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Rizarose B.

Arañas BSTM-2 TME-3 Agri-Tourism

Activity No.3

1. What is Agricultural Tourism?

- Agricultural Tourism is defined most broadly, involves any agriculturaly
based operation or activity that brings visitor to a farm or ranch.

2. What are the benefits of Agri-Tourism?

- Direct Marketing
- Complementary stream of income
- Increase profit
- Seasonal flexibility
- A new way to market old products
- Interaction with the customer

3. How can we develop Agro-Tourism?

- Diversified and authentic nature of traditional agricultural activities, farmers'
interest and willingness to engage in agro-tourism by taking responsibility
and ownership of such activities, availability of human resources, natural
attraction associated with agriculture.

4. What is the used of Agriculture?

- Agriculture is practiced for the purpose of producing food and other human
needs such as clothing, shelter, medicines, weapons, tools, ornaments,
and indefinitely many more including livestock feed. It is likewise practiced
as a business for economic gain.

5. What are the types of Agriculture?

 Shifting Cultivation - commonly practiced in the tropics.
 Nomadic Herding - the practice of keeping and grazing animals on natural
 Rudimentary Sedentary Tillage - a type of subsistence farming practiced on
the same piece of land year-in, year-out. 
 Livestock Ranching/Pastoral Farming - focuses on rearing animals.

6. Why is Agriculture so important?

- Agritourism gives producers an opportunity to generate additional income
and an avenue for direct marketing to consumers.
Additionally,agritourism provides educational opportunities to the public,
helps to preserve agricultural lands, and allows states to develop business

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