Cloud-Based Fault Detection and Classification For Oil & Gas Industry

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Cloud-based Fault Detection and

Classification for Oil & Gas Industry

Athar Khodabakhsh
Ismail Ari
Mustafa Bakir
{ ,}

Presented in : DM4OG Workshop

Cloud-based Fault Detection and Classification for Oil & Gas Industry
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• Motivations for Industrial Plants
▫ Modern Plants, Industry 4.0
▫ Digital Transformation and Big Data

• Challenges: Fault Detection & Classification

▫ Data Quality,
▫ Time Series Modeling
▫ Classification of Errors

• Proposed Approaches
▫ Fault Detection (GED) and Classification (GEC)
▫ Lambda Architecture
▫ Private and Public Cloud

• Preliminary Results

• Conclusion & Future Work

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Modern Industrial Plants Approach

• All modern, 20-21st century industrial plants rely on

▫ mission-critical, automated, reliable,
equipment and complex systems built upon those
▫ to assure continuous operation and safety

• BUT, they want to minimize (even avoid) human supervision via

▫ Distributed Control System (DCS)
▫ Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems
embedded on top of and around industrial equipment.
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Industry 4.0 Approach

WIKIPEDIA on Industry 4.0: «.. It includes cyber-physical

systems, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud computing. It
creates what has been called a "smart factory".» This
philosophy is also called «Lights-out manufacturing»
Cloud-based Fault Detection and Classification for Oil & Gas Industry
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Digital Transformation Oil & Gas Approach

• Oil & Gas 4.0

▫ IoT, Cloud technologies, and Big Data should be used together to
deliver a digital transformation and establish smarter operation for Oil
& Gas.

• Challenges
▫ Every industry requires building its own specific process model.
▫ Oil & Gas industry has not developed a comprehensive data architecture to
complete its digital transformation neither in the drilling nor refining
▫ ISO 15926 (Oil and Gas Ontology by NPD) is a data schema for data integration.
▫ Integration with private and public clouds is not discussed clearly.
▫ Quality of process data affects performance.
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Big Data Approach

• Industrial plants face Big Data (4V) challenges, since

▫ Sensors are of VARIOUS types : counters, temperature, pressure, flow-rate

sensors, vibration, depth etc. of drills, turbines, boilers, pumps, compressors ,
▫ They generate a large VOLUME of data (to be stored) at a high VELOCITY (to
be processed).
▫ Data may be inconsistent or broken due to sensor limitations or process
control issues (i.e. has VERACITY issues).

Our work deals with

Veracity and Velocity
aspects of Big Data.
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Challenge: Data Quality &


Veracity Results

• Data Quality: "Fitness for use" is one of the best definitions of the data
• Measurement errors happen during:
▫ Sensors’ data measurement process
▫ Transmission of measured signal
▫ Data storage and processing

• Types of Errors
▫ Random Errors:
 Signal conversion noise
 Power supply fluctuation
 Network transmission

▫ Gross Errors:
 Instrument malfunctioning
 Miscalibration or Corrosion of sensors

• Fault Detection techniques are developed for satisfying accuracy of data

and to improve industrial plants’ models.
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Time-series Modeling Approach

• Real-time analysis and selection of model for characteristic

extraction of a system.

▫ Accurate estimates of process variables

▫ Detect system’s state (dynamicity)
▫ Real-time processing
▫ High performance approaches

• Select and integrate a set of analytical tools from different

▫ Statistics
▫ Signal processing
▫ Distributed systems
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Classification of Errors Approach

• Different types errors have their own natural data corruption behavior or

• In relation to the physical defects of the sensors and their operational

▫ According to the type of detected error, proper action should be taken
▫ Automation and proper alerts
▫ Detect system’s total failure
▫ Predictive maintenance
Cloud-based Fault Detection and Classification for Oil & Gas Industry
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Approach: Lambda Architecture Approach

• Pre-computes query functions from scratch, result is called Batch Views.

