemical Sanitizers
1. Chlorine, as a bleaching agent, is used in industry
and in household cleaning products. It is water
soluble. It is used to disinfect water and part of the
sanitation process for industrial waste. Handle this
chemical sanitizer with precaution.

2. Iodine is an over-the-counter type of chemical

sanitizer that is used to disinfect skin and treat
3. Quaternary Ammonium is used as disinfectant
chemicals to disinfect sprays and wipes for the
purpose of killing germs. It is antibacterial type
chemical sanitizer.

Let’s talk about this (Communication)

The Department of Health has recommended using liquid bleach as
disinfectant at home. Coronavirus may survive on some surfaces at home.
It is important to clean surfaces, and bleach is a strong and effective
Let us see if you can follow the step by step procedure in preparing
cleaning agents according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Set A. Prepare cleaning agent at home according

to manufacturer’s instructions
How to Read the label of a Cleaning Agent
Following the instructions of manufacturer is essential to achieve
quality and effective disinfectant .


Let’s see what you have learned
Collaborative Parent Learner Activities
Parents and students will read the instructions below. Then, they will prepare at
least 1 solution of cleaning agents using available materials at home .Be
sure to observe precautionary measures when handling materials .

ACTIVITY #1: Day 1

Prepare Cleaning Agent –
Disinfectant Solution using
bleach in accordance with
manufacturer’s instruction.
Before preparing the

Day 3
Prepare cleaning
agent at home
utilizing available
supplies and
materials at home .
Parent / Guardian
and students will
perform the activity.
Prepare only 1
cleaning agent.

Set A
Prepare All Purpose Cleaner

Materials Needed
 4 tbsp. baking soda
 1 qt. warm water
1. Prepare all the materials
2. Combine baking soda and
warm water.
3. Put the mixture inside the
spray bottle. Stir until baking
soda is dissolved.

Set B
Prepare All Purpose Cleaner

Materials Needed
 1 cup of white sugar
 1 cup of distilled water
 Half of a lemon ( juice extract)
 1-15 drops essential oils
1. Prepare all the materials
2. Combine white vinegar,
distilled water, lemon juice
extract and essential oil.
3. Put the mixture inside the spray
bottle. Ready to use.

Set C
Prepare Glass Cleaner

Materials Needed
 2 cups distilled water
 ½ cup white vinegar or apple
cider vinegar
 ¼ cup rubbing alcohol
 1-15 drops essential oils
(optional )
1. 1.Prepare all the materials
2. Combine distilled water, white
vinegar or apple cider vinegar,
rubbing alcohol and essential
3. Put the mixture inside the spray
bottle. Ready to use.

Set D
Preparing Sanitizer for Dishes

Materials Needed
 Warm water
 Liquid sanitizer
1. Prepare all the materials
2. Combine warm water and liquid
3. Put in basin. Ready to use.

After doing the activities

I feel ____________________________________________________________

The part of the activities I like most is_____________________________

because ______________________________________________________

It would be better if ___________________________________________


2. Paste the picture of the cleaning agents you prepared. Describe each
cleaning agent, How did these activities help you ?

What have you learned?
(Critical Thinking Assessment)

Describe the following cleaning agents . List down the materials used in
preparing each cleaning agent.

2. Which among these

1. Why is it important to
cleaning agents use
learn how to prepare
supplies and materials that
cleaning agents at home?
are available during
_____________________________ lockdown ?
_____________________________ _____________________________

Day 4:
1.3 Clean and sanitize kitchen tools and equipment in accordance with the
prescribed standard

Expected Outcome
After studying this lesson, you should be able to:
 Identify the kitchen tools,and equipment that need to be cleaned and
 clean kitchen tools and equipment in accordance with prescribed
 sanitize kitchen tools in accordance with prescribed standard, and
 realize the value of cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment

