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September 9, 1993

This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of William Bethel & Jim Shaffer.
The following is a compilation of comments from the CompuServe (CIS) New Age
Forum - Moderated by Alain Beaulieu and sent to KeelyNet by William Bethel.
The file has been edited to eliminate redundancy.
#: 113828 S9/New Age Sciences
04-Aug-93 00:25:15
Sb: Neurophone1
Fm: Alain Beaulieu/SL9 70403,3645
To: Patrick Flanagan 71650,60 (X)

Here a repost of messages about the neurophone. Dr. Flanagan has given me the
permission to re-echo some of the messages that we had in E-mail. I re-edited
them slightly to keep only the "good stuff":
Dear Dr. Flanagan,

I have started to read the files that your uploaded in the library and of
course, I have some questions. I figure that many other people also have
questions but just don't dare to start. <g> By the way, before to go further,
I have noticed that your replies appeared to be the start of new topics in
the forum. This would tend to indicate to me that you are composing your
messages on-line and that is a costly way to do things. If you don't have
one of the navigation software, download the file AUTOP.INF in library #1. It
describes the different software to read and write messages off-line. If you
already have one, then you're in business and can disregard this paragraph!

You say that the art of production of a true neurophone was not contained in
your patents. The first thing that comes to my mind is that if you found the
effect with simple circuitry, then reproducing one should be relatively easy
(although it would not produce optimal results). Is that a safe assumption?

You also say that you were able to stimulate visual phenomena when the
electrodes were placed over the occipital region of the brain. Where these
phenomena simple light spots, shades, or something else? Did you notice what
changed their forms or colors (maybe types of modulation?)

Re: Dr. Coanda. Is there any truth to the rumor that he would have found a
way to reproduce the aerodynamic flow of flying saucers (i.e. no sonic
bangs at supersonic speeds)?
About dolphin research, there is one member overhere who is involved in that
too. He is mostly looking at EEG and got hold of one of your neurophone a few

Page 1

months ago. His name is David Cole [70515,1161].

>>encoding mechanism used by human to decode speech intel patterns...

mechanism used by brain to locate sound source in 3-D space... holographic
sound system<<
This sounds interesting. Can you tell me more about it (in addition to the
fact that it acts like a Whitehouse coorelator with time encoded ratios)?
Does it have anything to do with the 44 bit code of Lisitsyn (sp?) that Tom
Bearden is pointing at? Do you know of any reference describing these

>>man-dolphin translator<<
You say that when the dolphins whistled, the speakers output human speech
sounds and you developed a joint language. I guess that once both parties
can interact, you can expect a language to develop for things for which
none of you had names before. But can you tell us what this dolphin-human
sound sounded like, and also to what foreign language did your dolphin
language sounded the most alike?

>>digital neurophone... never published algorithms...<<

Do you intend to publish it one day?

>>Vidiophone in the future<<

Near or long future? That would certainly be impressive. In the mean time,
it seems that not too many people have heard of the neurophone. Are they
still manufactured and sold? If yes, would you mind pointing us to a
source? Also, in these days of walkman, subliminal tapes and machines, why
did the neurophone never take off? (too expensive? simpler to use a normal
tape recorder? Else?)

What are your opinions regarding holographic brain theories? I have read the
book "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot and it seems to me that
holographic approaches are the most promissing leads to understanding the
keys of the universe. It is probably why David Bohm had such an affinity for
them! And last (for now!), I was impressed with the fact that you were able
to transmit clear voice over 1000 miles using mW power. Can you tell me more
on how that was done and where I could find information on that? It has some
similarity with electromagnetic missile (also called EDEPT) and their
acoustic cousins called ADEPT which are ways to direct energy and were the
results of research done on SDI and published in IEEE magazines.

