A DDS Comic Universe Timeline

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A DDS Comic Universe Timeline

This is the only canonical timeline for the DDS comic universe that eliminates from
Chris' diseased mind.

Last update : 13/02/11 (dates given are Terran standard dates)

Date Faction Event

7000 Tarbot Tarbotian spirit creatures first began to use

BCE robot vessels to operate outside of their usual atmosphere,
these robot slaves were called the Starbotians. Over time
the Tarbotians gave them more intelligence to assist their
3000 Sirius Near mythical first age of technology that ended in a
BCE war that took the Dinos back to the stone age. One
group of Dinos were stranded on a colony which later
became the Bolitic Confederacy .
230 Sirius Official rise of the Krotawati Empire on Sirius. This
CE civilisation is regarded as the forerunner to the Dinos' modern
512 Utrek Urlik Utrekians discover space flight.
710 Sirius Fall of the last Krotawati city state to barbarians,
however the foundations of the Krotawati survived and were
absorbed by barbarian tribes.
809 Utrek Civil war blasts the Utrekians back into a pre-space flight state.
1021 Sirius The Telrinson tribe begin to unite the separate tribes of
Dino-Land under one chief.
1302 Sirius Unification of Dino-Land under one emperor, Ecto I.
1307 Tarbot Tarbotians achieve space flight.
1308 Sirius Death of Emperor Ecto in battle against primitive tribes,
Nintoson I becomes Emperor. He himself dies a few days into
his reign from illness. His son Ecto II becomes Emperor.
1322 Recta Founding of Rectoid Continuum
1334 Sirius Nintoson II is made Dino Emperor after the dissappearance
of Ecto II. When Ecto returns they reign as Co-Emperors for
a few weeks but after displaying signs of mental
instability Ecto is forced to resign.
Sirius Murder of Nintoson II by forces loyal to Ecto II. Ecto is
also killed in the battle against the rebels. Velis is made
the new Emperor.
1360 Tarbot Tarbotians achieve faster-than-light travel.
1387 Tarbot Conquest of Eranian by Tarbot, the first planet of many to
be forced to join the Tarbot Federation.
1391 Recta Rectoid rebels leave Continuum to later form the 7 Sa Sao.
1401 Sirius Nintoson III becomes Emperor following the death of Velis.
1487 7SS Founding of first faction of 7 Sa Sao, the Xeon.
1571 Sirius Birth of Takola Iguana later to become Ronald Iguana.
1579 Sirius Birth of G-B-H Gola.
1580 Tarbot Tarbot Federation now comprises 20 worlds.
1582 Sirius Wen Dobla becomes Dino Emperor following the death of
Nintoson III.
1598 Sirius Emperor Wen Dobla is assassinated, his successor Renesoka
forms the state police, the ISU.
1602 Sirius Birth of Cruggson Yeltinan.
1695 Sirius Birth of Oojok Telrenagan.
1710 Tarbot Uprising of Starbotian robot slaves after they were forced
to massacre an alien race known as the Mentorbi.
Sirius Ecto III becomes Dino Emperor following the death of
1711 Tarbot War between Tarbot and Starbotians, who later flee the Tarbot
1716 Sirius Takola joins the Dino Army.
1719 Sirius Birth of Lakes (Lakatoran) Helninagan.
1722 Starbot Starbotians found a new world called Starbot.
Tarbot Tarbot Federation now comprises 50 worlds.
1742 Sirius First reported crime by Oojok, pimping schoolgirls.
1749 Castarian Bolitic Union unite all of Castarian to form Bolitic Confederacy.
1753 Sirius Birth of Spikeson Ereno-Ecto, a cousin of Ecto III.
1791 Sirius Marriage of Takola Iguana and Holisai Nerteni .
1795 Sirius Birth of Smellyson Iguana and Sleeze Welinatra.
1802 Sirius First contact between Starbotians and Dinos. The
Starbotians begin to assist the Dinos with advanced
1804 Sirius Birth of M-B-H Gola.
1806 Sirius Assisted by the Starbotians the first Dino superlight ship
is built. The Dinomark travels at 1.04c on it's maiden voyage.
1815 Sirius Takola is promoted to Centurion.
1817 Sirius Birth of El Diablo Wolakati.
1822 Castarian Dinos encounter Bolitic for first time.
1830 Sirius Juliawaki becomes Dino Emperor following the death of Ecto.
1832 Castarian Bolitic achieve space flight.
1837 Sirius The Dinos begin their colony on Pulsin.
1846 Sirius First contact between the Dino Empire and the Bolitic
1876 Starbot War between Starbot and Tarbot. Starbot is devastated by
the far superior forces of Dr Slow. Starbotians flee.
1892 Sirius First war between Dinos and Bolitics, ends after a stalemate
battle near Castarian.
1895 Castarian Bolitic achieve faster-than-light space flight using captured
Dino technology.
1910 Terra Dino ship investigates Terra but decides it is not yet
worth making contact with the humans.
Sirius Birth of Pheldira Gola.
1940 Sirius Takola is promoted to Tribune.
Second war between the Dinos and Bolitics, ends after a heavy
defeat for the Bolitic Confederacy in the battle of Pulsin.