What I Know
Let’s Study and Analyze (PRE-TEST)
Directions: Read and analyze the given statement. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided for each number.
1. Ana sees the piles of dishes in the sink. What are the steps she should
observe to wash the dishes properly?
A. Air –dry, Wipe , Stack , Prepare , Rinse , Scrape
B. Prepare , Scrape , Stack, Wash , Rinse , Wipe , Air-dry
C. Wash , Rinse, Scrape , Stack , Wipe Air-dry , Prepare
D. Wipe, Air-dry , Prepare, Wash, Stack , Wipe
2. Which of the following is the proper order in washing the dishes?
A. Chinaware, glassware, utensils, silverware
B. Glassware, silverware , chinaware , utensils
C. Silverware, utensils, glassware, chinaware
D. Utensils , chinaware, silverware, glassware
3. What is the equipment to be used to mechanically wash, rinse and sanitize
the dishes?
A. Mechanical cleaner
B. Mechanical disher
C. Mechanical dishwasher
D. Mechanical sanitizer
4. When using mechanical dishwasher, why is there a need to stack dishes on
a rack rather than stack dishes on top of each other before washing dishes?
A. because it will allow the air to circulate properly
B. because it will allow the water to circulate properly
C. because it will not allow the air to circulate properly
D. because it will not allow the water to circulate properly
5. Which of the following are two ways to sanitize kitchen tools?
A. Cold method and chemical method
B. Cold Method and soak method
C. Heat method and chemical method
D. Heat method and water method

What’s More
Let’s think about this (Critical Thinking Skills)

Read and analyze the given scenario below.

The National Capital Region has experienced the greatest blow of Covid-
19 in the Philippines, where the region shut down and forced to observe home

quarantine for the past 2 months since March 2020. In this manner, the
government has encouraged people to observe strict hand washing and
sanitizing them as well as their respective premises.
According to WHO, hands have crucial role in the transmission of
COVID-19. This deadly virus primarily spreads through droplet and contact
transmission. Contact transmission means by touching infected people and/or
contaminated objects or surfaces. Thus, your hands can spread virus to other
surfaces and/or to your mouth, nose or eyes if you touch them. Cleaning and
disinfecting high-touch surfaces in your home regularly is an important
precaution to lower the risk of infection. : Door handles, tables, chairs,
handrails, kitchen and bathroom surfaces, taps, toilets, light switches, mobile
phones, computers, tablets, keyboards, remote controls, game controllers and
The ideas is that when there is a higher contamination in the
environment, there will be higher chance of infected people . This may be
caused by failure to observe strict cleaning protocols that may result to waves
of outbreak.

Your kitchen’s working premises should always be kept at its best and
make it free from germs and bacteria, that usually accumulate in the kitchen
area during food preparations. Several surfaces around the kitchen such as
walls, floors, shelves and other surfaces must always be cleaned and sanitized
properly using the proper materials to reduce health hazards.

 to dry by exposure to the air , free of moisture ,
naturally dried by air
Air - dry
\ ˈer-ˈdrī / Example :
Using racks is also a way to air dry glasses.

 to clean something using chemicals that kill

bacteria and other very small living things that
Disinfect cause disease
dis·​ in·​ fect
\ ˌdis-in-ˈfekt / Example :
Chlorine is used to disinfect water.

 to make something less pure, dirty , polluted

poisonous by adding a chemical, waste, or infection
\ kən-ˈta-mə-ˌnāt \ Example :
Insects and rodents can contaminate the food.

Cleaning of Kitchen Tools and Equipment
Proper Dishwashing by hands

Step 1: Scrape/Pre-wash

Put the dishes on the sink. Scrape off the

leftover food and large food particles from
the dishes and throw them into the trash can
for garbage disposal, leaving behind
some residue for dishwashing.
Scrape off leftover food

Step 2: Wash

By using cleaning implement such as

sponges, brushes steel wool and
dishwashing detergent , Wash dishes in

 Glassware

 Flatware

 Plates

 Bowls bowls

 Pots and pans


Step 3: Rinse using running water
 Glassware


 Flatware

Spoon and fork

 Plates

 Bowls Plates

 Pots and pans

Step 4: Sanitize

Heat Method Sanitation

hot water

Step 5: Air-Dry

Air-dry dishes on a rack

Cleaning of Kitchen Tools and Equipment


Before cleaning the stove, make sure that it is cool, to avoid burn while
cleaning. Using abrasive, clean it thoroughly, and wash the surface of the stove.
You can use emery paper if it is necessary. Remove all bars and rack of the
stove, then immersed it in hot water with detergent. Scrub the top of the stove
using non abrasive brush to remove food from around the burners, knobs ,
and dials. Wipe clean with damp cloth.

