Leveling The Curve of Spee With A Continuous Archwire Technique A Long Term Cephalometric Study

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Leveling the curve of Spee with a continuous

archwire technique: A long term
cephalometric study
Rael L. Bernstein,a Charles B. Preston,b and Judith Lampassoc
Buffalo, NY

Introduction: The orthodontic technique favored by a clinician frequently determines how a deep curve of
Spee (COS) is leveled. The primary purpose of this investigation was to confirm radiographically the
long-term effectiveness of a continuous archwire technique—the Alexander discipline—in leveling the COS
in patients with Class II Division 1 deep-bite malocclusions treated without extractions. Methods: The sample
for this retrospective cephalometric study consisted of the randomly selected orthodontic records of 31 subjects
(22 female, 9 male) treated with the continuous archwire technique in the private practice of Dr R.G. “Wick”
Alexander in Arlington, Texas. Results: The mean pretreatment COS for this sample was 2.47 mm, and the
corresponding mean posttreatment COS was 0.19 mm. The COS was completely level in 21 patients after
treatment, and the rest had slight residual COS at the end of this phase. Ten of the 31 subjects remained level
from 5 to 25 years after orthodontic treatment. Conclusions: The results indicate that most leveling was
accomplished by the extrusion of the premolars. The continuous archwire technique is effective in leveling the
COS in patients with Class II Division 1 deep-bite malocclusions treated without extractions when the initial COS
is 2 to 4 mm. The leveling of the COS with the continuous archwire technique takes place by a combination of
premolar extrusion and, to a lesser extent, incisor intrusion. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2007;131:363-71)

he need to correct an accentuated curve of Spee leveling will almost always flare the mandibular inci-
(COS) that is commonly encountered in a mal- sors labially.8,9 On the other hand, proponents of the
occlusion characterized by a deep bite presents continuous-arch treatment philosophy contend that pre-
diagnostic and therapeutic challenges for the orthodon- molar and molar extrusions represent stable occlusal
tist.1,2 Unfortunately, the orthodontic technique favored changes, whereas mandidular incisor intrusion is an
by each clinician, rather than the nature of a specific unstable movement that will almost certainly relapse in
malocclusion, will frequently determine how deep bites time.6,7,10-16
are corrected. There is some disagreement among the Cephalometric studies undertaken to compare the
proponents of the various orthodontic techniques as to sectional and continuous arch leveling methods report
what mechanical approach is the most suitable to level that both the Ricketts4 and the modified Tweed5 tech-
an exaggerated COS.3-5 Clinicians who follow a seg- niques successfully correct deep overbites. At the same
mented wire approach to arch leveling suggest that time, a comparative study of these 2 approaches to
leveling with continuous archwires will extrude the orthodontic treatment found that they result in similar
posterior teeth, which, in turn, will result in increased mandibular incisor positions.17
lower facial height.3-7 They also believe that, in patients In support of the contention that it is important to
with strong muscles of mastication, the extrusion of the
level an excessive COS, Andrews18 noted that the
buccal segments will tend to relapse after orthodontic
occlusal planes of nonorthodontically treated normal
treatment. Furthermore, these clinicians believe that
occlusions tend to be level. He associated a COS with
placing a reverse COS in a continuous archwire for arch
postorthodontic treatment relapse and concluded that,
even though not all normal occlusions have flat planes
Private practice, Calif.
Professor and chair, School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo. of occlusion, this should be an orthodontic treatment
Assistant professor, School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo. goal. Because of the tendency for the COS to return
Reprint requests to: Charles B. Preston, School of Dental Medicine, State
University of New York at Buffalo, 140 Squire Hall, 3435 Main St, Buffalo,
after orthodontic treatment, other authors in support of
NY 14214; e-mail, cbp@buffalo.edu Andrews’ point of view suggest that it should be an aim
Submitted, February 2005; revised and accepted, May 2005. of orthodontic treatment to establish a level occlusal
Copyright © 2007 by the American Association of Orthodontists. plane.19,20
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2005.05.056 Several authors commented on the amount and
364 Bernstein, Preston, and Lampasso American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 2007

