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Terms and ConCitions governing connectlPS e-payment of NeEral Clearing House Ltd (NCHL)

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custo,ner whose Oank account(s) has been lrnked u/itn the connectiPS user. I he connectlPS System rs operated by Nepal Cleartng House

CLr,Jriroris aS 5[,eC,ire0 ;1e,crli.

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expressions used but not speciflcally defined herein shall have the respective meanings as per the Operating Procedures by NRB/ NCHL.

in exnhange {or oaynrent through connectlPs senrices iron-r User/Cuslcmer'and uihr.,se Account is crediteC

j\iLir;-.-ii-i ieieis ii, i;te 1A tir]]a,th;:r;y;nl;:i uysitra cn;i€c iiy ii-tli- rI] (;Urr!iiiJiSl;ci, ar'.1,,.,;l.ctiiue, ij;r :.
"connectlPS System" refers tc the core systern. i'elated eouiprneni and softrvai'e cwnerl bY NCI-11- to proviiie the e-payment servites
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service data (USSD) or through such other means as orovided by NCHL. to effect a payment/transfer for the amotlnt expressed in Nepalese

CreditorsiMerchants, based on the Payment lnstruction. through the channels of the connectlPS System as perthe Operating Procedures
and afier e Gne-tirne enrfiilfteni i!-ccess.
O.lPiCne irme Passwortl refers to a unlque ano tlnle-sensltrve pa3sword useci as secono iayei oi securlly ol'l corinectiiiS Systert1. Srrci-,
OTP will be sent to the Customer in the registered rnobile ilumber arrd enrail lD via SMS/trrnail and sha!l be vaiid ior specifled time for one

Appilcability of Terms

NCIIL and 'then apply to the Bank to link its accounl ivith the connec'tlPS usei'name to start the lransaclrcns The Customer can link multipie

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fronr time to time

nothing in terms of availing the connectlPS Service shall be construed as creating any contractual or other rights against NCHL and/or any

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Scope of the connectlPS Service

shall be as per the lirnrtlrules set by NCHL and/or the Bank from time to time rvho shall restrict the transaclion up to speciftc amcunt and/or
ltilf.l4i!i li :'iri :ric -il J:rr- ,:r':r:!rlr-, r;1iJ'ril.:

# /lJ S%Kuber
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