Tackle stubborn dirt with scraper

Wipe dry with a fresh clean cloth.

Rinse the sponge well between wipes. Use cleaner with a scrub pad or
use a good degreaser product to remove any residue left.
Refer to the manual for directions in cleaning inner stove parts

Storerooms and Cupboards

Cupboards can get grease and dirt. Clean it by removing

everything from the cupboard. Dry the surfaces with a microfiber cloth. Sort
out the things removed and discard or disposed items no longer needed

Cleaning and Sanitizing Process


Disinfect to prevent or destroy microbes on the surfaces of

1. Preliminary cleaning is required
2. Apply solution to hand and apply to surfaces. Treated surface must
remain wet for 10 minutes. Wipe with dry cloth.
3. Sponge on mop or allow to air dry.
4. Use a spray device for spray application Spray 6-8 inches on the
surface, rub with a brush, sponge or cloth. Avoid inhaling sprays.
5. Rinse all surfaces that come in contact with food such as exterior of
appliances, tables and stove top with potable water.

Schedule of Cleaning and Sanitizing

Daily Routine:
Cleaning of counter tops,
floors and food contact
equipment such as meat Weekly Routine:
grinders , slicers , cutting
boards , knives , mixers , Windows, walls and
peelers , dishwashing certain equipment
machines, and stationary
can openers in order to
prevent cross-

Let’s try this
Activity: Brigada Tahanan ,“Pamilyang nagmamahalan ,
Sa paglilinis Sama- sama “

Families can turn the Covid19 epidemic into an opportunity to grow

closer among their members. Parents can work with their children, and other
family members, .to clean and sanitize their respective homes, especially the
kitchen premises, where the food are prepared and cooked.

Conduct a clean –up drive in your respective home kitchen. Parents will
give tasks each family member like to clean and sanitize the kitchen
premises together. Doing the work together with love eases the hard
task of each family member.

Parent will read the situations below. Then, the student will
answer the question below.

Checklist for Cleaning Kitchen Tools and Equipment

1. Did I use appropriate cleaning implements and cleaning
agents for the following:
A. Glassware
B. Flatware
C. Plates
D. Bowls
E. Pots and Pans
F. Cooking Equipment
2. Did I follow the step by step procedure in washing kitchen
3. Did I follow the manufacturer’s instructions in cleaning
4. Did I observe safety precautions in handling acid, bleach
and other chemical cleaning agents?
5. Did I handle the kitchen tools and equipment?

Let’s Make A Difference (Character Building)
Ways to care for each other during Covid – 19 Pandemic

Cite other ways to care for each other during Covid – 19

Pandemic to turn this crisis into an opportunity for the family
members to be closer with one another .

Let’s Sum Up
In this module you learned that

What have you learned?
(Critical Thinking Assessment)
Directions: Read and analyze the following situation.
Write the correct answer on the space provided for each number.
1. Jane sees the pile of dishes in the sink. What are the steps she should
observe to wash the dishes properly?
A. ________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________
C. ________________________________________________
D. _________________________________________________
2. Joshua will do the proper order in cleaning and sanitizing the
kitchen tools
A. _________________________________________________
B. _________________________________________________
C. _________________________________________________
D. _________________________________________________
3. Elsa will sanitize the dishes , to ensure proper sanitation
She will use ___________________________________________
4. Ronald will suggest approved chemical sanitizers to his friend
The approved chemical sanitizers are
A. ____________________________
B. ___________________________
C. ___________________________

5. Hannah will sanitize plastic and wooden cutting boards

Suggest a solution that can be used to sanitize plastic and
wooden materials.

