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We depend too much on computers

Technology is an ever-developing aspect of human life, whether we use it for entertainment,

education, or business purposes. During our daily activities, we can often find ourselves in
need of computers that can help us execute our tasks more efficiently. The main concern is
whether or not we are too dependent on such computers.

Humans are social beings, which means that we need to communicate with friends and
family to feel happier and nourish our bonds with them. Sadly, we are often overburdened
with work and don't have enough time to meet, enjoy a meal, and chat with our friends.
Online chatting services like E-Mail, Messenger, Instagram, and others enable us to talk,
exchange pictures, and even get into video calls in which we can simulate an eye-to-eye
conversation, just as if we were actually in the same room. Unfortunately, many people get
used to such ways of communication and use it even when they have time to enjoy an actual
meeting in person. It is very addictive and should be used only in moderation. If these
services were to collapse, many people would stop communicating and most likely never get
back in touch.

An average computer can perform around a billion operations per second, meaning that it
can sum up a billion numbers while we only read the first few. Because of this, there is no
reason for us not to exploit this and use it to our advantage. Programmers and web-
developers work on making the best applications and websites that are suitable for every
user. Because of this, many people do not even attempt to solve a simple equation, for
example, since they are aware there is a program that will solve it for them. Such lethargy
leads to an overall lack of competence in the workforce, which leads to a multitude of

On the other hand, it is comforting that nature still plays a sizeable role in our lives. Spending
time in nature is something most people enjoy, whether they are hiking, biking, running, or
just enjoying a leisure walk. Computers cannot provide such an experience and most likely
will never be able to. The fresh air and beautiful sceneries that nature gifted us are

While computers can provide entertainment and assistance in doing tasks, all humans have
their basic needs, food, water, and sleep. These are essential to our well-being, and
computers cannot provide them, mostly because the only form of output computers offer is
data that cannot effortlessly materialize into our world. Humans depend purely on natural
resources that are used for making food and other utilities we use daily.

In conclusion, computers are necessary for hasty lives most people lead nowadays. Apart
from that, computers are an excellent form of entertainment, which is beneficial for keeping
a healthy body and mind, of course, when used in moderation. On the other hand,
computers cannot provide us with the essential consumables or experience we get while
spending time in nature. I believe we are a bit too dependent on computers regarding
communication and entertainment, but I reckon we could lead perfectly good lives without
them as well.

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