Table I. Sample (n ⫽ 31; 9 male, 22 female) and time

Characteristic Time

Mean age at T1 12 y 6 mo
Mean age at T2 14 y 11 mo
Mean age at T3 26 y 4 mo
Mean treatment time (T2-T1) 2 y 5 mo
Mean fixed retention time 3 y 4 mo
Mean postretention time (T3-T2) 11 y 5 mo

type of occlusal relapse after orthodontic treat-

ment.3,12,17,21-30 In general, these studies noted in-
creases in overjet, overbite, and mandibular incisor
crowding along with decreases in arch length and arch
width. Although postorthodontic relapse was studied in
some detail, relatively little is known about the long-
term stability of leveling the COS and how the different
methods of arch leveling relate to its subsequent re-
The primary purpose of this investigation was to
determine radiographically the long-term effectiveness
of the Alexander discipline (continuous archwire tech-
nique) in leveling the COS in Class II Division 1
deep-bite nonextraction patients. We also report on
some relevant cephalometric changes that take place Fig 1. Cephalometric landmarks and lines.
during arch leveling with the continuous archwire
technique. The cephalometric data obtained were used
to determine whether a COS that was leveled remains
stable in the long term. biomechanical principles that aim to provide a level
occlusal plane (OP) during and at the end of active
The sample for this retrospective study consisted of Three radiographs (T1, T2, T3) were collected for
the randomly selected orthodontic records of 31 white each subject. The 93 radiographs were assigned random
patients treated without extractions in the private prac- numbers to enable 1 investigator (R.L.B.) to measure
tice of Dr R.G. “Wick” Alexander in Arlington, Texas each in a random, blind fashion.
(Table I). These patients all met the following criteria All radiographs were taken on a Quint Sectograph
for selection: they had Class II (ANB angle ⬎4°) machine (Los Angeles, Calif) and were hand traced by
skeletal patterns, at least half-step Class II molar dental 1 operator (R.L.B.) from the original radiographs.
relationships, incisor overbites of 50% or greater as Standard cephalometric landmarks (S, N, ANS, PNS,
measured on the initial (T1) study models, and angles A, B, Go, Gn) were used to construct the reference lines
between the mandibular plane (MP) (Go-Gn) and the required to obtain the craniofacial measurements re-
sella-nasion (S-N) line less than 32°. A COS equal to or corded in this study (Fig 1).32 The functional OP was
deeper than 2 mm was present on all T1 models. defined by a line intersecting the intercuspation of the
Only patients with complete clinical records were posterior occlusion (Fig 2).33 The following additional
included in this study. These records consisted of reference points and planes were used to measure the
radiographs and dental casts taken at T1, posttreatment COS; these form the focus of this study (Figs 1 and 2):
(T2), and postretention (T3). All patients were retained I1, the incisal tip of the most extruded mandibular
with lower fixed canine-to-canine lingual retainers for a incisor; L6, the highest cusp tip of the mandibular
mean period of 3 years 4 months. The patients were all permanent first molar; L1-MP, tip of the L1 perpendic-
treated with fully preadjusted fixed orthodontic appli- ular to Go-Gn; L6-MP, mesial cusp tip of the L6
ances according to the continuous archwire technique. perpendicular to Go-Gn; L4-MP, the cusp tip of the L4
We selected this technique for this study because of its perpendicular to Go-Gn; COS line, the line joining the
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Bernstein, Preston, and Lampasso 365
Volume 131, Number 3