Day 5:
1.4 Store cleaned kitchen tools and equipment safely in the designated

Expected Outcome
After studying this lesson, you should be able to:
 identify cleaned kitchen tools and equipment needed to be stored,
 store cleaned kitchen tools and equipment properly and safely , and
 realize the value of proper storing of kitchen tools.

What I Know
Let’s Study and Analyze (Pre-Test)
Directions: Read and analyze the given statement. Write the letter
of the correct answer on the space provided for each number.

1. Why is it necessary to store cleaned kitchen tools properly?

A. It prevents bacteria from spreading and contaminating our food.
B. It prevents us from cleaning the kitchen tools .
C. It promotes spreading of bacteria and diseases.
D. It protects the tools from being lost.
2.Where should you store frequently used kitchen tools like silverware and
A. In the most accessible location
B. In the most dark and hidden location
C. In the most inaccessible location
D. in the most open location
3. Why is it important to store kitchen tools and equipment in a clean
A. to contaminate bacteria in case of food contact
B. to increase bacterial contamination
C. to minimize contamination of food contact
D. to promote bacterial contamination
4. How do you store cups, bowls and glasses properly?
A. Must be inverted for storage
B. Must be opened for storage
C. Must be stored in dark places
D. Must be stored in the most inaccessible places
5. Which of the following is NOT an ideal material to consider for racks,
trays and shelves?
A. Corrosive-resistant
B. Durable
C. Resistant to chipping
D. Toxic

We are all guilty of having a messy kitchen. There

are times when we can never remember where we put
the tools we need once we start cooking. Sometimes,
there are mixed -up ingredients and kitchen tools
inside our counter top. We feel exhausted just by
looking at those untidy things inside our kitchen
premises. It gives us additional stress, especially this
time when we are experiencing home quarantine due
to Covid -19 pandemic outbreak. What are we
supposed to do?

Answer the given question below to solve your problem.

1.What are the

2. How do you 3. Why is it
different kitchen
store kitchen important to
tools and
tools and store the
equipment kitchen tools
needed to be
properly? properly?

What Is It
Let’s talk about this ( Communication )

Having a clean and tidy kitchen makes preparation and cooking of

food safer and easier. Food contamination and spread of bacteria are
prevented when everything is clean, especially during food preparation.
Usually, we clean and sanitize the kitchen tools before we store them
properly in our kitchen cabinet.


Declutter  to remove unnecessary items from an untidy or

de·​ clut·​ ter overcrowded space
\ (ˈ)dē-ˈklə-tər \

Vermin  a small common harmful or objectionable animals

ver·​ min (such as lice or fleas) that are difficult to control
\ ˈvər-mən \

How do we store kitchen tools safely ? There are 10 steps in organizing

Kitchen cabinets.

1. Pretend that your cabinet has glass

door and that everyone is going to
see what’s inside

“A place for everything, everything

in its place”

2. Remove all tools and equipment
and clean shelves with soapy

3. Think about what tools you use

most often and make sure these
are easy to reach.

4. Take a cabinet full of glasses and

line them up by color. Group them
according to uniformity of design
and size. Make sure all of the front
are facing out .

“All designs with attention to details.”

5. Silverware/ Flatware can be

grouped according to its use. The
flatware looks neat and tidy inside a
clean kitchen drawer lined with
tarnish -resistant flannel or linen

6. Ask someone else look at what
you’ve done and improve it.

Tools and equipment should be

stored in a clean, dry place and
adequately protected against vermin
and other sources of contamination.

7. Glassware should be stored in a

clean dry place. Open shelves is best
for storing fragile glasses. This will
prevent glasses from breaking . Dry
cups and glasses before putting them
to the cabinets to prevent stains .
Store long glasses on shelf upright ,
mugs and cups maybe stored upside
down. Wine glass may be placed on
specially designed rails

8.When stored in closed cupboards or

lockers, utensils and containers must
be covered or inverted whenever
possible. Utensils must be stored on
the bottom shelves of open cabinets
below the working top level.

9. Racks, trays and shelves must be
made of materials that are corrosive-
resistant, non-toxic, smooth, durable
and resistant to chipping.

