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Big Brother

-Personal Profile-

Good afternoon! My name is Vlad Mihai Adrian, I am 17, I live in

Dambovita county, in Ocnita town and I would like to join the realiy
show ul big Brother because I consider myself an ideal player for this
type of show.
First of all I will describe my physical, so I am a little short I have
only a meter and 70 centimeters high weighing 70 kilos, which means I
am solid, tough, I have blond hair and blue eyes.
I would have more to say in character as a very respectable
person, I am always optimistic, calm, I do not like agitation, I do not like
conflicts, but I am very vindictive and vain, I am going to make the
world happy and laugh. I am a very hard-working person, I like to give a
helping hand to the blind, I am very honest I do not like to be tricked,
but mostly lied, I am a modest man I do not like to praise, I forgot to
say that i am not too social i do not like to talk much and i am
sometimes too timid, but i don't think that the audience at home will
focus on these "flaws" and see my good parts and that's what i can tell
from my colleagues with whom i will be stuck.
Like hobbies I like to walk through the nature, run, I like animals
especially dogs, I like to play on the computer and collect old coins.
I think I would be a good candidate for the show because I am
doing well in limited situations, i have a very good mental power not to
clout if there is some pressure on me, and i think that this kind of people
should appear in the competition being ideal in every respect.

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