paired t tests with those we obtained.21 These 2 sets of

data were recorded independently at different times and
in a random, blind fashion. The same sample group was
used in both studies, and the respective study models
and radiographs were obtained at the same time.
Because on average all patients in the sample were
still undergoing active skeletal growth during and after
the treatment period, the growth of the mandible
probably had some effect on the observed changes in
the linear measurements. Sex-based growth charts of
untreated normal patients in the same age and time
period showed that, in our sample, the COS measure-
ments could have been affected by appositional bone
growth in the mandibular incisor, premolar, and molar
regions. To calculate net mean dental movement, the
appropriate mean growth increments were added to the
affected dimensions.36 The limitations inherent with
Fig 2. COS and lower dental height measurements. using historical data, as was done here, must, however,
be kept in mind.37

highest cusp tip of the L6 to the tip of the most extruded RESULTS
mandibular incisor (L1)34; and COS, the depth of the The casual errors determined in this study did not
COS measured as the perpendicular distance from the exceed ⫾ 0.5 mm or ⫾ 0.5°, and no variable had
tooth cusp of the most infra-erupted premolar to the statistically significant (P ⱖ.01) systematic errors. In-
COS line. dications of nonnormality of the data at T1 (Dn ⫽
The premolar used in measuring the deepest part of 0.2336, Lilliefors P ⬍.001) and T2 (Dn ⫽ 0.4182,
the COS had to be in occlusal contact with an opposing Lilliefors P ⬍.001) reflect the high number of repeats
tooth in the maxillary dentition. Because no patients in the measurements (eg, 12 twos at T1 and 21 zeros at
in this study had their second molars fully erupted at T2). Because the sample size was greater than 30, the
T1, the COS was measured to the first molars only. results of the t tests can, however, be considered
Each COS was measured from the radiographic trac- acceptably accurate.
ings by using a commercially available 0.5-mm scale There were no statistically significant differences
ruler. Because the cephalometric radiographic scans (P ⱕ.01) between the pairs of COS measurements (radio-
taken on the Quint Sectograph were adjusted to focus graphic vs study model21) for any of the 31 patients
primarily on the left half of the face, only the depth of studied at T1, T2, and T3. The cephalometric data
the COS on the left side could be determined accu- measured from the sample of radiographs are given in
rately. The arch leveling was measured by the changes Tables II and III. Paired t tests were conducted for these
in the measurements of the distances of L1, L4, and L6 measurements, and the statistical findings are shown in
to the MP (Go-Gn). Table IV.
The size of the combined method error in locating, The mean reduction in the ANB angle as a result of
superimposing, and measuring the changes of the var- treatment (T2-T1) was 2.98° (SD, ⫾ 1.55°) (P ⱕ
ious landmarks was calculated. Thirty radiographs (10 .0001); this is equivalent to a 57.75% decrease in the
subjects) were randomly selected from the original size of this angle. The overall (T3-T1) mean reduction
sample and remeasured by the same operator 2 weeks of the ANB angle was 3.16° (SD, ⫾ 2.34°).
later, without reference to the previous measurements. The mean Y-axis change associated with treatment
The casual error was calculated according to Dahl- was a clockwise rotation of 1.05° (SD, ⫾ 1.34°)
berg’s formula35: S2 ⫽ ⌺d2/2n, where S2 is the error (P ⱕ.0001). After treatment, this angle became more
variance and d is the difference between the 2 determi- acute by a mean of 0.34° (Table II), producing an
nations of the same variable, and the systematic error overall (T3-T1) mean opening rotation of the Y-axis
was calculated with paired t tests. A significance level angle of 0.71° (SD, ⫾ 1.73°).
of 1% was used for this part of the study. Associated with treatment (T2-T1), the SN-OP
The results achieved for the COS measurements angle showed a mean reduction of ⫺2.98° (SD, ⫾
from an earlier study were compared statistically with 3.09°), whereas the mean treatment change in the
366 Bernstein, Preston, and Lampasso American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 2007