1947 Terra Second Dino expedition to Terra, the Dinos decide not to
make contact with the humans yet. Dinomark sightings are
responsible for the UFO craze.
1950 Sirius Takola leaves the army for awhile, he returns to service as
a centurion in 1991 after his shoe mending business fails.
1962 Starbot Starbotians return to Starbot and begin rebuilding.
1971 Sirius Third war between the Dinos and Bolitics. The war quickly
enters a period of stand-off which lasts until 1974.
1981 Sirius Birth of Stinkyson Iguana.
1985 Remedia Forming of the Remedian Federation after a costly civil war
between several Remedian tribes.
1993 Starbot War between Starbot and Tarbot, the improved Starbotians
manage to repel the Tarbot fleet. The Tarbot Federation now
stands at 100 worlds.
2006 Terra First evidence of extraterrestial life when radio signals
from Sirius are discovered by the SETI project. What later
turned out to be a Dino radio soap leaves human scientists
2008 Sirius Takola is promoted to Tribune again.
2021 Terra Invention of hyperdrive, the first Terran starship SS Discovery
manages to travel at 1.1c before exploding.
2027 Terra Terran ship SS Columbus enters orbit around Proxima 7.
2034 Sirius First meeting between Takola and G-B-H when Takola takes
command of an army unit G-B-H is a centurion in.
Proxima 5 Terran ship SS Cook encounters a Dinomark but the Dinos
decide to not make contact at this time.
2036 Cloneworld The Terran ship SS Adventurer discovers alien life on
Epsilon Eridani 4 , dubbed the "Clones" by scientists.
Sirius The ISU is renamed the SS and given greater powers.
Takola enjoys his first taste of space combat in a skirmish
against the Boliticians.
2041 Proxima Founding of Terran colonies on Proxima 5 and 7.
2044 Sirius Takola wins a competition to command the new expedition to
Terra, which will attempt to make contact with the humans.
2051 Terra First contact between the humans and Dinos when a Dino
fleet led by Takola enters Terran space. It was soon after
this that Takola started using the name Ronald, a machine
translation of his name into human language. This sparks a
craze where many Dinos adopt their Terran names.
2052 Sirius A drug-addled Emperor Juliawaki allows rogue elements in
the SS led by the evil Telavason to seize power. Ronald is
arrested as part of the plot but it sparks a civil war. In
the battle Ronald is teleported using Dougson's
experimental teleporter, it nearly kills him with a gammaray
overdose but this leaves him with psychic powers and
telekenesis. Juliawaki is forced to retire, Ronald wins
the election to be the new Emperor.
2055 Cloneworld Founding of Cloneworld Human colony.
Sirius Birth of Ronaldson Iguana.
2061 Proxima Oojok, a wanted criminal on Dino-Land, moves to the fast
growing Proxima 7 colony.
2065 Terra Founding of the United Nations of Planets (UNP) with Terra,
Proxima 5 and 7 as it's first members.
2068 Terra Birth of Trevor Williams a.k.a. Windscorpion.
Cloneworld Cloneworld achieves independence with a bi-racial
2069 Sirius The Terrasaur terrorist group begin their war against the
Dino Empire. The war continues off-and-on for the next few
decades but the Terrasaurs gradually lose their menace.
2070 Proxima Oojok has a long running battle with Neverak and Egonneck.
2073 Sirius The Dinos encounter the ABBOs for the first time.
2075 Cloneworld Fascist elements in the Human government take power and
force all Clones out into the barren east, millions die on
the "Trail Of Tears".
2078 Sirius The Dinos battle the occult power of the Acheron.
2079 Sirius Exhausted by the Acheron war Ronald begins a sabbatical
from the Emperorship.
2080 Proxima Ronald falls foul of Oojok when a drunken Ronald disrupts
the Mr Universe competition which Oojok was on the verge of
2081 Cloneworld Oojok's ship is forced to land on Cloneworld, Oojok finds
himself the subject of worship by the Clones.
2085 Terra Oojok attacks Ronald, currently on Terra on a break from
his Emperorship, with an army of Clones.
2086 Proxima Ronald forms Heavy Attack Squad to combat Oojok's Clone
2087 Proxima Heavy Attack Squad becomes the Dino Death Squad (DDS).
2088 Cloneworld The DDS moves to Cloneworld to protect the human colonists
from the growing threat by Oojok's new Clone army the HCS.
Windscorpion joins the DDS at this point.
2089 Cloneworld The DDS launch a pre-emptive strike on the Clones, within
weeks the Clone army is destroyed and DDS forces near the
capital but a combination of desperate Clone counterattacks
and bad weather halts the offensive. By the end of the year
the DDS have been pushed back to the border.
Proxima Windscorpion usurps Ronald to become DDS Commander.
Ronald resumes his Emperorship.
2090 Cloneworld The DDS invade the West Clone Republic peninsula, after