1993-August-1 19:54 - TO: Alain Beaulieu/SL9 - FM: Patrick Flanagan

1. Thank you for the info on navigation software, I currently use CIM and
have ordered WINCIM.
2. Neurophone & Visual Phenomena: The visual phenomena consisted of wavy
lines and phospene type phenomena. W Grey Walter in his book: "The Living
Brain" states that certain clues indicate that the scanning mechanism in
the brain is in a spiral pattern. Therefore any attempt to stimulate
coherent imaging will have to have a spiral scan rather than the
horizontal X-Y system used by television. We have used some various
methods of generating Circular Polarized Neurophone signals with some very
interesting results. Unfortunately the Neurophone would require a really
large research budget to really investigate these phenomena.
3. Dr. Henrie Marie Coanda had over 500 patents but most of the data about
the actual curves of the Coanda devices was trade secret. He taught me the
math that he used in the devices. I witnessed a torpedo traveling at
speeds of 100 MPH under water. These torpedoes created no wake or pressure

Page 2

waves but were "sucked" through the water by means of the Coanda Effect.
In 1918, Dr. Coanda built a saucer that was 12" in diameter. This saucer
was able to lift an 800 pound Nitrogen tank off the ground. The lift to
surface area ratio was outstanding. His work may have been picked up by
the Nazi's but Coanda did not work with them. He was arrested in Paris by
the Gestapo when they found out that he was drinking coffee. Since the
only coffee was available by Black Market, they thought he was a spy. They
refused to go into his green house where he grew coffee. He was eventually
release when they "lost" his file by means of bribery.
4. The Man-Dolphin translator was able to translate English or any other
language into whistles. The Dolphins then imitated the whistles and the
translator would put out perfect English or whatever. We were able to come
up with a 35 word vocabulary before the project was disbanded due to the
death of my partner, Dr. Dwight Wayne Batteau, the head of the project.
Before then end of the project, the dolphins were able to create simple
sentences on their own. This should not be surprising because Apes are
taught to communicate by sign language. Dolphins and whales are much
smarter than apes.
5. The Algorithm of the Neurophone is based on the time- ratio encoding that
is used by all of nature. Time-ratio encoding is independent of frequency.
That is what is wrong with the vocoder. It depends on frequency. A child
has a much smaller vocal cavity than an adult, the frequency of its voice
is much different but we can understand what children say because speech
is time ratio encoded. Ratio encoding is used throughout nature for
example Euler's number 2.718..., PHI 1.6180339889, etc. These ratios have
meaning. The visual system recognizes ratio encoding for object
identification and the hearing system uses time- ratios between wave form
events. As far as I know, no one else has ever used time-ratio encoding.
The original Dolphin translators and Neurophones used discreet components.
Today, a computer can perform all kinds of mathematical algorithms on wave
forms. A NEW Neurophone will use these capabilities. I hope to get one out
early next year. We produced several thousand Neurophones that sold for
$1000 to $1500. My goal is to manufacture a really slick one that will be
like a Sony Walkman and will sell for a few hundred dollars, but the money
required set up production will be pretty high.
6. The Neurophone proves that the brain is holographic. The other theory is
that the brain is hard-wired. If the brain was hard-wired, the Neurophone
would not work by alternate neural pathways. We have shown that we can
hear through the optic nerve, the facial nerve and the trigeminal nerve.
7. The MW power transmission over 1000 miles was by means of using my
time-ratio encoding to produce a narrow bandwidth transmitter. Distance at
low power is a signal to noise ratio problem. By narrowing bandwidth,
distance is increased because the ratio is improved.
8. ADEPT and EDEPT: I would like to know how I can get copies of that data. I
was not familiar with it. I also worked on Scalar wave communications and
built scalar wave transmitters and receivers. We were able to transmit
intelligence over several miles under water and through the earth. The
original ideas came from Wallace Minto in a system he called Hydronic
Kindest regards, Patrick Flanagan
04-Aug-93 00:26:08 - Fm: Alain Beaulieu/SL9 - To: Patrick Flanagan
Here's the continuation:

Thank you very much for your reply. However, I am sure that many lurkers
(bystanders) were looking forward to your reply too. Unless you had specific
areas that you want to keep confidential, your reply would be much more
useful if it was made public (but addressed to me) in the New Age Science
section. Here are further questions that I intend to repost in the NAF (New
Age Forum) once you repost your answer overthere.