Table II. Changes in cephalometric measurements from T1 to T3

T1 T2 T3

Measurement Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

L4-COS line (mm) 2.47 0.69 0.19 0.31 0.69 0.64

L1-MP perp (mm) 38.89 3.02 39.42 2.94 41.08 3.27
L4-MP perp (mm) 32.50 2.76 35.31 3.01 36.31 3.18
L6-MP perp (mm) 29.16 2.14 31.47 2.81 32.70 3.20
L1-MP (°) 94.85 5.43 95.68 6.93 94.50 5.80
L1 to A-Po (mm) ⫺1.18 1.98 0.34 1.51 0.24 2.04
L1-NB (°) 22.81 5.16 24.18 4.82 23.15 4.94
SNA angle (°) 82.03 3.33 79.39 4.08 79.76 4.14
SNB angle (°) 76.87 3.34 77.21 3.75 77.76 3.91
ANB angle (°) 5.16 1.60 2.18 1.76 2.00 2.25
Y-axis (°) 66.21 2.91 67.26 3.36 66.92 3.77
SN-MP (°) 31.23 4.35 32.21 5.54 31.65 6.30
SN-OP (°) 17.76 3.31 14.77 2.94 14.58 3.63
OP-MP (°) 13.47 3.18 17.44 4.58 17.06 4.23
SN-PP (°) 8.00 2.89 8.95 3.35 8.23 3.04
U6-PP perp (mm) 20.00 4.15 22.73 2.52 23.97 2.84
U6-PP (°) 78.89 6.29 81.00 6.24 83.11 6.27
U1-PP perp 26.29 2.46 26.87 2.84 28.29 3.10
U1-PP (°) 109.24 9.31 111.23 5.30 111.97 7.87
U1-NA (°) 19.18 8.27 22.68 4.25 23.68 5.74
U1-L1 (°) 134.27 13.56 130.53 7.02 131.35 7.98
L6-MP (°) 84.95 4.10 78.53 5.60 80.40 6.05

Perp, Perpendicular.

OP-MP angle was 3.90° (SD, ⫾ 3.83). Both changes molar (L6), the most infra-occluded premolar (L4), and
were statistically significant (P ⱕ.0001). the most extruded incisor (L1) were measured with
According to the literature, angular changes of less reference to the mandibular plane. Since appositional
than 10° in the long axes of the teeth do not have a bony growth at the inferior border of the mandible can
significant effect on the perpendicular linear measure- add significant amounts to these measurements, growth
ments made from L1, L4, or L6 to the MP.38 In this prediction charts for normal white American youths
radiographic study, no patients had angular changes were used to calculate net treatment (T2-T1) and
greater than 10° for any teeth in question (Table III). posttreatment (T3-T2) changes.36 No growth data were
The mean COS at T1 for the 31 patients treated with found for mandibular premolar heights (L4-MP); there-
the continuous archwire technique was 2.47 mm (SD, fore, figures midway between those of the molars and
⫾ 0.69 mm; range, 2.00-4.00 mm). The mean COS at T2 the incisors were used for comparison.36 Growth ad-
for this sample was 0.19 mm (SD, ⫾ 0.31 mm; range,
justments were made by adding the relevant mean
0.00-1.00 mm) (P ⱕ.0001). During treatment, the mean
growth increments from the growth charts to the
reduction in the COS was ⫺2.27 mm (SD, ⫾ 0.77 mm),
respective measurements made at T2 and T3. Paired
which corresponds to a 92.16% average reduction in
t tests (with ␣ set at 0.01) were calculated for both
this measurement. Twenty-one of the 31 subjects
(about 67.80%) were completely level at T2, but 10 had the growth-adjusted and the unadjusted measure-
slight residual COS at the end of this phase. The mean ments (Table IV).
COS at T3 was 0.69 mm (SD, ⫾ 0.64 mm; range, Analysis of the data, unadjusted for growth, showed
0.00-2.00 mm). The mean increase in the COS from T2 that there were statistically significant changes associ-
to T3 was 0.49 mm (SD, ⫾ 0.69 mm) (P ⱕ.001). The ated with treatment for premolar (L4-MP) and first
overall mean time from T1 to T3 was 14 years 4 molar (L6-MP) vertical heights (P ⱕ.0001). The mean
months, with a range of 7 years to 28 years 8 months. treatment changes for the dental heights were 0.53 mm
Over this period, the overall effect on the COS was an (SD, ⫾ 1.60 mm) for L1-MP, 2.81 mm (SD, ⫾ 1.69
average reduction of 1.78 mm, which represents a mm) for L4-MP, and 2.31 mm (SD, ⫾ 2.28 mm) for
72.97% reduction. L6-MP (Table III). All unadjusted posttreatment (T3-
The perpendicular heights of the mandibular first T2) t test results for the L1, L4, and L6 perpendiculars
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Bernstein, Preston, and Lampasso 367
Volume 131, Number 3