10. Drawers must be made of the

same materials and kept clean. Full-
lined drawers are not acceptable, but
the use of clean and removable towels
for lining drawers is acceptable.

Suggested Storage Area for the following kitchen tools and equipment

Store kitchen tools and equipment in cupboards or cabinets, where they will
not collect dust and dirt . It is important to ensure that kitchen tools and equipment
have been cleaned and dried completely before storing them.


Store glassware in a cupboard to

prevent dust from coming in.


If you have organizer trays, use

ready –made utensils holders and
stack them on top of one another.

If you only have vertical storage
containers , store silverware upright

Plates and Saucers

Everyday dishes should be put on a

lower shelves or easy to reach places.
You can store it on an open shelve to
make it easier to grab.

Plates and saucers for special

occasion should be placed on a higher
shelves or cabinet for storing

Kitchen equipment

Frequently used equipment may be

placed at the cleaned surface of
lower shelves in your cabinets . Less
used equipment may be placed at the
upper part of the cabinet.

Before storing kitchen equipment, clean

and disinfect storage areas and shelves
first to ensure a safe location.

Let’s Make A Difference ( Creativity )

Activity: Family Declutter: Kitchen Challenge.

Directions:. An organized kitchen saves time and energy . It

lessens our stress especially during this time of home quarantine. A tidy
place lightens the mood because tools and materials you need is just
within your reach.

Conduct a Declutter Kitchen Challenge with the available

members of your family . Store kitchen tools and equipment in an
organized and safe set up. Take a picture of before and after scenario

and attach it to the form given below. Write the step by step procedure
you followed in doing the task .
These activities will be made with the guidance of parents/




Parent will read the situations below. Then, the learner will answer the
question below.

1. During the Declutter : Kitchen Challenge, what were the problems you
have encountered in terms of storing your kitchen tools ? how were you
able to solve it?

Checklist for Storing Kitchen Tools and Equipment

1. Did I clean, sanitize, and dry kitchen tools and equipment
before storing them?
2. Did I clean and sanitize the shelves and cabinet before I
used them?
3. Did I store commonly used kitchen tools and implements
within the reach?
4. Did I group the glassware, flatware, plates, cups, and other
implements according to design and size?
5. Did I store glassware,cups, flatware, plates, pots, pans,
kitchen tools and equipment safely according to the rules?

Let’s Make a Difference
Character Building

As the saying goes, “A place for everything, everything in its place”

Write a short journal on what you feel when everything is in

its place in your home . Is getting organized in life important
to you ?
What steps will you to take to be organized in your daily task at
home and in school ?

Let’s Sum Up !
In this module you learned that
Proper storage of kitchen tools and
equipment will ensure the
maintenance of clean , organized and
safe kitchen.

What have you learned?

(Critical Thinking Assessment)
Direction: Read and analyze the given statement. Write the letter of
the correct answer on the space provided for each number.
1. Where do you think should you store the most frequently used kitchen tools
and equipment?
A. conveniently in an open air location
B. conveniently an open dry location
C. conveniently most accessible location
D. conveniently in the most safe location
2. Daniel needs to store their mug cups and glasses properly. How is he going
to store these glassware ?
A. Must be inverted for storage
B. Must be opened for storage
C. Must be stored in an upright position
D. Must be placed in upside down position
3. How do you store plates and saucers safely ?
A. Put in an open storage
B. Put in a closed shelves
C. Put in a middle shelves
D. Put on a lower shelves or easy to reach places.
4. The following characteristics are ideal materials for kitchen cabinet EXCEPT
for one ,
A. Durable C. resistant to chipping
B. corrosive-resistant D. toxic
5. Which of the following is not a way of storing flatware properly and safely?
A. Stack them on top of one another
B. Use ready made utensils holders
C. Use vertical containers , store flatware upright
D. Use vertical containers , store flatware upside down