Page 3

>> spiral scan of brain <<

Has its scanning period been identified?
>> would require a really large research budget to really investigate these
phenomena. >>
Of course, but would it not be easier today now that you can build almost
everything in a programmable way?

>> The data that you have on Dr. Coanda is impressive: 12" diam capable of
lifting 800 lbs! Wow! When you say that his curves were trade secrets, do
you mean that he died with it or was it transfered to some corporation or
government? What was special about the math that he used?

>> dolphin-language<< OK. I see. It is somewhat similar to what they did to

teach sign language to chimpanzes, but in acoustic.

>> Ratio encoding is used throughout nature for example Euler's number
>> 2.718..., PHI 1.6180339889, etc. These ratios have meaning.
So those ratios would be used and reused to encode the signals, like a
sort of chaos encoding?

>> We produced several thousand Neurophones that sold for $1000 to $1500. It
is amazing that you succeeded to sell thousands at that price! It is
rather hefty for the typical consumer. I agree that a few hundred dollars
would make it more palatable (and you could also use the fact that it
won't disturb your neighbors as much as Walkman's earphones playing loud
music inside a bus!)

>> money required set up production will be pretty high.

It depends on the complexity of the device but I would think that if they
can crank out walman's type of devices and still be profitable, that
should not be a major problem. You could likely find many electronic
manufacturers just looking for something else to do of their spare
manufacturing capability.

>> Neurophone proves that the brain is holographic. Tom Bearden says that the
brain is holographic but his main argument is that someone who was
hydrocephalic obtained a Mathematical degree, thus IQ is independant of
brain size.

>> mW transmission at 1000 miles<< Yet, for it being transmitted

acoustically, (it was acoustically transmitted, wasn't it?), it is quite
remarkable. Any documentation available on it?

>> ADEPT/EDEPT<< I have a copy of a very illustrated description in some

paper published by the Lawrence Livermore Lab which is less mathematical
than the others. I live in Canada and I don't have American stamps to make
a SASE in order to be on your distribution list. So I will send you a copy
of it in exchange of being on your distribution list. (If that's all right
with you.) However, if you want to get started right away, you can check
out "Localized Wave Representations of Acoustic and Electromagnetic
Radiation" by Ziolkowski, R.W., Besieris, I.M., Shaarawi, A.M. affiliated
with Dept of Elect & Computer Eng, Arizona Univ, Tucson, AZ (I guess
that's relatively close to you!), published in Proceedings of the IEEE,
Vol.79, No.10, Oct 1991, p.1371-1378.

>> I also worked on Scalar wave communications and built scalar wave
>> transmitters and receivers. We were able to transmit intelligence over
>> several miles under water and through the earth. The original ideas came
>> from Wallace Minto in a system he called Hydronic Radiation. >>
I never heard of Wallace Minto. Can you tell me more about him and his

Page 4

Hydronic Radiation? As to scalar wave comm, did you mean the Rogers
communication system or something really scalar like Tom Bearden is
advancing? Also, can you tell me more on how I can find information
(keywords for searches, etc.) on these scalar comm devices?

Also with kindest regards, Alain Beaulieu

04-Aug-93 00:27:44 - TO: Alain Beaulieu/SL9 - FM: Patrick Flanagan
Dear Alain:

Thank you for your recent epistle. You can upload these letters to the forum
if you like. Also, I already put you on my mailing list. The same is true of
everyone who has responded. The SASE is to help offset cost but I put
everyone on anyway. I am looking forward to the info on the ADEPT and EDEPT.
The spiral scan frequency of the brain has not been measured to my knowledge,
however the "flicker" persistence of vision known and used by film makers may
be a clue.