Table III. Cephalometric measurements from T1 to T3

Treatment changes Posttreatment changes Total change
(T1-T2) (T2-T3) (T1-T3)

Measurement Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

L4-COS line (mm) ⫺2.50 0.77 0.49 0.69 ⫺1.78 0.74

L1-MP perp (mm) 0.53 1.60 1.66 2.30 2.19 2.37
L4-MP perp (mm) 2.81 1.69 1.00 2.00 3.81 2.15
L6-MP perp (mm) 2.31 2.28 1.23 2.38 3.53 2.24
L1-MP perp: growth (mm) ⫺0.87 0.66 ⫺0.21
L4-MP perp: growth (mm) 1.26 0.00 1.26
L6-MP perp: growth (mm) 0.61 0.23 0.84
L1-MP (°) 0.82 6.08 ⫺1.18 5.21 ⫺0.35 3.91
L1 to A-Po (mm) 1.51 1.57 ⫺0.10 1.31 1.41 1.57
L1-NB (°) 1.37 4.81 ⫺1.03 4.21 0.34 4.35
SNA angle (°) ⫺2.65 2.17 0.37 2.23 ⫺2.27 2.51
SNB angle (°) 0.34 1.29 0.55 1.34 0.89 1.58
ANB angle (°) ⫺2.98 1.55 ⫺0.18 2.06 ⫺3.16 2.34
Wits (mm) ⫺0.52 1.86 ⫺0.06 1.45 ⫺0.59 1.95
Y-axis (°) 1.05 1.34 ⫺0.34 1.33 0.71 1.73
SN-MP (°) 0.98 2.43 ⫺0.56 2.44 0.42 2.75
SN-OP (°) ⫺2.98 3.09 ⫺0.19 2.56 ⫺3.18 3.22
OP-MP (°) 3.90 3.83 ⫺0.32 3.14 3.58 3.18
SN-PP (°) 0.95 1.91 ⫺0.73 1.64 0.23 1.78
U6-MP perp (mm) 2.73 2.85 1.24 1.59 3.97 2.56
U6-MP (°) 2.11 5.32 2.11 5.40 4.23 5.67
U1-PP perp (mm) 0.58 1.99 1.42 1.79 2.00 2.20
U1-PP (°) 1.98 9.29 0.74 5.22 2.73 9.00
U1-NA (°) 3.50 8.09 1.00 3.92 4.50 7.24
U1-L1 (°) ⫺3.70 11.37 0.82 6.55 ⫺2.92 10.28
L6-MP (°) ⫺6.42 3.04 1.87 4.63 ⫺4.55 5.37

Perp, Perpendicular.