Direction: Read and analyze the given statement. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided for each number.
_______1. Ben needs to remove the heavy built up soot or “ uling “ on the
bottom of frying pan and casserole. What cleaning agents would you
like to recommend him to use?
A. Abrasives
B. Acids
C. Degreasers
D. Detergents
_______2. Ana needs to remove mineral deposits on the kitchen floor and rust
on the sink surface. What cleaning agents do you think she should
A. Abrasives
B. Acid
C. Degreaser
D. Detergent
________3. There are grease on the surface of oven and grills. What cleaning
Agents should you use to solve this problem?
A. chlorine
B. disinfectant
C. lemon juice
D. solvent cleaners
________4. Tina needs to remove the grease on the surface of counters and grill
backsplashes in her kitchen. What cleaning agents do you think she
needs to finish her task?
A. abrasives
B. acid
C. degreaser
D. detergent
________5. Which of the following are the materials needed in preparing all
purpose cleaner?
A. white vinegar , castile soap, lemon juice and essential oils
B. white vinegar, distilled water, castile soap , lemon juice
C. white vinegar, distilled water , lemon juice and essential oils
D. white vinegar , lemon juice ,baking soda and essential oil
________6. Which is NOT an approved chemical sanitizer?
A. Chlorine
B. Iodine
C. Muriatic acid
D. Quatermary ammonium
________7. What is the step by step procedure in washing the dishes properly?
A. Air –dry, Wipe , Stack , Prepare , Rinse , Scrape
B. Prepare , Scrape , Stack, Wash , Rinse , Wipe , Air-dry
C. Wash , Rinse, Scrape , Stack , Wipe Air-dry , Prepare
D. Wipe, Air-dry , Prepare, Wash, Stack , Wipe
________8. Which of the following is the proper order in washing the dishes?
A. Chinaware, glassware, utensils, silverware
B. Glassware, silverware , chinaware , utensils
C. Silverware, utensils, glassware, chinaware
D. Utensils , chinaware, silverware, glassware
________9. Which of the following are accepted ways in sanitizing cleaned
kitchen tools?
A. Cold method and chemical method
B. Cold Method and soak method
C. Heat method and chemical method
D. Heat method and water method

________ 10. What is the difference between cleaning and sanitizing?
A. Cleaning is using chemicals or heat while sanitizing uses soap
B. Cleaning is using soap while sanitizing is using water
C. Cleaning is using soap while sanitizing uses chemicals or heat
D. Cleaning is using water only while sanitizing is using soap
________11.Why is it necessary to store cleaned kitchen tools properly?
A. It prevents bacteria from spreading and contaminating our food.
B. It prevents us from cleaning the kitchen tools.
C. It promotes spreading of bacteria and diseases.
D. It protects the tools from being lost.
_______12.Where should you store frequently used kitchen tools like silverware
and glassware?
A. In the most accessible location
B. In the most dark and hidden location
C. In the most inaccessible location
D. in the most open location
_______13. How do you store cups, bowls and glasses properly?
A. Must be inverted for storage
B. Must be opened for storage
C. Must be stored in dark places
D. Must be stored in the most inaccessible places
________14. Why is it important to store kitchen tools and equipment in a clean
A. to contaminate bacteria in case of food contact
B. to increase bacterial contamination
C. to minimize contamination of food contact
D. to promote bacterial contamination
_________15. What best explains the reason why proper storage and handling of
cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils are very important?
A. Prevent from cleaning the equipment and utensil all over again
B. Prevent recontamination prior to use
C. Promote contamination prior to use
D. Promote the cleaning of the equipment and utensils all over again
_________16. When arranging a cabinet full of glasses, make sure that all of the
front are facing ________ like Jeff Lewis –Style.
A. Halfway
B. In and straight
C. Sideways and halfway
D. Out and straight
________17. Where do you think should you put your kitchen cabinet?
A. Clean dry place and protected against vermin and sources of contamination.
B. Clean wet place and protected against vermin and sources of contamination.
C. Messy dry place and protected against vermin and sources of contamination.
D Messy wet place and protected against vermin and sources of contamination.
_______18. Why it is important to store frequently used kitchen tools in a
conveniently more accessible location?
A. so, frequently used kitchen tools will be difficult to reach
B. so, frequently used kitchen tools will be easier to reach
C. so, frequently used kitchen tools will be harder to reach
D. so, frequently used kitchen tools will not be available
_______19. Why is it necessary to gather and secure electrical cords?
A. to ensure entanglement or snagging to promote accidents
B. to make sure there is fire , risk and hazard
C. to prevent from entanglement or snagging to avoid accidents
D. to promote electrical accidents
_______20. Two important characteristics of materials used for racks, trays and
shelves are:
A. Corrosive-resistant and Durable C. Rough and Long lasting
B. Flexible and Tough D. Smooth and Pliable