1. More Information on time-ratio encoding: Audio Encoding for 3D Sound in

Space (Holo -sound)--------
The brain is able to detect phase differences of 1 microsecond or less.
This was found in our research at Tufts University. The Pinnae or outer
ear is a "phase encoding" array that generates a time-ratio code that is
used by the brain to localize the source of sounds in 3-D space. Some of
the localization time ratios are around one microsecond. A person with one
ear can localize sound sources (non-linear) to a 5 degree angle anywhere
in space. You can test this by closing your eyes and while having a friend
jingle keys in space around your head. With your eyes closed you can
follow the keys and point to them very accurately. If you try this with a
sine wave from a speaker you cannot locate it at all. You can localize
the sine wave if the speaker has a non-linearity or distortion. The brain
will focus on the distorion and use it to meausre time ratios. If you
distort your Pinnae by bending the outer ears out of shape, your ability
to localize the sound source is destroyed. The so-called cocktail party
effect is the ability to localize voices in a noisy party. This is due to
the brain's ability to detect phase differences and then pay attention to
localized areas in 3-D space. A favorite "intelligence" trick is to have
conversations in "hard" rooms with wooden walls and floors. A "bug" will
pick up all the echoes and will scramble the voice. If you put a
microphone in the room with a duplicate of the human pinnae on top of it,
you will be localize the speakers and tune out the echoes - just like you
were at a party. We used metal ears 18" in diameter that were attached to
hydrophones. When these were placed under water, we were able to
accurately localize underwater sounds in 3-D space. We used this system to
localize whales and dolphins. Sound travels 5X as fast under water so we
made the "Pinnae" larger to give the same time encoding as we find in the
air. We also made large plastic ears that were tested in Vietnam. These
ears were of the same proportions as real ears but were larger. They
enabled us to hear distant sounds with a high degree of localization
accuracy in the jungle.
We were also able to take any sound and encode it so that it was perceived
as coming from a specific point in space. Using this technique we could
spread out an orchestra and make you think you were in the concert hall.
As far as I know, this information has never been used commercially except
in one instance when I allowed the Beach Boys to record one of their
albums with my special equipment.
2. Dr. Coanda found that certain curves were better at entraining airflow for
"fluid amplification". His patents gave designs but the actual curve
formulas for maximum efficiency of air entrainment were a secret. He gave
me his formulas. They were given in confidence so I have never thought

Page 5

about revealing them. The curves are everything. The efficiency of his
saucer is an example. Any curving surface will entrain air. The right
curve will entrain 100% of the primary air flow which then captures
secondary flow. This is the secret of fluid amplification and airflow
surface design. The so called Coanda surfaces currently used in jets and
helicopters are really a joke. The curves are not very efficient.
3. IQ. --- In past years, I was involved in the development of a device known
as a Neural Efficiency Amplifier. This device measured the efficiency with
which the brain conducts a light pulse applied to both eyes back to the
optical centers. It was found that IQ is a measure of Neural Efficiency.
This was reflected by phase difference between the left and right
hemispheres of the brain. The high the IQ the less phase difference. We
discovered that the Neurophone usage increased the Neural Efficiency.
4. Wallace Minto was an inventor who worked with scalar waves but did not
know it. He sent me some of his experimental papers. I will dig them out
and share them with you. He may still be around. He was in Florida the
last time heard from him. He is/was a brilliant scientist. He found that
he could transmit "electrical" hydronic waves through water and that the
signal in water was not delayed. The same signal passing through the air
by radio carrier was compared with a signal transmitted through water.
There was no phase difference. Theoretically electrical signals travel
slower in water than they do in the air. With his system there was no
phase difference. Since there was no such thing as scalar back then he
called his signals hydronic waves. He could only generate them in water.
He was able to show that certain kinds of fish send out hydronic signals.
You can identify the species and locate them in the same way you use radio
direction finders. He tried to interest the NAVY but no one would listen
to him so his ideas died away. I duplicated all of his experiments and
went beyond. I discovered the "secret" of the hydronic signal and could
create the signals at any frequency and could also generate and receive
these signals in the air. Minto was only able to generate and detect these
signals in the audio frequency range.
Whether scalar or not, we have detected these signals from the human body.
Each "chakra" oscillates at a different frequency. The body is able to
detect and radiate these signals. The original Neurophone is a scalar
device. It does transmit both EM and Scalar signals but the body is
responding mostly to the scalar component.
Bearden makes things too complex. He is brilliant and his math is
excellent. But he gives no guidelines for experimental work. Generation
and detection of scalar signals is really simple. The antenna designs are
exactly the opposite of antenna that are designed for EM radiation.
Perfect 1:1 standing wave ratio antennas do not generate scalar fields.
The so called mis-matched antennae work great!
By the way, did you know that the angle of the Great Pyramid is such that
the apex is a perfect match to the impedance of free space? The angle of a
horn antenna affects its apex impedance at resonance. By changing the
angle, the matching impedance varies. Back in the early days of radio,
people had to experiment to find the rules of antenna engineering.
Engineers developed geometries that maximize EM radiation and minimize
scalar power. By reversing the process we were able to maximize scalar and
minimize EM.
5. T. Townsend Brown was a friend of mine way back. His "gravitators" and
other anti-gravity devices are scalar antennae. I think that people are
missing the boat on looking at EM effects on the body. The living system
is infinitely more responsive to scalar signals.