Table IV. Paired t tests for cephalometric measurements were recorded. The mean adjusted (T2-T1) changes for
Measurements T1 vs T2 T2 vs T3
L1-MP and L4-MP (Tables III and IV) were statisti-
cally significant (P ⱕ.0052). The mean treatment
COS P ⬍.0001 P ⫽ .0004 changes allowing for growth were – 0.87 mm for
L1 perp to MP P ⫽ .0742 P ⫽ .0004 L1-MP, 1.26 mm for L4-MP, and 0.61 mm for L6-MP.
L4 perp to MP P ⬍.0001 P ⫽ .0093
L6 perp to MP P ⬍.0001 P ⫽ .007
The negative value calculated for the incisor represents
L1 perp to MP, growth P ⫽ .0052 P ⬍.0001 relative intrusive movement over this time period. The
L4 perp to MP, growth P ⬍.0001 P ⫽ .0627 posttreatment (T3-T2) changes for L1-MP and L6-MP
L6 perp to MP, growth P ⫽ .1482 P ⬍.0001 adjusted for growth were statistically significant (P ⱕ
L1 to MP P ⫽ .4569 P ⫽ .2181
.0001). The mean net posttreatment dental movements,
L1 to A-Po line P ⬍.0001 P ⫽ .6829
L1 to NB P ⫽ .1227 P ⫽ .1822 taking growth into account, were 0.66 mm for L1-MP,
SN-MP P ⫽ .0316 P ⫽ .2072 0.00 mm for L4-MP, and 0.23 mm for L6-MP.
Y-axis P ⬍.0001 P ⫽ .1651 At T2, the mean increase in mandibular incisor
OP-MP P ⬍.0001 P ⫽ .5151 inclination to the mandibular plane was 0.82° (SD, ⫾
SN-OP P ⬍.0001 P ⫽ .6769
SN-PP P ⫽ .0095 P ⫽ .0198 6.08°) (Table III). The mean amount of relapse (T3-T2)
ANB angle P ⬍.0001 P ⫽ .6357 was –1.18° (SD, ⫾ 5.21°). A negative number repre-
sents lingual movement (uprighting) of the mandibular
Perp, Perpendicular.
incisors relative to the MP. The overall effect (T3-T1)
on the mandibular incisor inclination to the MP was
to the mandibular plane (Tables III and IV) were – 0.35° (SD, ⫾ 3.91°).
statistically significant (P ⱕ.01). Associated with orthodontic treatment, the mandib-
After the relevant age- and sex-related mean growth ular incisors advanced a mean distance of 1.51 mm
increments were added to the data, the following results (SD, ⫾1.57 mm) relative to the A-Po line (Table III).
368 Bernstein, Preston, and Lampasso American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 2007