many months of heavy fighting the DDS forces are pushed
back after funding from the human government begins to run
2091 Daggaddon The Clones invade nearby Daggaddon, easily crushing the
weak Dagga armed forces.
Sirius The Dinos are attacked by the ABBOs, after the resulting
battle the Dinos gain an edge they never lose.
2092 Cloneworld Operation "Total Triumph", heralded by a surprise nuking of
a major DDS armoured division, the HCS launch an all-out
assault on the weakened DDS. The DDS are defeated and
Cloneworld is conquered. The DDS survivors, led by Windy,
are rescued by the Dinos.
2093 Proxima After a brief caretakership by Nigerian Witchdoctor after
Windy resigned as commander Opticon is named the new DDS
commander. Funded by a worried UNP he begins the rapid
rebuilding of the DDS.
Sandworld The Clones invade oil rich Sandworld, despite a heroic
defense by the DDS the Clones conquer the planet.
2094 Terra The Clones launch their most daring attack yet, Earth!
After a brief orbital nuclear attack HCS legions are landed
in europe and begin fighting a joint NATO/DDS force.
Despite desperate defending the outnumbered and outgunned
human forces are pushed back until by the end of the year
the HCS rule continental europe from the Bay Of Biscay to the
Caspian Sea.
Proxima Opticon is killed in combat, The Shiner is named the new
DDS Commander with Windscorpion in a new role of DDS
Protector .
2095 Terra Further HCS offensives help them to seize the Iberian
Sirius M-B-H attempts to take over the Dino Empire, he flees after his
coup fails.
2096 Randalf 74 The Clones invade the human colony of Randalf 74, the DDS
vow that the clones must be stopped this time. Windy leads
the DDS to a victory over the clones, the clones losing a million
2097 Tarbot Dr Slow launches an all-out attack on the Local Group.
Starbot is captured by Tarbot forces. The DDS, Dinos and
Clones join forces to fight the Tarbotians. After months of
battle the Tarbotian fleet is destroyed and Dr Slow dead.
Sirius Badly wounded after the Tarbot war Ronald steps down in
favour of El Diablo.
2098 Terra The HCS begin a new offensive into the middle east, where
they face stubborn opposition from the DDS.
Cloneworld The DDS launch a surprise attack on the HCS fleet,
devastating it. The clones first begin discussing peace terms.
2099 Sirius One-Horn seizes power officially from El Diablo (though he
had been in defacto power for nearly all of Diablo's reign)
and declares war on the DDS. The DDS fleet is devastated by
the Dinos. Windy enlists Ronald's help in killing One-Horn.
Ronald is named Emperor for the second time.
Terra The DDS, weakened by the Dino war, begins to crumble. The
HCS seize most of the Arabian peninsula.
Proxima Windscorpion is killed during a surprise HCS attack on DDS
2100 Terra The DDS army is wiped out in the final battles on Arabia.
Randalf 74 The HCS sweep into an unprotected Randalf 74 and conquer
Cloneworld M-B-H resurfaces as a sector governor of the Clone Empire.
Terra Firefly brings Windy back to life using the power of the
occult. Windy acts quickly to save the DDS which was
teetering on the verge of collapse. The DDS launch a
devastating attack on the Clones.
Cloneworld Oojok and The Shiner agree terms for an ending to the war
between the DDS and the HCS. The Clones are allowed to
keep all seized territories except those on Terra.
2101 Utrek The Utrekians launch an all-out attack on the HCS, DDS and
Dinos who are forced to unite to defend against the mighty
Utrek Federation . The war raged for several months, in
which time the Remedians were conquered. New weapon
developments turn the tide and the Utrek are forced to
Arit The Porquatians attack New Arit. The DDS, HCS and Dinos
unite to protect the Aritans.
Starbot Starbot and Remedia join the expanded DDS.
2102 Sirius Ronald is presumed killed by a terrorist bomb planted by
M-B-H. In an election M-B-H is crowned the new Emperor but
Ronald was found to be still alive. With a precedent in
place both Emperors are allowed to rule as Co-Emperors.
Starbot DDS listening posts are destroyed by the Rectoids. The
shadowy Rectoids later destroy the Starbot ship I-11 after K-1
turns coward.
Proxima After the Rectoids destroy a planet Windy sets off to
investigate and combat this new enemy.
Cloneworld The Clone Empire, teetering on the edge of financial
collapse, is bailed out by Ronald in a secret deal. As part
of the terms M-B-H is sacked from his position in the Clone
Sirius Birth of Crystal Iguana.
Recta Windy manipulates the Utrek to attack the Rectoids.
Meanwhile the Dinos help the ABBOs combat the Rectoid
technology. Caught between the two sides the Rectoids
collapse. Windy returns home.
Starbot K-1 is unmasked as a coward and traitor and is banished.