That's all for now! Kindest regards, Patrick Flanagan <<>>

04-Aug-93 00:28:45 - Fm: Alain Beaulieu/SL9 - To: Patrick Flanagan

Page 6

>> I am looking forward to the info on the ADEPT and EDEPT. <<
Good! One more copy to do and I'll send it tomorrow, By the way, ADEPT
means Acoustic Directed-Energy Pulse Train, and EDEPT is the same but for
the electromagnetic form.

1. Ear models: interesting. I remember hearing something about Coke or Pepsi

trying to do an ad with a special sound encoding process. Was that this
one? (I'm sure it did not have anythingto do with the Beach Boys). By the
way, do you know which song or album it is the Beach Boys used your device
to record?

>> The so called Coanda surfaces currently used in jets and helicopters
>> are really a joke. The curves are not very efficient. <<
Interesting! So you are essentially saying that Coanda's secret will
disappear with you? What a loss. Imagine how more efficient helicopters
could be made, or even made into flying saucers!

>> Neural Efficiency Amplifier, Neurophone increased Neural Efficiency <<

Wow! You should suggest that device to the Mensa group! <grin>

>> certain kinds of fish send out hydronic signals. <<

Hmmm! Interesting! Do you know why these fishes were capable of these
signals? (i.e. where they mostly fishes defending themselves against a
prey, or some other correlation?)

>> and could create the signals at any frequency and could also generate
>> and receive these signals in the air. >>
That's where it gets really interesting for me! If your phase was measured
with reference to the airwave, how did you know that it existed in the
air? I.e. how did you transmit and receive them?

>> whether scalar or not, we have detected these signals from the human
>> body. Each "chakra" oscillates at a different frequency. <<
That's what Dr. Valerie Hunt of UCLA is claiming too. I don't remember if
I already asked you the question, but did you read the book "the
Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot? That's where I saw it mentioned.
There was also some holographic effects measured (something like a thought
pattern measured from a limb, or something like that).

>> The original Neurophone is a scalar device. It does transmit both EM

>> and Scalar signals but the body is responding mostly to the scalar
>> component. <<
From looking at the patents, that does not seem obvious. Can you tell me
how it was transmitting a scalar signal? Would it be when the audio signal
gets modulated on the carrier? (i.e. a negatively going audio signal
cancels out some part of the positively going carrier wave?) And how did
you determine that the body respond mostly to the scalar component? (That
puzzles me! <g>)

>> Bearden makes things too complex. He is brilliant and his math is
>> excellent. But he gives no guidelines for experimental work. <<
Tell me about it! I have read almost all of his papers. I have even posted
one of his most recent one in the library overhere (with his permission).
However, I understand that the guy is under non-disclosure rules so he
obviously cannot give details. The superficial stuff is nonetheless
interesting but it is not sufficient to convince old-fashioned R&D folks
that scalar waves can be used to have effects at distances, etc. It is
like cold fusion, or as the Japanese call it, New Hydrogen Energy (i.e.
not necessarily fusion), the establishment refuses to believes that there
is something there!