After treatment, the incisors retroclined a mean dis- leveled completely, whereas 32% had slight residual
tance of – 0.10 mm relative to the A-Po line, resulting COS at T2. For the latter patients, the average amount
in an overall (T3) mean proclination of 1.41 mm of COS at T2 was 0.19 mm; this is probably clinically
(SD, ⫾ 1.57 mm). A negative value for the measurement insignificant. The T2 models all showed Class I molar
represents lingual movement of the tip of the tooth. and canine relationships with properly finished buccal
There was a statistically significant difference between occlusions and normal overjets and overbites.21
the T1 and T2 measurements (P ⱕ.0001) (Table IV). Results of the paired t test comparing the COS at T2
with that at T3 indicated a statistically significant
DISCUSSION change (P ⱕ.001) in this metrical character. The COS
It is generally accepted that, with a few notable increased from a mean of 0.19 mm at T2 to a mean of
exceptions, leveling a deep COS makes an important 0.69 mm at T3. Thus, the COS relapsed on average 0.5
contribution to the success of orthodontic treat- 0mm over a mean period of 7 years 5 months after the
ment.18-20,34,39-43 In a study that compared sectional fixed lingual canine-to-canine mandibular retainers
and continuous archwire treatments of adolescent pa- were removed (an average of 11 years 5 months
tients with Class II, deep-bite, low-angle malocclu- postdebond). Although the relapse in the COS might be
sions, it was found that both techniques corrected deep statistically significant, it is a relatively small change,
bites.4,5 Although these studies compared the effective- which, in turn, probably represents a normal physio-
ness of overbite correction as measured on cephalomet- logic process.19-21,27 A previous study, although con-
ric x-rays, they did not measure the COS, or the firming that the leveling of the COS is a stable
effectiveness and long-term stability of leveling the treatment outcome, could not show that the amount of
COS. Our study was prompted by a belief that there leveling was correlated with the amount of relapse of
was a need for a long-term, comprehensive, radio- this parameter.44 Unfortunately, those authors did not
graphic, and study model analysis of the effectiveness specify the treatment technique used to treat their
and stability of leveling the COS. patients, who had various malocclusion types. In our
Before we analyzed the data from the cephalometric study, the COS tended to relapse more in subjects with
investigation, the radiographic assessment of the COS the deepest COS at T1. The Pearson correlation coef-
performed in this investigation required validation. ficient (initial COS vs posttreatment changes) was
Integral to this process were the COS measurements 0.380 (P ⫽ .0349); this was statistically significant with
recorded by Carcara et al21 in their study model ␣ set at 0.05 but not with ␣ set at 0.01. At least 1 other
analysis of the COS in the same sample group. The 2 study confirmed our finding that the more the COS is
sets of measurements were compared and analyzed to leveled during treatment, the more it relapses after
determine whether the method of recording the COS treatment.45 That study had a relatively short mean
from lateral cephalographic x-rays produced the same posttreatment time of 2 years 8 months in their patients,
results as those recorded from the study models. There who were treated with various appliances, and who had
were no statistically significant differences (P ⱕ.01) different malocclusion types. Although dental heights
between the radiographic and the study model COS were recorded in the study of mixed malocclusions, no
measurements for any of the 31 patients at T1, T2, and attempt was made to compensate for the affects of
T3.21 The correlation percentage between the 2 meth- growth on these dimensions.
ods was approximately 97%. Only 1 patient who was The overall long-term (T3-T1) effect of orthodontic
measured to be level after treatment in the study model treatment with the continuous arch technique was an
analysis was not considered level in the cephalometric average of 72.97% reduction in the pretreatment COS.
analysis. Taking into account all factors that could have Ten of the 31 patients remained 100% level over a time
influenced the recordings of the COS by the 2 methods span of 5 to 25 years after orthodontic treatment. Only
and the closeness of the results, we believe that the 5 patients had residual COS of over 1 mm, and none
proposed radiographic assessment of the COS is valid. was deeper than 2 mm. This study indicates that relapse
The cephalometric radiographs were taken on a Quint in the COS occurred slowly and over an extended
Sectograph that was set to focus on the cranial land- period of time.
marks on the left side of the face. Although there are speculations in the literature
From this study, it seems that the continuous about the contributions of various occlusal elements
archwire technique is an effective orthodontic approach involved in leveling the COS, these reports do not
for leveling a COS in Class II Division 1 nonextraction quantify the contributions.3,19,43-47 At the outset of this
deep-bite patients whose initial COS was 2 to 4 mm. study, there was an attempt to use a mandibular
Sixty-eight percent of the patients studied here were superimposition method,48 patterned after Björk’s
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Bernstein, Preston, and Lampasso 369
Volume 131, Number 3