Wizard W Benito invades Wizard World against Oojok's orders, the
action angers the Utrek who declare war in the Clones. The
war is short-lived but the arrest of Benito is ordered, who flees.
2103 Starbot K-1 is found to be suffering from a mental illness that
explained his actions. S101 finds K-1 but is forced to
trade DDS secrets with DDS traitor Rotarios in return for saving
K-1's life.
Sirius The Bolitic Confederacy declares war on the Dinos for the
fourth time.
Proxima Following a Porquatian attack on DDS GHQ Windy heads off
with a fleet to finally defeat the Porquatians.
Porquat In the midst of a battle between the DDS and the
Porquatians Rotarios uses the secrets bought from S101 to
destroy the Pulsar and leave Windy near death. Windy is
hurried to Rathun's World . To put Rotarios off the
scent Windy fakes his own death. After a bloody battle the
DDS destroy the Porquat fleet and force them to surrender.
Sirius Ronald's youngest son Ronaldson gets caught up with a
strange cult known as the Cabal. After being missing for
months Ronald finally rescues his son from the Cabal, which
was controlled by Ex-Emperor Juliawaki.
Proxima Rotarios seizes power at the DDS with the help of traitors
in the high command and a shadowy group known as the
Shiner steps down and Rotarios wins a rigged election. He
begins to remake the DDS as the "New DDS".
Castarian The Dino-Bolitic war ends after the Bolitic leader Lord
Worfen is killed. M-B-H is suspected as being the real
power behind the Bolitic, using the war to destabilise the
Empire but nothing can be proven.
Rathun's W Windy is captured by the New DDS and agrees to follow
Rotarios' command.
2104 Proxima A resurgence of the Rectoids leads Rotarios to send Windy
to investigate the far-off enemy.
Sirius Ronald decides to take a break from the pressures of
command. M-B-H begins a coup. M-B-H is defeated and killed,
Jimmy is named the new Co-Emperor.
Austini 55 Benito resurfaces and plots to bring about the downfall of
Sirius The Terrasaurs end their war against the Dinos.
Sirius The Cabal launch their final attack in a link-up with the
Rectoids they try to devastate Dino-Land with earthquakes.
The Cabal are finally crushed, Ronald declares war on the
2105 Recta The DDS, assisted by the Dinos, engage the Rectoids at their
home planet Recta. HCS agent Megara hacks the DDS
biogenic systems to cause a total genocide on Recta. The
Rectoids are utterly destroyed.
Sirius Lakes becomes SS-Commander following an election
Austini 55 Forces loyal to Benito begin an uprising
Sirius Jimmy shot by assassin under orders of Lakes and is forced to
stand down as Emperor.
Zoneland The Zone Pirates begin an upsurge of violence in the Rim
2106 Woloron 12 Benito's rebellion spreads to Woloron 12, Austini 55 now being
under his control..
Sirius Smellyson Iguana and Pheldira Gola marry.
Cloneworld Oojok deposed in a coup by Captain Clone, who ends the civil
war with Benito and forms the Triumvirate with Benito and The
Sirius Ronald begins process of turning the Dino Empire into a
2107 Sirius The Dino Empire becomes the Dino Republic.
Rathun's W Zones launch attack against DDS, DDS respond by nuking
Zones to oblivion.
Remedia Utrek launch invasion of Remedian Belt.
Proxima Windy deposes Rotarios to become DDS Commander
Remedia DDS and Dinos fight back to destroy Utrek invasion force
Colom Relocation of survivors from Zoneland begins
Sirius M-B-H has shock win as first elected Consul
Proxima Windy begins mission to find New Cross survivors
2108 Sa Sao First encounter between DDS and 7 Sa Sao
Bolitic Windy fails to find New Cross, they're already all dead
Utrek DDS battle Utrek at Diareel after they trespass into the DMZ
Bolitic Bolitic invade and crush Vosun-Voth Star Empire
Sirius Cruggson wins Consul election to replace Ronald
2109 Sa Sao Windy encounters Argon Faction
Cloneworld Captain Clone lifts the ban on the Church Of Oojok
Sirius War between Dinos and ABBOs
Oscar End of civil war, becomes HCS protectorate
Sa Sao Xenon begin harassment of HCS
Proxima Windy resigns as DDS Commander
Lornaca Clones invade Lornaca Melnig
Cloneworld Oojok restored as Emperor after death of Captain Clone
2110 Proxima The Orchid becomes new DDS Commander
Bolitic Aliowaki killed by Ronald, Borca new Emperor
Bolitic attack Dinos and Raegris
Proxima ABBOs attack DDS
Arit Aritan fleet smashed by ABBOs, later leave DDS
Sirius Dinos form Dino Trade Association
Pulsin Borca killed as Bolitic fleet defeated by Dinos
Sirius Zanus elected Consul
ABBOs ABBO planets begin to be destroyed by unknown power
2111 ABBOs Tarbotians behind destruction of ABBOs
Malau ABBOs defeated by Tarbot EMP weapon stole by Windy
Bolitic War of succession rages
Porquat Porquat 640 joins the DDS