Page 7

>> mis-matched antenna work great<<

That's what they say about Tesla: he was aiming at imperfect VSWR. Have
you detected a different speed of propagation (than the speed of light)
for these scalar waves?

>> angle of the Great Pyramid is such that the apex is a perfect match to
>> the impedance of free space?
I remember having read that somewhere. I thought that it was only
circumstancial but again, they may have known what they were doing!
Especially if the Ark of the Covenant was reproduced (from the scriptures)
and found to generate lethal high voltages.

>> reversing the process we were able to maximize scalar and minimize EM. <<
How smart! Thanks for the hint.

>> Townsend Brown was a friend of mine way back. His "gravitators" and other
anti-gravity devices are scalar antennae. <<
The book "The Vindicator Scroll" by Stan Deyo describes some movie tape
from his devices. The author says that Brown was trying to build a device
approximating the shape of a saucer seen by Adamski. Is there any basis to

>> The living system is infinitely more responsive to scalar signals. <<
That's what Bearden is saying. Mitogenetic radiations et al would rule the
body. He also says that some cells which died where revived with phase
conjugated mitogenetic radiations, only if they had not been exposed to UV
light in the mean time.

>> That's all for now! <<

Oh Yes! And there's more to come! (I'll repost your messages and this one
and hopefully, we'll get a few more participants to the discussion in the
New Age Science section).

Again, kindest regards, Alain

08-Aug-93 19:29:05 - Fm: Dean Miller - To: Alain Beaulieu/SL9

Alain (and Patrick)

Keep it up!

I guess I'll have to download all the Bearden stuff. And Patrick, is there
any chance of sharing some of the details about your scalar acoustics? (At
least, that's what I think I read.<g>) Thanks
08-Aug-93 21:10:10 - Fm: Alain Beaulieu/SL9 - To: Dean Miller
Patrick is having visitors these days but he will come back soon.
04-Aug-93 00:25 EDT - From: Patrick Flanagan - To: Alain Beaulieu

Alain - I got a copy of the Ziolkowski paper you told me about. This data
looks very familiar, it seems that others are also working in this area and
getting some interesting results. The information I sent you last night about
time encoding for 3-D hearing and Scalar signals from fish fit in. The
equipment that we used was very simple, I could easily draw up some
experiments that anyone could perform to create their very own scalar
comminicators. The text would have to be in Windows WRI or Word for Windows
format because I would have to make some drawings. The drawings I have seen
that have been rendered in ASCII are really crude. I really look forward to

Page 8

getting the Lawrence Livermore article from you.

Kindest regards, Patrick Flanagan
04-Aug-93 - To: Alain Beaulieu/SL9 - From: Patrick Flanagan
Subj: Neurophone & uclusters
Dear Alain:

I get carried away with my writing and tend to put out information too
rapidly without ancillary backup.

1. EAR: I cannot remember what album it was, it was recorded in or around

1973 or 74.