• Batch layer constantly recomputes the batch views.
Cloud-based Fault Detection and Classification for Oil & Gas Industry
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Related Work - References

Data 4 Oil & Gas
[OLF] Integrated Operations and the Oil & Gas Ontology. POSC Caesar Association (PCA),
Norwegian Oshore Industry.
[Per15] R. K. Perrons, J. W. Jensen. Data as an asset: What the oil and gas sector can learn from
other industries about Big Data. Energy Policy, Volume 81/ Pages 117 - 121., 2015.
[Sch15] M. Schwartz, S. Mathur. Big Data, Big opportunity. European Oil and Gas., July 2015.
[Kir15] M. Kiran et al. Lambda architecture for cost - effective batch and speed big data processing.
Big Data (Big Data), IEEE International Conference., 2015.
[Ale11] A. Alenany et al. Improved subspace identification with prior information using constrained
least squares.Control Theory & Applications, IET Volum 5/ Pages 1568 - 1576., 2011.
[Nar00] S. Narasimhan,C. Jordache. Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection, An Intelligent
Use of Process Data. Gulf Publishing, 2000.
[Zha14] Z. Zhang, J. Chen . Simulatenous data reconciliation and gross error detection for dynamic
systems using particle lter and measurement test. Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol 69/
Pages 66 - 74, 2014.
[Olm13] E. Olmezogullari, I. Ari. Online association rule mining over fast data. IEEE, In Proceedings
of International Congress on Big Data Pages 110 - 117., June 2013.
[Feb12] J. Feblowitz. The big deal about big data in upstream oil and gas. White Paper, IDC Energy
Insights., 2012.
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Our Work Motivations


Data Mining 4 Oil & Gas Results

Cloud-based Fault Detection and Classification for Oil & Gas Industry
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Real-time Data Analysis Approach

• ARMA model is used to obtain system characteristics, in time-series analysis of a

linear system using Equation:
𝑦𝑘 + 𝛼1 𝑦𝑘−1 + ⋯ + 𝛼𝑛 𝑦𝑘−𝑛 = 𝛽0 𝑥𝑘 + ⋯ + 𝛽𝑚 𝑥𝑘−𝑚

• Applications that require regular control and accurate estimates of process variables
are time-varying and can be tracked using techniques like KF
▫ KF is generalization of the steady-state for time-varying systems with non-
stationary noise covariance

• Kalman Filter is applied on state-space representation of time-varying system.

• Statistical test, used for fault detection utilizing innovation properties of KF, that are
normally distributed.

• The time-varying KF is a result of recursions of measurment update and time update.

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Fault Detection Approach

• Statistical test analogous to the global test is applied for fault

detection in innovation step of KF, ɣ :

ɣ = 𝑅𝑇 𝜙𝑇 𝑅
• Chi-Squared test
▫ The ɣ value follows a Chi-square distribution with 1 degree of freedom. If
ɣ exceeds the criterion 95% corresponding probability for desired
confidence interval, the gross error can be detected.
Cloud-based Fault Detection and Classification for Oil & Gas Industry
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Block Diagram Approach

• ARMA model is used for time series

data analysis and characteristic

• The plant is converted into a steady-

state representation using the
properties extracted from the ARMA

• Kalman Filter (KF) is applied on top

of this time-varying system to track
dynamic state of it.

• Decision Tree based algorithm used

for Error Classification.
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Results: GED/GEC of synthetic


and real data Results

Water DSH Vapor

54.15951 0.737258 52.311

53.48025 0.74118 51.476

54.11722 0.740656 53.231

51.46956 0.742319 53.128

54.07272 0.738685 51.057

A=[-1, -1, 1]

V=[ 104.998 1.825727 128.1891

1.825727 0.236576 2.163642
128.1891 2.163642 163.9264 ]
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Model Updates Approach

• Incremental training and evaluation of a model in a dynamic

stream mining approach.
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Public Cloud:

Amazon Web Services Results

• Amazon AWS is a comprehensive cloud computing platform.

• Proposed algorithms for Oil Refineries that are implemented on Spark
private cloud, and shipped to the AWS.
• AWS offers EMR (Elastic Map-Reduce) as a cluster of nodes containing a
master node and worker nodes.
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Mllib For Data Analysis Approach

• Based on the cloud infrastructure, machine learning algorithms are

being applied on Data on top of 3layered architecture and is possible
to navigated to public cloud.
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Conclusions and Future Work

• Oil & Gas industry demands effective methods to complete its
Industry 4.0 digital transformation.

• Open-source big data tools are required.

• Proposed Lambda architecture utilizes open-source software to

solve Big Data problems of a real oil refinery

• Real-time analytical models for detecting and classifying gross

errors is proposed.

• Our contributions are enablers of for other stream mining


• In the future, we plan to continue and complement our current work

with machine learning algorithms and SaaS platform in cloud.

This work in progress is funded and supported by TUPRAS Inc. Oil Refinery
in Turkey.

We would like to thank process and software experts Burak Aydogan and
Mehmet Aydin from TUPRAS for providing us the DCS data used in this
research and giving valuable feedbacks.

Also I would like to thank SIAM community for their generous support for
SDM 2017 Doctoral Forum Award.
Thank you!

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