structural method,49 to measure the treatment-induced archwire mechanics.3-9 These effects include flaring of
changes in dental heights. Whereas this technique was the mandibular incisors, extrusion of the mandibular
suitable for measuring changes in the mandibular inci- molars, and clockwise opening rotation of the OP.
sor region (L1-MP), it produced method errors that Some features of the continuous arch technique, includ-
were unacceptably large for the other 2 dimensions ing the –5° of torque in the mandibular incisors and the
studied (L4-MP and L6-MP). – 6° of distal tip in the mandibular molars, are some-
Our results indicate that most of the leveling of the what unique to this technique. These features, along
COS was accomplished by relative extrusion of the with heat-treated stainless steel archwires with reverse
premolars (mean, 2.81 mm) as measured by the L4-MP COS in the mandibular arch and omega stops tied back
perpendicular distance (Table III). It is, however, likely to the molar tubes, might play a role in preventing the
that some of the mean increase in this dimension could side effects reported with other straight-wire tech-
be attributed to bone apposition at the inferior border of niques.3-9
the mandible. Without control growth data for Class II All subjects in this study had mild to moderate
subjects, we decided to use the growth charts derived mandibular incisor crowding that, with a straight
from normal white American youths. In support of the wire and a nonextraction approach to treatment,
use of normal growth data, our selection criteria fa- would have been aggravated by the leveling of the
vored subjects with normal to shorter-than-average COS.39 Despite the incisor crowding in our sample of
lower anterior facial heights as measured by the MP to patients, the effects of the orthodontic treatment on the
SN angle (⬍32°). The appositional growth in the position of their mandibular incisors were minimal. The
premolar area was taken to be the average of the angles (L1-NB, L1-MP) were not statistically signifi-
available mean growth increments of the molar and cantly changed as a result of treatment (P ⬎.01). The
incisor regions.36 In this study, the mean contribution mean treatment change of the significantly (P ⱕ.01)
of growth to the L4-MP perpendicular distance was altered variable (L1 to A-Po) was ⫹ 1.51 ⫾ 1.57 mm.
calculated as 1.55 mm.36 If this estimated growth is Because the T1 average position for the L1 to A-Po was
taken into account, then the mean net extrusion of the –1.18 mm, a mean proclination of 1.51 mm placed the
premolar was 1.26 mm. Likewise, taking appositional tip of the L1 ahead of the A-Po line by a mean of 0.33
growth (1.7 mm) into account,36 it can be said that mm. It is thus fair to say that, in this sample, orthodon-
during treatment the mean change in the L6-MP dis- tic treatment did not result in excessive flaring of the
tance was 0.61 mm. Allowing for growth (1.4 mm)36 mandibular incisors.
from T1 to T2, the perpendicular distance L1-MP Since there was very little alteration in the measures
decreased by a mean of – 0.87 mm. The premolar and of the mean positions of the mandibular incisors during
incisor changes were statistically significant (P ⱕ.01) treatment, it was expected that little posttreatment
before and after the possible effects of growth were change would occur. This was indeed the case; the
taken into account. These findings agree with previous posttreatment changes in the 3 measurements of man-
studies suggesting that straight-wire techniques level dibular incisor position studied here were small and not
the COS by a combination of premolar extrusion and statistically significant (P ⱕ.01). The L1 to A-Po
incisor intrusion.4,5,19,46 Those studies did not, how- distance relapsed an average of – 0.10 mm to leave the
ever, provide data to quantify the suggested tooth tip of L1 just 0.23 mm ahead of the A-Po line. Both
movements. the T2 and the T3 recordings for the L1 to A-Po
The relapse of the COS (T3-T2), although small, distance were close to the stated ideal position of this
was nonetheless statistically significant (P ⱕ.01). The parameter.46 In this group of patients, it can be con-
mean observed relapse in the COS could be attributed cluded that the treatment-induced average advancement
to changes in the relative vertical heights of 2 of the of the mandibular incisor was clinically acceptable and
dental elements that were used to define the curve. stable in the long term.
Taking posttreatment growth changes into consider- From the data, it appears that the mean treatment
ation, the mandibular incisor (L1-MP) erupted a mean change (T2-T1) for the mandibular molar inclination to
distance of 0.66 mm, whereas the molar erupted a mean the mandibular plane was – 6.42° (SD, ⫾ 3.04°). This
distance of 0.23 mm after treatment. The premolar, finding indicates that the full 6° of tip back built into
however, had no additional mean vertical dental height the molar attachments was expressed in most patients.
change after treatment and thus had no relapse. These The additional 0.42° might have been due to the use of
results confirm previous findings of a slight return of reverse curved archwires that would tend to cause the
the COS after treatment.19-21,27 posterior teeth to tip back even farther than the tip
Several authors noted the effects of continuous incorporated in the prescription of the appliance. This
370 Bernstein, Preston, and Lampasso American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 2007

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