2. I do not intend to die with Coanda's secret, I have thought about it and
see no problem in revealing the curves. Interestingly they are directly
related to Vortex curves. I need to write an article about Coanda's
"nozzles". The problem is that the people who could use the data probably
will never see the data no matter how we publish it.
3. According to Minto, the fish appear to be using these signals to
communicate. He used the system to locate schools of fish for fisherman
(in some trials). I worked with these detectors after we finished our NAVY
work. My intention is to put together some receivers and travel to a
dolphin research facility and see if I can record these signals from
4. The phase test was made by transmitting one signal through the air by EM
waves while simultaneously transmitting the scalar signal through the
water. The test was to prove that the water signal was indeed scalar.
Minto had a few detractors who said that the water signal must be an EM
signal. If it were an EM signal, the transmission of an EM signal through
water is much slower than the transmission speed through the air. So much
so that the time difference could be easily measured by a dual channel
oscilloscope. (Of course we all know that EM signals do not travel long
distances under water anyway). The test proved that the signal traveled as
fast through water as it did through the air. This indicates that the
water signal is not delayed or slowed down by denser media as are EM
5. Valerie Hunt's work bears no resemblance to our chakra work. The closest
work was done by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama in Japan.
6. The NEUROPHONE as SCALAR DEVICE: The original Neurophone output was an
amplitude modulated 30 - 50 KHz signal with a voltage at resonance of
about 3000 peak to peak. The output electrodes were capacitor disks made
of copper and these were about one inch in diameter. The copper disks were
covered by thin mylar film (1/2 mil). The head and its distributed
dielectric qualities was the dielectric of a higher voltage capacitor!
Since the left and right Neurophone electrode signals were 180 degrees out
of phase with respect to each other, the EM signals canceled each other
somewhere in the middle of the head. Since the EM signals canceled we had
a powerful scalar vector left over right where we wanted it, inside the
7. BODY RESPONSE TO SCALAR FIELDS: In 1974, I created a device called the
Earth Resonance Generator. It was an 8 Hz pulse generator. The purpose of
the device was to create a Zietgeber or biological clock to balance the
energy centers of the body - Schuman Resonance Device. We used acupuncture
meters and a crude scalar detector and a ballistic kinesiometer to measure
the effect of the ERG on the body.
We first used magnetic coils as an output the switched to mobius coils.
The magnetic pulse had very little effect on our measurements. The mobius
coil (scalar coil) output had a powerful effect. If the mobius was left
hand wound, the effect was balancing and positive while a right hand
Page 9

mobius coil produced illness, i.e. nausea and headaches.

We marketed the ERG and sold about 40,000 of them between 1974 and 1980.
TWA airline crews purchased a lot of them because they prevented jet-lag.
8. PINK NOISE NEUROPHONE: In 1976, we put a device on the market that was
called the Pink Noise Neurophone. It was not for listening to music, but
produced a pink noise scalar wave. The device was really kind of like a
Scalar Wave Lakhovsky oscillator. Once we found that scalar waves are
acted on by the body, it seemed like the best thing to do. The PNN worked
so well it put all the acupuncture meridians into balance in about 20
minutes of use.
9. Scalar waves seem to be propagated instantly but my mind tells me that
this must not be so. The test under water would indicate that scalar waves
propagate faster than EM waves in certain media. It may be that scalar
waves can be propagated instantly is they have a tensor vector, i.e. they
modulate a tensor vector in the space matrix.

10. Townsend Brown found that the saucer shape was the best for a gravitator
vehicle. He found this shape by itself, and did not as far as I know get
it from Adamski. He and discussed the shape and he told me he came on it

Alain, I am enjoying our exchange. Most of this stuff has been buried in my
brain while I have worked on the water. It seems that we were a little bit
ahead of the rest. I am enjoying digging it out because I would like to put
it all together and write a book about all these things, a -- how to-- book
that experimenters can use to create their own equipment.

Until next time, Patrick Flanagan

09-Aug-93 21:17:47 - Fm: Alain Beaulieu/SL9 - To: Patrick Flanagan
Subj: Neurophone, uclusters & Time Encoding (Outbox)

>> time encoding for 3-D hearing and Scalar signals from fish fit in. <<
Hmmm! That's not evident. Can you explain a bit? I will be mailing your
envelope within the next hour. It should take roughly a week to get to
you. From previous experience, similar envelope arrive looking as if they
went through a war zone! So let me know when you receive it (and whether
it made it in good shape!).

Regards, Alain
04-Aug-93 17:24 LCL - To: Patrick Flanagan

>> I need to write an article about Coanda's "nozzles". The problem is

>> that the people who could use the data probably will never see the data no
>> matter how we publish it. <<
Why's that? Would it be because the type of "peer review" journals would
likely not believe in it and refuse to publish it? Or would it be because
it would be published in a non-field-related paper?