Name: ____________________Grade and Section:________ School:_______________

Cleaning, Sanitizing and Storing Kitchen Tools and Equipment


Directions: Write a reflective learning on cleaning, sanitizing and storing

kitchen tools and equipment safely by answering the questions inside the box.
Have fun answering! Enjoy!

1. What are your first ideas about

Cleanliness and Sanitation in relation
to Coronavirus?

2. Realizing that proper handwashing is

How will you share this
important to you and your family members to
thought to others?
prevent Coronavirus , Could you share this
thought to someone else easily ? Why or Why

3. What were some of the interesting

incidents you experienced with the
members of your family, while cleaning
and sanitizing your kitchen tools and
equipment ?

What did the How did you help the

4. What were some of the problems members of your members of your
you encountered with the members of family do to help
family solve the
you solve the
your family, while cleaning, sanitizing problems? problems?
and storing kitchen tools and
equipment at home? What would you like to
learn more about these

5. What are the lessons you learned in this module that are
beneficial in the time of pandemic? in the future?



• Ang, M. J. & Balanon, H.A. (2010), Food Safety and Sanitation, C & E
Publishing Inc. , c. 2010

• Perdigon, G.P. (2005), Foodservice education, Learner Centered Teaching

and Training Strategies, Merriam & Webster Bookstore , Inc. c.2005

• Rondilla, A.H., Avendaňo, E.S. & Roque , E.P. (2017), Cookery Technical
Vocational –Livelihood Track : Home Economics Strand , Adriana
Publishing Co., Inc. c.2017

• Urbiztondo, L. A. (2016), Housekeeping, REX Bookstore , Inc. c. 2016

Learning Materials

• Department of Education , K to 12 -Technology and Education Learning

Module Cookery Grade 9

Supplementary References from the internet:

LO 1. Clean, sanitize, and store kitchen tools and equipment

LO 2. Clean and sanitize kitchen premises

Cleaning Kitchen Premises
Slide No. 5
Slide No. 3
Slide No. 6
Kitchen Safety: Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls

Writers: Candy T. Baylon-MT1 Cristina Jumamil Rico-MT1
Paola Andrea M. Concepcion Ivy Kristine C. Tapalgo
Clara C. Evangelista Alicia B. Vera
Nolissa Manaloto Gemeniano
Editors: Alma P. Linsangan - Head Teacher VI
Validator: Carmelina DM Tan-PSDS-in-Charge of HE
Reviewers: Ma. Patria R. Andres-Head Teacher VI
Julieta Y. Almasco-Head Teacher VI
Management Team:
Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director
Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief
Dennis M. Mendoza, Regional EPS in Charge of LRMS and Regional
ADM Coordinator
Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent
Aida H. Rondilla, Chief-CID
Lucky S. Carpio, Division EPS in Charge of LRMS and
Division ADM Coordinator


What I Know
Let’s Study and Analyze (Pre-Test)

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A

Let’s Make A Difference


Kitchen Problems What to Use?


Built up soot “uling” on the ABRASIVES

pans and casserole

Stains on Kitchen Walls

Built up dirt on stove top DETERGENT

Buillt up rust on the sink ACID


DAY 2-3
What I Know
Let’s Study and Analyze (Pre-Test)

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D


What I Know
Let’s Study and Analyze (Pre-Test)

1. B
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C

What I Know
Let’s Study and Analyze (Pre-Test)

1. C
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D


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