Emperors of the Dino-Empire

(dates given are Terran Common Era)

Ecto I 1302-1308 Died in battle.

Nintoson I 1308 Died of illness.
Ecto II 1308-1334 Forced to resign.
Nintoson II* 1334 Murdered.
Velis 1334-1401 Died of old age.
Nintoson III 1401-1582 Died of illness.
Wen Dobla 1582-1598 Assassinated.
Renesoka 1598-1710 Died of old age.
Ecto III 1710-1830 Died of old age.
Juliawaki 1830-2052 Forced to resign.
Ronald~ 2052-2097 Resigned due to injury.
El Diablo 2097-2099 Deposed.
One-Horn# 2099 Killed in battle.
Ronald+ 2099-2107 Resigned due to Emperorship being abolished
M-B-H** 2102-2104 Lost in battle.&
Jimmy** 2104-2105 Resigned due to injury.

* Reign was as Co-Emperor with Ecto II.

~ Was known as Takola when he became Emperor.
** Co-Emperorship with Ronald
# Reign not officially recognised by some authorities.
+ Second reign.
& As M-B-H was later found to be alive some authorities say his Emperorship did
not end until the Empire was dissolved and his reign should be from 2102 to 2107
and thus there were 3 Emperors for a time.

Consuls of the Dino Republic (current in bold)

Ronald 2107-2109
G-B-H 2107-2108
M-B-H 2108-2110
Cruggson 2109-2111
Jimmy 2110-2112
Zanus 2111-2113

DDS Commanders
(Dates given are Terran)

Ronald* 2086-2089 Usurped by Windscorpion.

Windscorpion 2089-2092 Resigned.
N. Witchdoctor 2093 Brief rule as caretaker.
Opticon 2093-2094 Killed in combat.
The Shiner 2094-2103 Resigned.
Rotarios 2103-2107 Killed by Windscorpion
Windscorpion 2107-2109 Resigned.
Sea Urchin 2109-2110 Interim.
The Orchid 2110 Killed in combat
AP 2110- Temporary command

* until 2087 the DDS was known as the Heavy Attack Squad.

DDS Chronology © trash80 web design 2011

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