>> My intention is to put together some receivers and travel to a dolphin

research facility and see if I can record these signals from dolphins.<<
Well, at least, you have one contact handy via CIS: David Cole

>> the fish appear to be using these signals to communicate. He used the
>> system to locate schools of fish for fisherman (in some trials) <<
Huh? Do you mean that he could pick up "gossips" from the fish to point
out an area of fishing to stay away from (from the point of view of the

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[Post-Ed: I did not know then that a "flock" of fish was called a "school" of
fish. That's something that got lost in the translation! A.B.]

>> comparison of EM in air with scalar in water<<

My question was aimed at comparing EM in air with scalar in air. In what
way did you detect that they were different?

>> Valerie Hunt<<

I'll get back to you after verification on that.

>> The head and its distributed dielectric qualities was the dielectric
>> of a higher voltage capacitor! <<
Why are you saying "of a higher voltage"? I can visualize that you have
two capacitors on a capacitors, and that the signals would have a phase
inversion because of the different polarity. Is that what you mean?

>> Earth Resonance Generator. It was an 8 Hz pulse generator. The purpose

>> of the device was to create a Zietgeber or biological clock to balance the
>> energy centers of the body - Schuman Resonance Device. <<
That sounds like what is being sold today as the Teslar. It was designed
by Dr. Puharich I believe. Are these ERGs still being manufactured and
sold today? What about the Pink Noise Neurophone?

>> Scalar waves seem to be propagated instantly but my mind tells me

>> that this must not be so. <<
If they are the primary field, they should be able to change the boundary
conditions of the "conventional" electromagnetism. According to Bearden,
you can accelerate the speed of time with scalar fields, so indirectly,
that would affect the speed of propagation. Dr. Aspden mentioned that a
fellow by the name of Wiener found that time was affected in a standing
wave, That was approx. 3 years after the Michelson-Morley experiment.
Aspden claims taht it is one of the reason why M-M experiment was faulty
(it had standing waves in it).

>> It seems that we were a little bit ahead of the rest. <<

>> I would like to put it all together and write a book about all these
>> things, a -- how to-- book that experimenters can use to create their own
>> equipment. <<
That would be EXTREMELY interesting! I was myself thinking of sorting out
through the stuff and writing something that sounds like Scalar EM 101 but
I am a bit rusty in my math, and some of the math that I have seen in the
EDEPT paper are enough to stop me dead in my track! Let me know if I can
By the way, do you know Dr. Michrowski of the Planetary Association for Clean
Energy? He has writen of bibliography of all the "new energy" publications
and papers related to these weird topics.
09-Aug-93 - Fm: Alain Beaulieu/SL9 - To: Patrick Flanagan [71650,60]
Subj: Neurophone & uclusters (Outbox)

Incidently, is there a reason why you prefer to discuss the neurophone by

E-mail rather than via the New Age Forum? The practice is that we normally
keep the E-mail for confidential matters but post the other messages in the
forum of interest so that more people can interract. That is why I requested
your explicit permission to repost most of our private discussion onto the
forum. So I assume that you still don't have any objection to myself

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reposting most of our last messages on the neurophone onto the forum?

Regards, Alain
04-Aug-93 - To: Patrick Flanagan [71650,60]
Subj: Neurophone & uclusters (Outbox)

>> Valerie Hunt's work bears no resemblance to our chakra work. The
>> closest work was done by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama in Japan. <<
You are right about Dr. Motoyama. The book says that he successfully
developed a technique for measuring the electrical presence of chakras.
But it does not say how. (p.190) [The Holographic Universe]
As to Valerie Hunt, Talbot says that she discovered that the electrodes of
the electromyograph could pick up a field of higher frequencies than the
highest component of the heart rate (averaged between 100 and 1600 cps,
but sometimes higher). But the fields were found to be strongest in the
areas associated with the chakras. (p.175) She did not measure them with
moebius sensors so she did not measure the scalar component but she did
detect the chakras. Your method was done using moebius sensors so your
work is definitely different than hers but I don't know how much different
Motoyama's work is from yours.

(The book did not have enough details to sort out all of this without your

Regards, Alain

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Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.

Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson

Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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